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"inscribe" Definitions
  1. to write or cut words, your name, etc. onto something

381 Sentences With "inscribe"

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"Please inscribe it, 'To Dee, my fellow Democrat,'" she wrote.
Above, partygoers inscribe jokes on one another in permanent marker.
"You never inscribe an image you aren't happy about," he said.
To inscribe what has been erased or left out is a correction.
And what did Dr Otte choose to inscribe on his atomic tablet?
Friends and family would often inscribe the portraits with warm sentiments or quotations.
Italy now hopes to inscribe yet another custom to that list: Italian espresso.
Our president is trying to inscribe a color line across our southern border.
He asked the ring maker to inscribe the initials of our nicknames for each other.
One is that the materials themselves—digital code—requires machines to inscribe and play back.
There's also a tab inside the suit where wearers can inscribe their specific mission statement.
Before that (way before that) unhappy customers would even inscribe their complaint on a clay tablet.
Vikar is merely a blank slate for Hollywood to inscribe, a zealot woodenly parroting others' opinions.
And simultaneously inscribe on an identification card why this object is a tool of their spiritual practice.
Using a web platform and APIs, Inscribe is pitching a service to identify digital forgeries in documents.
The Storefront for Art and Architecture is inviting Acconci acolytes to inscribe tribute messages on its walls.
Since then, many have visited to inscribe messages on the temple walls and pay tribute to the victims.
They also locate and inscribe a tribal identity that at times appears to transcend race and social class.
First, it would inscribe in the state constitution the right to own or lease solar panels for personal use.
The longer we wait, the more human suffering and irreversible damage to ecosystems we inscribe into our collective future.
I told him I wanted him to inscribe the words "Bright Star," the title of a poem by Keats.
Salcedo invited volunteers to inscribe, in ash, the names of over 2,000 war victims on individual pieces of rectangular fabric.
But now it exists for anybody who wants to watch it, who wants to inscribe whatever meaning that resonates with them.
He described the thought process behind the life-altering decision to permantly inscribe Missy Elliott, a remarkable rapper, on both knees.
Bursting the online filter bubble will not dissolve the filter bubbles that we carry inside of us and inscribe upon the world.
Transparent became more explicitly mission-driven, part of a restorative project by Soloway to inscribe queer history onto American Jewish historical memory.
"A multitudinous intensity of polarities": it seems like a passably patriotic motto to inscribe on the current American coat of arms. ♦
Alternatively, it could be that Verbiest was just more meticulous and sought to inscribe his map with as much detail as possible.
We habitually inscribe books with our names, to make them ours, a faint simulacrum of the 18th-century bookplate and private library.
Asked on Tuesday whether she had decided what to inscribe, Ms. Singleton said she had: KJ Gross Cherished brother, son and friend
Si todo sale bien, el ensayo clínico inscribe a cientos o miles de voluntarios en un área donde el virus está circulando.
Given that Franco would sooner inscribe your face with a broken glass than buy you a drink, Renton needs to watch out.
This is one of the show's only photographs to include passers-by, who inscribe the image into the reality of the 1840s.
He doubled-down, vowing to inscribe the famous three digits of Diaz's Stockton area code into his inkless skin if he was wrong.
But there is an empowering twist in the end: the ghazal also requires that its author inscribe his own name in its final line.
S. G. Boggs, Secret of the Treasury," or inscribe "Kunstbank of Bohemia" on a $5,000 bill, or append the motto "In Fun We Trust.
That inspired bit of casting is almost enough to inscribe "Green Room" alongside "Sexy Beast" in the pantheon of against-type British thespian screen villainy.
Alshaibi analyzed the documents for the assassinations of female academics and chose some of the most frequently used words to inscribe on the ceramic vessels.
Ellison was well aware that photography can show, but not explain, and attempted to permanently inscribe the meaning of Parks's images with his essay and captions.
"He's a big feminist," Ms. Hall said Tuesday night at an event to promote the Equal Rights Amendment, which would inscribe gender equality into the Constitution.
Humor is not always apparent among realistic tattooers, which is why it's refreshing to see Zlata Kolomoyskaya inscribe wit into her seemingly flawless fine-line work.
Still, they'd often protest, "I can't draw!" before inevitably conceding, and eventually admitting they enjoyed the break from routinely asking to whom they should inscribe the book.
Then, carefully, methodically, in finely crafted script, she used a thick pen filled with white paint to inscribe the name of every singles player in the tournament.
With written language came the ability to inscribe these stories onto stone or papyrus, and it gradually became easier and easier for these sacred texts to spread widely.
The long ocean crossing gave them ample time to inscribe poems, limericks, drawings and serious ponderings, which have been collected by the military historians Art and Lee Beltrone.
One example is Song Dong's "Traceless Stele" (2016), in which visitors are invited to use Chinese calligraphy brushes to inscribe fleeting marks with water onto a stone slab.
But Ms. Li has pressed on, demanding that China inscribe a fairer deal for divorced spouses into a revised marriage law, rather than rely on the court's instruction.
A somewhat pell-mell selection of sculptures, from the 1960s and later, tries to inscribe Noguchi's internment into the circles and arches he made from travertine, fiberglass and stainless steel.
"The first rite of passage upon learning how to write one's name was to inscribe it on a library checkout card promising the book's safe journey and return," she writes.
The shirts revealed a conscious effort not only to market his name but also to inscribe that name onto the landscape of American popular culture through the art of self-promotion.
Proponents of the change say Abe's proposal would simply inscribe in the constitution existing policies but critics worry it would open the door to an expansion of the SDF's role abroad.
"We have pledged in our party platform to inscribe the SDF in the constitution," Kyodo news agency quoted Abe as saying in his first campaign speech in the northeastern region of Fukushima.
As Saturn spins, its internal vibrations inscribe telltale signatures in its rings; studying those markings is now termed "kronoseismology," from kronos, the Greek name for Saturn, and seismo, for quakes and vibrations.
In those days, the data was recorded in analog form, with a needle "that would shake back and forth and inscribe something on a piece of paper that was whipping past," Anandakrishnan says.
Relief comes via interpolated photographs of architecture — the Hiroshima Peace Memorial or Kenzo Tange's Tokyo metropolitan government headquarters — that inscribe these steamy pictures into the first years of Japan's so-called Lost Decade.
That night, Peter reveals he saved the cork from the bottle they shared, in keeping with a family tradition: They inscribe the date and a special memory on each of the corks they save.
"One of Mark's great contributions is to inscribe things that feel brutally contemporary with a much deeper sense of history and time," Peter Eleey, MoMA PS1's Curator and Associate Director of Exhibitions and Programs, says.
Airpower's great advocates, with names like Billy Mitchell, Hap Arnold, and Tooey Spaatz became established in the collective zeitgeist long before war-time exploits or Air Force base names would inscribe them more permanently to history.
In comments to Hyperallergic, Moudhy Al-Rashid, a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Oxford, remarked on the prevalence of such imprints on cuneiform tablets: Clay tablet are not easy to shape or inscribe without smudging.
Attributes that were previously considered contradictory and opposite instead now inscribe and reconfigure one another: collapsing configuration of the distance between here and there, merging presence with absence and abstraction with object, and complicating categories of dimensionality.
For all the show's momentousness, it's too small and narrow to assess his Atlantic-spanning career — and a bit too eager to inscribe Mr. Bowling into a British practice of low-risk, landscape-fixated, not-quite-abstraction.
Beyond the clarion call for a "special relationship" between the English-speaking nations of the world, Churchill implored for the security of individuals when he asked: What then is the overall strategic concept which we should inscribe today?
The sculpture has the childlike legibility of a game of cat's cradle, but two mildly nasty videos here, documenting surgery to the fascia that enclose human organs, inscribe the sculpture into a trickier domain of bodies and fluids.
Williams, 21, turned to Mr. K of N.Y.C. tattoo parlor Bang Bang Tattoo to inscribe the quote, "No One" in blood-red ink across the nape of her neck as an ode to her character's arc on the series.
"Grab a love lock and inscribe your name alongside the name of someone who's special to you — your boyfriend or girlfriend, your best friend, your sister, your dog, or even the guy who delivers your favorite pizza," the sign reads.
Guests can donate in exchange for a candle to light (donations go to a youth program at the LGBT Community Center of New York) and inscribe a guestbook to commemorate loved ones who have died due to complications from HIV/AIDS.
Mr Abrams demurs here, as he should: the Colorado law "does not compel a baker to inscribe a cake with a unique message he has not produced and would not produce for any other customer—say, 'God Bless This Gay Wedding'".
Another provision, knocked out because it violated Senate budget rules, would have explicitly let parents buy tax-advantaged 529 college savings accounts for fetuses, a step they can already take but which anti-abortion forces wanted to inscribe into law.
For the 23th year in a row, 43-year-old Karsten Nielsen and his 70-year-old mother Anni Nielsen have curated dozens of monumental artists to inscribe the resort town of Søndervig's beach area with large-scale sand sculptures.
The essay, which was required reading in the cinema studies classes of the 1970s, argued that the movie was designed to inscribe the Lincoln of legend into the world of 19663, cast as the progressive forebear of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal.
If you want to get technical about it, the patent describes "3D-based topographical mapping combined with laser inscription technology" which basically means that lasers are used to inscribe "stampers" which then stamp the grooves on the record for higher fidelity audio.
A continuous chain of embedded multiplicitous ratios likened to sand, wood, or seashells inscribe lived experience into granular multi-scale polyrhythms, which cascaded around the relatively tight stereo field of the restaurant as Ashanti harnessed and juggled his inner flows of circuitous energy.
The only problem was the ill-timed news that on Monday a group in Naples had held a symposium, part of a campaign to inscribe Neapolitan espresso coffee, which has its own traditions, on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list.
Mark a spot on the midline of a piece of paper, and fold the paper in as many ways as you can that touch its bottom edge to that spot; the folds will inscribe a parabola, as described by quadratic functions such as y=x2.
Hours before Mallory's suicide on June 14, 2017, at a meeting about the bullying, her principal handed Mallory a poker chip and asked her to inscribe her initials and the date on it, and used a poker metaphor to address the situation, according to the lawsuit.
"I think one of the hallmarks of Trethewey's work is its ability to re-inscribe the fact of the black body, a fact American and Southern literary histories need to erase in order to seem much less viciously biased than they have actually been," says poet Jericho Brown.
First there was Scott Baio and a bunch of alt-right Trump supporters laughably attempting to stick it to everyone else with the short-lived #TrumpCup campaign—a self proclaimed "movement" in which they encouraged Trump followers to make Starbucks workers inscribe the president-to-be's name on cups.
Now the Storefront for Art and Architecture has opened up its space — which Acconci co-designed with Steven Holl — to serve as a site of public remembrance and tribute, complete with a message board installation designed by Acconci Studio where visitors can inscribe messages of appreciation through Saturday, December 23.
"The book is trying, in many ways, to talk about those things that have been forgotten or erased or somehow left out of the historical record, and I'm very concerned with trying to inscribe, or reinscribe, those things," Ms. Trethewey, an English professor at Northwestern University, said in a recent phone interview.
Mr. Macron has already used his huge majority in Parliament to inscribe into law some government tactics — searches and seizures, house arrests, shutting down mosques — that had been applied before only as part of the state of emergency put in place after terrorist attacks in Paris killed 130 people in November 2015.
The crux of the issue is that with autism there is often, not metaphorically but literally, a lack of voice, which renders the person a tabula rasa on which a writer can inscribe and project almost anything: Autism is a gift, a curse, super intelligence, mental retardation, mystical, repellent, morally edifying, a parent's worst nightmare.
And much like Polari, the value of Gay Twitter is that it's hidden in plain sight: Inasmuch as something I might show my mom may not translate, it inevitably will become our most quoted phrase; phrases that we inscribe so deep into our vernacular that we become a walking one-liner jukebox playing Gay Twitter's biggest hits.
As I fretfully consider our current political and cultural climate, and as I think about books that re-inscribe and circle around a female absence, I wonder if we—as readers, writers, consumers and publishers—are scrambling for narratives that mark this voiceless-ness, narratives that make visible, by focusing on her absence, the woman we need to see.
Pero sacar a los alimentos de su contexto, vaciarlos de su contenido meramente nutritivo y transformarlos en artefactos que transmiten otros mensajes es la misión de Lazy Mom, un proyecto de las artistas Josie Keefe y Phyllis Ma. En este trabajo [en inglés] explicamos cómo la búsqueda de estas creadoras se inscribe en una larga tradición estadounidense.
Well, let's put it this way: If only rich people have access to these technologies, then we have a very big problem, because it's going to take the kinds of inequalities that have been getting worse over recent decades, even in a rich country like ours, and make them much worse, and inscribe those inequalities into our very biology.
Although it may seem innocuous, the banana, in addition to having both nutritional benefits and associations with political instability, has frequently been employed as a racist symbol, used in historical incidences of bigotry wherein it was thrown at black soccer players, used to inscribe racial slurs, and earlier this year, hung from nooses after a black woman was elected student government president at American University.
World-building quibbles aside, it's difficult to bear the conclusion that the horrors of our times are inevitable and inescapable: that there will always be abuses of power, that the arc of the universe doesn't bend toward justice so much as inscribe a circle away from it, that if our world were destroyed and rebuilt with women in charge it would look exactly as it does with men in charge.
Word of the Day noun: a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to noun: (law) the calendar of a court; the list of cases to be tried or a summary of the court's activities verb: make a summary or abstract of a legal document and inscribe it in a list verb: place on the docket for legal action _________ The word docket has appeared in 88 articles on nytimes.
Yet throughout his long career as a poet, Hartley continued to use end, internal, and slant rhyme, to employ some regular rhythms, and to imbue his writing with aphoristic and even moralistic intent: The eagle wants no friends, employs his thoughts to other ends– he has his circles to inscribe twelve thousand feet from where the fishes comb the sea, he finds his solace in unscathed immensity, where eagles think, there is no need of being lonesome– In isolation is a deep revealing sense of home.
To participate, witches will need the following items: - An unflattering photo of Trump - A tower tarot card (from any deck) - An orange candle (such as these from Amazon) - A pin or small nail (to inscribe the candle with Trump's name) - A white candle, representing the element of fire - A small bowl of water, representing elemental water - A small bowl of salt, representing elemental earth - A feather, representing the element of air - Matches or a lighter - An ashtray or dish of sand Other optional items include a piece of pyrite (fool's gold), sulphur, black thread and a baby carrot as a substitute for an orange candle.
A sequence of inscribed polygons and circles In plane geometry, the Kepler–Bouwkamp constant (or polygon inscribing constant) is obtained as a limit of the following sequence. Take a circle of radius 1\. Inscribe a regular triangle in this circle. Inscribe a circle in this triangle.
Inscribe a square in it. Inscribe a circle, regular pentagon, circle, regular hexagon and so forth. The radius of the limiting circle is called the Kepler–Bouwkamp constant (Finch, 2003). It is named after Johannes Kepler and , and is the inverse of the polygon circumscribing constant.
The reverse is blank and was used to inscribe the recipient's name along with a brief citation.
A further fundraising gathered £300 to inscribe the names of the war dead at the base of the statue.
When a selenographer plots the moon's seas, does he inscribe a memory that can batter as well as renew?
Splendid Isolation: Art of Easter Island. Metropolitan Museum of Art. pp. 39–. . Obsidian was used to inscribe the Rongorongo glyphs.
In recognition of its heroic action, the 84th was allowed to inscribe UN CONTRE DIX (One Against Ten) on its colors.
Pages 84 and 96. They have reportedly been used to inscribe mantras on funerary markers as distant as Japan as well.
Earlier rulers may have used this title but the Seljuqs seem to have been the first to inscribe it on their coins.
In the fifth reading (, aliyah), God told Moses to collect a staff from the chieftain of each of the 12 tribes, inscribe each man's name on his staff, inscribe Aaron's name on the staff of Levi, and deposit the staffs in the Tent of Meeting.. The next day, Moses entered the Tent and Aaron's staff had sprouted, blossomed, and borne almonds..
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013, p. 55. Matlack was known for his excellent penmanship and was chosen to inscribe the original United States Declaration of Independence on vellum.
Leng, p. 288. Barham has played or collaborated with a number of other significant figures in the entertainment industry, including Elton John, André Previn, Roger Daltrey, Gene Pitney and Badfinger.Jennifer Bradbury, "On Crest of Music Wave", Evening Chronicle (Newcastle), 7 December 2007, p. 29. With Simon Leng and former Splinter songwriter Bob Purvis, he formed Inscribe Music in 2007,"Core Team: John Barham", Inscribe Music (archived version retrieved 18 February 2014).
Luce Irigaray, Julia Kristeva Griselda Pollock, "To Inscribe in the Feminine". Parallax 8:81-118, 1998. and Bracha Ettinger.Griselda Pollock, Introduction, In: Bracha L. Ettinger, Regard et espace-de-bord matrixiels.
Running out of ideas, Boris and Natasha stumble upon a new sound-suppressed explosive named "Hush-a-Boom", but lose the formula when they foolishly inscribe it on a banana that Bullwinkle promptly devours.
On December 19, the last two miners-- Alonzo Wood and Eugene Ault-- were found dead behind another barricade. Before suffocating, Ault and Wood managed to inscribe "farewell" messages to their families on the barricade wall.
The medium-sized Ojos Azules is known for its bluish eyes, which are large and round. The neck is arched. The tail is proportionate to the cat's body. The head is somewhat triangular in inscribe.
Salamanca Athletic Club, S.A.D. was a Spanish football team based in Salamanca, in the autonomous community of Castile and León. It was founded on 28 June 2013, after UD Salamanca's dissolution, but has never played any official match.La Federación Española reitera su ‘no’ al Salamanca AC y el CSD no le inscribe (The Spanish Federation reinstates their 'no' to Salamanca AC and the CSD does not inscribe them); El Norte de Castilla, 2 September 2014 In July 2016, the club was annihilated by the Superme Court.
Evolution of β-PtCl2 structure: Start with cubic lattice, remove corner and centered lattice points, inscribe octahedron (red lines), label corners as X (twelve Cl− centers) and face-centered atoms as M (six Pt(II) centers).
Despite all setbacks government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, although creepingly slowly, nominated Vjeternica (with village Zavala) to UNESCO Tentative List clearly expressing intention to protect the cave and its biodiversity and eventually inscribe it with UNESCO.
The commercial version adds unlimited accounts and user defined filters. Originally released as freeware in 1999, i.Scribe was released and renamed as a commercial product InScribe in 2003. Development of both software continues from the same source.
For every orthodiagonal quadrilateral, we can inscribe two infinite sets of rectangles: :(i) a set of rectangles whose sides are parallel to the diagonals of the quadrilateral :(ii) a set of rectangles defined by Pascal-points circles..
He was polymathic in his interests and contributed text and drawings to a number of periodicals and encyclopaedias. Farey is also remembered as the first English inventor of the ellipsograph, an instrument used by draughtsmen to inscribe ellipses.
