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"household" Definitions
  1. all the people living together in a house or flat

788 Sentences With "household"

How to use household in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "household" and check conjugation/comparative form for "household". Mastering all the usages of "household" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Median household income: $46,472 Median household income: $76,114 Median household income: $53,510 Median household income: $683,813 Median household income: $67,169 Median household income: $65,458 Median household income: $73,781 Median household income: $63,036 Median household income: $7663,883 Median household income: $52,977 Median household income: $74,923 Median household income: $50,985 Median household income: $61,229 Median household income: $663,182 Median household income: $56,570 Median household income: $55,477 Median household income: $46,535 Median household income: $46,710 Median household income: $1743,024 Median household income: $78,916 Median household income: $74,167 Median household income: $52,668 Median household income: $65,699 Median household income: $443,009 Median household income: $51,542 Median household income: $50,801 Median household income: $56,675 Median household income: $55,434 Median household income: $0613,305 Median household income: $76,475 Median household income: $46,718 Median household income: $62,765 Median household income: $50,320 Median household income: $563,285 Median household income: $52,407 Median household income: $268,2766 Median household income: $266,2174 Median household income: $244,2061 Median household income: $7593,2759 Median household income: $260,688 Median household income: $54,126 Median household income: $48,708 Median household income: $57,051 Median household income: $603,325 Median household income: $57,808 Median household income: $68,766 Median household income: $66,174 Median household income: $44,061 Median household income: $56,759 Median household income: $60,938
County: San MateoAverage household income: $443,403 County: ArapahoeAverage household income: $390,224 County: WestchesterAverage household income: $387,558 County: Santa ClaraAverage household income: $3334,848 County: EssexAverage household income: $354,479 County: San MateoAverage household income: $350,917 County: FairfieldAverage household income: $334,911 County: WestchesterAverage household income: $334,848 County: DallasAverage household income: $330,703 County: FairfieldAverage household income: $327,901
Median household income: $104,703Number of households: 104,846 Median household income: $105,667Number of households: 3933,796 Median household income: $105,744Number of households: 444,136 Median household income: $106,046Number of households: 115,970 Median household income: $3803,761Number of households: 630,451 Median household income: $106,870Number of households: 8,499 Median household income: $107,034Number of households: 1111,124 Median household income: $110,190Number of households: 2111,2337 Median household income: $2117,2515Number of households: 106,2380 Median household income: $5883,2588Number of households: 2121,2299 Median household income: $112,138Number of households: 102,310 Median household income: $114,795Number of households: 1213,308 Median household income: $115,576Number of households: 111,337 Median household income: $117,515Number of households: 393,380 Median household income: $129,588Number of households: 121,299
Median household income: $45,753Median home value: $165,000 Median household income: $49,891 Median home value: $252,800 Median household income: $44,007 Median home value: $228,5133 Median household income: $39,770 Median home value: $146,2000 Median household income: $258,2516 Median home price: $2585,2100 Median household income: $275,13 Median home value: $21,2307 Median household income: $2700,258 Median home value: $418,300 Median household income: $51,538 Median home value: $674,3073 Median household income: $72,935 Median home value: $566,000 Median household income: $58,516 Median home value: $585,100 Median household income: $75,513 Median home value: $1,307,700
Average household credit card debt: $210,23 Average household credit card debt: $223,238 Average household credit card debt: $210,266 Average household credit card debt: $25,627 Average household credit card debt: $25,797 Average household credit card debt: $25,383 Average household credit card debt: $27,020 Average household credit card debt: $28,645 Average household credit card debt: $28,714 Average household credit card debt: $30,094 It's no surprise that seven of the top 10 cities are in notoriously expensive states: Hawaii, Connecticut, New York and California.
