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47 Sentences With "make secret"

How to use make secret in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "make secret" and check conjugation/comparative form for "make secret". Mastering all the usages of "make secret" from sentence examples published by news publications.

No wonder some parents have chosen to make secret recordings.
This is easy to do with Spotify's "Make Secret" option.
Many young Indians now have mobile phones, which make secret courting easier.
When you open the three-dot menu, "Make Secret" will have replaced "Make Public."
To make the change, select either "Make Secret" or "Make Public" from the three-dot menu.
BMW did not make secret agreements to the detriment of suppliers or its customers, the carmaker added.
The girls make secret plans, skip school, and combine their powers to wreak havoc on their classmates.
It was used, unethically, to cast the president as directing a criminal conspiracy to make "secret and illegal" payments.
Other parts of the bill make secret the names of prison employees at an execution and the pharmacy providing lethal drugs.
Thousands more could be forced to live a lie and make secret the most basic fact about their person: their gender.
So are Bitcoins a superior alternative to $100 bills, allowing you to make secret transactions without lugging around suitcases full of cash?
The Duchess first visited the kitchen in January, and continued to make secret trips to meet the women and learn more about their work.
How about, if you're the president, don't make secret promises to foreign leaders in an attempt to dig up dirt on your political enemies?
If the duchess managed to make secret visits to Toronto and Chicago after becoming a royal, she could certainly arrange for a top-secret absentee ballot.
The feature also lets people make "Secret Crush" lists, so you can tag your romantic interest without anyone finding out (well, anyone besides Facebook, of course).
On Wednesday, the House passed a $22 million measure that would make Secret Service officers eligible for overtime pay for their work during the crowded primary season.
If telecommunications and pharmaceutical companies can make secret payments to a Cohen shell company for unclear purposes, they can do the same for a Trump shell company.
Kesh's goal wasn't fully spelled out on the recording, but the gist was that an operative posing as a potential donor could penetrate Soros's operation and make secret videos that exposed embarrassing activities.
Giuliani, a recent addition to Trump's legal team, has suggested that it's common for lawyers to make secret payments to individuals to keep them quiet the way Cohen paid Daniels over her alleged affair with Trump.
To those of you who would make secret deals and meetings about our campus and our students, I implore you to not be lost in pride and to remember who it is that we are here to serve.
And Mr. Benton has a checkered history: Last month he was sentenced to two years of probation for his role in a 2012 scheme to make secret payments to an Iowa state senator in exchange for an endorsement.
The Panama Papers documents listed Fenech as the owner of 17 Black, a Dubai-registered company that was allegedly used to make secret payments companies established by Schembri and Maltese Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi, according to the BBC.
Clearly Mitch McConnell and his minions need to come up with some early American heroes who wouldn't have seen a problem with a president who tries to make secret deals with a foreign power in order to enhance his chances for re-election.
Timeus then had West Linn officers conduct an "unlawful and unwarranted surveillance operation" of Fesser, who watched Fesser work with the company security cameras and had a co-worker make secret audio recordings of Fesser without a warrant or court order, according to court documents.
Schiller, who left the White House earlier this fall, reportedly used to make secret runs to the McDonald's on New York Avenue in D.C. to pick up a quarter-pounder with cheese, no pickles and extra ketchup, along with a fried apple pie, for the president.
Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.
The plot went something like this: Male dancers make secret videos of their sexual conquests; a male choreographer says he can keep the videos offline as long as the women have sex with him (which sounds more like rape); and, finally, an artistic director promises to make that nightmare go away as long as the dancer in question — elevated to the rank "prima ballerina" somewhere along the way — agrees to be auctioned off to the highest-paying bidder, I mean donor, expecting more than just dinner on a big gala night.
Australia treats terrorism with a modified law enforcement model, with the domestic intelligence agency authorized to direct the police to make secret arrests and conduct interrogations.
Some peasants who believed in Shinshū began meeting in secret, usually in mountain caves some distance from any inhabited area. Others would make secret pilgrimages to temples in neighboring domains.
