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"job" Definitions
  1. work for which you receive regular payment
  2. a particular task or piece of work that you have to do
  3. [usually singular] (rather informal) a responsibility or duty
  4. (informal) a crime, especially stealing
  5. (informal) a particular kind of thing
  6. an item of work that is done by a computer as a single unit

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"job" Synonyms
position post place situation appointment posting work calling career trade capacity function occupation profession craft employment placement vocation pursuit activity operation business task assignment affair charge undertaking venture chore concern duty enterprise errand detail project responsibility role brief contribution part purpose commission department mission office problem trouble bother difficulty hassle headache strain struggle trial bear beast killer labor(US) labour(UK) pain performance difficult task hard time break-in burglary crime felony hold-up raid robbery heist smash-and-grab stick-up theft smash-and-grab raid larceny thievery pilfering embezzlement misappropriation fraud snatch mugging consignment lot contract output piece product share allotment batch portion sphere domain field area realm arena discipline line province circle specialty(US) element bailiwick walk game front demesne firmament misdemeanour(UK) offence(UK) transgression violation wrong atrocity fault misdeed outrage trespass arson assault cybercrime delinquency e-crime lawbreaking malfeasance internship apprenticeship training externship practicum residency training period medical school medical training traineeship education preparation work experience on-the-job training on-the-job learning time work placement presidency tenure premiership term term of office opportunity prospect chance shot break contingency indication opening option scope advantage possibility avenue facility forum gateway likelihood outlook vacancy grass squeal inform tell rat shop snitch betray peach sing squeak split finger pool sneak denounce shelf delate dob pimp farm out subcontract delegate assign farm outsource allocate contract out hire out hand out pass on turn over assign to others authorize(US) mandate authorise(UK) entrust consign give More
"job" Antonyms
avocation hobby pastime recreation amusement side interest fun entertainment unemployment surrender irresponsibility nonresponsibility inactivity idleness openness speech retreat quiet silence whole dereliction shirking misconduct desertion negligence laxity abandonment forsaking neglectfulness nonperformance neglect relinquishment remissness misprision nonfeasance sloppiness disregard non-performance breeze piece of cake cakewalk cinch picnic pushover sinecure snap walkover sitter doddle child's play easy task doss duck soup no-brainer nothing cake gift bludge discharge dismissal dismission expulsion firing break breather downtime interlude leisure relaxation respite rest time out uselessness pointlessness futility impracticality inoperability unserviceableness unusableness inadequacy incompetence ineffectualness inefficacy ineffectiveness ineffectuality ineptness inefficiency incapability unworkability unavailingness unsuccessfulness worthlessness joblessness job loss redundancy worklessness retirement nonemployment termination severance redundance layoff sacking career break laying-off aid benefit blessing happiness health help pleasure good health peace advantage use convenience leisure activity enjoyment fun and games play celebration feast frolic gaiety merriment return release reinstatement restoration replacement reinstalment reinstallation re-establishment giving back handing back exemption exception exclusion freedom departure excusing immunity occupied position filled position occupied role filled role occupied job filled job filled vacancy filled opening boredom profession vocation work cessation inaction indolence inertia inutility laziness passivity repose stoppage dormancy stagnation inertness shiftlessness slothfulness torpidity torpor obedience legality honour(UK) strength purity honor(US) right good joy morality virtue delight kindness goodness trivialities picayunes insignificant matters unimportant matters disorganisation(UK) disorganization(US) protect keep quiet about defend support stick up for

894 Sentences With "job"

How to use job in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "job" and check conjugation/comparative form for "job". Mastering all the usages of "job" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Check out the 10 cities with the most job opportunities: Job opportunities: 2.63 percent Job opportunities: 2.70 percent Job opportunities: 2.79 percent Job opportunities: 2.80 percent Job opportunities: 2.82 percent Job opportunities: 3.29 percent Job opportunities: 3.57 percent Job opportunities: 3.68 percent Job opportunities: 4.47 percent Job opportunities: 5.01 percent Salt Lake City, Utah topped WalletHub's list.
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DevOps Engineer Job score: 4.7Job satisfaction rating: 4.2 Number of job openings: 0003,725 Median base salary: $110,000 Job score: 4.7Job satisfaction rating: 4.3 Number of job openings: 2,599 Median base salary: $106,000 Job score: 153Job satisfaction rating: 4.0 Number of job openings: 3,317 Median base salary: $110,000 Job score: 4.6Job satisfaction rating: 4.1 Number of job openings: 1,958 Median base salary: $4.33,000 Job score: 4.6Job satisfaction rating: 3.8 Number of job openings: 4,339 Median base salary: $85,000 Job score: 4.5Job satisfaction rating: 3.8 Number of job openings: 3.53,877 Median base salary: $93,000 Job score: 4.5Job satisfaction rating: 4.3 Number of job openings: 1,184 Median base salary: $130,000 Job score: 153Job satisfaction rating: 4.0 Number of job openings: 1,691 Median base salary: $92,500 Job score: 4.4Job satisfaction rating: 3.7 Number of job openings: 2,232 Median base salary: $6343,000 Job score: 4.4Job satisfaction rating: 3.7 Number of job openings: 278,2000 Median base salary: $215,24.3 Job score: 23.5Job satisfaction rating: 215 Number of job openings: 1003,2100 Median base salary: $2000,250 Job score: 4.4Job satisfaction rating: 3.8 Number of job openings: 1,887 Median base salary: $98,000 Job score: 0003Job satisfaction rating: 3.7 Number of job openings: 3,643 Median base salary: $78,000 15.
Check the list below to see what high-paying, flexible positions you may want to apply to: Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing
Anthony Mackie would go from job to job to job.
Take a look below to see which companies will welcome you aboard with a signing bonus: Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings
Take a look below to see what company you should apply to next if you're looking for more flexibility at work: Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings
Check below to see which common side jobs you should apply to if you're looking to bring in some extra income: Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings
Name: Lisa WellsAge: 57Current Job: Publicist, Lisa Wells PRYears In Current Job: 7Last Job: Global PR DirectorYears In Last Job: 2 What happened at your last job?
"Their job is not a P.R.-type job — their job is a much more technical job," Mr. Egan said.
Here are 11 jobs at Amazon that offer salaries of $150,000 or more: Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings
They found that these 10 companies posted more job listings in 2017 than any other companies in the country: Job postings in 2017: 2023,974 Job postings in 2017: 7,220 Job postings in 2017: 22017,228 Job postings in 2202: 228,203 Job postings in 220: 2000,22018 Job postings in 2017: 12,228 Job postings in 2017: 14,709 Job postings in 0003: 16,226 Job postings in 2017: 20,343 Job postings in 2017: 28,202 UPS topped Monster's list with 28,202 total jobs posted.
Job market rank: 28Economic environment rank: 36 Job market rank: 31 Economic environment rank: 34 Job market rank: 38 Economic environment rank: 27 Job market rank: 503 Economic environment rank: 37 Job market rank: 42 Economic environment rank: 23 Job market rank: 243 Economic environment rank: 240 Job market rank: 244 Economic environment rank: 241 Job market rank: 240 Economic environment rank: 250 Job market rank: 40 Economic environment rank: 228 Job market rank: 247 Economic environment rank: 248 Job market rank: 49 Economic environment rank: 2 Job market rank: 36 Economic environment rank: 46 Job market rank: 45 Economic environment rank: 17 Job market rank: 473 Economic environment rank: 11 Job market rank: 46 Economic environment rank: 26 Job market rank: 43 Economic environment rank: 40 Job market rank: 44 Economic environment rank: 41 Job market rank: 40 Economic environment rank: 50 Job market rank: 50 Economic environment rank: 28 Job market rank: 47 Economic environment rank: 48
Job market rank: 14Economic environment rank: 31 Job market rank: 20 Economic environment rank: 24 Job market rank: 37 Economic environment rank: 10 Job market rank: 13 Economic environment rank: 33 Job market rank: 21 Economic environment rank: 18 Job market rank: 219 Economic environment rank: 25 Job market rank: 210 Economic environment rank: 27 Job market rank: 26 Economic environment rank: 28 Job Market rank: 193 Economic environment rank: 219 Job market rank: 211 Economic environment rank: 21 Job market rank: 29 Economic environment rank: 4 Job market rank: 23 Economic environment rank: 6 Job market rank: 12 Economic environment rank: 15 Job market rank: 113 Economic environment rank: 29 Job market rank: 4 Economic environment rank: 21 Job market rank: 19 Economic environment rank: 5 Job market rank: 10 Economic environment rank: 7 Job market rank: 6 Economic environment rank: 8 Job market rank: 1 Economic environment rank: 19 Job market rank: 11 Economic environment rank: 1
Take a look below to see which 14 positions promise career growth and a six-figure salary, according to LinkedIn: Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings Click here to view job listings
Take a look below at 10 of the highest-paying jobs on the list: Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting
Take a look at how much top-tier Google employees can potentially take home: Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings
Take a look below to see the 15 most promising jobs for this year, along with the top skills needed to fulfill each role: Click here to view openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings Click here to view job openings
From the software company Dropbox to the personal styling company Stitch Fix, below are 14 employers you should consider applying to if you want to have more control over your time away from the office: Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings
You don't get a job, you get a job, you don't get a job.
It says "a job is a job" rather than identifying "whose" job it is.
Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Keep in mind that many of these salaries are based on the amount of experience a candidate comes to the table with.
The cycle of job hunting usually involves desperately looking for a job, getting a job, working at that job, eventually falling out of love with your job, and starting everything all over again.
Take a look to see what jobs you should consider if you're looking for more flexibility in the new year: Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting Click here to view job posting
Take a look below to see what high-paying positions satisfy both your budget and desire to work from wherever you choose: Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing Click to view job listing This is a revised version of a previously published post.
People can go from job to job to job for the rest of their lives.
He kept his job because he did his job and was seen doing his job.
Job growth in renewables means less job growth (or job loss) in fossil fuel sectors.
