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"inutile" Definitions

25 Sentences With "inutile"

How to use inutile in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "inutile" and check conjugation/comparative form for "inutile". Mastering all the usages of "inutile" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He last month called the United Nations "inutile" and threatened to withdraw the Philippines from it.
Drilon added that if the visiting forces agreement and the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement "are no longer effective," the Mutual Defense Treaty "would be inutile and would serve no purpose."
On February 17, Casual Gabberz is releasing a blockbuster compilation called Inutile de Fuir (the title, according to my shoddy knowledge of French, roughly translates to "It's Useless to Run Away").
GE. Saltini.Encyclopedia Treccani biography. He published an autobiography titled Memorie Inutile (1860).Dizionario Di Opere Anonime E Pseudonime in Supplemento, page 206.
Bust of Michel-Jean Sedaine, 1775 CE. From Paris, France. By Augustin Pajou. The Victoria and Albert Museum, London He wrote two historical dramas, Raymond V, comte de Toulouse ou L'épreuve inutile, and Maillard, ou Paris sauvé. Sedaine became a member of the Academy (1786),Charlton 1992, p. 298.
"Esagerata" and "Un Giorno Inutile", the Italian- language versions of "Little Devil" and its B-side "I Must Be Dreaming", were the first songs Neil Sedaka recorded in Italian. "Little Devil" was Sedaka's first song to be translated into Italian - "Esagerata". It was also translated into German ("Crazy Daisy") and Spanish ("Diablito").
The eponymous song "Gulliver" was then included in Guccini's next album, Guccini, which dealt with the same themes found in Metropolis. Notable songs in the album include "Shomèr ma mi llailah?" ("Watchman, what of the night?", from ), "Autogrill", about a love only dreamt of, and "Inutile", which narrates a day two lovers spent in Rimini.
Sperae solidae compositio. Ratio vero astronomiae quanto sudore collecta sit, dicere inutile non est, ut est tanti viri sagacitas advertatur, et artis efficacia lector commodissime capiatur. Quae cum pene intellectibilis sit, tamen non sine admiratione quibusdam instrumentis ad cognitionem adduxit. Inprimis enim mundi speram ex solido ac rotundo ligno argumentatus, minoris similitudine, majorem expressit.
Auschwitz and After is a trilogy of separately published shorter works. None of Us Will Return (Aucun de nous ne reviendra) was completed in 1946 and published in 1965. Useless Knowledge (La connaissance inutile), written in 1946 and 1947, was published in 1970. The final volume, The Measure of Our Days (Mesure de nos jours) appeared in 1985.
Maurice Zermatten (22 October 1910, in Saint-Martin, Valais – 11 February 2001, in Sion) was a French-speaking Swiss writer. He was born in Saint- Martin, Valais, a small village situated in the Val d'Hérens, in the canton of Valais. He was first educated at the Ecole normale and then at the University of Fribourg. He published his first novel Le Coeur inutile in 1936 at the age of 26.
These words are familiar to all little girls.French: Nous avons > jugé inutile d'expliquer les mots : con, fente, moniche, motte, pine, queue, > bitte, couille, foutre (verbe), foutre (subst.), bander, branler, sucer, > lécher, pomper, baiser, piner, enfiler, enconner, enculer, décharger, > godmiché, gougnotte, gousse, soixante-neuf, minette, mimi, putain, bordel. > Ces mots-là sont familiers à toutes les petites filles. The edition of the work published at Librio is marked "for informed readers".
Danoceras is an essentially straight shelled oncocerid named by Troedsson in 1926, and included in the Diestoceratidae. It has been found in the upper, and possibly middle, Ordovician of Europe, (Estonia), Greenland, and Russia, (Taimyr Peninsula). Named species include Danoceras ravni, type, D. inutile, D. scandinavicum, and D. skalbergensis. The Danoceras shell is oval in section, laterally compressed with broadly rounded sides and narrowly rounded dorsum and venter.
The Valses nobles et sentimentales is a suite of waltzes composed by Maurice Ravel. The piano version was published in 1911, and an orchestral version was published in 1912. The title was chosen in homage to Franz Schubert, who had released collections of waltzes in 1823 entitled Valses nobles and Valses sentimentales. The piano edition is published with a quotation of Henri de Régnier: "…le plaisir délicieux et toujours nouveau d'une occupation inutile" (the delicious and forever-new pleasure of a useless occupation).