The palm leaves are first cooked and dried. The writer then uses a stylus to inscribe letters. Natural colourings are applied to the surface so the ink will stick in the grooves. This process is similar to intaglio printing.
The Racetrack Playa, or The Racetrack, is a scenic dry lake feature with "sailing stones" that inscribe linear "racetrack" imprints. It is located above the northwestern side of Death Valley, in Death Valley National Park, Inyo County, California, U.S.A.
El club inscribe a Íñigo López (The club registers Íñigo López); Extremadura UD, 21 September 2018 (in Spanish) On 31 January 2019, free agent López moved to second division side Deportivo de La Coruña on a six-month deal.
The turn on the forehand is the simplest of the exercises, asking the horse to move his hindquarters around his forehand, so that the hindquarters inscribe an arc. The turn on the haunches asks the horse to move his forehand around the hindquarters, so that the forelegs inscribe an arc, with the horse bent in the direction of the turn. It is therefore more difficult than the turn on the forehand, requiring better balance and engagement. The pirouette is the most difficult and advanced maneuver, asking the horse to bend in the direction of movement and remain engaged, and requiring collection.
Robert Hayman's 1628 book Quodlibets devotes much of its text to epigrams. An epigram is a brief, interesting, memorable, and sometimes surprising or satirical statement. The word is derived from the Greek 'inscription' from 'to write on, to inscribe',"epigram". Online Etymology Dictionary.
However, not until January 2015 did historian and Association of Jewish Ex- Servicemen and Women archivist Martin Sugarman persuade the Commonwealth War Graves Commission to formally commemorate the 23 on their web site and to inscribe their names on the Memorial to the Missing at Brookwood, Surrey.
Texts by Lone Bertelsen, Roy Boyne, B. L. E., Jean-François Lyotard, Griselda Pollock and Couze Venn.Noreen Giffney, Anne Mulhall and Michael O’Rourke, Seduction into Reading: Bracha L. Ettinger’s The Matrixial Borderspace. Studies in the Maternal, 1 (2) 2009.Griselda Pollock, To Inscribe in the Feminine.
For example, Muslim Ibn al-hajjaj instructed military commanders to inscribe Qur. 54:46 on a cloth with rosewater, musk, and amber when libra is rising and in the hour of the sun, and to carry it to the battlefield to prosper over oppressors and nonbelievers.
The scroll also contains pigments used to inscribe the funerary spells.Meskell, L. (2001), "The Egyptian Ways of Death." Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, 10: 27–40. doi:10.1525/ap3a.2001.10.1.27 Scene from the Book of the Dead, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21 (1070–946 BC).
Version 2.0 was released March 3, 2008. The backup feature can now inscribe data to Blu-ray and HD DVD discs. Multiple installations of Norton 360 can also be managed from a centralized location. When backing up files online, the user can control the amount of bandwidth Norton uses.
When he met Mohandas Gandhi in 1930, Miller was carrying a cigarette case. Gandhi agreed to inscribe his name on the case on the condition that it never be used again to carry cigarettes. Miller agreed. Miller carried the cigarette case with him for the rest of his life.
Edited by Menachem Davis, page 119. In the maftir () reading that concludes the parashah, God instructed Moses to inscribe a document as a reminder that God would utterly blot out the memory of Amalek. The seventh reading (, aliyah), the eighth open portion (, petuchah), and the parashah end here.
In the Kannada speaking regions in particular, the trend was to inscribe in Sanskrit entirely or in Sanskrit-Kannada.Saloman (1998), p. 92 The credit of the development of Kannada as a language of inscriptions between the fourth and sixth centuries goes to the Kadambas, the Gangas and the Badami Chalukyas.
Grant had been in charge of the engraving room of the American Bank Note Company. As a result of meeting Grant, Dong developed an interest in postage stamps and in techniques to inscribe Chinese characters on them. Dong researched the history of stamp production in China, which began in 1878.
Nichiren himself attached the greatest importance to his inscription of the Gohonzon and claimed this as a pivotal moment in his life.Anesaki 2010, p. 86 He stated that by using sumi ink to inscribe it he was acting like a "lion king." Nichiren's calligraphy shifted over the years he inscribed Gohonzon.
Zu used the Liu Hui's algorithm described earlier by Liu Hui to inscribe a 12,288-gon. Zu's value of pi is precise to six decimal places and for a thousand years thereafter no subsequent mathematician computed a value this precise. Zu also worked on deducing the formula for the volume of a sphere.
Page 87. Ranjana is the most ornate among the scripts. It is most commonly used to write Buddhist texts and inscribe mantras on prayer wheels, shrines, temples, and monasteries. The popular Buddhist mantra Om mani padme hum (meaning ("Hail to the jewel in the lotus" in Sanskrit) is often written in Ranjana.
The three central blocks of Centennial Mall, which stretch from "M" to "P" streets are open to automobile traffic and focus on the theme "Mosaic of Nebraskans." The sidewalks in this area have been widened to allow donors to inscribe paving stones with the names of individuals, families, communities, and organizations from Nebraska.
Falamansa's history begins in 1998, the last day of registration for the 3rd Mackenzie Music Festival. Tato, now the band's author and vocalist, was a forró DJ and already had some compositions of his own. Decided to inscribe one of them ("Asas") at the festival. However, he did not have a band.
The Committee meets once a year to determine whether or not to inscribe each nominated property on the World Heritage List; sometimes it defers its decision or requests more information from the country which nominated the site. There are ten selection criteria – a site must meet at least one to be included on the list.
"Kadija Sesay", African American Literature Book Club. She is co-director of Peepal Tree Press's writer development programme, Inscribe, alongside fellow poet Dorothea Smartt. Sesay's first full collection of poems, entitled Irki, was published in 2013.Mildred Barya, "Irki is for Homeland, Kadija Sesay’s first poetry book", Mildred Barya's House of Life, 21 November 2013.
He asks one of the poets, named Goethe by the author, to inscribe one of his books and then gives the book to Kristyna as a gift. He returns to his home and finds Kristyna waiting for him. She is moved by the inscription. They do not have sex but feels each other's immense love.
It is from the loss of reference that an essential characteristic of Fornasetti's style can be made - a loss of sources of inspiration, styles, perspectives. To subvert the sense of depth, to challenge it, to inscribe it in the register of illusion, to provoke dizziness in the viewer, represents one of Piero Fornasetti's evident desires.
Circle with square and octagon inscribed, showing area gap Suppose that the area C enclosed by the circle is greater than the area T = 1⁄2cr of the triangle. Let E denote the excess amount. Inscribe a square in the circle, so that its four corners lie on the circle. Between the square and the circle are four segments.
In 1988 Rong requested Deng to inscribe "" (translated: "Admonish Deception Room") on a plaque to be hung at his sitting room. To avoid using deception as a merchant was his father's motto. This scene is portrayed in drama Deng Xiaoping at History's Crossroads. He married () in 1937, Yang died on January 13, 2013 in Hong Kong.
It includes the twelve sites which best representat the fortification system erected by Vauban. Its aim is to highlight and inscribe Vauban's remarkable work on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The application file was selected on January 5, 2007 by the Ministry of Culture to represent France.Article du journal Le Monde du 6 janvier 2007 [archive].
Retrieved on August 15, 2011 Like her male contemporaries, she subjected her body to pain and danger in actions designed to confront the growing complacency and conformism of postwar Austrian culture. But her examination of the ways in which the power relations inherent in media representations inscribe women's bodies and consciousness distinguishes Export's project as unequivocally feminist.
Tâbit ibn Qorra. Lower panel: reflection of triangle CAD (top) to form triangle DAC, similar to triangle ABC (top). At any selected angle of a general triangle of sides a, b, c, inscribe an isosceles triangle such that the equal angles at its base θ are the same as the selected angle. Suppose the selected angle θ is opposite the side labeled c.
A second, inverted, triangular hebesphenorotunda can be obtained by negating the second and third coordinates of each point. This second polyhedron will be joined to the first at their common hexagonal face, and the pair will inscribe an icosidodecahedron. If the hexagonal face is scaled by the golden ratio, then the convex hull of the result will be the entire icosidodecahedron.
Additionally, AGS Laboratories offers laser inscription services. Through the use of a microlaser beam, the laboratory can inscribe a diamond with a serial number, a company logo, or other text on the stone. This service does not affect the quality of the diamond, and is generally performed on the girdle where it can only be viewed with a magnification device.
Madras Sappers for Assaye. The battle honour has been declared repugnant by the Indian government. The Government of India has declared repugnant some battle honours earned by Indian Army units, which are descended from erstwhile units of the East India Company. Indian Army units do not inscribe these battle honours on their colours and do not celebrate commemoration days associated with these battles.
Germaine Ribière was by now very elderly, her voice barely > audible. I bought the book and asked her to inscribe it to me, which she > graciously agreed to do despite an unsteady hand. I slowly spelled my > unusual name for her, and thanked her. After some interesting years in > Paris, my newly retired husband spent ample time reading a wide range of > publications.
The ancient world starts to paint Helen's picture or inscribe her form on stone, clay and bronze by the 7th century BC.Hughes, Helen of Troy, 1–2 Dares Phrygius describes Helen in his History of the Fall of Troy: "She was beautiful, ingenuous, and charming. Her legs were the best; her mouth the cutest. There was a beauty-mark between her eyebrows."Dares of Phrygia.
The bark of the paper birch tree provides an excellent writing material. Usually, a stylus of either bone, metal or wood is used to inscribe these ideographs on the soft inner bark. Black charcoal is often used to fill the scratches to make them easier to see. To form a scroll, pieces of inscribed bark are stitched together using wadab (cedar or spruce roots).
Inglis, p.96. Honour rolls in Canada were very popular, particularly immediately after the end of the war, although the decision on which names to include on them proved contentious: should accidental deaths, for example, be included?Vance, p.117. Where it was impractical to inscribe names in churches, usually due to the number of casualties and available space, books of names were often recorded instead.
Each year, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee may inscribe new sites on the list or delist sites that no longer meet the criteria. Selection is based on ten criteria: six for cultural heritage (i-vi) and four for natural heritage (vii-x). Some sites, designated "mixed sites," represent both cultural and natural heritage. In Southern Asia, there are 48 cultural, 12 natural, and 1 mixed site.
However youth and reserve teams cannot play in the same division as their senior teams. FC Barcelona C last played in the fourth division. They were ineligible for promotion to the third level, as FC Barcelona B were playing in that category. Club president Joan Laporta chose not inscribe the team in Primera Catalana for 2007–08, after the B team dropped to the fourth level.
Each year, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee may inscribe new sites on the list, or delist sites that no longer meet the criteria. Selection is based on ten criteria: six for cultural heritage (i-vi) and four for natural heritage (vii-x). Some sites, designated "mixed sites," represent both cultural and natural heritage. In Western Europe, there are 151 cultural, 18 natural, and 2 mixed sites.
Each year, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee may inscribe new sites on the list, or delist sites that no longer meet the criteria. Selection is based on ten criteria: six for cultural heritage (i-vi) and four for natural heritage (vii-x). Some sites, designated "mixed sites," represent both cultural and natural heritage. In Northern Europe, there are 32 cultural, 4 natural, and 1 mixed sites.
The therapeutic nursing plan is a tool and a legal document that contains priority problems or needs specific to the patient and the nursing directives linked to the problems. It shows the evolution of the clinical profile of a patient. The TNP is the nurse's responsibility. She's the only one who can inscribe information and re-evaluate the TNP during the course of treatment of the patient.
The eyes were formed by very thinly rolled bits of clay, whose ends are placed together into an almond shape, giving them and Asian look. They were spaced far apart. These and other pastillaje elements were gently patted on by hand or if they were added using the thorn. The thorn was also use to inscribe even more delicate indentations into the work such as eyelashes.
Although the Manuel de codage system allows for simple "alphabetic" transliterations, it also specifies a complex method for electronically encoding complete ancient Egyptian texts, indicating features such as the placement, orientation, and even size of individual hieroglyphs. This system is used (though frequently with modifications) by various software packages developed for typesetting hieroglyphic texts (such as SignWriter, WinGlyph, MacScribe, InScribe, Glyphotext, WikiHiero, and others).
On April 29, 1982, the Senate of the University of Vienna decided to inscribe Norbert Jokl's name to the board of honour of the University. In 2012, Posta Shqiptare, the national postal service of Albania, honored Jokl with a postage stamp in a series commemorating foreign Albanologists, linguists who have studied the Albanian language. Also honored in the series were Eric Hamp and Holger Pedersen.
This imitation by Shen Zhou has become the most well-known and acclaimed copy among all others. Not long after he made the copy, Shen Zhou gave it to a bureaucrat friend named Fan Shunju (樊舜举). Fan Shunju then began to search for the authentic copy. When he found it, he bought it at a hefty price and invited Shen Zhou to inscribe on it.
However, there are around a dozen archaeological sites in the country that are believed to be potential future candidates for World Heritage status. Each year, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee may inscribe new sites on the list, or delist sites that no longer meet the criteria. Selection is based on ten criteria: six for cultural heritage (i–vi) and four for natural heritage (vii–x).
Each year, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee may inscribe new sites on the list, or delist sites that no longer meet the criteria. Selection is based on ten criteria: six for cultural heritage (i–vi) and four for natural heritage (vii–x). Some sites, designated "mixed sites," represent both cultural and natural heritage. In Northern and Central Asia, there are 11 cultural, 8 natural, and no mixed sites.
Yet, women are permitted to inscribe Ketubot (marriage contracts), STaM not intended for ritual use, and other writings of sofrut beyond simple STaM. In 2003, Canadian Aviel Barclay became the world's first known, traditionally trained, female sofer. Among non-Orthodox Jews, women have written Torah scrolls since the early 2000s. In 2007 Jen Taylor Friedman, a British woman, became the first woman to scribe a sefer Torah.
Gameplay The goal of Do! Run Run is to rack up points while completing screens. A screen is completed whenever all the fruits/dots are eaten, or when all of the regular monsters (not Alpha-monsters or their sidekicks) are defeated. Using the rope that follows Mr. Do to inscribe dots will convert them into cherries, a familiar fruit for Mr. Do to collect.
According to General Aleksey Kuropatkin, Alexander chose "Russia for Russians" as his watchword. General Skobelev is also reported to have said that "I want to inscribe on my banner: 'Russia for Russians and in a Russian way,' (Russian: Россия для русских и по-русски) and raise this flag as high as possible!" Ivanov, A. (September 2007). «Россия для русских»: pro et contra. Tribuna rosskoi mysli № 7.
El Club se inscribe en la Adecco Plata July 13, 2012 In the 2015–16 season, Óbila ended as runner-up of the Copa LEB Plata and was defeated by Sáenz Horeca Araberri in the finals of the promotion playoffs to LEB Oro. Three years later, in 2019, the club was relegated to Liga EBA after ten consecutive seasons in the third tier.
Ae Fond Kiss… (also known as Just a Kiss"In the British film Just a Kiss (2004), Loach gives a voice to Tahara, who, like Irie, tries to inscribe her subjectivity in a mostly white Scottish school. The film narrates the problems migrant characters face because of their race and culture." Coelsch-Foisner, Sabine and Fernández Morales. The Human Body in Contemporary Literatures in English: Cultural and Political Implications.
An expert in Colonial era surveying equipment has expressed the opinion, after closely examining images of Randel's new instrumentsthe pamphlet that explained them has been lostthat Randel was "Basically ... a mechanical genius."Holloway, pp.77–85Koeppel (2015), p.136 To inscribe the grid onto the land, Randel and his staff erected almost 1,600 markersprimarily long, square marble monuments inscribed with the number of the street, placed at each intersection.
At the same time, the economic policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in this field was connected with the international recognition of national currency – manat. For this reason, having felt the support of the French government (partially, considering the French as an international language), the Republic considered that it is needed to inscribe the words on 500 manat banknotes in French language."Money and securities issued in 1918-1920".
The centre of the CD has the words "The parking of trolls must cease to exist", a nonsense statement that came to Jonas Holmberg in a dream. The band had originally hoped to inscribe this in the centre of the vinyl release, but the album was never released on vinyl. In 2001 this album was combined with the Plan 714 till Komeda EP and issued by Minty Fresh to international markets.
Billboard hacking started when commercial messages appeared in public space. In the first centuries BC, inscriptions promoting gladiatorial battles on the houses of the wealthiest in Pompeii commonly encountered passers-by who would inscribe their own humorous or insulting responses. The commercialisation of paint markers and spray paint in the 1960s helped popularise the practice. During May 1968 protests in Paris, protesters wrote over billboards to give voice to their messages.
More than 700 quotations were gathered, but just 18 of them—representing a wide diversity of voices spread through time—were used. Initially, a New York-based firm was hired to fabricate the glass panels, but this company backed out of the project. Savoy Studios, a glass manufacturing firm located in Portland, Oregon, was then hired to inscribe and fabricate the panels. Individual sheets of glass were purchased from PPG Industries.
Between 1991 and 1997, interior work on altars, choirs, organs and paintings was done. Further work was sponsored by the state between 1997 and 2002. Work done in the 1990s also included that on surrounding plazas and monuments. The effort to inscribe the missions as a World Heritage Site began in 2000 and was ultimately successful in 2003, when it was added during the 27th meeting of the World Heritage Committee.
Peepal Tree Press is recognised also for Inscribe and Young Inscribe, a writer development project which supports emerging writers of African and Asian descent in the UK, which has included writers such as Adam Lowe, Degna Stone, Khadijah Ibrahiim, Seni Seneviratne and Rommi Smith, who has been Writer-in-Residence for the Houses of Parliament, the BBC during the Commonwealth Games, BBC Music Live, the British Council at California State University in Los Angeles, and Keats House. Peepal Tree Press is a founding core partner in the SI Leeds Literary Prize for unpublished fiction written by Black and Asian women resident in the UK.Our Partners: Peepal Tree Press, SI Leeds Literary Prize."SI Leeds Literary Prize", Soroptimist International Great Britain & Ireland. The focus of Peepal Tree Press is "on what George Lamming calls the Caribbean nation, wherever it is in the world","Branching Out: Peepal Tree Press", Spike Magazine, 7 April 2011.
Pages often featured flowery borders, and the books were copiously illustrated with engravings or colored plates. An inscription plate was often included for the gift giver to inscribe to the recipient. The material included was usually original but sometimes in the cheaper volumes may have been reprinted. Usually the books included the year in the title but in some cases, this was omitted, and the publisher would sell the volume's remainders the next year.
It is immediately followed by "und schreibe dein Gebot ins Herz" (and inscribe your commandment to the heart), the only section in homophony. When this text is repeated, the first theme is used again in imitation, first by the alto. The piece ends with the chromatic scales, now on "Herz" (heart). It has been characterized as with "a poignant intensity arising out of his subtle (and supple) handling of contrapuntally overlapping textures".
An old branding iron with the letters "M" and "R" on it was used to inscribe each marker. Mullan intended the initials to mean "Military Road", but the crew began using them to mean "Mullan Road". The crew also made the first longitudinal observations north of 42 degrees latitude, and made maps of the territory which remained the best for another 50 years. In mid-July, the crew reached Lake Coeur d'Alene.