Median base salary: $130,000 Number of job openings: 0003 Median base salary: $125,000 Number of job openings: 98 Median base salary: $99,000 Number of job openings: 50 Median base salary: $95,000 Number of job openings: 1,353 Median base salary: $92,500 Number of job openings: 64 Median base salary: $254,280 Number of job openings: 2000 Median base salary: $240,280 Number of job openings: 2000 Median base salary: $773,277 Number of job openings: 2000 Median base salary: $2417,000 Number of job openings: 18 Median base salary: $80,640 Number of job openings: 171 Median base salary: $80,0003 Number of job openings: 23 Median base salary: $80,000 Number of job openings: 54 Median base salary: $80,000 Number of job openings: 40 Median base salary: $80,000 Number of job openings: 35 Median base salary: $77,000 Number of job openings: 417
Take a look below at 10 jobs you should consider applying to if you're a working parent looking for greater flexibility and less stress: Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings
There is no such thing as a starter job, an elite job, or a useless job.
When you've been denied job, after job, after job because you're black or because you're brown.
And every job that I had was a stepping stone to my next job, and I never quit my job until I had my next job.
Take a look below to see what companies you should apply to if you're looking to collect a bonus on top of your salary: Click to view job postings Click to view job postings Click to view job postings Click to view job postings Click to view job postings Click to view job postings Click to view job postings
SCARAMUCCI: He's out of the country doing his job, doing his job, let him do his job.
We did a great job in Texas, a great job in Florida, a great job in Louisiana.
The Glassdoor Job Score is based on a 83-point scale (5.0=best job, 1.0=bad job).
"The thing about the job market, it's not job growth, not just raw job growth," said Brusca.
While direct job creation will help achieve the necessary job quantity, we also must boost job quality.
And so we don't work in the coal mines, but … one job affects this job and affects this job.
Cue Emily Blunt's "I love my job, I love my job, I love my job"— Devil Wears Prada anyone?
The number of job openings per job title represents active job listings on Glassdoor as of 1/8/16.
The easiest way to turn a job into a good job is to ensure it is a union job.
Based on their data, here are the top 10 best cities for millennials: Job score: 69Affordability score: 94Livability score: 290 Job score: 234Affordability score: 276Livability score: 259 Job score: 255Affordability score: 267Livability score: 733 Job score: 76Affordability score: 210Livability score: 210 Job score: 55Affordability score: 76Livability score: 66 Job score: 66Affordability score: 34Livability score: 96 Job score: 103Affordability score: 83Livability score: 43 Job score: 71Affordability score: 90Livability score: 34 Job score: 76Affordability score: 59Livability score: 55 Job score: 67Affordability score: 51Livability score: 73 Keep in mind that each individual score doesn't need to be perfect for a city to make the top 10.
"The job of senator is a good job; the job of teacher is a good job," she said, adding that she still had "teaching dreams" for years after becoming a senator.
Was a mid-skill job, for many people, very interesting job, a desirable job, but it's become automated, largely automated.
At a recent Yinchuan job fair, for example, job seekers scanned the codes to get quick information about job openings.
Information Security Engineer Job score: 4.1 Job satisfaction rating: 3.7 Number of job openings: 1,247 Median base salary: $100,000 17.
When I was younger I took any job that came to me because I thought a job was a job.
"Until we figure out how to make every job a high-quality job, connecting people to a job is crucial."
Just take a glance at an online job board and you'll see "Excel skills required" plastered on job after job.
Young people also move from job to job rather than taking one job with the expectation of staying there permanently.
And the job market is strong: There are more job openings than there are unemployed people searching for a job.
Job openings currently exceed unemployed job seekers by more than one million, putting job seekers in a much stronger bargaining position.
We didn't think our first job was important; it was just a job and would eventually, meanderingly lead to The Job.
Germany does a better job of co-ordinating asylum-claim processing with refugee housing, language and job training, and job placement.
They flit from job to job not because they are fickle but because job security is a thing of the past.
Glassdoor defines "least competition" for this list as "at least one job for every job seeker on Glassdoor, per job title."
Now I'm glad that I'm able to say (She's got a job) I got a job, I got a job today.
To help job seekers narrow down their search, job search platform ZipRecruiter used data around job availability, industry diversity, unemployment and earnings to compile a list of the top job markets in 2018.
It's a creative job, I was thinking any creative job.
Don't expect any one job to be your 'dream job.
He was doing his job, I was doing my job.
I should have done a better job finishing my job.
What it's like to have your job, your old job.
It's like any job, isn't an office job like that?
Mr. Meadowcroft lost his job, then lost a second job.
Hospital and healthcare job openings: 21,701Information technology job openings: 11,885
Information technology job openings: 27,892Hospital and healthcare job openings: 22,641 
Hospital and healthcare job openings: 34,547Information technology job openings: 26,785
Hospital and healthcare job openings: 40,945Information technology job openings: 29,969
Hospital and healthcare job openings: 40,196Information technology job openings: 34,298
Hospital and healthcare job openings: 76,666Information technology job openings: 46,441
I loved that job, I loved the job as senator.
I loved that job, I loved the job as Senator.
Business owners remain optimistic, while job openings outnumber job seekers.
I always think my job is like any other job.
"Oh man, I don't have a job job," he said.
It's his job, which is an artist's job, to stay.
The first job I went to, I booked the job.
It is our job and we will fulfill our job.
Offense did their job and the defense did their job.
My job is incredible, but it's also just a job.
Job training makes for better job candidates — hunger does not.
We're focused on our job, they're focused on their job.
Data scientist • Job Score: 4.7• Number of Job Openings: 1,736.
"There is no job that is better than another job."
Job guarantees, job training, housing, pensions, health care, and more.
I'm just doing my job as I see my job.
The index considered two factors: Job quality — by how much the job pays — and job quantity — by the employment-to-population ratio.
Requiring job candidates to share their salary history "perpetuates pay discrimination from job to job," according to the National Women's Law Center.
With few job options in Missouri, Martin's job search ended up generating four job offers — all in big cities on the coasts.
Mashable Job Board Listings The Mashable Job Board connects job seekers across the U.S. with unique career opportunities in the digital space.
Take the job that you're well suited for and take the job that you think you could do a better job at.
Even before you start looking for a job, Gardner recommends job seekers create a list of what job qualities they're looking for.
And if they don&apost have -- if -- the only job -- if your job isn&apost purely social, you won&apost have a job.
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.0 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 3.6 Median base salary: $68,000 Number of job openings: 8,278
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.0 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 4.2 Median base salary: $140,000 Number of job openings: 1,178
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.0 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 3.7 Median base salary: $89,000 Number of job openings: 3,333
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.0 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 3.5 Median base salary: $80,000 Number of job openings: 11,833
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.0 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 4.0 Median base salary: $153,000 Number of job openings: 1,445
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.1 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 3.5 Median base salary: $90,000 Number of job openings: $16,793
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.1 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 4.1 Median base salary: $91,250 Number of job openings: 1,923
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.1 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 4.0 Median base salary: $77,000 Number of job openings: $2,591
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.1 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 3.9 Median base salary: $60,000 Number of job openings: 5,456
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.2 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 3.6 Median base salary: $127,000 Number of job openings: 6,969
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.2 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 3.7 Median base salary: $77,000 Number of job openings: 7,191
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.2 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 3.7 Median base salary: $85,000 Number of job openings: 6,636
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.2 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 4.5 Median base salary: $100,000 Number of job openings: 2,158
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.4 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 4.2 Median base salary: $85,000 Number of job openings: 3,908
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.4 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 3.9 Median base salary: $87,000 Number of job openings: 14,753
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.5 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 4.1 Median base salary: $106,000 Number of job openings: 4,657
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.5 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 3.8 Median base salary: $115,000 Number of job openings: 11,884
Overall job score (out of 5.0): 4.7 Job satisfaction rating (out of 5.0): 4.3 Median base salary: $108,000 Number of job openings: 6,510
While a job at the American Lawyer wasn't the glossy glam-magazine job I'd dreamed about, it was the job I could get.
You did a good job — here you did a good job.
Don't just look at the job description of your current job.
If I don't do my job properly I lose my job.
I do my job, this job, because I love video games.
Cueto did his job and the bullpen did a great job.
Delivering pizza may be a bad job, but it's a job.
In March, there were 0.83 job seekers for every job opening.
That was my big job and it was a hard job.
Because yes, even a dream job is still a job. 8.
Visualizing yourself getting the job will help you get the job.
" Sjogren continued: "They're doing their job, and we're doing our job.
"With this specific job, it's such a busy job," she says.
Some job hunters want only that – a job and a paycheck.
I mean, I think the job was definitely a hard job.
"Her job was to do her job or resign," he said.
In the background, the musical refrain "Good job, good job" played.
Computers back then were given one job and one job only.
Looking for a job is a job in and of itself.
Income, job opportunities, job security and employment protections have all dissipated.
The d-line did their job and I did my job.
Job Opportunities The word automation is often associated with job loss.
A recruiter's job is to fill job vacancies with qualified candidates.
Their job — Ivry's job — was to eliminate targets, not select them.