A farming town located 28 miles (45 km) northwest of Arras at the junction of the D938, D933 and D941 roads. The Authie river flows through the town, which once divided the commune into two parts, one in the Pas-de-Calais and the other in the Somme department. It is so named because it was a border fort, but there is now no sign of a castle, apart from some ruins at the top of the Chemin de la Belle Inutile.
This theft helps draw attention to the restaurant. The book is written in thick Irish dialect and slang, with long compound-complex sentences and lengthy observations and metaphors by its narrator, who can rarely get in a word with the others, and when she does, she rarely displays the intelligence she shows in the narration, speaking in short, inutile blips in even thicker slang. Sheikh Zubair is ultimately mentioned as being from Stratford-Upon- Avon. The book ends with Ilan married to Zeev's mother and a lengthy sex scene between Zeev and Mad Dog Me.
Petipa was responsible for the setting of all of the new dances, and even commissioned the composer Ludwig Minkus to score music for two additional variations for Zucchi. The production premiered under its traditional title in Russia La Précaution inutile (Vain Precaution) on . Zucchi's performance as Lise instantly became a legend in Russia, where she was soon known as "The Divine Virginia". During the famous mimed scene known as "When I'm Married", contemporary accounts tell us that Zucchi's performance made such an impression that it brought many in the audience to tears.
The fashionable subject ensured the book's success. Although Hugo described it as "this impractical book of pure poetry" (ce livre inutile de poesie pure), the general theme of the poems is a celebration of liberty, linking the Ancient Greeks with the modern world, freedom in politics with freedom in art, and reflecting the evolution of Hugo's political views from the royalism of his early twenties to a rediscovery of the Napoleonic enthusiasms of his childhood (for example, see the fortieth, Lui). The poems are also intended to undermine the classicists' exclusive claim on antiquity. The depiction of Turks in Les Orientales mixes condemnation, idealisation, and crude envy.
The Vauban Citadel, located in Arras, Pas-de-Calais, was built by Vauban from 1667 to 1672. The Citadel has been nicknamed La belle inutile (the beautiful useless one) by residents as it has never been directly involved in heavy fighting, and ultimately failed to prevent the Germans from occupying the city in either World War. Within the citadel on the side of La Place de Manœuvre a small Baroque-style chapel was built. Outside, Le Mur des Fusillés (the wall of the people executed by a firing squad) pays tribute to the 218 members of the French Resistance shot in the citadel's ditch during World War II.
Born on 4 December 1941 in Luxembourg City, Schlechter studied philosophy and literature in Paris and Nancy before teaching philosophy, French language and literature at the Lycée Classique in Echternach. His first works, Das große Rasenstück (1981), a collection of poems, and Buntspecht im Hirn (1982), in prose, were followed by articles, short stories (Partances, 2003) and novels (Le silence inutile, 1991) in French. He was vice-president of the Luxembourg section of Amnesty International, Luxembourg, representative in the International Service for Human Rights in Geneva, member of the Société des écrivains luxembourgeois de langue française (SELF), president of the Conseil national du livre. He has been invited to more than hundred Literature & Poetry Festivals all over the world.
Built by Vauban between 1667 and 1672, the Citadel has been nicknamed La belle inutile (the beautiful useless one) by residents as it has never been directly involved in heavy fighting and didn't prevent the Germans from occupying the city in either World War. Since 7 July 2008 it has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites Fortifications of Vauban which includes eleven other fortifications. Within the citadel on the side of La Place de Manœuvre a small Baroque-style chapel was built. Outside, Le Mur des Fusillés (the wall of the people executed by a firing squad) pays tribute to the 218 members of the French Resistance shot in the citadel's ditch during World War II.