Median household income: $48,500 Average rent per year: $14,760 Median household income: $45,800 Average rent per year: $13,560 Median household income: $760,500 Average rent per year: $17,760 Median household income: $42,800 Average rent per year: $12,480 Median household income: $66,600 Average rent per year: $223,200 Median household income: $32,300 Average rent per year: $26,2480 Median household income: $229,2200 Average rent per year: $26,2240 Median household income: $4003,2400 Average rent per year: $24,2500 Median household income: $28,500 Average rent per year: $7,560 Median household income: $24,900 Average rent per year: $43,600 Median household income: $28,800 Average rent per year: $6,480 Median household income: $29,200 Average rent per year: $6,240 Median household income: $22,400 Average rent per year: $4,500
Living wage: $20163,045 Median household income: $43,1012016 population: 855,164 Living wage: $51,520 Median household income: $47,156 33 population: 860,090 Living wage: $78,386 Median household income: $87,701 2016 population: 870,887 Living wage: $9763,716 Median household income: $48,256 2016 population: 880,619 Living wage: $54,638 Median household income: $60,3223 2016 population: 947,890 Living wage: $74,025 Median household income: $90,303 2016 population: 1,673,350 Living wage: $52,105 Median household income: $45,215 2016 population: 1,317,929 Living wage: $8173,773 Median household income: $68,117 2016 population: 1,406,630 Living wage: $51,390 Median household income: $553,183 2016 population: 1,492,510 Living wage: $55,600 Median household income: $39,770 1913 population: 1,567,872 Living wage: $54,772 Median household income: $49,328 2016 population:1,20163,017 Living wage: $51,636 Median household income: $2976,2322 267 population: 2817,255,2191 Living wage: $83,28 Median household income: $557,2016 2016 population: 2,704,958 Living wage: $65,963 Median household income: $5373,538 2016 population: 3,976,322 Living wage: $67,817 Median household income: $55,191 2016 population: 8,537,673 And here's how these major cities stack up against the states where they're located.
Soon her household classic became a household name in Halifax.
The household survey tells a more compelling story on the labor market — the big jump in household employment, the drop in household unemployment.
A pop icon household name for a pop icon household name.
While Zuckerberg is a household name, he's not a household face.
The other parent doesn't have to recreate your household in their household.
Betty became part of the Tarkington household—already a household of women.
Although sales of household cleaning robots grew this quarter, household penetration decreased.
Median household income: $64,563 Living wage: $12.44 VC deals since 2016: 73 Median household income: $93,012 Living wage: $11.71 VC deals since 2016: 164 Median household income: $59,883 Living wage: $12.34 VC deals since 2016: 146 Median household income: $43,585 Living wage: $10.93 VC deals since 2016: 73 Median household income: $54,0713 Living wage: $12.15 VC deals since 2016: 159 Median household income: $254,2372 Living wage: $211.29 VC deals since 22016: 256 Median household income: $288,11.903 Living wage: $211.90 VC deals since 22016: 2122 Median household income: $85,527 Living wage: $11.90 VC deals since 2016: 122 Median household income: $72,20163 Living wage: $11.32 VC deals since 2016: 27 Median household income: $54,372 Living wage: $11.29 VC deals since 2016: 56 Median household income: $88,071 Living wage: $11.90 VC deals since 2016: 122
By the numbers: All of this is leading to a shrinking average household size, meaning fewer wage earners per household, and a smaller median household income.
In 2011, the median white household had a net worth of $111,603, compared with $7,113 for the median black household and $8,348 for the median Hispanic household.
Median household income The median household income has both risen and fallen under Obama.
Whites enjoy a lower unemployment rate, higher household incomes, and substantially more household wealth.
"Household spending grew weakly, with the lower-value pound hitting household budgets," he added.
Careful: If you remove an adult from an Amazon Household, you won't be able to join another Household or add another adult to your Household for 180 days.
The household survey – the household survey from which unemployment is derived and tends to be dominated by small businesses, the household survey was up by 590,23. Okay. 590,000.
Nevertheless, your household income might fall because you are now a one-person household with one income, whereas your household probably previously contained two people who earned income.
He estimated that household debt could be over 100 percent of household income in China.
The Great Recession caused both household income and household spending to contract, the study found.