Job satisfaction rating: 3.8Number of job openings: 6,272Median base salary: $70,489
Job satisfaction rating: 3.8Number of job openings: 5,842Median base salary: $70,160
Job satisfaction rating: 3.6Number of job openings: 14,838Median base salary: $74,339
Job satisfaction rating: 3.7Number of job openings: 7,756Median base salary: $77,035
Job satisfaction rating: 3.6Number of job openings: 37,764Median base salary: $77,396
Job satisfaction rating: 3.6Number of job openings: 28,886Median base salary: $71,483
Job satisfaction rating: 3.9Number of job openings: 5,768Median base salary: $70,000
Job satisfaction rating: 3.7Number of job openings: 9,550Median base salary: $76,854
Job satisfaction rating: 3.6Number of job openings: 19,280Median base salary: $87,005
Job satisfaction rating: 4.0Number of job openings: 3,589Median base salary: $85,794
Job satisfaction rating: 3.8Number of job openings: 4,091Median base salary: $120,644
Job satisfaction rating: 4.2Number of job openings: 3,639Median base salary: $81,175
Job satisfaction rating: 3.8Number of job openings: 19,198Median base salary: $70,189
Job satisfaction rating: 4.1Number of job openings: 3,966Median base salary: $83,190
Job satisfaction rating: 3.7Number of job openings: 12,320Median base salary: $85,389
Job satisfaction rating: 4.0Number of job openings: 6,560Median base salary: $78,480
Job satisfaction rating: 4.3Number of job openings: 3,515Median base salary: $133,067
Job satisfaction rating: 3.8Number of job openings: 29,167Median base salary: $71,867
Job satisfaction rating: 3.6Number of job openings: 50,438Median base salary: $105,563
Job satisfaction rating: 3.9Number of job openings: 6,941Median base salary: $102,472
Job satisfaction rating: 3.9Number of job openings: 6,603Median base salary: $107,310
Job satisfaction rating: 3.8Number of job openings: 12,173Median base salary: $117,713
Job satisfaction rating: 4.0Number of job openings: 6,542Median base salary: $107,801
Job Satisfaction Rating: 3.9Number of Job Openings: 16,136Median Base Salary: $83,589
Job satisfaction rating: 3.9Number of job openings: 13,122Median base salary: $105,240
It's a "very hard job, and an underappreciated job," she said.
It's a "very hard job, and an underappreciated job," she said.
But right now he has one job and one job only.
"Your job is your job," the manager said in the video.
It's a tough job, but it is a job worth doing.
Loose Ends From: Job Spotter Subject: Thanks for Using Job Spotter!
The job openings and job quit rates have both declined too.
"There is no job that's better than another job," he continued.
My job is incredible, but it&aposs also just a job.
"This is about not job replacement but job augmentation, " he says.
If you don't want the job, don't run for the job.
It's that they're doing their job and it's a terrible job.
You had a job before all this, like a real job.
Kelly called the job the hardest and most important job he's ever had, but not the best job he's had, saying that that the best job he's ever had was when he was an enlisted Marine.
At one point she held three jobs: a full-time job, a part-time job and a weekend job cleaning the airport at night.
That this job is worth more than that job because there are factors that make that job worth more, in a very clear band.
Some have the perfect job lined up on graduation; others are laserlike in their focus, moving from job to job up the career ladder.
Those with a college degree are more likely to find a job, keep a job, have higher job satisfaction, and earn a higher salary.
This paper used job listings to measure how tasks and jobs are evolving, but job posts aren't always indicative of what a job entails.
Job site Indeed analyzed millions of resumes posted by U.S. job seekers to find who was most likely and least likely to job hop.
They're so driven to find a well-paying job by the time they graduate — to get a job, to leave college with a job.
One apologized and lost her job, one apologized and kept her job.
Job or no job, Tramaglini still isn't going down without a fight.
It's his job, but it's also their job to talk to him.
I am forever going to love this job and miss this job.
If I look at my job now, my job has really changed.
She regarded each job during her heyday as just that — a job.
Before this Atlanta job, my L.A. job barely covered all my expenses.
The job search process might feel very different from your last job.
But looking for a job is a job in and of itself.
It's not a 'go to work, do your job, come home' job.
This includes hosted Job Sites, Job Widgets, API and data feed accounts.
Now it's Hillary Clinton's job to finish the job they couldn't handle.
I think I did a good job of finishing the job today.
Perhaps it's the weight of the job, the pressure of the job.
And no job in a hospital is a job without a patient.
He ought to do that job, and let us do our job.
When you're a bit older, eh, sometimes a job is a job.
Over 85% of the people we offer a job accept that job.
To the worker answering a survey question, a job is a job.
Focus on job boards, and you'll never tap this hidden job market.
That's his job and that's completely his job and I'm supporting him.
Interminably long on-line job applications are a horror for job-seekers.
The job-hopping millennial — indeed, the job-hopping American — is a myth.
It's my job, and it's a job I happen to really enjoy.
This is my job, this is their job, I'm fine, everything's fine.
"That is not our job, nor will I make it our job."
Those programs are testing different approaches to job training and job creation.
" @AOC: "Any job that pays $215 an hour is not a job.
Live Wire does its job simply, and it does its job well.
My job is to go out there and get the job done.
My job, it's a strange job, it's an eccentric line of work.
He ought to do that job and let us do our job.
He's been offered a summer job — a dream job — in another city.
"It's not the Senate's job to do the House's job," said Sen.
That is not our job, nor will I make it our job.
"You did a hell of a job," he said, "in your job."
He's doing a rotten job running his own city, a lousy job.
You have the job, but you don't always have the job security.
In fact, it will haunt them from job interview to job interview.
What is that person's job title and where is the job located?
Again, part of your job is to make your boss' job easier.
Aligning your job with a preexisting passion doesn't affect your job satisfaction.
It was a job I fell into because I needed a job.
Her reasons for leaving job one and getting fired from job two?
The problem is, it's not a 'prestigious' job, it's a critical job.
According to job search and salary review site Glassdoor, 68 percent of job seekers list salary as among their chief concerns when accepting a job.
" He added: "My job is to lead my family, my job is to lead my wife, my job is to lead in whatever I do.
During the last three months, average job growth has sunk below 85003's average job growth, not exactly the sustained job growth taxpayers were promised.
Locations were weighed based on a "job market" ranking, which accounts for job opportunities, employment growth, starting salary, unemployment rate, job satisfaction and other factors.
As of today, certain job-related search-queries will yield job postings culled from different job boards — and they'll show up right in your search results.
The journey for Cash is that he first needs a job, then he gets a job, and then he discovers he's actually good at the job.
A city's job market favorability percentage indicates the level of "mismatch," where "the ratio of job postings from employers to clicks from candidates" favors job seekers.
You do your job, and then after you've done your job, or as long as you've done your job, you can fly your freak flag. Yeah!
"Let's say that they do a job that's not good, or a job that they didn't finish, or a job that was way late," he said.
The job search can be a bit weird if you already have a job — everyone does it, or no one would ever have a new job.
She wanted someone with, like, a very structured job, with a real job.
My mom cant get a second job because we are her second job.
Job postings indicate that the job pays about $262 to $2000 per hour.
"I wouldn't call it a job loss, it's a job transformation," Min said.
That's not my job, and I don't want it to be my job.
Like, this is a real job and this is a not-real job.
"It's a loophole because having no job is my job," she told ABC.
He didn't care about the job — he cared that he had the job.
I walked into this job with every memory of every job I've had.
You're doing a normal job, maybe the job you do in real life.
But I saved the job description and link under the title 'dream job.
I've heard it's easier to get a job when you have a job.
While there is extensive job training, the job doesn't require a bachelor's degree.
How can technology be a vehicle of job creation and not job replacement?
I scroll through Instagram, check job boards, and email myself possible job opportunities.
Other people might need job search assistance, career counseling, or a transitional job.
Everybody's expected to do the job, and everybody wants to do the job.
"She didn't do a good job, she did a great job," Ethan added.
This report takes into account job title normalization that groups similar job titles.
Job approval numbers: Trump's job approval in the latest Gallup poll is 41%.
It's so much easier to find a job if you have a job.
The best job numbers that we've ever had ... I've done a great job.
" She continued, "You've got a great job, and you're doing a great job.
And even if you love your job today, that job can change tomorrow.
Usually, they camp in the houses they renovate, moving from job to job.
"He jumped from job to job, and then he discovered acting," said Terrill.
Once the kids grow up, of course, their job will be their job.
But she had to take a job, any job, to help with expenses.
CR: And you don't think your job, your personal job is done yet?
Not a trapping, hunting, or berry-gathering job, but a white-people job.
The job of a teacher overlaps with the job of the cultural critic.
They talk about the stress of their job but also having no job.
Quitting your job is usually a sign that you've found a new job.
Job destruction in the absence of healthy job creation is a dangerous thing.
Each job also has three characteristics listed when you click on the job.
There have been more job openings than job seekers for 13 straight months.
She is no longer in that job, because that job no longer exists.
But understand — BIDEN: You did a hell of a job in your job.
"You did a hell of a job in your job," he shot back.
Currently, there are more than 1,000 Glassdoor job openings for this job title.
And his job is a new job, and it's called commissioner of emigration.
"I wanted a job, (but) it was a sewing job," Warren said, chuckling.
"It's not my first job and it's not my last job," he said.
They include job growth, migration flows, education and job openings for skilled work.
January 31: Start walking into job interviews like you already have the job.
But she's done a fantastic job, and we've done a fantastic job together.
You move from one job to another without that kind of job security.
They don't have management experience and the President's job is a management job.
It was either my job or his alcohol, and I picked my job.
All they care about is their next job, not the job they have!!!
Granted, it might not be their dream job, but it's still a job.
Its job is not to make money; its job is to make waves.
And many job seekers are already picking up that job growth is slowing.
He works at one job, then he goes to his Pizza Hut job.
"After becoming pregnant, I felt that job was a good job," she said.
After Madden NFL 18 shipped, my side job became my full-time job.
It'll be in their interest to do a good job at their job.
Mueller did his job now it's time for Congress to do its job.
Name: Kathy BeckerAge: 56Current Job: Senior Content Strategist, Priority MarketingYears In Current Job: Started at the end of FebruaryLast Job: Senior Copywriter at a fashion brand Years In Last Job: 6.5 years  When did you realize you were getting pushed out?
We will not apologize for the job we do or the job law enforcement does for doing the job that the American people expect us to do.
There were 5.8 million job openings in March, up from 5.4 million job openings in February, according to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary (JOLTS) report.
" On the job of press secretary: " Your job as press secretary is to represent the President's voice…whether or not you agree or not isn't your job.