Di colà bisognava gettarli nel lago, operazione non meno difficile pei pericoli della discesa; in quel ripido pendìo legavansi le barche agli alberi e ai macigni, col mezzo di argani allentavansi a poco a poco le funi, e i navigli si calavano da quegli orridi precipizii. Così dopo quindici giorni di viaggio per terra, l'armetta giunse senz'alcun sinistro a Torbole, donde fu lanciata in acqua e munita. Fu impresa maravigliosa che costò alla Repubblica ben quindici mila ducati, ma sciaguratamente presso che inutile per lo scopo di vettovagliare Brescia, poiché accorso il Piccinino col. suo navilio, poco sollievo poterono avere i Bresciani e il comandante veneziano Pietro Zeno dovette ritirarsi a Torbole e mettersi in salvo dietro a forte steccato.” Eugenio Musatti, Storia di Venezia, 1880.
Peeping Tom is a Belgian theatre company founded by Argentinian choreographer Gabriela Carrizo (I/AR) and French choreographer Franck Chartier (F) in 2000. The pair met while working at several other Belgian companies, including Les Ballets C de la B. In 1999, they created a first location project that was set in a trailer home, Caravana, with would-be long-time collaborator Eurudike De Beul. This location project was followed by the film Une Vie Inutile (2000). Peeping Tom's style finds itself between dance, theatre, opera and performance. Their works start out from a hyperrealist aesthetic in a concrete set, like a garden (Le Jardin, 2002), a living room (Le Salon, 2004), two trailer homes in a snow-covered landscape (32 Rue Vandenbranden, 2009), a retirement home (Vader, 2014) or a forest (Kind, 2019).
Then followed a thirty-year period bringing us to the eve of Vatican II (1928-1958), when already some of the rich harvest that was expected began to be reaped, and the foundations for others to build on had been laid. Yet the next thirty years after the council up to 1989, the fresh breath of Vatican II brought accrued interest in the Christian East and in the Orientale. When with 1989 Eastern Europe opened up, a new chapter of the Orientale’s relating to the hitherto forbidden East started and many new students from these countries could now study at the Orientale.E.G. Farrugia, “Benedetto XV e la fondazione del Pontificio istituto Orientale (1917): lungimiranza, intuizione, riflessioni a posteriori”, Benedetto XV: Papa Giacomo della Chiesa nel mondo dell’“inutile strage”, a cura di G. Cavagnini e G. Grossi, II, Bologna 2017, 1098-1199, here 1103.
La Fille mal gardée was staged for the first time in Russia by the Ballet Master Giuseppe Solomoni in 1800 for Michael Maddox's Petrovsky Theatre (the predecessor of the Bolshoi Theatre) in Moscow, a production that was later revised by Solomoni's successor Jean Lamiral in 1808. Both productions utilised the original pastiche score of 1789, perhaps in adaptations prepared for each respective staging. The first production of La Fille mal gardée to be performed by the St. Petersburg Imperial Ballet was staged by Jean Dauberval's student Charles Didelot, who performed the role of Colas in the London revival of 1791. Didelot—who served as Maître de ballet to the St. Petersburg Imperial Theatres from 1801–1811 and from 1816–1837—presented his version of La Fille mal gardée on at the Imperial Bolshoi Kamenny Theatre, under the title La Précaution inutile, ou Lise et Colin (Vain Precaution, or Lise and Colin).
Ancor più utile appare allora questo bel volume di Maurizio Trifone, che pubblica le carte autografe, quasi del tutto inedite, di un ricco mercante e latifondista di Roma, Battista Frangipane, esponente di una delle più antiche famiglie della nobiltà cittadina [...]. Inutile dire che all'Autore va il nostro plauso per aver ben individuato gli assi portanti e le idiomorfie pertinenti ora al tipo "annotazione" ora al tipo "polizza", e per essersi arrischiato peraltro a immettersi in un insidiosissimo solco, quello delle strutture sintattico- testuali-argomentative [...]. Analisi del genere, ci piace ripeterlo, cominciano a far capolino e speriamo possano portare in futuro a stabilire di volta in volta precise architetture testuali. Una parte di merito andrà naturalmente anche a chi, come Maurizio Trifone, non si è sottratto all'intento di agevolare il cammino della ricerca in questa direzione» (Massimo Arcangeli, recensione a M. Trifone, Le carte di Battista Frangipane, Heidelberg, Winter, 1998, in "Contributi di Filologia dell'Italia Mediana", XIII (1999), pp. 259-268).

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