However, on August 25, the Royal Spanish Football Federation relegated the club in spite of it having finished in third position, due to the club's economic situation, but Manchego decided not to take part in the championship.El Manchego es descendido de categoría (Manchego is relegated); FFCM, 25 August 2009 El Manchego no se inscribe en Preferente (Manchego does not sign up in Preferente); CRSport, 26 August 2009 The team was succeeded by CD Ciudad Real.
Nicknamed el Cambio, Ramos was part of the Victoria squad that suffered relegation after the 2002-2003 season.Desafíe a Ismael - La Prensa He played in Guatemala, where he left Sacachispas in summer 2007 after failing to score a goal in 10 gamesEscuadrón Catracho - La Tribuna and joined Zacapa. In 2008, he joined Deportes Savio.Savio inscribe a Morales y Ramos - La Tribuna In January 2010 he crossed the border to play for Salvadoran side Municipal Limeño.
That an open disbeliever should inscribe himself with Timete Deum seems odd. The portrait in question shows a plump face, with small dark eyes, a short but well-cut nose, and sensuous lips; the neck is thick, the hair bushy and frizzled, and the general air imposing. The later portrait in the Cambio of Perugia shows the same face with traces of added years. Perugino died with considerable property, leaving three sons.
These books were made up from thick strips created from the leaves of either the palmyra or talipot palm and the doctrines were written down in Pali language. A metal stylus was used to inscribe the characters on the ola leaves. The old library atof Aluvihare Rock Temple, which had safely housed the volumes of this transcribed manuscripts for so many centuries, was totally destroyed during the Matale Rebellion in 1848.Mathale Alu-Viharaya , History.
Between 1991 and 1997, interior work on altars, choirs, organs and paintings was done. Further work was sponsored by the state between 1997 and 2002, which included that on surrounding plazas and monuments. Restoration costs for the Tancoyol mission alone were over three million pesos by 2008. The effort to inscribe the missions as a World Heritage Site began in 2000 by a group of Mexican intellectuals including Dr. Miguel León Portilla.
There are four houses: Aloysius Gonzaga, Ignatius of Loyola, John Ogilvie and Francis Xavier, named after Jesuit saints. The College motto is Ad majora natus sum, which means "I am born for greater things". As in many Jesuit schools, pupils are instructed to inscribe AMDG (Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam – "To the greater glory of God") on all work. The school emblem is an eagle, and the College hymn is the Carmen Aloisianum.
CB Llíria, also known during the 1990s as Ferrys Llíria by sponsorship reasons, promoted to Liga ACB in 1991 and remained in the league two seasons before being relegated again. In 1994, the club tried to inscribe again in Liga ACB, but it was rejected by the Association. After years in the court, in 2002, Justice ruled in favor of the ACB.La ACB gana el Caso Lliria en el Tribunal Supremo; ACB.
Maureen Murphy, left, and Edwin Bard inscribe the signatures of Michael Murphy's family on an iron plate during a dedication ceremony. On 18 June 2010, Maureen Murphy and Edwin Bard inscribed the signatures of Murphy's family on an iron plate during a dedication ceremony for Michael Murphy. The plate was affixed to the ship's hull during construction. Murphy was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during Operation Red Wings in Afghanistan in June 2005.
A sequel, , had been planned, but was not completed. His enemies were blamed for his death because of previous attempts on his life, but nothing could be proved at the time. Expressions of sympathy arrived from everywhere in France; for a week the vestibule of his house was crowded with notable writers, scientists, artists, and politicians who came to inscribe their names in the registers. On the other hand, Zola's enemies used the opportunity to celebrate in malicious glee.
In some instances, Sartan inscribe runes, mainly to permanently enchant an object or location, such as when creating barred gateways or magical weapons that can then be used by mensch. Sartan runes complement Patryn runes, and can be used to accomplish the same tasks. Sartan tend to act as a community, making decisions as a group rather than as individuals, and they generally have a ruling Council. The Sartan on Abarrach, however, were more fractured due to their hardships.
The cup stands on a handsome ebony plinth, around which are slung on chains four massive silver shields on which to inscribe the names of the successful clubs. The work has been executed by Messrs Edmond Johnston of Grafton Street and is finished in the style for which the house has become so justly celebrated. Edmond Johnston achieved renown as a silversmith for two works in particular. He made the Liam MacCarthy All- Ireland Hurling Cup in 1921.
The permanent collection is in the main house, which is surrounded by gardens, a temporary exhibit hall, a café, and an auditorium. The gardens are the work of Guati Rojo and his wife over the years. It is filled with flowering shrubs, vines, fountains and several modern sculptures with strong Mexican influence. It includes a poetry garden with a large stone sculpture inscribe with verses by Nezahualcoyotl, as well as some verses by Guati Rojo himself.
Just before the 1911 Salon d'Automne—Metzinger had already placed the last brushstroke of paint of Tea Time—Gleizes published a major articleAlbert Gleizes, L'Art et ses représentants. Jean Metzinger, Revue Indépendante, Paris, September, 1911, pp. 161–172 about Metzinger, within which he argued that 'representation' was fundamental, but that Metzinger's intention was 'to inscribe the total image'. This total image 'combined the evidence of perception with 'a new truth, born from what his intelligence permits him to know'.
Joe Bonanno disliked the book and refused to speak to his son Bill after the book came out. Joe reportedly spoke to Talese after publication of the book and said "my son was too sincere with you." Bill Bonanno was initially not happy with the book either, but after rereading the book he became more comfortable with it and asked Talese to inscribe copies for his children.Shepard, Richard F. "The Mafia Is Dying Out, Talese Concludes".
Smith, pp 318-320 Napoleon was angry with Broussier for sending two battalions against an entire corps. However, the 84th Line's epic defense pleased him and when Broussier's division arrived at Vienna, the emperor awarded 84 crosses of the Legion d'honneur to deserving officers and soldiers of the regiment. Napoleon made Colonel Gambin a Count of the Empire and allowed the 84th Line Infantry Regiment to inscribe UN CONTRE DIX (One Against Ten) on its colors.
As he did not make recordings or published the songs through recording houses, his authorship of many of those songs was often forgotten and revealed only later, through research. To this day, many of them are considered "traditional" in the eyes of the general public. After years of roaming, he returned to his hometown Kragujevac and continued writing. A man of inspiration, he would inscribe lyrics as they came to him, on paper notes, envelopes or handkerchiefs.
Wren's first plan, which was blocking the view to the Thames, became known to history as "Christopher Wren's faux pas". It may be likened to I.M. Pei's pyramid at the Louvre, which blocks its central view as well. The whole ensemble at Greenwich forms an impressive architectural vista that stretches from the Thames to Greenwich Park, and is one of the principal features that in 1997 led UNESCO to inscribe 'Maritime Greenwich' as a World Heritage Site.
The trophy was donated by the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh in March 1954. It was described as a "silver figure of a hockey player mounted on top of a silver globe with a map of North America raised on it." The globe was attached to a black ebony base with the coat of arms of the Dominion of Canada. On the sides of the base, there were small plaques to inscribe the winning team's name.
Method using Carlyle circles The Carlyle circle was invented as a geometric method to find the roots of a quadratic equation. This methodology leads to a procedure for constructing a regular pentagon. The steps are as follows: # Draw a circle in which to inscribe the pentagon and mark the center point O. # Draw a horizontal line through the center of the circle. Mark the left intersection with the circle as point B. # Construct a vertical line through the center.
This collection of potentials is what Deleuze calls the BwO. The full body without organs is "schizophrenia as a clinical entity" (Anti- Oedipus, p. 310). This drop in intensity is a means of blocking all investments of reality: "the unproductive, the sterile, the unengendered, the unconsumable" (Anti-Oedipus, p. 9). Unlike other social machines such as the Body of the Earth, the Body of the Despot or the Body of Capital, the full body without organs cannot inscribe other bodies.
Walbank (1990), p. 172. One of the practical effects of the ballot laws was to increase the amount of time needed for voting, as ballot voting was much slower than voice voting due to the time needed to hand out the ballots, inscribe them, and count the votes. As a possible consequence, voting for elections in the Tribal Assembly became simultaneous in the late Republic. Previously, the tribes voted sequentially, with the votes of each tribe announced after the members finished voting.
This trend continued in centuries that followed where Tamils inscribed Sanskrit words in the Grantha script. According to Vimala Begley, the recent sherds graffiti discoveries in archaeological sites along the coast of Tamil Nadu such as Arikamedu are a mix of Tamil Brahmi, northern Brahmi and Ceylon-Brahmi scripts, and they inscribe both Tamil and Prakrit languages of India. This likely suggests that ancient Tamil Nadu served as one of the important trade staging regions for the Indian subcontinent and beyond.
The first sites from the region were inscribed in 1979 a year after the list's conception, and included six sites in the former Yugoslavia and one site in Italy. Each year, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee may inscribe new sites on the list, or delist sites that no longer meet the criteria. Selection is based on ten criteria: six for cultural heritage (i-vi) and four for natural heritage (vii-x). Some sites, designated "mixed sites," represent both cultural and natural heritage.
Moldova has only part of the Struve Geodetic Arc transborder site. The first sites from the region were inscribed in 1978, when Kraków's Historic Centre and the Wieliczka Salt Mine, both in Poland were chosen during the list's conception. Each year, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee may inscribe new sites on the list, or delist sites that no longer meet the criteria. Selection is based on ten criteria: six for cultural heritage (i-vi) and four for natural heritage (vii-x).
In 1844, Representative Samuel F. Vinton of Ohio proposed an amendment to the constitution that would replace the electoral college system with a lot system. The Joint Resolution called for each state to elect, by a simple majority, a presidential candidate of said state. Each state would notify Congress of the presidential election results. Congress would then inscribe the name of every state on uniform balls, equal to the number of said state's members of Congress, and deposit into a box.
Harrison was known for an audacious sense of humor. Even detractor John Adams conceded in his diary that "Harrison's contributions and many pleasantries steadied rough sessions." Pennsylvania Delegate Benjamin Rush in particular recalled the Congress' atmosphere during a signing of the Declaration on August 2, 1776. He described a scene of "pensive and awful silence," and said that Harrison singularly interrupted "the silence and gloom of the morning," as delegates filed forward to inscribe what they thought was their ensuing death warrant.
For instance, the Northwood Gratitude and Honor Memorial in Irvine, CA, memorializes an ongoing pair of US wars, and has space to inscribe the names of approximately 8,000 fallen servicemembers, while the UK National Memorial Arboretum near Lichfield in England hosts the UK's National Armed Forces Memorial which displays the names of the more than 16,000 people who have already died on active service in the UK armed forces since World War II, with more space available for future fatalities.
The sailing stones are a geological phenomenon found in the Racetrack. Slabs of dolomite and syenite ranging from a few hundred grams to hundreds of kilograms inscribe visible tracks as they slide across the playa surface, without human or animal intervention. Instead, rocks move when ice sheets just a few millimeters thick start to melt during periods of light wind. These thin floating ice panels create an ice shove that moves the rocks at up to five meters per minute.
All magic in the world of Suikoden comes from Runes. Any person can have a rune inscribed on them, although some people are more talented in their use, and others can inscribe more than one rune (with three as the general maximum). In turn, all power from individual carved runes ultimately descends from the 27 True Runes, which created the world in Suikoden's mythology. Bearers of a True Rune gain tremendous power and do not age; these Runes are thus hotly contested.
He declares someone has to "bell the cat," and posts his Ninety-five Theses. Confronted by Tetzel and Thomas Cardinal Cajetan de Vio at Augsburg in 1518, Cajetan warns that, if Luther does not retract his "errors and sermons", Christian unity would fall. Luther refuses, and Cajetan concludes, "That man hates himself, and if he goes to the stake, Tetzel, you can inscribe it: 'he could only love others.'" Luther burns the pope's bull Exsurge Domine and has a fit.
In 1995, the Government of Guyana included the City Hall as part of a list of 13 National Monuments in a proposal to inscribe Georgetown as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other structures on the list included State House, the Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology, St. George's Cathedral, St. Andrew's Kirk and Stabroek Market. The City Hall was accepted as a "tentative listing". Over the years, the City Hall has gradually fallen into disrepair and numerous appeals have been made for its renovation.
The life in which the righteous participate is to be understood in a temporal sense, as temporal life is apparently prayed for in the liturgical formula: "Inscribe us in the Book of Life." In Daniel xii. 1, however, those who are found written in the book and who escape the troubles preparatory to the coming of the Messianic kingdom are they who, together with the risen martyrs, are destined to share in everlasting life. Eternal life is certainly meant in Enoch xlvii.
Lee was a favorite with her fellow pilots, known for a great sense of humor and being mischievous. Lee used her lipstick to inscribe Chinese characters on the tail of her plane and the planes of her fellow pilots. Hazel Ying Lee reviews her performance after a session in a Link trainer In a big city or in a small country town, she could always find a Chinese restaurant, supervise the menu, and often cook the food herself. She was a great cook.
In the 2008–09 season, the team finished in 13th position in Segunda División B, but in August was relegated to the fourth level, for failing to pay its players their due salaries.El Ciudad se inscribe en Tercera y empuja al Monta a Segunda B (Ciudad de Santiago registers in Tercera and pushes Monta to Segunda B) On 29 December, it didn't take the pitch against Coruxo FC due to economic problems, thus being disqualified from the competition, and folding soon after.
It is also debatable to what extent the volume embraces the republican politics Milton had begun to adopt by this time. Milton's publisher, Moseley, supported Royalist poets, such as Edmund Waller, and the volume contains praises of aristocrats and traditionally Royalist forms, like masque.Thomas Corns 'Milton's Quest for Respectability,' Modern Language Review 77 (1982): 769-79. Yet a strong argument can be made that Milton did subtly inscribe his radical Puritan politics in the Poems through such works as Lycidas.
Bouts did not inscribe any of his paintings, which makes attribution and dating difficult. His developing skill with perspective and unified vanishing points is used by art historians to date his works from the period. Although its colourisation is among the best of his work, the perspective is clumsy in areas, thus the painting can be assumed to date no later than 1460. Bouts often quoted visual passages from artists and paintings that influenced his work, so the influences are well established and datable.
The four general councils and the name of Pope Leo were inscribed in the diptychs. Severus of Antioch was anathematized after an examination of his works in which a distinct condemnation of Chalcedon was discovered. John wrote to John III of Jerusalem and to Epiphanius of Tyre, telling them the good news of the acclamations and the synod. His letters were accompanied by orders from Justin to restore all who had been banished by Anastasius, and to inscribe the council of Chalcedon in the diptychs.
On January 30, 2009, the Republic of Kiribati submitted an application for the Phoenix Islands Protected Area for consideration on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage List. This was the first nomination submitted by Kiribati since they ratified the Convention in 2000. On August 1, 2010 at the 34th session of the World Heritage Committee in Brasília, Brazil, the decision was made to inscribe PIPA onto the World Heritage List. It became the largest and deepest World Heritage site in the world.
Data Steel, Colours of Ostrava. Software (Java), projectors, old iron mill A technologically pioneering project, Bielicky sets out to inscribe the biblical Exodus route into the prototype of what we all have come to know as the internet. Calling it a tele-performance in 1995, Bielicky and al. - equipped with a Jeep stacked with what was high-end technology in 1995 - set out to track the Exodus route in the Negev desert, collecting GPS data and storing it on one of the first websites as they go.
About the same time, Amyx was asked by the Director's Office to take a message to the then Majority Leader of the United States Senate, Lyndon B. Johnson, and to then Senator John F. Kennedy. While in the Senate Office with Kennedy, Amyx asked him to inscribe and sign a photograph, to which he obliged. Later Amyx became an Association Executive, overseeing and co-authoring the Gymnastics Safety Manual. Following a near- fatal bout with throat cancer, Amyx founded American Heritage Manuscripts and Collectibles.
Having statues was a then requirement of the International Paralympic Committee to be a member of the IPC in good standing. FECASH lacked governing statues in 2008. These problems related to internal governance were one of the reasons why Cameroon was unable to inscribe any participants for the 2008 Summer Paralympics. FECASH was restructured in March 2011, before being dissolved in July 2011 as a result of Law No. 2011-18 of 15 July 2011 related to the organization and promotion of Physical and Sporting Activities.
Arabian Oryx Sanctuary, UNESCO In this region, Iran is home to the most inscribed sites with 23 sites. The first sites to be recognized by UNESCO from the region were Persepolis, Meidan Emam, Esfahan, Tchogha Zanbil (Iran) and the Ancient City of Damascus (Syria). Each year, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee may inscribe new sites on the list, or delist sites that no longer meet the criteria. Selection is based on ten criteria: six for cultural heritage (i-vi) and four for natural heritage (vii-x).
In 1930 he was suffering from cirrhosis. He then told his children that he would die soon, and that they should inscribe the following verse on his tomb rather than his name: He then announced to his children that he would die on December 17 of that year, 1930. As he had predicted, on exactly December 17, at 6:30 PM, he died while reciting the Ecuadorian National Anthem. He is interred in the Illustrious Personages Mausoleum plot in the Patrimonial Municipal Cemetery of Cuenca.
As the people of Xu were not of Shang or Zhou origin, they probably spoke their own language, which might have been related to the largely unknown Yue languages to the south. Nevertheless, the Xu elites were well versed in Old Chinese, the lingua franca of the time, using it to inscribe their bronze vessels. Besides Old Chinese script, the bird seal script was also used. This script was very popular in southeastern China and had evolved from the seal script of the Shang dynasty.
In the fourth reading (, aliyah), Moses and the elders charged the people that as soon as they had crossed the Jordan River, they were to set up large stones on Mount Ebal, coat them with plaster, and inscribe on them all the words of the Torah.. There they were also to build an altar to God made of stones on which no iron tool had struck, and they were to offer on it offerings to God and rejoice.. A closed portion (, setumah) ends here with .
With a height of 9.87 metres, it is the highest Manjusri Statue in all the Mount Wutai temples. On the walls of the hall, there are sculpting paintings which inscribe the story of five hundred Arhats crossing the river.五台山殊像寺 Shuxiang Temple In front of the entrance of Shuxiang Temple, there is a clean spring, known as "Prajna Spring", which does not freeze in winter.Shuxiang Temple In 1983 it was designated as a "National Key Buddhist Temple in Han Chinese Area".
There are a total of nine inscriptions, all dated to the 2nd century BCE or possibly earlier (a tenth inscription is in a script much closer to standard Brahmi), written in Prakrit. The Bhattiprolu inscription also shows systemic but not paleographic similarity to Tamil Brahmi. According to Richard Salmon, the Bhattiprolu script was originally invented to write a Dravidian language but was reapplied to inscribe in an Indo-Aryan Prakrit. Hence both the Bhattiprolu and Tamil Brahmi share common modifications to represent Dravidian languages.
Clay accounting tokens used inside of a bulla As the clay tokens and bulla became difficult to store and handle, impressing the tokens on clay tablets became increasingly popular. Clay tablets were easier to store, neater to write on, and less likely to be lost. Impressing the tokens on clay tablets was more efficient but using a stylus to inscribe the impression on the clay tablet was shown to be even more efficient and much faster for the scribes. Around 3100 BCE signs expressing numerical value began.