There were 5.5 million job openings in January, up from 5.28 million job openings in December, according to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary (JOLTS) report.
Even if it is more of a job than it was before, it's still not really a job-job, because it's still fun most of the time.
Job site Indeed analyzed data from 50 major metro areas and ranked them on job market favorability, salaries, work-life balance, potential for advancement and job security.
They include unsubsidized employment, subsidized employment, on the job training, community service work, job search or job readiness training, and up to 12 months of vocational education.
The "match" problem is exacerbated by the time and energy that job searches demand; it can be hard to hold a job while also seeking a job.
If you are looking for a job, why not bring a bunch of job-seekers together with the goal of helping each other navigate your job search?
The U.S. job market remains strong, with more job openings than unemployed people seeking a job, but companies are starting to put some hiring plans on hold.
Depending on the job, such positions may provide men with greater job stability and employment opportunities, given the high projected job growth of many female-dominated jobs.
The internet job-search system has created a morass of endlessly detailed job descriptions by employers; absurd personality tests; and sterile "communication" between job seeker and employer.
They registered low job satisfaction and were likelier to look for a new job.
I found a Training specialist job for a corporation that made job fit assessments.
What the job is: House speaker is an all-important and all-consuming job.
There are now more job openings than there are job seekers to fill them.
My first job out of prison was the worst job available in Colombia, Missouri.
Bell's job was to drive change; my job was to help him execute it.
"She's done a fantastic job, and we've done a fantastic job together," Trump said.
"I want to get a job because I'm the right person for that job."
But it gets the job done so someone else can do a different job.
What's more, Glassdoor's job listing page shows more than 9,000 openings for this job.
Keeping us safe is really not my job; it's the black guy's [Obama's] job.
You had one job; you literally had one job, and you couldn't protect us!
Plus, your first job out of college won't—and shouldn't be—your dream job.
Go deeper ... "Job market is weakening": Private payroll job growth hits 18-month low
And so, job creation -- you know, job creation is part of the consumer story.
And then I lost the job and people said, 'why'd you lose the job?
Job interviewing is about persuading a company you're the perfect person for the job.
Neither has Trump's job approval, despite a robust job market and solid economic growth.
Job hunting is basically a job in itself — and a humbling one at that.
The DHS isn't doing its job because it doesn't know what its job is.
A fun job that takes him all across the world, but a job nevertheless.
Police officers have a tough job, and the vast majority do that job heroically.
"Our job is to decide cases, their job is to pass laws," he said.
Their pitching did a great job, their starter did a great job like ours.
All Americans want to know they can get a job and keep a job.
Small companies are the greatest job creators, and job hopping is here to stay.
I did free internship after free internship, low-paid job after low-paid job.
As I look at everybody here, this is a real job, a stressful job.
"You did your job this morning, I did my job tonight," said the host.
It's dangerous work, but in Iraq's sputtering economy any job is a good job.
Do you think Silicon Valley has a responsibility for job loss and job change?
We did a decent job on Wright-Foreman and a better job on Pemberton.
And our job, the government's job is to help Singapore stay at the top.
Studio Job, made up of Job Smeets and Nynke Tynagel, began collaborating in 2000.
So there's a job fair for people who need a job or need training.
We've got to do a better job, I've got to do a better job.
The Border Patrol's doing an incredible job and ICE has done an incredible job.
First, candidates search through and apply to job opportunities on the Microsoft job page.
You had one job, you literally had one job, and you couldn't protect us.
I told her that I was once again looking for a job, any job.
When you're a gypsy, bouncing from job to job, "starting things" is your specialty.
Maybe you lost your job, or your interest in the job you've been doing.
Rollovers, which workers could carry from job to job, were also created by Erisa.
These businesses are more likely to provide good job opportunities to Hispanic job seekers.
The job requirements and salaries are pulled from the job listings posted on FlexJobs.
Again, job searching can be a full-time job, especially as you get going.
In today's job market, the strength of your job application comes in its uniqueness.
The reason is that job destruction in a market economy is also job creation.
"You've got to enjoy our job, because there's not a better job," Alli said.
There are more job openings than there are unemployed people looking for a job.
The 136,000 warehouse job listings drew over 22000 million applications, or 281 per job.
The need remains urgent: Job creation and job preparation must go hand in hand.
It's all about adding value above your job description, not just doing the job.
That said, if you're job hunting, don't message someone asking directly for a job.
Creating value at your existing job is about distinguishing yourself from your job title.
And I was glad he got the job, because he's done a great job.
Do I think it's my job or HBO's job to make sure that happens?
I don't want to make it a job before it even is a job.
The site lets job seekers search using filters such as location and job category.
How to find a job: Job seekers can create an account at Express' website.
What if I have more than one job or my spouse has a job?
Congress needs to do their job and Congress needs to do their job now.
Unfortunately, it is still easier to get a job when you have a job.
If it's not the people in the job, it could be the job description.
Job openings are declining, and if job growth slows any further unemployment will increase.
"But understand —" "You did a hell of a job in your job," Biden interjected.
I want to get a job because I'm the right person for that job.
The first job they may ask, by the third job they won't remember to.
"My job is going to be to find a better job," Mr. Hawkins said.
Job openings are declining and if job growth slows any further unemployment will increase.
I lost a job, a great job, one of the best I've ever had.
We will not apologize for the job we do or for the job law enforcement does for doing the job that the American people expect us to do.
The majority of job hunters said benefits and perks are among their top considerations before taking a new job, according to a report by job-hunting site Glassdoor.
We pioneered a new approach that has been working for a few a years, providing job vouchers for private sector employers that provide a job and job training.
There were 5.6 million job openings in June, little changed from 5.5 million job openings in May, according to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary (JOLTS) report.
We get a number, we get a job offer, we got a great job, okay, now I'll live and die and breathe this job for my career – right?
There were 5.6 million job openings in December 2015, up from 5.43 million job openings in November, according to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary (JOLTS) report.
If a student is offered a work-study job as part of a financial aid package, that is usually the job to take rather than an outside job.
Earlier this year, Google launches its Google for Jobs initiative and its job search feature in Google Search to help job seekers find the right job for them.
As Shapero said, job seekers need to realize "that just finding a job and applying is no longer enough to stand out and get the job you want."
The second course will help job seekers struggle through the horrible reality we must all accept: that looking for a job is a full-time job in itself.
I wasn't going to do them forever, but if you have a choice to do an average job or a great job, why not do the great job?
That includes questions like "what does the job entail?" because the job listing likely had a "three-page job description" explicitly stating all of the responsibilities, he says.
Headquarters: Austin, Texas Job openings: director of global job seeker success, data engineer, senior UX developer Headquarters: Boston, Massachusetts Job openings: C# automation engineer, demand planning manager, senior manager of accounting operations Headquarters: Chicago, Illinois Job openings: market researcher, senior front-end engineer, enterprise business analyst Headquarters: Dallas, Texas Job openings: automotive telematics engineer, driver management administrator, strategic innovation national manager Headquarters: Denver, Colorado Job openings: Salesforce developer, Android engineer, decision scientist Headquarters: Los Angeles, California Job openings: electromagnetic environmental effects engineer, orbital tube welder, technical writer Headquarters: New York City, New York Job openings: application security engineer, video transcoding engineer, senior brand designer Headquarters: San Diego, California Job openings: system test engineer, digital hardware engineer, sales forecast analyst Headquarters: San Francisco, California Job openings: software engineer, technical program manager, media operations manager Headquarters: Seattle, Washington Job openings: principal solution manager, account technology strategist, strategy and planning director Headquarters: Washington, D.C. Job openings: junior developer, director of station digital solutions, sponsorship visual designer
Because I very recently started a new job after a tumultuous exit from my old job that has left me worried about my former colleagues, I've spent the last two months having anxiety about both the old job and the new job!
Certain job boards focus on all types of jobs, but if you're looking for a remote job, focus your search on job search platforms, like FlexJobs or Upwork, that specialize in remote and flexible work and whose research teams vet their job posts.
For those serious about making a move, ZipRecruiter identified the hottest job markets in the year ahead, based on the growing number of job postings and average number of job openings per job seeker as well as the median wage among other criteria.
Researchers also found that 82 percent of job seekers expect to find a new role after less than six months of job hunting, 66 percent expect to go through two rounds or less of interviews before learning if they got the job, and 69 percent of job seekers are optimistic or very optimistic about the job market.
The IRS allows the following job-hunting expenses to be claimed as deductions: Online job search fees Employment and agency fees Costs of resume printing Costs of mailing resumes Legal fees related to doing and keeping your job Some travel expenses to and from job interviews Typically, travel expenses to and from the job interviews are deductible.
They kind of laugh, and it's like I could get another job, maybe I should get a real job, but then I think about when I had that job.
Search through the job openings on Amazon's career page and filter opportunities based on job category, job type and location to find the role that is right for you.
Mashable's latest #BizChats Twitter chat, discussed how job seekers can find excitment in the job searching process again and set their sights on finding a job they truly enjoy.
In addition, when sexual predators are caught at one workplace, they seem to easily find a job at another studio, sometimes even following their victims from job to job.
And then once I'm doing the job, I think we'll be back to people viewing me as the person doing the job instead of the person seeking the job.
In job search, the heavyweight is Indeed, which says it's the largest job search engine, with more than 20 million job postings and 200 million unique visitors a month.
StellarEmploy uses deep learning algorithms to match employee performance to job fundamentals, letting companies recruit hourly workers that will enjoy the job, do a great job, and stay put.
" "The President directs me to do my job and my job is to provide the intelligence, which formulates policy," Coats responded: "The President told me to do my job.
And so, I view my job and the leadership team's job all of us, the partnership of the organization, our job is to continue to carry that legacy forward.
"To me, there's no sense of tokenism because I know I can do the job — I'm qualified to do the job, I can do a great job," she said.
"Your #1 job — everyone's #1 job — is making this company a success," the document says.