Players must cooperate against whichever player is closest to victory. Each player can make secret plans to openly swipe the case or murder a spy and completely turn the tables on a player who is close to winning. This game has no dice and no cards so no luck is involved. Players must work together or the game will end quickly.
Under Maryland law, knowledge that such recordings were illegal was a necessary element of the crime. Goldberg explained that she had given Tripp incorrect advice, telling her it was legal to make secret recordings. Charges against Tripp were later dropped. Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore later set up a webcam focused on the windows of Goldberg's Manhattan apartment, that he called "I See Lucy Cam".
In 2015, Daleiden released videos showing footage of Planned Parenthood officials discussing fees for human fetal tissue and organs. Daleiden, an associate of Lila Rose, ran a Live Action chapter in 2007 and was the organization’s director of research "during the early stages" of the project to make secret recordings of Planned Parenthood clinics. He originally registered his Center for Medical Progress [C.M.P.] as a tax-exempt biomedical charity.
An agency relationship constitutes a fiduciary duty owed to the principal by the shipping agent and include the duty to act in accordance with the principal instructions, duty of loyalty, duty not to make secret profits, and duty of confidentiality.Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Legal Principles in Shipping Business, 2016 ed. (London: The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, 2016), 56. Despite this fact the shipping agent may breach this duty for the reason of the conflict of interests.
He published a paper detailing his experiments with fuel additives for aircraft engines in May 1926. On 1 January 1926, he was promoted from flying officer to flight lieutenant. On 10 September 1926 he was posted to No. 24 Squadron, based at RAF Kenley, but his stay was a brief one, as he was reassigned to the RAF School of Photography at RAF Farnborough on 27 October. In July 1929 Sims went to Iraq to "make secret experiments".
Saccione starts to make secret visits to the Gonzalez home whenever Javier is not there. He presents Rodrigo with a globe, and the boy takes an interest in seeing New York. Saccione tells Isabel he feels it is late in his life to find the happiness that Javier has, and he feels bad for intruding on their life, but Isabel assures Saccione that Rodrigo likes him. However, Javier disapproves of Saccione's visits and gives him the globe back.
Blazer's guilty plea had aimed to stave off a more serious charge of racketeering, which carried a potential 20-year prison sentence. Blazer would later make secret recordings of meetings with FIFA officials, and allegedly carried a recording device concealed in a keyring during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. The information against Blazer (the charging document used in lieu of an indictment for a plea bargain) was revealed on 27 May 2015, the same day that the arrests were made in Zurich.
In the episode "Chupacabra", Maggie insists it was a one time thing. The two make secret exchanges and keep their relationship a secret, until Glenn finds the barn full of walkers across from her house. In the episode "Secrets", Maggie begs Glenn not to tell the others about the barn, but he soon reveals this secret. Maggie feels frustrated and betrayed by Glenn when he does not keep his promise that he will not reveal that walkers are in the barn.
Believing in Sun's accusations, Meng arrested and put Zhang Ye and Zhang Jizhao to death. Meanwhile, An also laid similar accusations against Wang Chuhui and Zhao Tingyin. However, Meng did not wish to kill either of them, and allowed them to retire. Believing that much had been hidden from him while Zhang Ye and Wang Chuhui were in control of the government, Meng set up chests in front of the palace, allowing the people to make secret reports to him by putting them in the chests.
123 The Jewish population in the Soviet Union was inspired by Exodus. Those involved in the dissident samizdat movement had to make secret copies of the book after it was painstakingly translated. Translator Leah Pliner notes that some of the story had to be cut out, including romances between Jewish and non-Jewish characters, to not offend Jewish readers' expectations. She recalls having to make 300 copies on a mimeograph machine, and by the time tens of thousands had been distributed, the samizdat version of Exodus became a source of inspiration.
" Wei responded, "It was written that Emperor Shun warned his officials, 'Do not obey me in my presence and make secret speeches against what I do.' If I know that something is wrong, but I continue to discuss it with Your Imperial Majesty, then I would be obeying you in your presence. That is not how Houji (后稷) and Ziqi (子棄, both legendary great officials during Emperor Shun's reign) served Emperor Shun." Emperor Taizong laughed and stated, "Everyone says that Wei is arrogant and careless, but I call him 'delicate'; this shows it.