Writing material refers to the materials that provide the surfaces on which humans use writing instruments to inscribe writings. The same materials can also be used for symbolic or representational drawings. Building material on which writings or drawings are produced are not included. The gross characterization of writing materials is by the material constituting the writing surface (for example, paper) and the number, size, and usage and storage configuration of multiple surfaces (for example, paper sheets) into a single object (for example, a spiral notebook).
Sign-value notation was the ancient way of writing numbers and only gradually evolved into place-value notation, also known as positional notation. When ancient people wanted to write "two sheep" in clay, they could inscribe in clay a picture of two sheep. But this would be impractical when they wanted to write "twenty sheep". In Mesopotamia they used small clay tokens to represent a number of a specific commodity, and strung the tokens like beads on a string, which were used for accounting.
Fans of K-pop buy bags of rice and donate them to their favorite artists. Rice is sorted out in 20 kg bags, arranged into 'towers' by dedicated companies who purchase the rice from local farmers and transport it to the venues according to the orders from the fan clubs. Fans often inscribe special or personal messages onto the bags or attach photos to them. Donating rice indicates that fans take greater social responsibility besides showing their respect and support to their favourite artists.
Instead of the conservative motto, "A fair > day's wage for a fair day's work," we must inscribe on our banner the > revolutionary watchword, "Abolition of the wage system." It is the historic > mission of the working class to do away with capitalism. The army of > production must be organized, not only for everyday struggle with > capitalists, but also to carry on production when capitalism shall have been > overthrown. By organizing industrially we are forming the structure of the > new society within the shell of the old.
Five Mountains monks used the shikai or poetry gatherings to discuss, create, and inscribe their poetry onto the scrolls of their fellow monks. The poetic inscription extends no further than 2/3 of the scroll leaving the bottom 1/3 for the painted image. This structuring has led some scholars to argue that the poetry is valued more than painting. The Zen priests inscribing shigajiku were not as concerned with who painted the picture as they were with how successful the painting was in transporting the viewer into an idealistic natural setting.
Fravitta (, Fravitas; 490),Fravitas Ecumenical Patriarchate also known as Fravitas, Flavitas, or Flavianus II, was the patriarch of Constantinople (489–490). According to Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopoulos, on the death of Patriarch Acacius of Constantinople, the emperor Zeno placed on the altar of the great church of Constantinople two sheets of paper. On one was written a prayer that God would send an angel to inscribe on the blank sheet the name of him whom He wished to be the patriarch. A fast of 40 days with prayer was ordered.
They can commemorate talented writers and officials, inscribe poems, portraits, or maps, and frequently contain the calligraphy of famous historical figures.Wilkinson (2000): 436-437. In addition to their commemorative value, many Chinese steles are regarded as exemplars of traditional Chinese calligraphic scripts, especially the clerical script. Chinese steles from before the Tang dynasty are rare: there are a handful from before the Qin dynasty, roughly a dozen from the Western Han, 160 from the Eastern Han, and several hundred from the Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern, and Sui dynasties.
Projection envelopes of the 16-cell. (Each cell is drawn with different color faces, inverted cells are undrawn) The cell-first parallel projection of the 16-cell into 3-space has a cubical envelope. The closest and farthest cells are projected to inscribed tetrahedra within the cube, corresponding with the two possible ways to inscribe a regular tetrahedron in a cube. Surrounding each of these tetrahedra are 4 other (non-regular) tetrahedral volumes that are the images of the 4 surrounding tetrahedral cells, filling up the space between the inscribed tetrahedron and the cube.
Decoration was first based on Greek mythology, before hunting and circus scenes became popular, as well as imagery drawn from the Old and New Testament. It appears to have been used to mimic the appearance of precious metal wares during the same period, including the application of gold leaf, and could be cut free-hand or with lathes. As many as twenty separate stylistic workshops have been identified, and it seems likely that the engraver and vessel producer were separate craftsmen. In the European Middle Ages goldsmiths used engraving to decorate and inscribe metalwork.
There is nothing extant of the writing of Thales; work done in ancient Greece tended to be attributed to men of wisdom without respect to all the individuals involved in any particular intellectual constructions — this is true of Pythagoras especially. Attribution did tend to occur at a later time. Reference to Thales was made by Proclus, and by Diogenes Laërtius documenting Pamphila's statement that Thales "was the first to inscribe in a circle a right-angle triangle". Indian and Babylonian mathematicians knew this for special cases before Thales proved it.
Some Christians were too poor to afford inscriptions, but could inscribe their tomb with a short and somewhat sloppy graffito while the mortar was still drying; Eventually, a code of equality was established ensuring that the tombs of poorer Christians would still be decorated, however minimally. The quality of writing on pagan tombstones is noticeably superior to that on Christian tombstones. This was probably due to the fact that Christians had less means, less access to specialized workers, and perhaps care more about the content of their inscriptions than their aesthetic.
Some of the symbols resemble those from nearby scripts, but many are original. The script contains more than 300 characters, in order to fully encompass the rich morphology of the Bahnaric languages. The term "Khom" is also used to refer to the Ancient Khmer lettering used in Thailand's Buddhist temples to inscribe sacred Buddhist mantras and prayers, but that is an entirely different script. The script could be used to write various Bahnaric languages, including the Laven dialects, especially Jru', and languages like Alak, Ong Kommadam's native language.
In April 1941, without orders from the German authorities, members of the and other Flemish fascists pillaged two synagogues in Antwerp and burned the house of the chief Rabbi of the town in the so-called "Antwerp Pogrom." The Germans also created a in the country, the (AJB; "Association of Jews in Belgium") in which all Jews were required to inscribe. As part of the "Final Solution" from 1942, the persecution of Belgian Jews escalated. From May 1942, Jews were forced to wear yellow Star-of-David badges to mark them out in public.
184 and went on for several years. Aachen quickly became the favourite residence of the sovereign. After 807, he almost did not leave it any more. In the absence of sufficient documentation, it is impossible to know the number of workers employed, but the dimensions of the building make it probable that there were many of them. The geometry of the plan chosen was very simple: Odo of Metz decided to keep the layout of the Roman roads and inscribe the square in 360 Carolingian feet, or 120 metres-side square.
Eugene A. Obregon Medal of Honor Monument's "Wall Of Honor" in Los Angeles, CA The Eugene A. Obregon Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation is building a Medal of Honor Monument complex located in the heart Los Angeles, California's historic birthplace known as "El Puebo." Two of the four Monument parts have already been completed. Across from Olvera St. Marketplace, atop a grassy knoll, stands The Wall of Honor. This 36' long, curved granite wall bears the inscribe names of all of the nearly 3,500 Medal Of Honor recipients awarded throughout American history.
The living would be inscribed on one wing of the diptych, and the departed on the other. The inscribing of a bishop's name in the diptychs means that the local church considers itself to be in communion with him, the removal of a bishop's name would indicate breaking communion with him. The names in the diptychs would be read publicly by the deacon during the Divine Liturgy (Eucharist), and by the priest during the Liturgy of Preparation. Diptychs were also used to inscribe the names of the saints.
The matches were usually being played at 15:30h or 16:00h local time. Gazelle FC won the championship. This edition of LINAFOOT was marked by many controversies, which led to proclaiming AS CotonTchad league champion, and then later giving Gazelle FC champion title back. Following a controversy over a Gazelle player with contracts with two clubs, the Chadian Football Federation after their championship win decided to inscribe ASCOT and Renaissance FC into the African club competition, thus Gazelle did not appear in the 2016 CAF Champions League.
30 This summer house was simpler than the one built by his son, and only had a flat roof to provide shade, and four posts to hold it up, with seats around the inside.Wistar & Rudnytzky 2009, p. 16 On the same hillside as the Chinese gazebo was a pedestal onto which Peale inscribed ninety memorable events in American history, starting with the discovery of America, and ending with the American victory at New Orleans in 1815. Significantly, he left room to inscribe the first crossing of the Atlantic Ocean by an American steamship.
Located at the Dogwood Crescent the Circle of Friends is the heart of the grove. The Circle of Friends has over 1,500 names inscribed on its flagstone ground which represent lives lost to AIDS. If one wishes to inscribe a name into the Circle of Friends they must donate $1,000 to the memorial and the name will be inscribed before the Worlds AIDS day commemoration on December 1. Funded privately and tended by over 500 of volunteers, The National AIDS Memorial Grove remains an important sanctuary for remembrance.
Through Milk + Bookies, kids of all ages host events in their local school or hometown bookstore and are eligible to earn community service hours. The M+B Class Project requires the hosts to invite families with young children to spend the day celebrating books and experience giving. Children ages 3 and up are asked to choose, purchase and inscribe a book to be donated to a local child of a similar age who has little or no access to books. The events often include music, story-inspired arts & crafts and milk & cookies.
He is the son of Costa Rican Allard Plummer, who played for Marathón in the 1970sDesafíe a Ismael - La Prensa and Blanca Nieves Pavón Macedo. He is married to Emy Diana James de Pavón and they have two sons, Carlos and André.Emy de Pavón: “Nadie me va a creer, pero en casa manda Carlos - La Prensa His son Carlos Alberto Plummer James was enlisted by Real España in 2011.Real España inscribe a hijo de Carlos Pavón - La Prensa Pavón also tried his luck on the music scene, but without major success.
They are mounted at the center of each spoked metal wheel and turn with it. The wheel displayed in the picture above has an inner wheel of complements but the numbers written on it are barely visible. On a decimal machine, the digits 0 through 9 are carved clockwise, with each digit positioned between two spokes so that the operator can directly inscribe its value in the window of complements by positioning his stylus in between them and turning the wheel clockwise all the way to the stop lever.Guy Mourlevat, pp.
He was also the first to have cursors to inscribe the first operand and a movable carriage for results. There were five additional attempts at designing "direct entry" calculating machines in the 17th century (including the designs of Tito Burattini, Samuel Morland and René Grillet). Around 1660 Claude Perrault designed an abaque rhabdologique that is often mistaken for a mechanical calculator because it has a carry mechanism in between the numbers. But it is actually an abacus, since it requires the operator to handle the machine differently when a carry transfer takes place.
15-19 Isaiah walked naked and barefoot to show how the Egyptians and Ethiopians would be treated when taken captive by the Assyrians,Isa. xx. 2 while Jeremiah wore a yoke upon his neck to induce the nations to submit to the King of Assyria.Jer. xxvii. 2-4, 10-12 Ezekiel was commanded to inscribe the names of certain tribes upon separate pieces of wood, to show that God would reunite those tribes.Ezek. xxxvii. 15 The Star of David in the oldest surviving complete copy of the Masoretic text, the Leningrad Codex, dated 1008.
Commencing the consecration of an antimension, the bishop unfolds the relics lying on the antimension being consecrated to sew into it. The Antimins (literally, "In place of the Table") is a piece of cloth, often silk, that has depicted on it Christ laid out for burial with Icons of the four Evangelists in the corners.The Antimins bears some similarities to both the Corporal and the Altar stone of the pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church. It also has a space provided for the bishop to inscribe and sign the Antimins.
He was named TU's "president emeritus" in 1982. He continued to write and teach extensively, including numerous articles, a weekly column in the Tulsa Tribune, and a radio lecture series on KWGS. In 1990 he published a biography of 19th century actress and theatrical manager Laura Keene, best known for her production of the play Our American Cousin, which Abraham Lincoln was watching on the evening of his assassination at Ford's Theatre. One reviewer of this book commented that it would "rectify shoddy theatre history" and "re-inscribe" Keene's place in that history.
For much of the history of mathematics, even the greatest thinkers considered it impossible to compute the length of an irregular arc. Although Archimedes had pioneered a way of finding the area beneath a curve with his "method of exhaustion", few believed it was even possible for curves to have definite lengths, as do straight lines. The first ground was broken in this field, as it often has been in calculus, by approximation. People began to inscribe polygons within the curves and compute the length of the sides for a somewhat accurate measurement of the length.
The Liverpool Maritime Mercantile City is a UNESCO designated World Heritage Site in Liverpool, England. It comprises six locations in the city centre of Liverpool including the Pier Head, Albert Dock and William Brown Street, and includes many of the city's most famous landmarks. UNESCO received the city council's nomination for the six sites in January 2003 and in September of that year sent ICOMOS representatives to carry out an evaluation on the eligibility for these areas to be given World Heritage Status. In March 2004 ICOMOS recommended that UNESCO inscribe the Liverpool Maritime Mercantile City as a World Heritage Site.
Rice writing originated in Ancient Anatolia in Turkey and India. Many rituals and rites use rice as a medium, but at some point in ancient Anatolia artisans who were skilled in making miniature paintings decided to turn their skill to making art with what had always been an ancient symbol of prosperity, the oldest example of which lies in Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey. The artisans would inscribe messages or names on a single grain of rice after it was treated and polished. Grains that were long and flat were favorites as they offered proper surfaces for writing.
The Gakken Company in Japan also offers the Emile Berliner Gramophone Kit, and while it does not record actual records, it enables the user to physically inscribe sounds onto a CD (or any flat, smooth surface) with a needle and replay them back on any similar machine. Home recording equipment made a cameo appearance in the 1941 Marx Brothers film, The Big Store. A custom recording was also the original surprise Christmas present in the 1931 version of The Bobbsey Twins' Wonderful Secret (when the book was rewritten in 1962 as The Bobbsey Twins' Wonderful Winter Secret, it became an 8 mm movie).
Any other name or standard is not recognized by Spanish law. In Spain there are two main organizations which are legally recognized by the Minister of Agriculture, Fishing and Nutrition (according to the requirements set by the Real Decreto 558/2001): the RSCE and the FCE. The term "legally recognized" means that these organizations have the power to inscribe the litters into the official Book of Origins of Spain (LOE – Libro de Orígenes Español). The FCE recognizes the breed according to Spanish law, and uses the Presa Canario name and standard, as set by the [Real Decreto 558/2001].
Such devices are also present in the near contemporary Dennis monument at Buckland Brewer and the Fortescue monument at Weare Giffard. His wife Margery died in 1655 and was buried on 30 March 1655 as is recorded in the parish register, yet no one remembered to inscribe her date of death and age on her husband's monument in the blank spaces left for that purpose. The heraldic achievement above the effigy shows arms: Azure, five fusils fesswise argent a canton of the last; crest: A demi-lion rampant bezantee azure armed and langued gules holding between its paws a fusil argent.
In 2015, Varanasi and Jaipur were added as India's first Creative Cities in the UNESCO list. In December 2016, she steered India to victory when Yoga was declared as the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the 24 member intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. In July 2017, she led the effort to inscribe Ahmedabad as India's first World Heritage City, which was accomplished with the full support of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO. Under her stewardship, India set up its first ever UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment at the Amrita Vishwavidyapeetham, Kerala.
Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls is a collection of narrative essays by David Sedaris. The book was released on April 23, 2013. It debuted at the Number One Spot on the New York Times Bestseller List. Sedaris has said the title was one he had considered for his previous book, Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk and was inspired by a fan's suggestion that he inscribe a book with a message along the lines of "explore your inner feelings: "I never write what people ask me so I said, 'I’ll keep the word explore' and I wrote, 'let’s explore diabetes with owls.
September 25, 1936. A second Confederate memorial was proposed for Arlington Memorial Amphitheater. It is unclear who or what group made the suggestion (although the Washington Post implied it was a project of the Sons of Confederate Veterans), but it was proposed to inscribe the names of leading Confederate figures on the columns on either side of the apse in Memorial Amphitheater. These square pilasters on either side of the apse list the names of famous American generals (left, as one faces the stage) and admirals (right) from the American Revolutionary War through the Spanish–American War of 1898.
As Liliom returns to Heaven, the angels watch as the scales of justice tip toward the devil's side, and the devil begins to inscribe Liliom's name on his tablet. In Heaven, the commissioner is furious at Liliom for breaking the heart of a child, and Liliom responds that one can only love him as he is. Just then the angel-typist excitedly points to a scene happening down on Earth. Louise is then seen telling her mother that Liliom's slap felt like a kiss, and asks if it is possible to receive a slap that does not hurt at all.
After the death of Kim Jong-il the government began to inscribe his name on each of the obelisks and build new statues in his image. Portraits on the Mangyongdae Children's Palace Kim Il-sung lapel pin Images of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il are prominent in places associated with public transportation, hanging at every North Korean train station and airport. Every North Korean household is required to have a picture of both Kims hanging on a wall. Nothing else may hang on that wall and they are given special cloths to clean the images daily.
Amulet depicting Abyzou whipped by Arlaph On the inscribed healing amulets of the Near Eastern and Graeco-Roman magico-medical tradition, illness or affliction is often personified and addressed directly; the practitioner may be instructed to inscribe or chant a phrase that orders the ailment to depart: for example, "Flee, Fever!"For an example of a course of treatment employing a "flee" charm, see article on Medicina Plinii. The ailment may also be conceived of as caused by a demon, who must be identified correctly by name and commanded to depart. In this mode, magico-healing practice bears comparison to exorcism.
On Metacritic, the film has a collective weighted average score of 64 out of 100, based on 24 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews". Scott Foundas of the LA Weekly proclaimed Che "nothing if not the movie of the year". In his review for the Village Voice, J. Hoberman wrote, "At its best, Che is both action film and ongoing argument. Each new camera setup seeks to introduce a specific idea—about Che or his situation—and every choreographed battle sequence is a sort of algorithm where the camera attempts to inscribe the event that is being enacted".
It was also used to colour the surface of writing paper for banners and posters, used especially for weddings and for Chinese New Year. In American Hoodoo, African-American folk magic, and New Orleans voodoo, it is used in mojo hands for money-drawing or love-drawing, and is used as incense to cleanse a space of negative entities or influences. It is also added to red ink to make "Dragon's Blood Ink", which is used to inscribe magical seals and talismans. In folk medicine, dragon's blood is used externally as a wash to promote healing of wounds and to stop bleeding.
Most people hope to see the book again once it is full so they add their return address to the back cover of the book too, or inscribe "Return to Sender" on it. People also sometimes make FBs for someone else rather than themselves, in which case they write the name and address of the recipient on the front/at the top. Some people find friendship books fun because you can see where they have been in a trail back to the original sender/recipient. The German friendship books (or poetry albums) serve a similar purpose but are kept, not sent away.
The pendulum rod was of deal wood and terminated in a loaded bulb of brass and lead of 2 lbs in weight with a steel point which acted upon a smooth surface of hard baked chalk. When the top of the building was distributed by the shock of an earthquake, the steel point would inscribe a result in the chalk. At the top of the house, he installed Electrometers with lighting wires conducted from trees around the building. These were fed to two gilded balls and cylinders for determining the negative and positive character of the electricity and the relative amount.