Arie Luyenyk, Jr. has a real job — or at least a non Bachelor-adjacent job.
They do a good job of getting to the quarterback, good job stopping the run.
They do a terribly job communicating these policies and a wildly inconsistent job enforcing them.
And I want to thank Bob Corker -- great job you did over there, great job.
He hates his job, which appears to be a desk job typing up police reports.
The skills gap has been bedeviling companies all year as job openings outnumber job seekers.
Check out the job description and apply on Crunchboard, our all new job-listing site.
So, I clinch and it's seeing if I'm doing a good job, a bad job.
Both the resumes and job descriptions used were based on real candidates and job openings.
Such tricks don't show relevant job skills, but perhaps vital job-hunting ones, Anjunwa said.
Most of my teacher friends have a second job on top of their main job.
But the better job market is not good enough to land Chettie McAfee a job.
But it's also my job, and when I finish my job, I have a life.
A McKinsey study noted the likely widespread job loss and job disruption on the horizon.
One imagines it being used in technical job interviews or even to measure job performance.
Prior to seeing Warhorse's job listing, Nowak didn't even know a job like this existed.
And if your dream job involves working in a palace, this job is for you.
It should not predetermine whether they should have a job or be given job opportunities.
"He didn't do a good job, he did a great job," Baker said of Petit.
Employers can evaluate whether a job candidate has mastered the competencies required for a job.
The FTC was doing its job well, it just wasn't the job that needed doing.
We are doing a very good job, and the organization is doing a great job.
There are currently more job openings than there are job seekers in the United States.
"She totally understands why he'd take the job it's a great job!" the source said.
A job search can imply endless typing and reading of Google or curated job sites.
When there are more job openings than job seekers in America, something big is happening.
I guess your job was to ignore me, so you did a good job. Exactly.
The rest go to child care, job training and other job-related services and supports.
It could be that I was going from job to job for a long time.
As the latest job reports show, job growth is indeed happening – just not for everyone.
It is a lonely job, it is a tough job, and you do need that.
So from where I was sitting, I did a great job, great job that weekend.
The job that they hire me for could be the job that I snap on.
And of course it's a hard job, it's probably the hardest job in the world.
Click through to see if your dream job is considered the best entry-level job.
My job is to defend my daughter, her job is to be 10 years old.
Engagement Manager Job Score: 4.6Number of Job Openings: 1,356Median Base Salary: $125,000Career Opportunities Rating: 163.
Worse health then sabotages their job performance and/or their ability to hold a job.
Mr. Butler quit his job at a Walmart and Ms. Butler left her office job.
These plans typically cover unionized workers who move from job to job throughout their careers.
This might sound like a boring job, but it's a boring job that pays well.
Third, trade must remain balanced so import job losses are offset by export job gains.
You can't get a job without experience, but you can't get experience without a job.
Having a high-paying job doesn't necessarily mean you'll have job stability, and vice versa.
The job market rebounded strongly in October from the hurricane induced job slump in September.
But near-record-high job openings and record-low layoffs underpin the entire job market.
If they lose it, then looking for a job will become their full-time job.
I was going to karaoke like it was a job before it was a job.
"We did an evening of job applications and prayer, because job applications suck," Leah said.
Don't make the mistake of running away from a job by taking any job offer.
It's our job, or at least I think it's my job, to make sure that.
Better job descriptions, better matchesThe heart of the recruitment process is still the job posting.
"She's done a fantastic job, and we've done a fantastic job together," Mr. Trump said.
They can't decide between a job that pays and a job they are passionate about.
"My mom can't get a second job because we are her second job," they wrote.
We don't have to be applying for a job because we have our own job.
"Moser did a great job there and he's doing a great job now," Towe said.
We didn't stop to ask whether something was a woman's job or a man's job.
They are not permitted to look at internal job postings or attend company job fairs.
My job is not to identify this person; my job is to educate and teach.
Job site ZipRecruiter reports that job postings typically increase by 15% from December to January.
Death on the job is not what it should take to get the job done.
Vote for the person who's going to do the job and do the job correctly.
If you're a politician, and your JOB is to pass a budget, do your JOB.
Black and white job seekers receive job leads from their social networks at similar rates.
In order to get the job, Brett had to go through an important job interview.
"All of this is part of what makes a job a good job," he says.
"Picture yourself in the job you want, not the job that you have," she said.
He also had a full-time school job and a part-time off-campus job.
"  "My job is to do my job and go home,'' Kaminski later told USA Today.
It has been well established that refugees in general are job creators, not job takers.
"Most Americans would like a permanent job and not a short-term job," he said.
Provide real job training — and a clear route from training to an actual job. 3.
"If you lose your job or have job insecurity, make sure you're exercising," he said.
Job Simulator Job Simulator Vacation Simulator Vacation Simulator Vacation Simulator Vox Media has affiliate partnerships.
The new job post does not explicitly say that acquisitions are part of the job.
The FBI went through seven investigations and they did a very thorough job, excellent job.
"It's your job and your job alone to respond to Chairman Neal's request," Oregon Sen.
If a job was open, I'd go back right now and apply for a job.
The running record of your contributions will help job your memory during the job hunt.
No, if Kelly was to do his job, job one was to whack the Mooch.
If you're in a job, do it, be appropriate for it, or find another job.
"We come here to do a job, not keep a job," Ms. Pelosi said then.
"This incredible woman right here is doing a fantastic job, a great job," he said.
Neighbors said he bounced from job to job and spent much of his time alone.
"Landing a job abroad is no different from landing a job at home," Hindricks said.
It seems like it's almost a second job, though, maybe not a full-time job.
Does maximum employment mean that every single person who wants a job has a job?
If you're deciding on your next career move, check out these 15 high-paying jobs for which prospects are good: Median annual salary: $101,560Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 2026: 2,20163 Median annual salary: $103,880Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 2026: 14,400 Median annual salary: $104,860Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 20263: 10,600 Median annual salary: $104,860Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 2026: 10,600 Median annual salary: $107,13Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 2026: 32,900 Median annual salary: $110,300Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 2026: 2,9003 Median annual salary: $139,220Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 2026: 32,500 Median annual salary: $151,440Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 2083: 6,400 Median annual salary: $165,120Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 2026: 2,800 Median annual salary: $208,0003Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 2026: 1,2000 Median annual salary: $22016,22026Projected number of job openings, 21 to 2900: 2208,20163 Median annual salary: $22016,22026Projected number of job openings, 2900 to 2026: 14,300 Median annual salary: $208,000Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 201: 14,300 Median annual salary: $208,000Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 2026: 1,900 Median annual salary: $208,000Projected number of job openings, 2016 to 2026: 900
If you are detail-oriented, like to use your hands, and want a job that allows you to be outside, a summer painting job could be the job for you.
"Across other job search platforms, 2% of all job applications in the U.S. result in an interview, but on WayUp, 23% of job applications result in an interview," says Wessel.
You might also like: • Why it's fine to job-hop for a few years after college • The incalculable value of finding a job you love • Looking for a new job?
"Lisa was hired to do a real job, an important job, a job that had real value to the company," Mr. Kelly's lawyer, Daniel M. Gitner, said in his summation.
"The job market is losing its shine ... job openings are declining and if job growth slows any further unemployment will increase," Mark Zandi, Moody's chief economist, said in a release.
"My first job was my dream job: a dietitian in a health food store," Blatner said.
It's our job to make the people happy not their job to come and watch us.
Given low unemployment, should job-seekers demand higher pay than they received in their previous job?
Look at: our job is to build bridges, our job is to try to find commonalty.
It wasn't hard getting a job when I came home, it just wasn't a good job.
I think what I do is an amazing job—a phenomenal job—and that's helped me.
It sounds like you did a bad job when in actuality you did a great job.
Job seekers play the games to see which companies and job types they're best suited for.
Salaries and job requirements listed below are taken directly from the job posting in FlexJobs' database.
For example, job aggregators (like Indeed) emerged in the mid-2000s to disrupt online job boards.
According to the job website CareerCast, data science is the toughest job to fill in 2017.
According to data from the job site Glassdoor, 250 people apply to the average corporate job.
"That's a tough question," she said, "because if you need the job, you need the job."
The job of running for office and the job of holding office are two distinct things.
"Honestly whoever can get the job done needs to get the job done right," she added.
It's like signing up for a part-time job in addition to your full-time job.
He landed a new job, his wife filed for divorce, and then lost the aforementioned job.
And I think they're going to be doing a very generous job and a terrific job.
Tougher job interviews correlated with better employee satisfaction after candidates actually get the job, Glassdoor found.
It should not predetermine whether or not they are given a job or have job opportunities….
We talked earlier about that job of running for office and the job of holding office.
"If you don't like your job, it's a job, but I love it," she tells PEOPLE.
You work toward your life, you get a good job and you advance in your job.
But it's the government's job to protect consumers, and it's the FCC's job to regulate telecoms.
Job seekers referred by a current employee land the job nearly 66 percent of the time.
They're not sure he can do the job but no one else has done the job.
My Husband's Paycheck Amount (Monthly): $5,13 from his main job and $2,000 from his second job.
If you don't get the job, the implication is that there's another job you would get.
The primary job of any manager is to help people be more effective in their job.
It is your job, and the job of girls and women like you, to bust out.
"It&aposs not the sheriff&aposs job to do the job of federal agents," Posada said.
The most in-demand job on the list is a software engineer, with 49,007 job openings.
Even savvy job hunters can fall prey to employment scams — including on legitimate job search websites.
The job of writers is to write stories, but writing your story is not their job.
STEP ONE: GET A JOB, ANY JOB In college, I studied English lit and creative writing.
That'll cost Chuck Pagano his job, but it probably should cost Ryan Grigson his job too.
Hillary Clinton's campaign plane is pulling one last job before calling it quits -- a paint job.
Even though modeling has been so much fun and a great job, it's still a job.
If you do your job, you're supposed to be paid for the job that you do.
My last job at a gossip magazine came with a list of unwritten job requirements: 1.