7 colours are used, and there can be up to 4 "robot" colours moving around. On their turn a player rolls a die and can move any number of pieces a total number of spaces that adds up to the number on the die. This can result in a score, and the game continues until one player reaches 129+ points. At this time all players make secret guesses as to which player is which colour (gaining +5 points at the end of the game for each correct answer).
Norwegian police troops were also airlifted from Sweden to Finnmark. The air operation also shipped strategic freight; from July to October 1944, 64 tons of operational supplies such as ammunition were transported from Scotland to the underground in occupied Norway. Life necessities like bales of hay and fodder for livestock were brought to areas in the north of Sweden and Norway, once even paradropping a hospital complete with a doctor and nurse. Between November 1944 and April 1945, Balchen also transported 200 tons of Arctic equipment and operational supplies from England to Sweden that were used to make secret overland transport from Sweden to Norway possible.
Anna, meanwhile, insisted that their wedding plans continue, as the thought of marrying Matthew was the only thing helping her through her grief. In the run-up to the wedding, the Kings lost everything - thanks to their debts. When the lawyers told Carl about Donald's involvement, he believed that Anna would make secret deal to profit from the family's bankruptcy and later suspect Matthew of conspiring with her - as the pair were set to get married together. Just as Matthew and Anna were about to get married, Carl disrupted the ceremony to expose their secret before going on to reveal Matthew's role in Donald's death - prompting a shocked Anna to run away.
Danton went to Europe to star in Sandokan to the Rescue (1964) which was popular enough for a sequel Return of Sandokan (1964). He stayed in Europe to make Code Name: Jaguar (1965). He returned to the USA to guest star in Honey West and The Man from UNCLE then went back to Europe to make Secret Agent Super Dragon (1966), How to Win a Billion... and Get Away with It (1967), Si muore solo una volta (1967), Lucky, el intrépido (1967), Hello Glen Ward, House Dick (1968), and Die grosse Treibjagd (1969). He would periodically return to the US to guest star on shows like Ironside, ‘’Hawaii Five-0’’, It Takes a Thief, and Dan August.
When, during the absence of Napoleon in the Austrian campaign of 1809, the British Walcheren expedition threatened the safety of Antwerp, Fouché issued an order to the préfet of the northern départements of the Empire for the mobilization of 60,000 National Guards, adding to the order this statement: "Let us prove to Europe that although the genius of Napoleon can throw lustre on France, his presence is not necessary to enable us to repulse the enemy". The emperor's approval of the measure was no less marked than his disapproval of Fouché's words. The next months brought further friction between emperor and minister. The latter, knowing Napoleon's desire for peace at the close of 1809, undertook to make secret overtures to the British cabinet of Spencer Perceval.
On 3 October 2011, Kenneth Clarke the then Justice Secretary at the Ministry of Justice representing the Government, published a Justice and Security Green Paper proposing to make secret procedures available in all types of civil proceedings. The proposal is that, even when the Government is itself involved in proceedings, it should have the power to decide for itself whether to invoke the secret procedure, with only a very limited review by the court. Most secret procedures to date, have been confined to a few specialist types of case, usually immigration, cases involving issues of national security, and control order proceedings involving terror suspects. If the new Green Paper proposals become law, this power will be used not only in cases involving national security, but also in any other case where the Government decides that the disclosure of sensitive material is likely to result in ‘harm to the public interest’.
Remains of the 12th-century Wardrobe Tower at the Tower of London The King's Wardrobe, together with the Chamber, made up the personal part of medieval English government known as the King's household. Originally the room where the king's clothes, armour, and treasure were stored, the term was expanded to describe both its contents and the department of clerks who ran it. Early in the reign of Henry III the Wardrobe emerged out of the fragmentation of the Curia Regis to become the chief administrative and accounting department of the Household. The Wardrobe received regular block grants from the Exchequer for much of its history; in addition, however, the wardrobe treasure of gold and jewels enabled the king to make secret and rapid payments to fund his diplomatic and military operations, and for a time, in the 13th-14th centuries, it eclipsed the Exchequer as the chief spending department of central government.

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