The War Memorial represents the three branches of the military - the Air Force, Army and Navy. The columns represent the Army, which marches in columns, the cover over the columns is shaped after of the wings of a plane, representing the Air Force, and the shape at the top resembles the sail of a submarine, representing the Navy. The Memorial's walls inscribe over 24,000 names of allied personnel whose bodies were never found, spread over both sides of 12 columns of the war memorial itself. On the Kranji War Memorial the names of 191 Canadian airmen are inscribed.
Further, he argues that the wealth of capitalists has been accumulated through the exploitation of workers. He ends up calling for the old motto to be buried for ever and replaced by another: "Possession of the Means of Work, Raw Material, Factories, Machinery, By the Working People Themselves." This critique was taken up by the Industrial Workers of the World, who embodied it in their preamble: :"Instead of the conservative motto, 'A fair day's wage for a fair day's work,' we must inscribe on our banner the revolutionary watchword, 'Abolition of the wage system.'""Preamble to the IWW Constitution" . Iww.
Theologian Joseph Barber Lightfoot suggested that it was merely another title for the mysterious biblical Book of Jasher. The Book of the Wars of the Lord is cited in the medieval Book of Jasher as being a collaborative record written by Moses, Joshua, and the children of Israel.Book of Jasher 90:48 A notable reference to an unnamed book is mentioned in , where God commanded Moses to inscribe an Israelite military victory over the Amalekites in the book and recount it later in the hearing of his successor Joshua. The book is not specifically mentioned by name.
There, he meets Mephisto, who reveals that he was against the Rider all along. In order to summon a portal to Hell and usher in the Apocalypse (but knowing that any efforts using demons would have been thwarted by the Angels), Mephisto sent Ghost Rider on his quest so that the hellfire of his cycle would inscribe the massive geoglyph necessary to summon the portal. After the explanation, Blackheart, whose body was supposed to be hidden by Blade, manages to reawaken itself and escape to find Ghost Rider's and Mephisto's whereabouts. He immediately grows immensely powerful—though is taken down by Johnny.
During Shimon's patriarchate the Jews were harried by daily persecutions and oppressions. In regard to these Shimon observes: "Our forefathers knew suffering only from a distance, but we have been surrounded by it for so many days, years, and cycles that we are more justified than they in becoming impatient". "Were we, as of yore, to inscribe upon a memorial scroll our sufferings and our occasional deliverances therefrom, we should not find room for all". Jewish internal affairs were more firmly organized by Shimon ben Gamaliel, and the patriarchate attained under him a degree of honor previously unknown.
Phi Gamma Delta limits the written display of its Greek letters. In accordance with the fraternity's international bylaws, Fiji chapters and members only inscribe their letters in the following seven locations:"Greek Letters", pages 123-124. The Purple Pilgrim: The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Guide to Brotherhood. 2004 # On a uniform diamond-shaped member badge # On memorials to deceased brothers # On the Fraternity's official flag # On the Fraternity's official seal # On a chapter house marker # On a brother's official college ring # On a brother's certificate of membership The fraternity instructs its members to consider the letters sacred and to never display them on an object that can be easily destroyed.
Quoted in Hirano (1997). Thus the fractal geometry promoted by Mandelbrot drew on Leibniz's notions of self-similarity and the principle of continuity: Natura non facit saltus. We also see that when Leibniz wrote, in a metaphysical vein, that "the straight line is a curve, any part of which is similar to the whole", he was anticipating topology by more than two centuries. As for "packing", Leibniz told his friend and correspondent Des Bosses to imagine a circle, then to inscribe within it three congruent circles with maximum radius; the latter smaller circles could be filled with three even smaller circles by the same procedure.
Interior of one of the Almadén's mines Idrija begun the process to inscribe the mercury heritage to the UNESCO's heritage list in 2006.Občina Idrija - Dediščina živega srebra Initially, the nomination was made together with Huancavelica mercury mine in Peru, in relation to the intercontinental route Camino Real. In the second stage, a nomination focused on mercury heritage in relation to silver mining, together with San Luis Potosí mine in Mexico - however, the nomination did not gather sufficient support. The third, successful stage of the nomination focused on mercury mining in relation to technological and industrial processes that influenced the economical and cultural development of the two regions.
An early plate-loading barbell and kettlebell The genealogy of lifting can be traced back to the beginning of recorded history where humanity's fascination with physical abilities can be found among numerous ancient writings. In many prehistoric tribes, they would have a big rock they would try to lift, and the first one to lift it would inscribe their name into the stone. Such rocks have been found in Greek and Scottish castles. Progressive resistance training dates back at least to Ancient Greece, when legend has it that wrestler Milo of Croton trained by carrying a newborn calf on his back every day until it was fully grown.
Catherine's undated will, discovered in early 1792 by her secretary Alexander Vasilievich Khrapovitsky among her papers, gave specific instructions should she die: "Lay out my corpse dressed in white, with a golden crown on my head, and on it inscribe my Christian name. Mourning dress is to be worn for six months, and no longer: the shorter the better." In the end, the empress was laid to rest with a gold crown on her head and clothed in a silver brocade dress. On 25 November, the coffin, richly decorated in gold fabric, was placed atop an elevated platform at the Grand Gallery's chamber of mourning, designed and decorated by Antonio Rinaldi.
The church reaches toward the sky from a low cross-shaped podklet (ground floor), followed by a prolonged chetverik (octagonal body, and then an octagonal tent, crowned by a tiny dome. The narrow pilasters on the sides of the chetverik, the arrow-shaped window frames, the three tiers of the kokoshniks and the quiet rhythm of stair arcades and open galleries underline the dynamic tendency of this masterpiece of the Russian architecture. The whole vertical composition is believed to have been borrowed from hipped roof- style wooden churches of the Russian North. Recognizing its outstanding value for humanity, UNESCO decided to inscribe the church on the World Heritage List in 1994.
Bryson, along with his contemporary, Antiphon, was the first to inscribe a polygon inside a circle, find the polygon's area, double the number of sides of the polygon, and repeat the process, resulting in a lower bound approximation of the area of a circle. "Sooner or later (they figured), ...[there would be] so many sides that the polygon ...[would] be a circle."Blatner, page 16 Bryson later followed the same procedure for polygons circumscribing a circle, resulting in an upper bound approximation of the area of a circle. With these calculations, Bryson was able to approximate π and further place lower and upper bounds on π's true value.
The growth of the correspondence of the Holy See is evident even by the end of the 2nd century. Probably from a very early date a copy was made of papal documents before their dispatch, and that the collection of these documents was preserved at the seat of the central administration of the Roman Church. At that time high officials of the Roman State administration, the imperial chancery, the Senate, the consuls, the provincial governments, had all official documents entered in such volumes and preserved in the archives. The books in which these documents were entered were called commentarii regesta, the latter word from regerere, to inscribe.
A target is included in an issue of the NMLRA monthly publication "Muzzle Blasts" and the participant must shoot the target and mail it into the NMLRA along with a $2.00 entry fee. The winners are posted on the NMLRA website and the proceeds go towards the Association's Youth Program. The NMLRA is currently seeking to restore the Rand House, a historic structure located on the ground at Friendship and home to both the NMLRA Museum and "Muzzle Blasts". In order to raise money for this restoration the Association is selling bricks to individuals so that they can inscribe any message of their choice on them for between $50.00 to $250.00.
'Beleriandic' Sindarin as a lingua franca of all Elves and many Men, and as the language of the Noldor in exile, was based on Western Sindarin but was strongly influenced by Doriathrin. During the Second Age Sindarin was a lingua franca for all Elves and their friends (thus it was used to inscribe the West-gate of Moria), until it was displaced for Men by Westron, which arose in the Third Age as a language heavily influenced by Sindarin. In Gondor at the end of the Third Age, Sindarin was still spoken daily by a few noble Men in the city Minas Tirith. Aragorn, raised in Imladris, spoke it fluently.
There are also references to Muhammad as "Messenger", "Messenger of God", and "Prophet" (such as in Quran , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and ). Other terms are used, including "Warner", "bearer of glad tidings", and the "one who invites people to a Single God" (, and ), "Seal of the Prophets" (Khatam an-Nabiyyin) i.e. there will be no more prophets after him), a "Summoner unto Allah" and "a Lamp that gives bright light" Verse -- "And you did not recite before it any scripture, nor did you inscribe one with your right hand. Otherwise the falsifiers would have had [cause for] doubt" -- is thought to indicate that Muhammad was illiterate and had not read any earlier scriptures.
The ground was dug up and soaked with water, whereupon bare-legged workers would stomp the wet earth and binders into a homogeneous consistency fit for carrying to, and placing in, the brick molds. The mixture was compressed into the wooden formas, which were arranged in rows, and leveled by hand to the top of the frame. From time to time, a worker would leave an imprint of his hand or foot on the surface of a wet brick, or perhaps a literate workman would inscribe his name and the date on the face. When the forms were filled, the bricks were left in the sun to dry.
Thayil has said he wrote the novel: "to create a kind of memorial, to inscribe certain names in stone. As one of the characters [in Narcopolis] says, it is only by repeating the names of the dead that we honour them. I wanted to honour the people I knew in the opium dens, the marginalised, the addicted and deranged, people who are routinely called the lowest of the low; and I wanted to make some record of a world that no longer exists, except within the pages of a book." Jeet Thayil’s novel Low (2020) marks the end of a trilogy set in Mumbai--—a city with shades of constant change.
Couples inscribe a date and their initials onto a lock, attach it to the bridge, and throw the key into the water as a sign of their love. As a tourist attraction, the Brooklyn Bridge is a popular site for clusters of love locks, wherein a couple inscribes a date and their initials onto a lock, attach it to the bridge, and throw the key into the water as a sign of their love. The practice is officially illegal in New York City and the NYPD can give violators a $100 fine. NYCDOT workers periodically remove the love locks from the bridge at a cost of $100,000 per year.
The event was entirely ignored by the tightly-censored press, see La Vanguardia 23.04.58, available here The body was intended as a depositary of genuine Carlist principlesVallverdú 2014, p. 158. A historian with no sympathy for Sivatte claims that his group "llevaba los principios doctrinales hasta sus últimas consecuencias, sobre la base de una interpretación ortodoxa de la doctrina tradicionalista clásica", Caspistegui Gorasurreta 1997, p. 28. A hugocarlista politician turned historian offers a different view when writing that "su ideologia se inscribe plenamente en el más radical programa integrista", Clemente 1977, p. 229; he claims also that the Sivattistas were a group "escindido del carlismo ortodoxo", (p. 234).
Therefore, he met Washington, D.C. officials and gained the attention of American public opinion thanks to the help of Lebanese Cecil Hourana, director of the Arab office of information in New York. Bourguiba, then, was strongly convinced he could bring up the Tunisian case in the international with the help of the five Arab states members of the United Nations. Meanwhile, in Cairo, the Arab League resigned to inscribe the North African case is its agenda. Furthermore, a congress held by the nationalists of Cairo, from 15 to 22 February 1947 about the case of North Africa, ended with the creation of an Maghrebi office, replacing the representation of Neo-Destour.
A Judaeo-Christian reference — nomine domini Iacob, in nomine domini SabaothDe medicamentis 21.2 — appears as part of a magic charm that the practitioner is instructed to inscribe on a lamella, or metal leaf. Such “magic words” often include nonsense syllables and more-or-less corrupt phrases from “exotic” languages such as Celtic, Aramaic, Coptic, and Hebrew, and are not indications of formal adherence to a religion.William M. Brashear, “The Greek Magical Papyri: ‘Voces Magicae’,” Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt II, 18.5 (1995), p. 3435; see also David E. Aune, “Magic in Early Christianity: Glossolalia and Voces Magicae,” reprinted in Apocalypticism, Prophecy and Magic in Early Christianity: Collected Essays (2006).
The development process grants Hallam high position in public opinion; winning him power, position, and a Nobel Prize. Physicist Peter Lamont, while writing a history of the Pump about 30 years later, comes to believe that the impetus of the Pump was the effort of the extraterrestrial "para-men". Lamont enlists the help of Myron "Mike" Bronowski, an archeologist and linguist known for translating ancient writings in the Etruscan language, to prove his claim by communicating with the parallel world. They inscribe symbols on strips of tungsten to establish a common written language as the strips are exchanged for ones made of plutonium-186.
Nineteen years later, this hasn't changed." Vietnamese American activist Denise Huynh recounts her experience attending the production and the stereotypes making her feel physically ill. Sarah Bellamy, co-artistic director of the Penumbra Theatre, dedicated to African American theater, states "It gets a lot easier to wrap your head around all of this for folks of color when we remember a key point: this work is not for us. It is by, for, and about white people, using people of color, tropical climes, pseudo-cultural costumes and props, violence, tragedy, and the commodification of people and cultures, to reinforce and re-inscribe a narrative about white supremacy and authority.
He used his map to prove that air circulated clockwise around areas of high pressure; he coined the term 'anticyclone' to describe the phenomenon. He was also instrumental in publishing the first weather map in a newspaper, for which he modified the pantograph (an instrument for copying drawings) to inscribe the map onto printing blocks. The Times began printing weather maps using these methods with data from the Meteorological Office. US weather map from 1843 The introduction of country-wide weather maps required the existence of national telegraph networks so that data from across the country could be gathered in real time and remain relevant for all analysis.
A pysanka (, plural: pysanky) is a Ukrainian Easter egg, decorated with traditional Ukrainian folk designs using a wax-resist method. The word pysanka comes from the verb pysaty, "to write" or "to inscribe", as the designs are not painted on, but written (inscribed) with beeswax. Many other Central and Eastern European ethnic groups decorate eggs using wax resist for Easter. These include the Belarusians (пісанка, pisanka), Bulgarians (писано яйце, pisano yaytse), Carpatho-Rusyns (писанкы, pysankŷ), Croats (pisanica), Czechs (kraslice), Hungarians (hímestojás), Lithuanians (margutis), Poles (pisanka), Romanians (ouă vopsite, încondeiate or împistrite), Serbs (pisanica), Slovaks (kraslica), Slovenes (pirhi, pisanice, or remenke) and Sorbs (jejka pisać).
The blank pad rule prohibits courts from considering evidence that has not been established at trial. The doctrine "supposes the minds of the jurors to be like empty tablets upon which the lawyers, under the supervision of the judge, inscribe everything they can legally use to decide the case".In the Matter of American Eagle Airlines, FAA Docket No. CP08SW0002 (Civil Penalty Action) (2008) (citing 21B 2d § 5102.1). In criminal law, the doctrine has been interpreted as a right held by criminal defendants, where "an accused is entitled to a jury that goes into deliberations with their minds void of everything except evidence that has been properly validated".
The incantations are written in a mixture of English and more ancient languages, with a few possible misspellings in the romanization of the archaic words. There are also several words that do not appear to be from any known language. The many magical seals in the book pertain to particular gods and demons, and are used when invoking or summoning the entity with which each is associated. In some cases there are specific instructions on how to inscribe the seals and amulets, including the materials that should be used and the time of day for their creation; in other cases, only the seal itself is given.
Many Zoroastrian temples were accompanied by a library that was designed to collect and promote religious content. One of the main outcomes of rulers’ interest in consolidating the science in the country was the establishment of Gundeshapur Scientific Centre being composed of a library, a hospital and an accompanying academy at the time of the King Shapur I. For the sake of enriching the existing Library resources, ambassadors were sent to widespread geographical regions e.g. China, Rome and India to inscribe the manuscripts, codices, and books; translated them to Pahlavi from diverse languages e.g. Sanskrit, Greek and Syriac and brought them to Academy of Gundishapur.
1993–2003, Photographs In A Personal Diary, Xing presents a highly poetic work that evinces her acute ability to inscribe China's alternative art scene in the 1990s into her own personal narrative. We see the city through an eye disturbed by rapid urban development. It calls artists and their artworks from their studios to the streets, it witnesses the emergence of installation art in public spaces, and it accompanies and connects with performers in private apartments, evincing a strong, sensual closeness to them. The camera is frequently visible in the photographs, and so is the artist herself, as she captures people and events with an unmistakable passion for what is portrayed.
Anna Rügerin (died after 1484), is considered to be the first female typographer to inscribe her name in the colophon of a book, in the 15th century. In 1484, Rügerin printed two books in the in-folio format, in a press she owned in the city of Augsburg (Germany). Her work appeared less than twenty years after the arrival of the movable-type printing press in that city. The colophon from Sachsenspiegel: Landrecht, printed in Augsburg by Anna Rügerin, 22 June 1484 The first of Rügerin's known books is an edition of Eike of Repgow's compendium of customary law, the Sachsenspiegel, dated 22 June 1484.
Gold, Avi, and Scherman, Nosson, Yom Kippur - Its Significance, Laws and Prayers (1989, Brooklyn, Mesorah Publ'ns Ltd.) page 142. Presently, the Sephardic tradition has 29 verses, among the Mizrahi Jews the Syrian tradition has 31 or 32 verses, but the Yemenite has only 27 verses, the Salonika as many as 53 verses, the Ashkenazic has 38 verses, the Polish tradition has 44 verses, all with different sequences. And within traditions, some verses change depending on the occasion, such as the Ten Days of Repentance, including Rosh Hashana and the bulk of Yom Kippur (when it is generally said kotvenu - "inscribe us"), or the Ne'ila Yom Kippur service (chotmenu - "seal us"), or a lesser fast day (zokhreinu - "remember us").
Frontispiece of the 1753 edition of Voltaire's play Mahomet Mahomet (French: Le fanatisme, ou Mahomet le Prophète, literally "Fanaticism, or Mahomet the Prophet") is a five-act tragedy written in 1736 by French playwright and philosopher Voltaire. It made its debut performance in Lille on 25 April 1741. The play is a study of religious fanaticism and self-serving manipulation based on an episode in the traditional biography of Muhammad in which he orders the murder of his critics. Voltaire described the play as "written in opposition to the founder of a false and barbarous sect to whom could I with more propriety inscribe a satire on the cruelty and errors of a false prophet".
The Moon, registered before a notary by Jenaro Gajardo Vera in 1954. On September 25, 1954, before the notary of Talca, César Jiménez Fuenzalida, Gajardo requested to leave record of his claim as owner of the Moon "from before 1857" —legal formula used back then to get ownership of lands without existing title deeds—, by registering a deed: Following Chilean laws, he published three announcements on the Official Diary of Chile —a requirement adopted in Chile to give anyone possessing any right to ownership of the territory the opportunity to appeal— paying CL$42,000 of the time. As the request was endorsed, he proceeded to inscribe the property in the Real Estate Register, Talca.
The initial verses of the Rama purva tapaniya, says Lamb, extolls Rama and Sita with other major characters in the Ramkatha (the epic story of Rama). The Upanishad then defines the formula for erecting the Ram Yantra, the mystical mantra, with directions to inscribe beej mantra and other mantras. In the concluding section the text asserts that Rama worship leads one to the highest place and the attainment of liberation. The Uttara portion of the Rama tapaniya text, states Lamb, asserts that Shiva repeated the Rama mantra for thousands of ages, and Rama then gave him the boon whereby if Shiva would whisper the Rama taraka mantra in a dying man's ear, he would be liberated.