The JOLTs (job openings and labor turnover survey) showed job openings totaled 5.7 million in March.
That is Secretary DeVos' job -- and it is Congress' job to make sure she does it.
Somebody completes the job and then we take a transaction fee once that job is completed.
That's the job description for this sweet job title, Chief Taco Officer at Moe's Southwest Grill.
And we don't say they've lost their job, we say they've chosen to leave their job.
The job guarantee's strength is providing Americans direct control over the social infrastructure of job creation.
Even those job losses need to be compared to, or offset by, job changes and gains.
Compared to overall job creation, the solar industry had 2023 times faster job growth last year.
Job seekers are often told to pepper in keywords from the job description to their resume.
She does an immigrant's job, while Myriam, the immigrant, practices law—traditionally a white man's job.
I have a good job, with an income we cannot live without, but I'm job searching.
One person can hold multiple jobs, but a job is a job in the establishment survey.
And if your job brings you out in hives, it's time to find a different job.
Even if you have a high-paying job, it doesn't mean you have guaranteed job stability.
"My job doesn't ever feel like a job, and for that, I'm extremely grateful," Walsh added.
Brightstar Care also discontinued its online job posting portal that allowed franchisees to advertise job openings.
"He's got a job to do and I've got a job to do," Mr. McConnell said.
But their focus was always on getting the job done and getting the job done properly.
She has a job, the job required her to be in office to vote, she voted.
Job approval: The president's job approval has improved, according to the most recent ABC News poll.
Once upon a time, it was possible to work a day job and a night job.
Job finder app Job Today has inked a new media-for-equity deal worth $35 million.
And then you get out, you can't get a job, you can't get a regular job.
I had my first waiting job at 15 — I've never had another job [in another industry].
"He added: "My job is to coach well and the players' job is to play well.
Also, one's actual job is not wholly defined by the text of the original job description.
"It's a horrible job once the the realization dawns that your dream job will never materialize."
"We've been doing their job, the job they should've been doing," Rovera told VICE News. Col.
For most interns this is their first corporate job and, for some, even their first job.
What I say is that he didn't do a good job, they did a bad job.
"I took any job I could get: food industry, retail, any labor job," Mr. Rodriguez said.
" Digital projection is moving a projectionist's duties "toward an IT job instead of a mechanical job.
"This trade war will actually be a job-killer, not a job-creator," Paul Krugman argues.
Our job is not to bring luxury online; our job is to make online shopping luxurious.
If you don't get a good first job, you're unlikely to get a good fifth job.
It went from me having a full-time job to now not even having a job.
"You're doing a good job, and it's not an easy job," Mr. Trump told Ms. Nielsen.
It's never enough to praise a good job; what is it about that job that's good?
Having trained for a job in academics, Ms. Marrow found the Getty job a happy surprise.
The question is whether or not he did his job, and he hasn't done his job.
Software engineer, which placed seventh overall, is the job most in demand, with 50,438 job openings.
I was that young guy who was using that job to run for the next job.
""I wish I had a better job," instead of, "I am working towards a better job.
"The job is not the same job that one might have imagined in February," Antos said.
It's on us to do our job, first and foremost, and we're doing our job today.
We've all heard the saying: Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.
You can't find, get and keep a decent job if you can't read a job listing.
"She's done a fantastic job and we've done a fantastic job together," Trump said in response.
"We do such a good job now," he said, "we're drilling ourselves out of a job."
Sometimes a new job turns out not to be the dream job you thought it was.
The move tends to flare up in hot job markets when job seekers have more power.
During the hearing, Porter described a real job listing posted on the job-finding platform Monster.
I've got a job to do and my job is to fight for 28 million Texans.
The drift, job to job, sometimes city to city, was integral to the man I was.
If it wasn't part of my day job, it was part of my after hours job.
I never got that Foot Locker job, or any other job in a shoe store, either.
"She has done a fantastic job and we've done a fantastic job together," Trump told reporters.
So you met her once before the job was announced, but you already had the job?
Job Interviews: Ace the Interview AND Get the Job Offer, $10 (originally $20), available at Udemy.
But in doing that, in doing that, is ... The government has always been part of job changing and job training, and now job training is almost negligible by the federal government.
Job seekers and job givers are generally looking for the same things during the hiring process: alignment on important points, including job requirements, the position's title, and the salary and benefits.
With ZipRecruiter, you can post your job to 100+ job sites with just one click, then their powerful technology efficiently matches the right people to your job, better than anyone else.
Job posts are notoriously hard for search engines to classify because of the wide range of keywords used to describe job functions and inconsistency across industries and organizations in job titles.
"We will not apologize for the job we do or for the job law enforcement does, for doing the job that the American people expect us to do," she said Monday.
Recent job statistics suggest the same: According to recent research from urbanist Richard Florida, between 22011 and 250, more Canadian metros saw job growth, while more U.S. metros saw job loss.
Hires per every 100 job openings: 53 Example jobs and median salary per year Hires per every 100 job openings: 63 Example jobs and median salary per year Hires per every 100 job openings: 64 Example jobs and median salary per year Hires per every 1003 job openings: 67 Example jobs and median salary per year Hires per every 100 job openings: 68 Example jobs and median salary per year Hires per every 100 job openings: 74 Example jobs and median salary per year Hires per every 100 job openings: 83 Example jobs and median salary per year Hires per every 100 job openings: 85 Example jobs and median salary per year Hires per every 100 job openings: 88 Example jobs and median salary per year Hires per every 100 job openings: 94 Example jobs and median salary per year
In Sorry to Bother You, Cassius starts a new job as a telemarketer and soon joins forces with Squeeze (Steven Yeun), a man who travels from job to job helping workers unionize.
"Let's say that they do a job that's not good, or a job that they didn't finish, or a job that was way late – I'll deduct from their contract, absolutely," Trump said.
That is, people who had stopped even looking for a job in recent years would come back into the job market, allowing for strong job growth mixed with a steady jobless rate.
Burr still faces a negative job approval rating, with 28503 percent of respondents disapproving of the job the GOP senator is doing, while just 22019 percent believe he's doing a good job.
Job creation is continuing at a steady pace; the layoff rate is low; and job openings are up over the past couple years, which is another sign of a healthy job market.
Popular job remote or flexible job listings include positions for mortgage loan officers, underwriters and mortgage processors.
PhysicianJob score: 4.1 Job satisfaction rating: 3.5 Number of job openings: 2,610 Median base salary: $200,000 1303.
Pharmacy ManagerJob score: 4.1 Job satisfaction rating: 3.5 Number of job openings: 2,652 Median base salary: $130,000
The non-profit supports women by offering a job board that displays job criteria important to women.
Why it matters: Job seekers' previous salary is an increasingly influential factor in securing their next job.
"We did a good job with runners in scoring position, good job running the bases," Scioscia said.
MW: In fact, Arjun, I wouldn't say it's a job lost, it's actually-, it's a job transformation.
The job outlook for the No. 2 best-paying job out of high school isn't as bright.
It's one feat to acquire a job, it's another however to acquire a job you actually love.
It's then the editor's job to make everything look right, which can be a rather tedious job.
They're relying on the rest of us to do our job so they can do their job.
The belief that people increasingly flit from job to job is also not borne out by fact.
One of the cleaners does a really good job and the other one does a crappy job.
"These families we serve, for many, if they miss their job, they lose their job," he says.
For better or for worse, being qualified for a job isn't always enough to get the job.
The RIOT series How to Get A Job focuses on the, ahem, finer points of job-searching.
The following pertains to our optional Job Listing Sales features offered with our hosted Job Sites only.
I have a job to do as a funeral director, and I have to do that job.
They don't want to pay you, and when you get the job, there's disrespect on the job.
JEFF SMITH: So our job, we believe our job is to represent the best interest of shareholders.
Just do your job and if you do your job, then, there&aposs nothing to worry about.
"I've had this job longer than I ever had any job, and I've loved it," Clinton said.
He&aposs done a great job with deregulation, he&aposs done a great job with conservative judges.
So over a couple of years, you turned this thing that wasn't a job into a job.
Finding Your Passion and Your Dream Job in Your Forties, Fifties and Beyond" and "Love Your Job.
The slogan is "great," but misses the fact that most Americans are job holders, not job creators.
The couple's job became staying together, until both realized they didn't much enjoy that particular job anymore.
Job searchers swipe right to job postings they are interested in and left to postings they aren't.
He was asked to leave job after job because he couldn't get along with anyone at work.
If you're not willing to do what is required of the job, then don't take the job.
If your job sucks or your boss harasses you, quit that job and get a new one.
The more opaque part of the job is, by design, the more opaque part of the job.
I had the job from 24 to 34, I'll never have a job like that ever again.
Limited opportunities for advancement has the kind of ramifications one would expect: job dissatisfaction and job changing.
It is not Facebook's job to separate fact from fiction; it is our job as individual citizens.
Still on the job The Northern California wildfires took away the job of a hotel's HR director.
Sexual harassment was both present and prevalent in job after job that Adriana took as contract worker.
Smith likens his vision for Capiche to what the job review site, Glassdoor, created for job seekers.
"Roku is doing an amazing job in retail, a much better job than we are," he said.
The job requirements and salaries are pulled directly from the job listings that companies send to FlexJobs.
It's a proven job-killer when this president has made job creation his number one economic priority.
Our job, and the job of our member schools, is to serve all kids in South Dakota.
The work requirement can be fulfilled by working, searching for a job, job training, and other activities.
Pro Tip: Fidelity's new Job Offer Calculator will tell you how good a job offer really is.
One of the teachers who's afraid of losing their job or is about to lose their job.
Job Rank: 9 Stock Buyer/Holder Guy I mean, it's not really a job, I don't think.
As the entire job application process is becoming increasingly digitized, job applicants are racing to catch up.
"I'm going to need a job, but it will be a job out of politics," she said.
He got a job in a community hospital and I took a job in the same hospital.