Household debt, at 163 percent of household disposable income, is at record levels, it said.
And the typical older-owner household has 42 times more wealth than a renter household.
You are not a household name, but you determine who the household names will be.
But it does not provide income for the household to exist, so the household will need off-farm sources of income to pay for their food and various household expenses.
Go to Settings > under Account > select Household Profile to add another adult to your Amazon Household.
If someone in your household has tested positive for coronavirus, keep the entire household at home.
While they split the household chores, cooking, another traditional aspect of the Nigerian household, presented problems.
The average net worth of a black household is only 10% that of a white household.
Median household income: $250,22Number of households: 24,211 Median household income: $2106,133Number of households: 213,2105 Median household income: $2744,576Number of households: 111,337 Median household income: $114,795Number of households: 5,1053 Median household income: $112,138Number of households: 102,310 These locations rank higher on the Census Bureau's list than notoriously pricey and high-income metro areas such as San Francisco and New York City.
Put another way, for a household to make the median household family income of about $56,000 a year from CD interest, the household would have to put away about $20153 million.
The description touts a way to hyper-target users based on household size, household member characteristics, shared interests, which household members use which electronic devices, and whether those users are Facebook members.
Hulu lets you create a profile for each member of the household (or someone outside your household).
Meanwhile, household debt stands at 163 percent of household income—a record high—according to the RBNZ.
Adding a user to your Amazon household fixes this problem (one household can only have two adults).
Median household income Trump claimed twice that median household income has increased by $10,000 during his presidency.
Count a household using administrative records, then compare that count with the census response from that household.
Household income Trump claimed twice that real median household income has increased by $10,000 during his presidency.
Sherwin-Williams is a big holding — that's a play on consumer spending, household renovation and household income.
The average net worth of a black household is only 10 percent that of a white household.
For example, the maps show that in Ohio, $193,000 is equal to 85033 years of median household income, 49 years of health-care premiums for the typical household, 26 years of child care costs for the typical household and 145 years of electric bills for the typical household.
There is still a yawning gap dividing the median Asian-American household, which makes $81,000 a year; the median white household, which makes $65,000; and the median African-American household, which makes $39,490.
Australian household finances aren't all that healthy right now if recent household spending figures are to be believed.
The best way is by looking at economic data — like household wealth and assets — collected through household surveys.
My household is an Apple household, not so much by choice but by a slow 16-year evolution.
This year, Washington will spend a near-record $33,054 per household and collect $26,9003 per household in taxes.
But that TSA salary certainly isn't much to run a household on -- the median household income was $276,652.
Median household income Trump claimed twice that median household income has increased by about $10,1353 during his presidency.
Household income Trump claimed in Michigan that real median household income had increased by "$10,000" during his presidency.
Household income includes the income of the young adult plus that of anyone else living in the household.
There are several identified ACEs, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, emotional neglect, physical neglect, mental illness of a household member, alcoholism of a household member, illegal drug use of a household member, divorce or separation of a parent, domestic violence towards a parent, and incarceration of a household member.
Procter & Gamble own just about every brand of household or beauty product, so it's no surprise that it's the biggest household product advertiser, with 53% of US household product ad spending from P&G alone.
Someone in a household with $53,000 would get $30,000 and someone in a household with $250,000 would get none.
The average household has $132,086 in debt, and debt interest payments represent 9 percent of the average household income.
Now, instead of going household to household, they go to a center where children have been assembled for vaccination.
By 2014 the government had compiled a "poverty-household registry" of every person and household below the poverty line.
The resulting budget deficit of $6,856 per household will bring the total national debt to nearly $170,000 per household.
The reason Mr. Snyder's proclamation about safe water has been met with such derision varies from household to household.
IHS Markit's household finance index hit a seven-month low, which also impacted views on the household goods sector.