Canada has similar signs bearing the legend MAXIMUM, which has a similar meaning in English and French, the country's two main languages. Signs in Australia, Mexico, Panama, and Peru are rectangular but inscribe the numeric limit within a red circle like on Vienna Convention signs. The MUTCD formerly specified an optional metric design that included the words SPEED LIMIT and the numeric limit inscribed within a black circle, though it was rarely used in the United States; this design is still occasionally found in Liberia. In the European Union, large signposts showing the national (maximum) speed limits of the respective country are usually erected immediately after border crossings, with a repeater sign some after the first.
Friedman incorporated "pigment, acrylic, ink, spray paint, marker, gold powder and, yes, borsch juice and coffee grounds" into his art, the latter as a tribute to one of the nonagenarian congregants who sets up the coffee and Kiddush on Shabbat mornings. Since 2004, the synagogue has held an annual event, either a Kiddush or sidewalk chalking gathering, memorializing the victims of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of March 25, 1911. Artists and synagogue board members inscribe the victims' names in chalk in front of the victims' former homes. In 2015, the Stanton Street Shul launched its monthly Stanton Kids tefila, which includes guided prayers for kids, singing, kid-friendly foods, and a special dvar torah by the rabbi.
She has written: "I became Phillippa Yaa when I found my biological father, who told me that if he had been there when I was born, the first name I'd have been given would be a day name like all Ghanaian babies, and all Thursday girls are Yaa, Yawo, or Yaya. So by changing my name I intended to inscribe a feeling of belonging and also one of pride on my African side. After growing up black in white South Africa, internalising so many negative 'truths' of what black people are like, I needed to reclaim my humanity and myself from the toxic dance of objectification.""Thoughts behind Indegenius: concept for the 29th", Pulse, 8 November 2014.
Gourd decoration, including pyrography, is an ancient tradition in Africa and Asia as well as among the indigenous peoples of the Americas, notably the central highland people of Peru, the Navajo, Hopi and Pueblo nations of the American Southwest, and the Nuxálk and Haida nations of British Columbia. Gourd crafting and painting has evolved from early hand carvings to the modern day use, by some, of electric wood burners and high- speed pen-shaped rotary tools that can be used to inscribe almost any design. A wide variety of gourd shapes and sizes yields an array of art pieces, including: ornaments, bowls, sculpture, vases, and wall art such as masks. Artistic styles can range from craft to fine art.
The nature of live television allowed for a minute-by-minute update of the hijack as the situation progressed; this blurred the line between entertainment and tragedy. Television coverage stressed the extraordinary nature of the unfolding events (first transatlantic hijack, first live TV broadcast of a hijack, first attack on a skyjacked plane, etc.) as the only material suitable for television. On the other hand, for terrorists seeking to inscribe their struggle in history, the hijack devoid of the mediatized image of itself lost all of its communicative power. With the airplane always on the move between countries and borders as if belonging nowhere, the hijack came to symbolize the transgression across a violent border towards a political utopia.
This can contain a blessing or a particularly holy or uplifting message. In the past they placed a stone plaque inscribed with the Ten Commandments above the house door, some examples dating back to the Byzantine (4th–7th century) and Early Muslim (7th–11th century) periods being now shown in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Nowadays a Samaritan mezuzah is usually made of either marble, a wooden plate, or a sheet of parchment or high quality paper, on which they inscribe select verses from the Samaritan Torah. This they place either above the house door, or inside the house, in the entrance hall or at a prominent place on a large wall.
As Edward Rubin described it, "the harrowing piece was first performed in Havana, where the audience was duly reminded that freedom, liberty, and self- determination are not abstract ideals, but achievements that deeply inscribe their meaning on our physical being." In 1998–9 Tania created a behavior art piece titled "Desierro," which translates into ‘displacement’ in English. This piece of work resembles the power figure ‘Nikis Nkonde’ and is supposed to draw attention to the empty promises the Cuban government made to its people during the revolution. With this piece of art Tania calls upon the Cuban people to take an active stance and demands from the Cuban government to finally fulfill their promises.
Once the victims had been decapitaded and displayed the heads were boiled and left to dry, often hanging from trees or displayed on slate shelves referred to as "skull racks". A party returning with a head was cause for celebration, as it was believed to bring good luck and the spritual power of the slaughtered individual was believed to transfer into the headhunter. If the head was that of a woman it was even better because it meant she could not bear children. The Bunun people would often take prisoners and inscribe prayers or messages to their dead on arrows, then shoot their prisoner with the hope their prayers would be carried to the dead.
During Thutmose III's first campaign in the Levant, his personal scribe, Tjaneni, kept a daily journal on parchment. In approximately his 42nd regnal year, many years after his campaigns in the Levant had ended, Thutmose III instructed his artisans to inscribe his military exploits into the walls of Amun-Re's temple at Karnak. The annals describe in lavish detail 14 campaigns led by Thutmose III in the Levant, the booty gained through his campaigning, tribute received from conquered regions, and, lastly, offerings to Amun-Re. The sequence of depictions indicate the New Kingdom's belief on the interactions of the gods with warfare: praise and offerings to the deities in exchange for their divine help in war.
Co. from 1907 to 1986. On July 23, 1968, the Louisville Courier-Journal carried the Associated Press, Dow Jones, and other special dispatches' news that Belknap Hardware and Manufacturing Company was changing its name to simply "Belknap, Inc." The company had not yet gone out of business, but the stockholders the day before approved the change of the name, reasoning that since no abbreviations of firm names were permitted under the new U.S. Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, the full name of the company would be hard to inscribe on small tools. The company's proxy statement explained that Belknap had not "conducted any manufacturing operation for many years," and that it carried much merchandise that was not hardware.
In 1947, she starred an independent production for United Artists, Copacabana alongside Groucho Marx, with limited success. She was the first Latin American to inscribe her name, handprints and footprints on the Walk of Fame outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood on 24 March 1941, and in 1944 she became the highest-paid woman in United States. On August 4, 1955, Miranda filmed a number for The Jimmy Durante Show, during which she complained of being out of breath. In the early hours of the following morning, she died of a heart attack in the dressing room of her Beverly Hills mansion, collapsing to the floor, her hand still clutching a mirror.
The Southern Song dynasty saw the emergence of paper money, while coins were increasingly becoming a rarity.Richard von Glahn, "Origins of Paper Money in China," in Origins of Value: The Financial Innovations that Created Modern Capital Markets, ed. K. Geert Rouwenhorst and William N. Goetzmann (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005). Iron cash coins also started to be used in greater numbers, at first due to the lack of copper, but later even as more copper was found the production of iron cash coins remained cheaper and an abundance of iron made it more attractive for the government to produce, while several problems such as the fact that iron is harder to inscribe, and that iron corrodes faster ensured the continued production of copper cash coins.
War (which contains a eulogy of Masaniello) derides the folly of mercenary soldiers, who fight and perish while kings stay at home; the vile morals of kings and lords, their heresy and unbelief. In Babylon ofrece, Rosa represents himself as a fisherman, Tirreno, constantly unlucky in his net-hauls on the Euphrates; he converses with a native of the country, Ergasto. Babylon (Rome) is very severely treated, and Naples much the same. Envy (the last of the satires, and generally accounted the best) represents Rosa dreaming that, as he is about to inscribe in all modesty his name upon the threshold of the temple of glory, the goddess or fiend of Envy obstructs him, and a long interchange of reciprocal objurgations ensues.
Ettinger articulated a feminine-maternal and feminine-prematernal dimension, space, function, Eros and dynamics in the human Unconscious. She had suggested that pre-natal impressions, connected to the phantasmatic and traumatic real of the pregnant becoming-mother, are trans-inscribed in the emerging subject and form the primary phase and position of the human psyche. "I" and "non-I", without rejection and without symbiotic fusion, conjointly inscribe memory traces that are dispersed asymmetrically but in a trans-subjective mode. Trans-subjective mental and affective unconscious "strings", connecting the prenatal emerging subject to the archaic m/Other, open unconscious routes ("feminine", non phallic, in both males and females) that enable subjectivizing processes all throughout life whenever a new matrixial encounter-event takes place.
The UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has designated 99 World Heritage Sites in 5 countries (also called "state parties") of East Asia: China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea and Japan. In this region, China is home to the most inscribed sites with number of 55. The first sites from the region (and only sites designated in the 1980s or before) were the Great Wall of China, Mount Tai, the Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Mogao Caves and the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, and all of them were in China. Each year, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee may inscribe new sites on the list, or delist sites that no longer meet the criteria.
Marx, Karl, Critique of the Gotha Programme, p320-1, Selected Works, Lawrence and Wishart, (1968) When the socialist state (the dictatorship of the proletariat) naturally withers away, what will remain is a society in which human beings no longer suffer from alienation and "all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly". Here "society inscribe[s] on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!" For Marx, a communist society entails the absence of differing social classes and thus the end of class warfare. According to Marx and Engels, once a socialist society had been ushered in, the state would begin to "wither away" and humanity would be in control of its own destiny for the first time.
The bishop Gadyahb (or Gadhimhab) of Beth Lapat was one of several East Syriac bishops who opposed the claim to precedence put forward by the bishop Papa of Seleucia-Ctesiphon in 315.Chronicle of Seert, i. 26 In 410 there were several rival bishops of Beth Lapat, and Canon XXI of the synod of Isaac merely recorded that 'for the metropolis of Beth Lapat there is not yet a bishop whose name we can inscribe among his fellow-metropolitans, since the town has two or three bishops not recognised by the synod'.Chabot, 272 The bishops Yazdaidad, Agapit, Miles, Bar Shabtha, Mari and Shila were among the thirty- eight signatories of the synod's acts, and from their position in the list were probably the bishops concerned.
Poles though take small boxes containing chalk, a gold ring, incense and a piece of amber, in memory of the gifts of the Magi, to church to be blessed. Once at home, they inscribe "K+M+B+" and the year with the blessed chalk above every door in the house, according to tradition, to provide protection against illness and misfortune for those within. The letters, with a cross after each one, are said to stand either for the traditionally applied names of the Three Kings in Polish – Kacper, Melchior and Baltazar – or for a Latin inscription meaning "Christ bless this house." They remain above the doors all year until they are inadvertently dusted off or replaced by new markings the next year.
The Barows faction has of late been somewhat on the decline, though they are still powerful; a recent war with the neighboring New Armes Kingdom was fought on Barows-allied lands, while the Godwins remained safe and untouched in the west of Falena, perhaps explaining the Barows wish to not further antagonize Armes. The royal family and others worry that if a Godwin or Barows were to win, it might well trigger another struggle. A key part of the Suikoden setting is the existence of Runes, the source of all magic. Any person can have a rune inscribed on them, although some people are more talented in their use, and others can inscribe more than one rune (with three as the general maximum).
Both the Ranger mine and the Jabiluka mining lease predate the national park and world heritage area. In 1999, the UNESCO's World Heritage Committee held their third extraordinary session "to decide whether to immediately inscribe Kakadu National Park [Australia] on the List of World Heritage in Danger."In case of urgent need, the World Heritage Committee has the authority to make a new entry in the List of World Heritage in Danger at any time, without the consent of the State Party concerned, according to Article 11 (4) of the Convention. The proposal was turned down by the large majority of the Committee who saw that the threat was not urgent enough, therefore the sovereignty of Australia must be respected.
Brand, whom Dworkin acknowledged as his most apt pupil in study of the Pattern, suggested that such repair may not be possible. Brand also suggested when Corwin was inscribing his own Pattern that there could not be two such centers of order in the multiverse, and that it would be necessary to destroy Corwin's Pattern before he could inscribe his own. However, Oberon successfully repaired the Pattern, and it was seen to coexist peacefully with Corwin's Pattern - possibly because both are reflections of the Pattern in the Jewel of Judgment. It is implied that nobody could successfully repair the damaged Pattern perfectly, or reproduce it as it originally was - and that their own personality would be inevitably imprinted on it in the attempt.
Paintings by Irene Chou (周綠雲畫展), Catalogue, Hanart 2 Gallery, Hong Kong (香港): Hanart 2 Gallery (漢雅軒), 1989. Initially Chou drew influences from bright Chinese opera folk paintings and Great Seal Style calligraphy. The use of calligraphic lines in her work was informed by years of studying calligraphy and traditional Chinese ink painting techniques, especially the 'Storm Drum' script, which was first used to inscribe stones during the Qin dynasty (221-206BCE). Although Chou started her career working with more traditional Chinese painting methods and styles through landscape and bird-and-flower paintings, she later experimented with various techniques and paints as she moved away from more conventional ink paintings and the popular Lingnan style.
Striking of the new coins began on January 30, 1883, and the Mint placed the first pieces in circulation on February 1. Snowden, concerned about reports of speculation in 1883 proof Shield nickels, received permission on February 6 to continue striking proof Shield nickels for several months alongside the new pieces. It had not been thought necessary to inscribe the word "cents" on the nickel; the silver and copper-nickel three-cent pieces had circulated for years with only a Roman numeral to indicate the denomination. Enterprising fraudsters soon realized that the new nickel was close in diameter to that of the five-dollar gold piece, and if the new coin was gold-plated, it might be passed for five dollars.
Confederate Lines, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 19 May 1863. "In this assault against bitter resistance the 1st Battalion, 13th Infantry, lost forty-three percent of its men, but of the attacking force, it alone fought its color up the steep slope to the top. General Sherman called its performance "unequaled in the Army" and authorized the 13th Infantry to inscribe "First at Vicksburg" on its color. Although it took two more months of hard fighting to capture Vicksburg and split the Confederacy, no episode illustrates better the indomitable spirit of Americans on both sides." During the first post-war expansion of the United States Army following independence, a 13th Regiment of Infantry was formed on 16 July 1798, and was mustered out 11 January 1800.
The concept of campaign streamers began during the American Civil War, when the War Department instructed regiments to inscribe the names of their meritorious battles on their national colors. The Army has defined an official campaign as a particular combat action or series of actions that has historical significance or military importance to the United States and the Army. In 1890, the War Department directed that regimental honors be engraved on silver rings placed on the staffs of regimental flags. In 1920, the War Department ordered that each regimental color would bear streamers, in the colors of the campaign medal ribbon, for each campaign in which the regiment had fought. The creation of the Army flag provided a means to display all the Army’s campaigns.
Foss's later feminist work has been concerned with transforming "the communication discipline as a result of feminist understandings, insights, and scholarship." She calls herself a feminist reconstructionist in that she seeks to reconstruct communication theories and concepts that are based on patriarchal values and assumptions and the speaking practices of elite white men. Her objective is to create "a more comprehensive description of communication processes—to describe as fully as possible the diverse communicative experiences that characterize symbol use in all of its variety." She also wants "to challenge and transform the ideology of domination that pervades Western culture," so she is interested in assessing theories and practices to see which of them re- inscribe this ideology and how they might be transformed.
Dial H-I- S-T-O-R-Y is an essay film that traces the history of airplane hijackings as portrayed in mainstream television. Set against a backdrop of a chronology of airline hijackings, beginning with the first documented airplane hijacking in 1931, which was immediately inscribed into the political arena from the get- go. Dial H-I-S-T-O-R-Y illustrates how, as hijackings got progressively more television coverage, they became more and more deadly. The nature of live television allowed for a minute by minute update of the hijack as the situation unravelled; blurring the line between entertainment and tragedy, For terrorists seeking to inscribe their struggle in history, the hijack devoid of the mediatized image of itself lost all of its communicative power.
An assortment of hand engraving tools Other terms often used for printed engravings are copper engraving, copper-plate engraving or line engraving. Steel engraving is the same technique, on steel or steel-faced plates, and was mostly used for banknotes, illustrations for books, magazines and reproductive prints, letterheads and similar uses from about 1790 to the early 20th century, when the technique became less popular, except for banknotes and other forms of security printing. Especially in the past, "engraving" was often used very loosely to cover several printmaking techniques, so that many so-called engravings were in fact produced by totally different techniques, such as etching or mezzotint. "Hand engraving" is a term sometimes used for engraving objects other than printing plates, to inscribe or decorate jewellery, firearms, trophies, knives and other fine metal goods.
The title page of this film shows the shadow of a cross, with "No war is holy" written across the transept. Constantine’s Sword is the story of James P. Carroll's journey to uncover the roots of war. Carroll, a former Catholic priest whose father (Joseph Carroll) was a famous Air Force general, implies that there has been a relationship between religiously inspired violence and war, beginning with the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Emperor Constantine I in 312 AD. Constantine was convinced that he had won a battle because he had followed the instructions of a vision, to inscribe a sign of the cross (the Labarum) on the shields of his soldiers. In Carroll's view, this event marked the beginning of an unholy alliance between the military and the Church.
Mérida Unión Deportiva was the predecessor of CP Mérida, which had been founded in 1912 as Sportiva Emeritense, and eventually came to play in La Liga, disappearing in 2000 due to asphyxiating debts. Founded in 1990 as Mérida Promesas after the merge of Santa Eulalia and Los Milagros, the club was affiliated to CP Mérida until 2000, changed its name to Unión Deportiva, going on to take Club Polideportivo's place as the main team in the city. Having played mainly in the fourth division as a backup team, it did manage seven presences in the third independently, but returned to Tercera in 2009,El Mérida UD se inscribe en Tercera (Mérida registers in Tercera) where it played until being dissolved and replaced by new creation team Mérida AD.
These artists, with Metzinger flanked between, granted themselves 'the liberty of moving around objects', and combining many different views in one image, each recording varying experiences over the course of time. Apollinaire, possibly with the work of Eadweard Muybridge in mind, wrote a year later of this "state of motion" as akin to "cinematic" movement around an object, revealing a "plastic truth" compatible with reality by showing the spectator "all its facets." Gleizes again in 1911 remarks Metzinger is "haunted by the desire to inscribe a total image": :He will put down the greatest number of possible planes: to purely objective truth he wishes to add a new truth, born from what his intelligence permits him to know. Thus—and he said himself: to space he will join time.
Located in Popovo Polje in Ravno municipality, village Zavala with its old architecture and stone masonry, together with Vjetrenica cave, constitute the natural and architectural ensemble which is in the process of being protected as National Monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it is already placed on UNESCO Tentative List. The cave has a rich variety of fauna, with a high rate of endemism. The cave garnered worldwide fame in geological, biological and environmental communities for its imperiled and uncertain future, caused by unprofessional management lacking any expertise, and uncertain status at state and especially local level. Despite setbacks, the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina, although creepingly slowly, nominated Vjeternica (with village Zavala) to UNESCO Tentative List clearly expressing intention to protect the cave and its biodiversity and eventually inscribe it with UNESCO.
Shortly after Polanco and her sons were kidnapped in 2001, her husband Jaime Lozada Perdomo tried in vain to negotiate with the FARC, but after six months of futile attempts he chose to inscribe his wife as a candidate for the seat he was trying to run in Congress under the affiliation of the Movimiento de Integración Conservadora, a conservative political party he had founded. By doing this, he hoped to raise her profile as a political hostage and give his family a better chance to be freed in a political prisoner exchange. His plan worked, Gloria Polanco was elected with 28,742 votes becoming the only kidnapped politician to win an election of the sort. Her victory was credited to her work with the needy as First Lady of Huila.