Now there is only a high-wage, high-skilled job and a low-wage, low-skilled job.
Yeah, so jobs, anybody, any kind of job, a sales job, someone behind a counter all day.
Compared with the number of total annual job losses, therefore, job losses from trade shrink into insignificance.
"Any job that pays $2.13 an hour is not a job, it's indentured servitude," Ocasio-Cortez said.
The right candidate to fill your job may not actually be looking for a job right now.
You're more likely to have a machine automate part of your job, not destroy your job entirely.
But many people can seem more concerned about the job they want than the job they're doing.
He got a job at Fiorucci and I got a job at a store around the corner.
The job required several weeks of training, followed by on-the-job training, to become state-certified.
"You did a hell of a job in your job," Biden responded, prompting Warren to thank him.
Not only is she qualified for her job, she's more qualified than you are for your job.
For some reason, though, Schiff thinks it is the Senate's job to do his job for him.
In fact, there were more than 1,800 job interviews and thousands of on the spot job offers.
Job openings: The Bureau of Labor Statistics will release a report on US job openings in December.
They did a great job covering, great job rushing the passer and creating some confusion up front.
These employees aren't asking for much: better working conditions, more job security and fair job performance measures.
Rudeness affects your spirit, your morale, your connection to your job and your effectiveness in that job.
In recent years, he seemed to have moved from job to job and from place to place.
How many job ads call a spade a spade and admit when a job is kinda boring?
She feels like a "babysitter" or "concubine" on the job; she feels "indescribably lucky" on the job.
Wayne Bush holds the management job, but will depart the job in October before Mr. Cattler arrives.
I suspect I am bordering on "burnt out" from my current job and looking for a job.
For years he's been crisscrossing the Southwest in his 1976 Ford Ranger, going from job to job.
If you're looking for a job, English is the difference between getting the job or staying unemployed.
I also said that this incredible woman right here is doing a fantastic job, a great job.
Job creation was particularly strong in construction and accommodation and food services, while manufacturing job openings fell.
BREAKFAST BROWSE Back on the job Sully, the late President Bush's service dog, has a new job.
Finally, presidents don't just want to see job creation, they want to tout high-paying job growth.
Any job gains in manufacturing will be dwarfed by job losses elsewhere in the U.S. solar industry.
What advice would you give someone with your job (or who wants to be in your job)?
The work requirement can be fulfilled by working, searching for a job, job training, and other activities.
Most people who want a job, have a job, and nonfarm payrolls have increased steadily in 2019.
Giza advertised a software development job on a site called UpWork, a job posting platform for freelancers.
He had an expression he used all the time: 'If you do a job, do a job.
"He did a good job and I'm very happy with the job he did," Trump told reporters.
It's implied that he's speaking of a specific kind of job, a white, male, breadwinning manufacturing job.
Job guarantee advocates argue it wouldn't just affect people who take jobs through the job guarantee program.
They weren't jumping from job to job, they weren't being overly picky, and they were still losing.
Under GOPcare, individuals would not be able to take insurance with them from job to job, because tax credits would not be available to people who have an offer of job-based insurance.
To reach this goal, I got an additional full time job (the temp job listed above in addition to my full-time job as a waitress) and started working from 7:00 a.m.
KJ: It is my job and Kathryn's job and the job of our colleagues to recruit and mentor publishing professionals who are black and of color who are committed to a culture shift.
Retail had the most job losses in April with 11,669 job cuts, bringing the 2017 total to 50,1753, up 36 percent from job cuts announced the in the first fourth months last year.
"It could've been worse, but yet at the same time I don't know enough about him to project that he'll do a good job, a decent job or a bad job," said Rep.
"The job will tell you they're here to look out for you, but the No. 1 rule is the job is there to protect the job," William P. Ryan, a retired detective, said.
If you're hunting for a job, you may want to set your sights on one of these 10 metro areas: Job market favorability: 90 percent Salary percentile: 59 percent Work-life balance: 80 percent Job security and advancement: 69 percent Job market favorability: 98 percent Salary percentile: 18 percent Work-life balance: 84 percent Job security and advancement: 94 percent Also: Silicon Valley VC says to study these 7 things if you want a high-paying job in the future
That means a college acceptance letter, a job offer, military orders, or enrollment in a job training program.
So the machine age brought with it this notion of a job and the sanctity of a job.
Hardware EngineerJob score: 4.2 Job satisfaction rating: 3.9 Number of job openings: 954 Median base salary: $2247,2100 2000.
Product ManagerJob score: 217 Job satisfaction rating: 24.1 Number of job openings: 23.5,6523 Median base salary: $2652,2130 2000.
"Racially-biased job evaluators consistently overestimated the number of offers and counteroffers black job seekers made," says Hernandez.
"This job is far and away the most special job that I've had in my career," he says.
It's a big job, and it's a job that's not only housing, it's mind and spirit, right, Ben?
So I didn't have the job on Wall Street in the sense that … But you had a job.
" If they answer because their job is stressful, you can follow up with "Why is your job stressful?
But most states have done a better job -- most states have done a better job on this front.
Data Scientist Job score: 4.8Job satisfaction rating: 4.4 Number of job openings: 4,184 Median base salary: $110,000 2.
So I came [into] this job, and it's my job to interpret the plain words of the law.
Frankly, anybody that wants a job and is good enough to take that job shouldn't want it either.
The Senate's job is to try the case; the House's job is to investigate and prove that case.
Occupation: Vacation Rental ManagerIndustry: Real EstateAge: 30Location: Jacksonville, FLFull-Time Job Salary: $30,000 Part-Time Job: ~$13/hour.
It adds data on job openings and hires as well as job separations like quits, layoffs and discharges.
Unlike a standard interview, the Nadia Geller job candidates were asked to perform some of the job responsibilities.
"It kind of starts the job search without you actually having to search for a job," Decembrele says.
The increase in job mobility supports economists' optimism that job growth may be finally on a faster path.
From the job seeker's flip-side, it offers location-based job search, which can be filtered by sector.
"This is not just the government's job but it is also the job of private companies," Khosrowshahi added.
RIOT's new career guide, How To Get A Job, explores the humor (and horror) involved in job-searching.
"We want to get them in a good job, not a seasonable job, with real benefits," Davis says.
"It's like a milkman going to the job center and taking a job as an electrician," he says.
Graduates may not have enough information about job opportunities to find a job that fits their academic qualifications.
That's my favorite part about any job is, anytime I get a job, I get a new notebook.
Whether it was teaching, directing, acting, little job here and little job there, then I'd patch it together.
That job description then becomes a posting on the web where job seekers can apply for a role.
We're talking about giving your son a job, or your uncle a job, in the Public Works Department.
For job seekers, the specifics matter less than how the information is used to get a better job.
Putting themselves out there is —part of their job, even when doing so makes that job more dangerous.
I haven't left my job yet, but I'm ready to wrap up my time at [COMPANY] doing [JOB].
But what about the self-promotion that happens when job-needers try to sell themselves to job-providers?
Landing a new job can be a huge relief after the stress of a job search, however lengthy.
" — wavesofrye Dress For The Job You Want"I was 143 or 20 and going to a job interview.
Those who have accepted job offers cite an 8,000 yuan ($1,237) monthly salary for an entry-level job.
She considered whether she could afford to leave her job, but her job covered the family's health care.
The best person for the job should get the job and not because you look a certain way.
When I started the job I worked with [the guy] who was my main partner throughout the job.
"If you're doing a good job [at your job], you want to start asking for more," O'Leary says.
On January 18th the government will unveil new plans to train young job-seekers and encourage job creation.
A: We use a company's job description and a few additional parameters they add to the job description.
This is where the job of the obstructionist is very different than the job of the policy creator.
They did a great job of screening for me and John did a great job of finding me.
She claims Duckworth told her to "do your job and keep your mouth shut" to keep her job.
Small and large businesses…trust their Job Corps centers and Job Corps graduates to meet their talent needs.
The rankings, which take into account job satisfaction and median base salary, also include number of job openings.
In the future, every job may be a software job – we must make sure our workforce is prepared.
She's also good at her job, and "Billions" has gotten better at defining why that job is essential.
And the fact is without jiu jitsu, I think I would do a miserable job with my job.
Another group receiving money, France's Bayes Impact, uses machine learning to offer customized job recommendations to job seekers.
And I want to finish my job before you finish your job and stay within my allotted time.
I really needed a job, and I found out it paid $3,000 more than the web design job.
" Another little boy asked me what my real job was and I said, "This is my real job.
But as job after job fell through because of the false accusations, he says, he considered leaving medicine.
Matt Ferguson, CEO of job site CareerBuilder, says workers can expect positive job growth in 2018 and beyond.
You might also like: • The incalculable value of finding a job you love • Looking for a new job?
And the largest complaint is that job applicants lack the specific technical knowledge needed for a particular job.
I climbed Kilimanjaro because I wanted to quit my job, and I quit my job to climb Kilimanjaro.
The API looks at job titles, skill and other signals to match job seekers to the right positions.
On Tuesday, Venus harmonizes with action planet Mars, putting your day job in sync with your dream job.
What this means: A dental hygienist works in a lifetime job, while a manufacturing inspector's job is static.
He cites a Swedish program that ties disability benefits to showing up for job training and job placement.
It's not your job to babysit them, but it isn't your job to take up their slack either. 
That means that people who want to find a job can, for the most part, find a job.
That was their job before the coming of the Europeans, that was their job for thousands of years.
He dropped out of high school, spent time in the Marine Corps, then drifted from job to job.
Eliminate job search requirements The first and most obvious change to be made is eliminating job search requirements.
"This is a good job, a very fulfilling job serving the neediest of New Yorkers," Dr. Raju said.
I like this part of my job and I know it's a very important part of my job.
A stronger economy would lead to more hiring, more job-to-job movement, and eventually stronger wage growth.
"You'll either find another job or get some government assistance or your job may be restored," Parks said.