In 1920, Honneur et Fidélité was inscribed on Legion regiments: this motto of the Swiss Regiment of Diesbach under the Ancien Régime was chosen to emphasise on one hand on the perennity of foreign soldiers at the service of France, and on the other the integrity of their service to their institution while serving a country that is not theirs. As a result, and mainly for those two reasons, Lieutenant-Colonel Paul-Frédéric Rollet, following World War I, vested his power to inscribe Honneur et Fidélité on the 3 Foreign Legion regimental flags. His vocation was received and approved by the minister, and the decree of 1920 precised that "Regimental Colours of the Foreign Legion, in existence or created in the future, will carry the motto Honneur et Fidélité".
The Messapic verbal form eipeigrave ('wrote, incised'; variant ipigrave) is a notable loanword from Greek (with the initial stem eipigra-, ipigra- deriving from epigrá-phō, ἐπιγράφω, 'inscribe, engrave'), and is probably related to the fact that the Messapic alphabet has been borrowed from an Archaic Greek script. Other Greek loanwords include argora-pandes ('coin officials', with the first part deriving from ἄργυρος), and names of deities like Aprodita and Athana. The origin of the Messapic goddess Damatura is debated: scholars like Vladimir I. Georgiev (1937), Eqrem Çabej, Shaban Demiraj (1997), or Martin L. West (2007) have argued that she was an Illyrian goddess eventually borrowed into Greek as Demeter, while others like Paul Kretschmer (1939), Robert S. P. Beekes (2009) and Carlo De Simone (2017) have argued for the contrary.
The High Priest passed an edict restricting such labours on those days, thinking it inappropriate to do servile work on the Hol ha-Moed, until after the Feast (Yom Tov). It had also been a custom in Israel, since the days that the Hasmoneans defeated the Grecians who prevented them from mentioning the name of God in heaven, to inscribe the name of God in their ordinary contracts, bills of sale and promissory notes. They would write, for example, "In the year such and such of Yohanan, the High Priest of the Most High God." But when the Sages of Israel became sensible of the fact that such ordinary contracts were often discarded in the rubbish after reimbursement, it was deemed improper to show disrespect to God's name by doing so.
The 1848 Free Soil platform openly denounced the institution of slavery, demanding that the federal government "relieve itself of all responsibility for the existence and continuance of slavery" by abolishing slavery in all federal districts and territories. The platform declared: "[W]e inscribe on our banner, 'Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor, and Free Men,' and under it we will fight on, and fight forever, until a triumphant victory shall reward our exertions". Unlike the Liberty Party, the 1848 Free Soil Party platform did not address fugitive slaves or racial discrimination, nor did it call for the abolition of slavery in the states. The party nonetheless earned the support of many former Liberty Party leaders by calling for abolition wherever possible, the chief goal of the Liberty Party.
The origin of the word mancus has long been a cause of debate. One suggested interpretation linked it to the Latin adjective mancus, meaning 'defective', which was thought to be a reference to the poor quality of gold coinage circulating in 8th-century Italy. However, it has become clear that the earliest references to payments in mancuses, which occur in north- eastern Italy in the 770s, specifically refer to Islamic gold dinars. Consequently, a second theory has appeared: that mancus derives from the Arabic word منقوش ' (from the triliteral verbal root n-q-sh 'to sculpt, engrave, inscribe'), which was often employed in a numismatic context to mean 'struck'. A mancus, or gold dinar of the English king Offa of Mercia (757–796), a copy of the dinars of the Abbasid Caliphate (774).
The banner dates back to the 17th century, confirmed by textile expert Jean-Michel Tuchscherer: "The flag is without doubt an exceptional piece from the 17th century" [Robitaille]. As for the coat of arms under the Madonna now missing, it was most probably that of Charles de la Boische, Marquis de Beauharnois (1671–1749), Governor of New France from 1726 to 1747: Argent, a fess and in chief three martlets sable. Only the governor had the right to inscribe his personal arms on a banner with the arms of France, and only Beauharnois had eagles as supporters. The flag was probably fabricated around 1726, date of the arrival of Beauharnois, and it was known to have been flown on May 29, 1732, for the order of Saint Louis, with its motto Bellicae virtutis praemium.
She was also influenced by indigenous painting (she owns works by indigenous artists Queenie McKenzie and Kitty Kantilla) and painter Fred Williams. McKenzie's influence can be seen in the serried, stacked segments of landscape that recede to the horizon line, and Kantilla's influence is clearly evident in the motif of parallel, slanting or vertical lines within these landscape segments. Coalescing all these influences and ideas together, Drysdale arrived at her signature style of intense colour and fine linework in the first Tanami series called Red Desert (Frankfurt, 2003), which was a great success. Her technique encompasses the selection of a suitable vessel, the adding the layers of glaze, then the careful linear incisions with a knife through a masking resist to inscribe the tracery that defines and shapes each work.
Egmanton appears in a Domesday Book entry for 1085 as among the possessions of Roger de Busli, but there is no mention of a church or priest."Our Lady of Egmanton", Southwell & Nottingham church History Project In the early eighteenth century it became the custom in Egmanton for couples who had been married in the church to give a cake to the church bell ringers, who in turn would inscribe their names in the belfry. The list was removed as part of the restoration work done at the end of the 19th century. A nineteenth century tradition records that it was customary to store a large ham at the church, kept ready for one of the local families, who were accustomed to bury their dead "in ham", i.e.
However, he was "inclined to regard the whole inscription as Celtiberic". M.C. Reid performed an experiment in the late 1870s in which he asked four people: a teacher and law student, a schoolgirl, a pharmacist, and a college professor, to create for him "twenty or more arbitrary characters not resembling any figures or alphabetical characters known to them". Since the Grave Creek Stone was inscribed using only straight lines (which is quite common, since straight lines are much easier to inscribe than those with curve), Reid instructed the four participants to only use "straight lines or combinations of straight lines". To further simulate the actual inscribing of the stone, the individuals were not allowed to improve upon their first attempt (since one cannot erase all or part of a symbol once it is inscribed).
Pictorial GB 6d Christmas aerogram with pre-paid indicia The aerogram, also written aérogramme, aerogramme, or airletter, also made from a lightweight paper, is the modern equivalent of the WWII lettersheet and most postal operators issue them prepaid, though Ireland, New Zealand and Rhodesia have issued them without an indicium requiring the addition of a postage stamp before mailing. The Universal Postal Union adopted the term aérogramme, the French word for air letter, during the 1951-52 13th Postal Union Congress held in Brussels and all countries inscribe this on their air mail lettersheets except for the United Kingdom which still uses the term Air Letter. Not all lettersheets are aerograms, however. Cuba, for instance, has issued a number of colorful lettersheets that were designed for internal, non-airmail, use in Cuba.
In addition, like Merina kings before him, he consolidated the power of the sampy (royal idols) and attributed the success and legitimacy of his reign to the proper respect shown toward these conduits of supernatural power. He balanced this strengthening of the supernatural and ancestral legitimacy of his kingship against inclusiveness of the commoner class by making several hova from the Tsimiamboholahy and Tsimahafotsy clans into powerful and trusted advisers. He also consulted a group of ombiasy (royal advisers of the Antaimoro clan), who were literate in the sorabe script historically used on the east coast to inscribe a series of ancient texts considered to contain powerful magic and specialized scientific and ritual knowledge. The population of Imerina was governed through a mixture of traditional practices and innovative measures.
A sailing stone in Racetrack Playa Sailing stones (also called sliding rocks, walking rocks, rolling stones, and moving rocks) are part of the geological phenomenon in which rocks move and inscribe long tracks along a smooth valley floor without animal intervention. The movement of the rocks occurs when large sheets of ice a few millimeters thick and floating in an ephemeral winter pond break up on sunny days. Frozen during cold winter nights, these thin, floating ice panels are driven by wind and shove rocks at speeds up to 5 meters per minute. Trails of sliding rocks have been observed and studied in various locations, including Little Bonnie Claire Playa, in Nevada, and most famously at Racetrack Playa, Death Valley National Park, California, where the number and length of tracks are notable.
In theory, the registry allowed to update information or inscribe new voters for 24 days abroad the country and 19 in Venezuela, but electoral experts denounced obstacles for the inscription of Venezuelans abroad, because besides being insufficient it led to other obstacles that did not allow for more assistance to embassies or consultares. The electoral registry abroad only increased by 7,028 voters, which does not represent even the 0.5% of the Venezuelans estimated abroad. Nationally by 910,272 new voters were registered, adding to the 20,759,809 existing voters. Voto Joven complained because the consultes did not work on holidays, only worked on office hours without enough time or information, as well as the requirement to ask for a permanent visa to those who live in the countries where the opening was formalized, even though to vote only a laminated identity card is needed.
It was customary to inscribe on stone all records of the receipt, custody and expenditure of public money or treasure, so that citizens could verify for themselves the safety and due control of the State in all financial matters. As in the case of temple accounts, it was usual for each temporary board of officials to render to their successors an account of their stewardship, and of the resources and treasures which they handed over. In all cases of public works, the expenditure was ordered by the State, and detailed reports were drawn up and inscribed on stone at intervals while the work was being carried out. In many cases there is a detailed specification of building work which makes it possible, not only to realise all the technical details and processes employed, but also the whole plan and structure of a building.
Iron cash coins also started to be used in greater numbers, at first due to the lack of copper, but later even as more copper was found the production of iron cash coins remained cheaper and an abundance of iron made it more attractive for the government to produce, while several problems such as the fact that iron is harder to inscribe, and that iron corrodes faster ensured the continued production of copper cash coins. Despite the chronic shortages of copper the Southern Song used special coins as a form of psychological warfare against Jin army defectors, and copper coins (and later silver sycees) would remain the standard of administration even for the newly introduced paper money.Wang Lingling (王菱菱), Songdai kuangyeye yanjiu 宋代矿冶业研究 (Baoding: Hebei daxue chubanshe, 2005).
Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and your gates” (Deut. 6:6-9). Additionally, children are advised to seek the instruction of their parents: "Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations; ask thy father, and he will declare unto thee, thine elders, and they will tell thee" (Deut. 32:7). The Book of Proverbs also contains many verses related to education: “My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your mind retain my commandments; For they will bestow on you length of days, years of life and well-being“ (Prov. 3:1-2).
Monte Carlo methods vary, but tend to follow a particular pattern: # Define a domain of possible inputs # Generate inputs randomly from a probability distribution over the domain # Perform a deterministic computation on the inputs # Aggregate the results Monte Carlo method applied to approximating the value of . For example, consider a quadrant (circular sector) inscribed in a unit square. Given that the ratio of their areas is , the value of can be approximated using a Monte Carlo method: # Draw a square, then inscribe a quadrant within it # Uniformly scatter a given number of points over the square # Count the number of points inside the quadrant, i.e. having a distance from the origin of less than 1 # The ratio of the inside-count and the total-sample-count is an estimate of the ratio of the two areas, .
Busch, 337. As it was an “autonomous” kaza, the Ottoman government agreed to refrain from interfering in the affairs of Kuwait, “including the question of succession, and from any administrative as well as any occupation or military act.” It also allowed for the use of the Ottoman flag with the option to inscribe the word “Kuwait” on it (Article 2). The agreement also identified the territories of Kuwait as two different regions, demarcated in red and green on a map annexed to the convention. The red line, as it is commonly referred to, demarcated the region in which the sheikh was to have “complete administrative autonomy.” This region was formed by “a semicircle with the town of Kuwayt in the center, the Khawr al-Zubayr at the northern extremity and al-Qurrayin at the southern extremity” (Article 5).
In Mark Antliff and Patricia Leighten, A Cubism Reader, Documents and Criticism, 1906–1914, The University of Chicago Press, 2008 > In short, he wishes to develop the visual field by multiplying it, in order > to inscribe it within the space of the canvas itself. It is at that point > that the cube will play a role, and it is there that Metzinger will use that > means to reestablish a balance that has been momentarily interrupted by > these audacious inscriptions. At the last Salon d'Automne [1910], we were > able to get an idea of that technique, inscribed and set out in simple > terms. His Femme nu, depicted from various angles and in integral > relationship with the setting, the shapes very subtly nestled one into > another, was more like a masterful demonstration of the total image than an > exclusively pictorial creation.
Sacrifices on great occasions were usually provided by the State, as also were important repairs; but in some cases a priest undertook these on his own account, and was honoured accordingly — for instance, by being allowed to inscribe his name in the restored temple. Besides priests, we find many other officials of various ranks attached to temples and recorded in inscriptions. Some of these, especially those who were concerned with buildings or constructions, or with the inventories of temple treasures and the accounts of administration, were lay officials appointed by the State, as in the case of political officers. But many others had specialised sacerdotal functions; for instance, in many places there were manteis or prophets, often of special families with hereditary skills in divination; at Eleusis we find records of the hierophant, the torch-bearer, and others who took part in the celebration of the mysteries.
Currently, to qualify for automatic engraving, a player: # Must have played, or have dressed as the backup goaltender, for at least half of the championship team's regular season games. OR: # Must have played, or have dressed as the backup goaltender, for at least one game of the Stanley Cup Finals for the championship team, AND: # Must be on the roster when the team wins the Stanley Cup. However, since 1994 teams have been permitted to petition the NHL Commissioner, to be considered on a case-by-case basis, to engrave a player's name on the cup if the player was unavailable to play due to "extenuating circumstances". For example, the Detroit Red Wings received special permission from the NHL to inscribe the name of Vladimir Konstantinov, whose career ended after a car accident on June 13, 1997, on the Stanley Cup after Detroit defended their title in 1998.
Galileo, seeking patronage from his now-wealthy former student and his powerful family, used the discovery of Jupiter's moons to gain it. On February 13, 1610, Galileo wrote to the Grand Duke's secretary: > "God graced me with being able, through such a singular sign, to reveal to > my Lord my devotion and the desire I have that his glorious name live as > equal among the stars, and since it is up to me, the first discoverer, to > name these new planets, I wish, in imitation of the great sages who placed > the most excellent heroes of that age among the stars, to inscribe these > with the name of the Most Serene Grand Duke." Galileo asked whether he should name the moons the "Cosmian Stars", after Cosimo alone, or the "Medician Stars", which would honor all four brothers in the Medici clan. The secretary replied that the latter name would be best.
The case began when Fiske, a Kansas resident, proclaimed the preamble of the radical labor union the Industrial Workers of the World: > That the working class and the employing class have nothing in common, and > that there can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among > millions of working people and the few who make up the employing class have > all the good things of life. Between these two classes a struggle must go on > until the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the > earth and the machinery of production and abolish the wage system. Instead > of the conservative motto, 'A fair day's wages for a fair day's work,' we > must inscribe on our banner the revolutionary watchword, 'Abolition of the > wage system.' By organizing industrially we are forming the structure of the > new society within the shell of the old.
341 In February 1661 Samuel Pepys remarked upon the poor quality of the new hammered coinage, writing in his diary > we met with Mr. Slingsby, that was formerly a great friend of Mons. > Blondeau, who showed me the stamps of the King’s new coyne; which is strange > to see, how good they are in the stamp and bad in the money, for lack of > skill to make them. But he says Blondeau will shortly come over, and then we > shall have it better, and the best in the world. Blondeau was granted £1,000 to supply all of the machinery required for minting, as well as the machine which would inscribe along the milled edge of the coin the words , meaning "An ornament and a safeguard", signifying the lettering as having a dual role – embellishing the coin as a piece of design, and making it more difficult for counterfeiters.Challis 1992, p.
Henri Hyvernat asserts that the liturgical books of the Copts have no penitential formulæ, nor is this surprising, for they inscribe in the ritual only those things not found in other rituals. Father du Bernat, writing to Père Fleurian (Lettres édifiantes), says, in reference to the Sacrament of Penance among the Copts, that the Copts believe themselves bound to a full confession of their sins. This finished, the priest recites over them the prayer said at the beginning of the Mass, the prayer asking pardon and forgiveness from God; to this is added the so-called "Benediction", which Father Bernat says is like the prayer said in the Latin Church after absolution has been imparted. Hyvernat, however, asserts that Father Bernat is mistaken when he likens the Benediction to the Passio Domini, for it is like the Latin prayer only inasmuch as it is recited after absolution.
Witness trees at corners are more commonly referred to as bearing trees because the exact distance and bearing from the corner, to them, was required to be recorded (as well as the taxon and diameter). Figure 4. The cast and stamped cap on a corner monument pipe, in western Yosemite National Park, placed in 1905 during the Park boundary resurvey On each bearing tree, two blazes were typically required, one about chest height and easily visible, and one at ground level (in case the tree were illegally cut, the stump remaining). On the exposed wood of the blaze, surveyors were required to inscribe, with wood chisels, township, range and section information, on typically either two or four bearing trees, if they were within some reasonable distance of the corner (unspecified early on but later set at a maximum of 3 chains (178 feet, 60 meters) away).
The Gouvia arsenal is in a strategic location well-suited to ship repairs as it was near a forested area and high quality wood was plentiful and easily available for ship maintenance. The practice of the Venetian captains, who participated in the construction of the arsenal, to inscribe the buildings with their initials and coats of arms, had been documented in the late-18th-century writings of French consul to Corfu Saint- Sauveur. The arsenal at Gouvia was supposed to be used for ship repairs during the winter after each fleet had returned from their yearly campaign during peacetime. However, the Venetian Senate became alarmed at the prospect of an arsenal in proximity to Venice which could potentially compete with the central arsenal and in order to protect the operations of their local naval facilities, the Senate opted to limit the kind of repair activities undertaken at the Corfu shipyard.
A major difference between a "personal ordinariate" and a "personal prelature" is that ordinariates (both personal and military) may erect parishes and those who inscribe themselves in the apposite register effectively become transients in their geographic diocese (no accumulative membership).Note of the CDF about personal ordinariates for Anglicans entering the Catholic Church, 2009 Membership of a personal ordinariate for former Anglicans extends to "lay faithful, clerics and members of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, originally belonging to the Anglican Communion and now in full communion with the Catholic Church, or those who receive the Sacraments of Initiation within the jurisdiction of the Ordinariate".Apostolic Constitution, I §4 Much more similar are the eight ordinariates for the faithful of eastern rite, which are listed in the Annuario Pontificio together with the seventeen apostolic exarchates,Annuario Pontificio 2012 (Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2012 ), pp. 1029-1033 immediately before the ordinariates for former Anglicans.
Stamp of Thomas Müntzer Historians disagree on the nature of the revolt and its causes, whether it grew out of the emerging religious controversy centered on Martin Luther; whether a wealthy tier of peasants saw their wealth and rights slipping away, and sought to re-inscribe them in the fabric of society; or whether it was peasant resistance to the emergence of a modernizing, centralizing political state. Historians have tended to categorize it either as an expression of economic problems, or as a theological/political statement against the constraints of feudal society. After the 1930s, Günter Franz's work on the peasant war dominated interpretations of the uprising. Franz understood the Peasants' War as a political struggle in which social and economic aspects played a minor role. Key to Franz's interpretation is the understanding that peasants had benefited from the economic recovery of the early 16th century and that their grievances, as expressed in such documents as the Twelve Articles, had little or no economic basis.
The film achieves this by representing > the wanderings of an ancient and a future Orpheus, whose trajectories > inscribe their mysterious figures on a landscape primordial silt, archaic > ruins, modern waste, and moon scenery. Chronologically stratified and yet > recognizably modern, this landscape reverberates as speech (from Plato to > Eliot and Machado), as music (from the conch shell to electronic > instruments), and as a diachronic object world (from the horse-drawn cart to > the Jaguar). In it, living and dead languages merge; the gripping, almost > inaudible call of whales pierces the squeaking of rusty oil pumps; a > fortune-teller and an astrophysicist join forces in their prophecies... Moon > Lake is a double film – not only because its plot is double; or because it > looks both to the past and to the future; or because it is full of couples > and twins. This is also the case because there is one film that flows before > your eyes and another one that follows you.
His career was short-lived, and he died in the Edinburgh lunatic asylum, then called Darien House, on Bristo Street. Robert Burns was inspired to be a poet by reading Fergusson's work. It is likely that Burns left monies in his will to erect a monument in grateful memory, penning the inscription himself. The year of birth on the stone is incorrect, though the day and month are correct. The monument was erected in June 1828, after Burns’ own death, but at his express wish. The grave was fully restored in 2010, replacing the enclosing ironwork and chains, and cleaning the stone. The gravestone reads: The reverse is inscribed: A further plaque within the front enclosure explains how Robert Louis Stevenson was going to re-inscribe the stone in the mid-19th century. A statue was erected to Fergusson on the pavement at the churchyard entrance in 2004. Daniel Dow (1732–1783), fiddler and composer of vernacular music.
The concept of writing on objects originates in the beginning of Chinese civilization, when tortoise shells and scapulae were used to predict the future. These 'oracle bones' would go through a process of being burnt in the embers of a fire; Chinese shamans would divine the future from the manner in which the bones and shells cracked and would subsequently inscribe their predictions on them.Morton, G “Lemn Sissay and Kate Daudy”(video file) , "5XI5", accessed 4 September 2011 This was a practice particularly prevalent in the Shang Dynasty(1600-1046 BC).Skyswright, V, “Daniel Eskenazi and Kate Daudy Present Selling Exhibition of Their Collaborative Work at Bonhams” , "BONHAMS 1793" accessed 4 September 2011 The calligraphic writing or inscribing of poems onto objects became an elevated art form in itself, perpetuated by the ruling Emperors, who would compose poems to be inscribed onto paintings or works of art of special significance to them.
Not much is known of her aside from the poems that she left behind on this monument, as she lived during a time where verses written by women were not typically published so she left her work as graffiti. She was not the only poet to leave her mark on this monument, or even the only female poet to leave her mark, but the inscriptions left by female poets on Memnon's leg are almost 6% of the surviving works by women from the ancient world. It is likely that she did not inscribe her poem herself, but instead paid a local stonecutter to do it for her in memory of her visit after she composed each poem. A popular belief at the time was that the statue of Memnon sang to his mother Eos, the goddess of dawn, because the stones made a sound as they were warmed by the rising sun.
Spells from the Greek Magical Papyri often require the insertion of a leaf — an actual leaf, a papyrus scrap, the representation of a leaf in metal foil, or an inscribed rectangular lamella (as described above) — into the mouth of a corpse or skull, as a means of conveying messages to and from the realms of the living and the dead. In one spell attributed to Pitys the Thessalian, the practitioner is instructed to inscribe a flax leaf with magic words and to insert it into the mouth of a dead person.Greek Magical Papyri IV.2140–44; Daniel Ogden, Greek and Roman Necromancy (Princeton University Press 2001), pp. 211–215. The insertion of herbs into the mouth of the dead, with a promise of resurrection, occurs also in the Irish tale "The Kern in the Narrow Stripes," the earliest written version of which dates to the 1800s but is thought to preserve an oral tradition of early Irish myth.
An example of an Apollonian gasket Construction of an Apollonian network from a circle packing Apollonian networks are named after Apollonius of Perga, who studied the Problem of Apollonius of constructing a circle tangent to three other circles. One method of constructing Apollonian networks is to start with three mutually-tangent circles and then repeatedly inscribe another circle within the gap formed by three previously-drawn circles. The fractal collection of circles produced in this way is called an Apollonian gasket. If the process of producing an Apollonian gasket is stopped early, with only a finite set of circles, then the graph that has one vertex for each circle and one edge for each pair of tangent circles is an Apollonian network.. The existence of a set of tangent circles whose tangencies represent a given Apollonian network forms a simple instance of the Koebe–Andreev–Thurston circle-packing theorem, which states that any planar graph can be represented by tangent circles in the same way..
Shorto, p. 29 In 2000, the Town of St. George and the east-end fortifications were nominated for inclusion on UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites, under the grounds of architecture that illustrates human history (criterion iv) and direct association with events and traditions (criterion vi). During the selection process, the delegate from Mexico questioned why the site was not part of a serial nomination of Caribbean fortifications (considered by the United Nations to be part of a different region, Latin America, from Bermuda, Northern America, per the United Nations geoscheme)World Macro Regions and Components, United Nations and the delegate from Thailand questioned why ICOMOS wanted to apply criterion vi; it was decided to inscribe the site on the World Heritage List under criterion iv only.Report of the 24th session, 27 November - 2 December 2000, UNESCO If the label is accurate,Jarvis, "Names and Dates of Buildings in the Central Area of St. George's", St. George's, p. 160 "Harbour View" as it appeared in 1907.
The following verses are commonly referred to as the V'ahavta according to the first word of the verse immediately following the Shema, or in Classical Hebrew V'ahav'ta meaning "and you shall love...". They contain the command to love God with all one's heart, soul, and might (). The Talmud emphasizes that you will, at some point, whether you choose to or not, and therefore uses "shall" - future tense - love God.The Complete Hebrew Bible (Tanach) based on JPS 1917 Hebrew-English translation Deuteronomy 6, accessed 29 November 2015 Then verse 7 goes on to remind the community to remember all the commandments and to "teach them diligently to your children and speak of them when you sit down and when you walk, when you lie down and when you rise", to recite the words of God when retiring or rising; to bind those words "on thy arm and thy head" (classically Jewish oral tradition interprets as tefillin), and to "inscribe them on the door-posts of your house and on your gates" (referring to mezuzah).
As an author Ishmael Houston- Jones' essays, fiction, interviews, and performance texts have been anthologized in the books: • Dance, Documents of Contemporary Art, (White Chapel gallery, 2012); • Conversations on Art and Performance, (Johns Hopkins, 1999); • Footnotes: Six Choreographers Inscribe the Page, (G+B Arts, 1998); • Caught in the Act: A Look at Contemporary Multi-Media Performance, (Aperture, 1996); • Aroused, A Collection of Erotic Writing, (Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2001); • Best Gay Erotica 2000, (Cleis Press, 2000); • Best American Gay Fiction, volume 2, (Little Brown, 1997); • and Out of Character: Rants, Raves and Monologues from Today’s Top Performance Artists, (Bantam, 1996). • His articles have also been published in the magazines: Bomb (magazine), PAJ (journal)), Movement Research Performance Journal; Contact Quarterly; Real Time; Mirage, FARM; and others. He is a subject of the chapter "Speech as Act" in the book Dances that Describe Themselves by Susan Leigh Foster (Wesleyan University Press, 2002). and the chapter "Crossing the Great Divides" in the book Taken by Surprise by Ann Cooper Albright and David Gere, (Wesleyan University Press, 2003).
During the First World War on July 1, 1917, Prime Minister Robert Borden announced a Memorial Chamber would be included in the soon-to-be constructed Peace Tower, part of the rebuild of the Centre Block of the Canadian parliament buildings after a 1916 fire. He said that it would be a "memorial to the debt of our forefathers and to the valour of those Canadians who, in the Great War, fought for the liberties of Canada, of the Empire, and of humanity". Although it was originally hoped to inscribe the names of the dead Canadians upon the walls of the chamber, it was decided that it was more practical to follow Colonel A. Fortesque Duguid's idea to house Books of Remembrance inside the chamber instead. The altar upon which sits the First World War Book of Remembrance On August 3, 1927, while in Ottawa, Prince Albert Edward (later King Edward VIII) unveiled an altar, a gift from the British government, upon which the book of the First World War would rest.
So he wants his twin sister for himself because he feels he is more entitled to his twin sister. Based on the revelations from Allah, Adam ordered both to sacrifice, who received the kurbanya then he was entitled to virtue (marrying the twin sister of Qabil). While according to a Shia Islamic version, from reports of the Shia Imams, it has been the tradition from the Prophets Adam to Muhammad that it is a sin for a brother to marry a sister and the protest and jealousy of Qabil was due to the acceptance of Habil's sacrifice and Habil being chosen as Adam's successor on Earth and Allah sent down houri from heaven to marry the sons of Adam. As such, according to a report from the 6th Shia Imam Jafar al-Sadiq, he narrated, “Two thousand years before the creation of Adam, Allah ordered the Pen (al-Qalam) to inscribe on The Preserved Tablet (al-Lawh al- Mahfuz) all that was going to occur until the Day of Judgment.
There was also a political distaste between them—Adams was too radical for Harrison and the latter was too conservative for Adams. The two therefore had distinctly opposing congressional alliances—Harrison with John Hancock and Adams with Richard Henry Lee. John Trumbull's Declaration of Independence (1819) Benjamin Harrison V is seated at the table far left. Harrison was a friend and confidant of fellow-Virginian George Washington; in 1775 he joined Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Lynch on a select committee to help the newly appointed General Washington secure much needed enlistments and supplies for the Continental Army. Harrison also served on the Board of War with Adams, Roger Sherman, James Wilson, and Edward Rutledge, and on the Committee of Secret Correspondence with Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Johnson, John Jay, Robert Morris, and John Dickinson Pennsylvania Delegate Benjamin Rush years later recalled the Congress’ atmosphere during a signing of the Declaration on August 2, 1776; he described a scene of “pensive and awful silence” which he said Harrison singularly interrupted, when delegates filed forward to inscribe what they thought was their ensuing death warrant.
He launched the process of institutionalising the guardianship of the Archaeological Zone, facilitating the drafting of its I Master Plan (2011-2018) as well as the Restoration and Enhancement Project. Thus, the Antequera Dolmens was declared a Property of Cultural Interest (in Spanish, Bien de Interés Cultural, or BIC) with the category of Archaeological Area;Decreto 25/2009, de 27 de enero, por el que se inscribe en el Catálogo General del Patrimonio Histórico Andaluz como Bien de Interés Cultural, con la tipología de Zona Arqueológica, el ámbito arqueológico de los Dólmenes de Antequera (Málaga). the institution became an independently managed administrative serviceDecreto 280/2010, de 27 de abril, por el que se crea el Conjunto Arqueológico Dólmenes de Antequera como servicio administrativo con gestión diferenciada (BOJA 13.05.10) and several scientific outreach initiatives were promoted (Menga - Journal of Andalusian Prehistory, Millenary Antequera Autumn Courses and Conferences on Andalusian Prehistory). Bartolomé Ruiz oversaw the application process for the ensemble’s entry onto the European Heritage Programme List “The Great Stones of Andalusian Prehistory: the Megalithic Sites and Landscapes of Andalusia”.
The critic Hugh Kenner, in a 1997 essay entitled "The Fourth Policeman", advanced a hypothesis to explain why O'Nolan had suppressed the manuscript. Noting the complex ways in which the novel draws on pagan traditions in Middle and Early Modern Irish literature, as well as the ways in which it confounds attempts to inscribe it within a realist tradition, Kenner argued that the book created a "cartoon of Ireland" that was "brilliant but disturbingly coherent." Kenner argues that the book's failure to find a publisher must have caused O'Nolan to reread it, whereupon O'Nolan (in Kenner's account) must have been so "unsettled" by the book's effect, "for he liked his effects under rational control [...] and this book grimaced at him, from expressive levels he was careful never to monkey with again", that he suppressed it; not out of despair of it reaching a publisher but because it offended his own "explicitly formed and highly orthodox conscience". Kenner calls O'Nolan's Catholic conscience the "Fourth Policeman" of his essay's title.
" Mossin also observed that Back's On Ruins & Return "continues the journey of her earlier volume, Azimuth, to inscribe in a poetry of psalmic intensity and astringent care the geographic, political and po-ethical realities of present-day Israel." A noted and award-winning translator of Hebrew verse, Back's translations of the poetry of Tuvia Ruebner in In the Illuminated Dark: Select Poems of Tuvia Ruebner (2015) brought this critical Hebrew poet to the English world for the first time. In 2016, the collection was awarded the TLS-Risa Domb/Porjes prize; at the award-ceremony, noted British literary critic Boyd Tonkin spoke the following in his introductory words: "The miracle, if I may use that word, of Rachel Tzvia Back’s translations is that they somehow find an English voice - and one planted deep in the soil of Anglophone poetry - for this German spirit; a spirit that had already reinvented itself in Ruebner’s adopted language of Hebrew. That voice is always compelling and convincing, as these poems express a soaring beauty, tenderness and sorrow in the face of personal ordeals and historical catastrophe.
The function of such anachronistic accounts of the past, according to scholars such as Étienne Gilson, was to create an "eternal present" in which the classical past and the medieval present were joined. One of the consequences of elevating "past and present ... into a kind of atemporal equivalence" is that historical accuracy or even faithfulness of translation is not an objective; texts are freely translated and adapted to allow a "wholesale recreation of the past in the image of the medieval world". The removal of the prologue, the moralizing passages, and of appeals to the audience (all of which help establish an authorial presence and an individual voice) in later revisions has been argued to make the Histoire Ancienne a more general version of classical history, whose applicability exceeds that of the context of Roger de Lille. A general account of antiquity in the vernacular also served (according to historians such as Jacques Le Goff) to allow the nobility (generally untrained in Latin) to read of a glorious past in which it could inscribe itself without clerical intervention.
In the ancient Song of Deborah, Zebulun are described as sending to the battle those that handle the sopher shebet. Traditionally this has been interpreted as referring to the "rod of the scribe", an object that in Assyrian monuments was a stylus of wood or metal used to inscribe clay tablets, or to write on papyrus; thus, those who wielded it would have been the associates/assistants of lawgivers.Archibald Sayce Consequently, in Jewish tradition, the tribe of Zebulun was considered to have a symbiotic relationship with the tribe of Issachar, its neighbour and a tribe that traditionally was seen as having many scholars, whereby Zebulun would financially support Issachar's devotion to study and teaching of the Torah, in exchange for a share of the spiritual reward from such learning; the terms Issachar and Zebulun came to be used by Jews for anyone engaged in such a relationship. More recent Christian scholarship, as expressed for example in translations such as the Revised Standard Version, instead render the description in the Song of Deborah of the people sent to battle by Zebulun as "those who handle the marshal's staff"; in other words, Zebulun had simply sent military officers.
Pseudo- DemosthenesTranslated from pseudo-Demosthenes, "Against Neaira" 97 [Apollodorus?]. gives a significantly different account of the train of events. In a speech, "Against Neaira", the orator recalls the conduct of Pausanias after the defeat of the Persians in the battle of Plataea over the Serpentine column: "Pausanias, King of the Lacedaemonians, caused a diptych to be inscribed on the tripod at Delphi, [which those Greeks, who had fought as allies in the battle of Plataea and in the naval engagement at Salamis had together made from the spoils taken from the Barbarians and had set up in honour of Apollo as a memorial to their bravery], as follows: 'Pausanias, commander-in-chief of the Greeks, when he had destroyed the army of the Medes dedicated this memorial to Phoebus (Apollo)', as if the work and the offering were his alone, and not from the allies together. The Greeks were enraged and the Plataeans obtained leave to bring a suit, on behalf of the allies, against the Lacedaemonians for 1,000 talents at the Amphictyonic council; and they compelled the Lacedaemonians to erase the inscription and inscribe the names of those cities which had shared in the work".
After winning their first championship title in 2009, Gazelle entered the continental championships for the first time in 2010, the club defeated the first match against Bayelsa which was Gazelle's last win, the second one had a two-goal draws and Gazelle advanced into the First Round where they challenged against Al Merreikh of the Sudan (now commonly as the Khartoumian Sudan), the club did not won a match and scored 2 goals to three in two of its matches, one had a goal draw and Gazelle was out, Gazelle scored its final goals to date. In their second CAF Champions League appearance and their recent continental competition, the club lost to Egypt's Zamalek in nearly large number of 7 in the first match and Gazelle scored no goal in either to its two matches, the second match was scoreless and was knocked out of the CAF Champions League competition. Gazelle did not appear in the 2016 CAF Champions League, the Chadian Football Federation after their championship win decided to inscribe Ascot and Renaissance into the African club competition following a controversy over a Gazelle player with contracts with two clubs.
These epic introductory tendencies give way to the main portion of the story, usually involving a battle of some kind (such as in the Iliad) that follows this pattern: dressing for battle (description of Achilles shield, preparation for battle), altar sacrifice/libation to the gods, some battle change (perhaps involving drugs), treachery (Achilles ankle is told to be his weak spot), a journey to the Underworld, and the final battle. All of these elements are followed eloquently by Pope in that specific order: Belinda readies herself for the card game (which includes a description of her hair and beauty), the Baron makes a sacrifice for her hair (the altar built for love and the deal with Clarissa), the “mock” battle of cards changes in the Baron’s favor, Clarissa’s treachery to her supposed friend Belinda by slipping the Baron scissors, and finally the treatment of the card game as a battle and the Baron’s victory. Pope’s mastery of the Mock-Heroic is clear in every instance. Even the typical apotheosis found in the epics is mimicked in The Rape of the Lock, as “the stars inscribe Belinda’s name!” (line 150).
McAvennie "1970s" in Dolan, p. 152 "Through an impromptu team-up of the JLA and the Justice Society on Earth-2, writer Len Wein and artist Dick Dillin ushered in the return of DC's Seven Soldiers of Victory." and the Freedom Fighters in issues #107–108.McAvennie "1970s" in Dolan, p. 156 "The annual Justice League-Justice Society get-together resulted in inscribe Len Wein and artist Dick Dillin transporting both teams to the alternate reality of Earth-X. There, Nazi Germany ruled after winning a prolonged World War II and only a group of champions called the Freedom Fighters remained to oppose the regime." In the fall of 1972, Wein and writers Gerry Conway and Steve Englehart crafted a metafictional unofficial crossover spanning titles from both Marvel and DC. Each comic featured Englehart, Conway, and Wein, as well as Wein's first wife Glynis, interacting with Marvel or DC characters at the Rutland Halloween Parade in Rutland, Vermont. Beginning in Amazing Adventures #16 (by Englehart with art by Bob Brown and Frank McLaughlin), the story continued in Justice League of America #103 (by Wein, Dillin and Dick Giordano), and concluded in Thor #207 (by Conway and penciler John Buscema).

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