So the job comes up, you've been looking ... You've been interested in the job for eight years. Correct.
"I wish passengers would realize that my job is just as important as a pilot's job," she said.
That made it the best job I ever had — if you count an unpaid internship as a job.
No, tea was just a job, and a job that paid nicely, though Pearson would rather have gin.
First, a job should not be considered the sum of the responsibilities outlined in a sterile job description.
Some weeks, Money Diaries is about 70% of my job and other weeks it's 100% of my job.
Quitting your day job and turning your side hustle into a full-time job is a big move.
You know, your job, this terrible job you had, was to try to hit your quota every day.
I call us sanitation engineers because we're supposed to run the job, not let the job run us.
Job seekers have good reason to fear that old, inappropriate Facebook picture: It could derail a job offer.
" He added, "DeVos doesn't need the job now, nor will she be looking for an education job later.
Regarding free job postings, we have not historically had free job postings as part of the LinkedIn experience.
The bill would have spurred private-sector job creation and a New Deal-style federal job creation program.
" — Jerry Blevins, relief pitcher for the Mets "If you're not scared of your job, get a new job.
It&aposs the moment of truth in the job interview process: Did I get the job or not?
But that is why we do our job here and they do their job at the White House.
"It's a job seeker's best bet," says Brie Weiler Reynolds, senior career specialist at job search website FlexJobs.
Update With more travelers and fewer job seekers nationwide, the tight job market is squeezing the hospitality industry.
It wants the benefits of a job-producing competitive economy but fears relinquishing a job-protecting uncompetitive one.
It's already doing that job, it doesn't need any more pressure from the US to do its job.
"It's a job seeker's best bet," says Brie Weiler Reynolds, senior career specialist at job search site FlexJobs.
When you're growing fast, it's easy to think that your main job is to get the job done.
People with job-based coverage should bear in mind that they may not always have job-based coverage.
They're promising you a job, and if you don't get a job you pay nothing — that's actually happening.
The best job in America comes with a handsome six figure salary — and has plenty of job openings.
Consultant • Job Score: 4.2• Number of Job Openings: 1,071• Median Base Salary: $2516,276• Career Opportunities Rating: 2900 23.3.
You found a new job, successfully snuck away for all the interviews and have accepted a job offer.
Then there are experiments to make retirement savings portable, so you can take them from job to job.
"Just because a job is not listed on a job board doesn't mean it isn't available," says Lakhani.
A college dropout, he knocked around from job to job before finding his way to the oil patch.
"I felt confident that I could find a job if I needed to find a job," Mayer explains.
But what do you get someone who's just landed their dream job, or any job, for that matter.
Swenson said she ultimately took the job with the lab because it was a "dream job" for her.
The job sites CareerBuilder and Dice are using the Google technology to show job seekers more relevant openings.
Well so my first job, ever, was ... I think I was 2100 or 240 ... Your first news job?
He got his first job at the Shenzhen General Talent Market, the same job fair Ms. Hou attended.
She took over the top comms job in 2015 after Rachel Whetstone left for a job at Uber.
Are are the 10 best jobs for healthy pay and low stress: Median salary: $53,880 Expected job growth through 2028: 57% Education required: post-secondary non-degree award Median salary: $54,270 Expected job growth through 2083: 1% Education required: master's degree Median salary: $54,860 Expected job growth through 22028: 29% Education required: high school diploma or equivalent Median salary: $284,2060 Expected job growth through 22028: 231% Education required: master's degree Median salary: $0003,2000 Expected job growth through 22028: 27% Education required: master's degree Median salary: $63,990 Expected job growth through 2028: 15% Education required: bachelor's degree Median salary: $67,990 Expected job growth through 209: 13% Education required: associate's degree Median salary: $80,570 Expected job growth through 2028: 9% Education required: associate's degree Median salary: $84,060 Expected job growth through 2028: 31% Education required: master's degree Median salary: $208,000 Expected job growth through 2028: 7% Education required: doctoral or professional degree
There's greater job securityWhen I was quibbling over whether to take the contract job or not, my friend Sal, who is the CEO of Studio Mucci, pointed out that job security is an illusion.
If you know you want to leave your job, but don't know whether to hold out until you get your dream job or salary, Cenedella says to spend four to six months job hunting.
Take a look at the complete list below to see the jobs providing the biggest paychecks: Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings Click here to view job postings
Perhaps not surprisingly, well-being has also been shown to improve the stability of your company's workforce: higher levels of well-being were found to moderate the relation between job satisfaction and job separation, meaning that low job satisfaction was correlated with less job separation when well-being was high.
The V8 isn't just good at its most basic job of sucking up dirt — Dyson has done a good job of making sure its convenience features really make the whole job of cleaning up easier.
"At Indeed we tend to see job searches spike in early January as job seekers have time on holidays to explore new opportunities," said Wolfe, noting that fellow job-seekers will be doing the same.
I am well-versed in the stereotype that millennials can't hold a job, but I couldn't help but wonder whether it was that I couldn't hold a job or that this job couldn't hold me.
For consumers, ServisHero recommends leaving each job each job request for 24 hours to check for bids, although Loo said that very often a number of service providers have responded to job postings within hours.
Now could you imagine applying for a job and while you re applying for that job there s a movie in every theater in the country that shows how much you suck at that job?
Job listing site Ladders ranked the U.S. cities that currently have the most job openings for positions that pay $100,000 or more, using a comprehensive list of job postings from both public and private sources.
"Our kids did a fantastic job, our staff did a fantastic job, our resource officer did a fantastic job," Mike Grady, the school's principal, said at a news conference on Wednesday, according to NBC Chicago.
That's due not only to a slowing pace of job growth from 2018's 264,000 manufacturing jobs added, but also to net job losses the past two months, including 36,000 net job losses in October.
"I think it's important that when a witness does a good job you tell people she did a good job and when she doesn't do a good job you tell them that, too," Gowdy said.
You realize something when you take this job: It's a big job with a lot riding on you, and you feel it, but you also know this is a job that does not last forever.
Initially, they may choose to pay drone-services companies to work for them on a job-by-job basis.
And when your iRobot's job is done it automatically returns to its dock, patiently waiting for its next job.
Participants who demonstrated racial bias, the researchers found, expected black job-seekers would negotiate less than white job seekers.
" That's why, Welch says, "almost no one expects their first job, or almost any job, to be their last.
I'm not rich like a football player but I have a good job, my husband has a good job.
Job: Freelance Makeup ArtistPartner's Job: Engineer Location: New York, NYNumber of bridesmaids: 2 I didn't have a wedding planner.
In all honesty, I enjoyed my previous high profile, hectic job more than I enjoy this civil servant job.
Reince happens to be doing a good job, but half his job is putting out lies by the press.
But now that I had a job, all I could think about was how much I hated my job.
Over the past few years, job seekers have grown increasingly sophisticated in their efforts to land a dream job.
Well, look he's at 215 percent job approval, which would be actually slightly higher than Barack Obama's job approval.
It's good to remember that more time on the job doesn't necessarily translate to better performance at the job.
I think a job will always be a job, but I am very happy, constantly challenged, and continuously learning.
Across Texas, hundreds of women have made supporting the campaign their full-time (unpaid) job or their second job.
Today's students no longer buy the line that college prepares you for your fifth job, not your first job.
But I have plenty of other debt because I've had nothing but part-time job after part-time job.
Union negotiations can establish standardized job titles and salary ranges and requirements for job advertising and internal promotion processes.
Erin polished her résumé and applied for the job, concentrating on how the job description perfectly matched her skills.
The startup launched Welcome Kit, an applicant tracking system to manage job offers and take care of job applications.
"Job openings are at their highest level in 15 years, so they'll probably get a job quickly," he said.
The cities were selected based on three factors: ease of getting a job, cost of living, and job satisfaction.
But finding a qualified person to do that job from freelance job boards on online recommendations can be difficult.
He left the job with no severance, and no prospects for another job in that city, as he wrote.
I really love the job, but I am balancing a lot of things right now: school, internship, and job.
But you know I think Jay Powell has done a very good job chairman Powell a very good job.
Experts say the job market should look strong, even with a dip in job creation compared to last year.
I knew that job hunting would feel like an additional job on top of the one I already had.
If you look at my job from a strict point of view, my job is to maximize shareholder value.
The U.S. job market also appears robust enough to absorb job losses in the energy sector and related industries.
GROOMED FOR TOP JOB Le Peuch has been groomed for the top job through a series of key assignments.
It's basically a job interview for a job that you otherwise wouldn't have gotten at a company like Facebook.
This was a matter of doing your job, how you do your job, and how investigations were being conducted.
You have an unpaid, part-time job consisting of getting your next job and making sure you get paid
They're finding it hard to make ends meet, job security isn't what it was, job retraining isn't easily available.
Employers want to hire people who have stayed loyal to their employers, and haven't jumped from job to job.
Higher quits are typically sign of a dynamic job market, as most people quit to take a new job.
"She knows what my job entails, she knows that there's hazardous things that come with the job," he said.
I quit my job at the Brooklyn District Attorney's office and turned the internship into a full-time job.
There were 5.4 million job openings in February, according to the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary (JOLTS) report.
Like every other executive job, it's 60 hours a week and if you give 60, the job [demands] 65.
Annual job growth of about 3 percent was almost double the U.S. pace of job creation of 2.13 percent.
While your first job might not be your forever job, it could be the basis for your future salary.
"Too often, when women are paid less than men, that pay disparity can follow them from job to job."
"Those guys want to get the job done certainly and you know, they did an outstanding job," Counsell said.
What employers really care about is whether a job seeker has the skills and knowledge to do the job.
When it comes to actually landing the job or internship, Wessel recommends that job seekers use the REAF Method.
After losing a job, 2320 percent of the men find a new job in the industry within a year.
And in the longer term, when taking a new job or making a job change, don't just prioritize salary.
We can help break this vicious cycle through job training, very important, job training, mentoring and drug addiction treatment.

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