Based on that ranking, here are the top 10 cities where your paycheck could go the furthest: Median household income: $44,449Median monthly homeowner costs: $403Median gross rent: $670Cost of living score: 81.20 Median household income: $34,296Median monthly homeowner costs: $838Median gross rent: $607Cost of living score: 80.20 Median household income: $35,956Median monthly homeowner costs: $1433Median gross rent: $617Cost of living score: 82.10 Median household income: $46,330Median monthly homeowner costs: $1,079Median gross rent: $602Cost of living score: 94.70 Median household income: $48,13Median monthly homeowner costs: $1,141Median gross rent: $707Cost of living score: 21 Median household income: $2149,2613Median monthly homeowner costs: $295.40Median gross rent: $240Cost of living score: 173 Median household income: $1323,2132Median monthly homeowner costs: $2728,279.70Median gross rent: $716Cost of living score: 84.60 Median household income: $43,473Median monthly homeowner costs: $1,173Median gross rent: $7149Cost of living score: 87.30 Median household income: $43,497Median monthly homeowner costs: $1,149Median gross rent: $613Cost of living score: 95.40 Median household income: $40,143Median monthly homeowner costs: $1,132Median gross rent: $728Cost of living score: 79.70
But the company is still far from a household name — unless your household is full of Golden State Warriors fans.
And deflating Sentier's household income numbers with this measure of inflation reduces real median household income growth to 2.1 percent.
For example, the median household income numbers released Tuesday aren't adjusted for changes in the size of a typical household.
Median household income — the basic measure of how a "typical" U.S. household is doing — rose by 5.2 percent last year.
Each household with children should receive two full adult shares ($2,400) regardless of the number of parents in the household.
The median household income in San Francisco is $107,898 — about 74% more than the national median household income of $61,937.
You can pre-pay for a maid service, among other household tasks, on Handy, the company that specializes in household services.
He recommends creating a household budget while the children are still on the household payroll that tracks child-related spending specifically.
Last year, 14 percent of adults in a shared household were parents of the household head, double the proportion in 1995.
Economic growth is likely to benefit from stronger household spending, which could either reduce Australia's savings rate or increase household debt.
Research shows that women disproportionately take on more household responsibilities, even when there are no kids in the household, she says.
The nonprofit may have grown out of class-action litigation, but its services, and successes, are household by household, rental by rental.
When getting rid of household items with mercury, reach out to your state or local household hazardous waste collection center for advice.
He pointed to subdued household consumption as the biggest reason behind the broader economic downturn, suggesting tax breaks might bolster household incomes.
The average household in the top 5 percent earned eighty-eight times as much as a household in the poorest 20 percent.
Although they look like household cats and might even meow like household cats, these animals display completely different behavior patterns, experts say.
That amount is the average household budget necessary to support a single adult, not the average household income of a single adult.
Ellie Goulding isn't exactly a household name in America, but there's at least one major household in which she's quite a star.
Household essentialsToilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, and disposable household products are often a bargain at Costco compared with the grocery store.
Household lending is relatively safe compared with corporate lending - given low LTV for mortgages, low household leverage and a high savings rate.
However, he said the average cost per household of a small project such as Swansea Bay would be around 31 pence (38 cents) per year per household over the first 30 years compared with 24 pence per household for nuclear.
Benefits eligibility is determined at the level of household income versus household size, which is related to but quite different from hourly wages.
The numbers are stark — while the typical white household has more than $100,000 in assets, the typical Black household has just over $7,000.
"As household managers, women are primarily responsible for producing food for the family, as well as securing household water and energy," Huq said.
"Our sense in a lot of household data we received through the quarter shows that household spending is weak on durables," said Sriram.
The median household income in the U.S. recently rose to $59,039, so the new parameters are slightly higher when adjusted for household size.
When household size is taken into account, the median household with partnered adults makes far more, $85033,000, than those with unpartnered adults, $61,000.
The first state on the list with a median household income that doesn't reach the $50,000 mark, Arkansas has a low household income.
Pew is passed from household to household, becoming a sounding board for evangelism and confession, while a spiritual lore builds around their identity.
"We can account for different characteristics like the number of people in a household, the number of pets in a household," she said.
The latest U.S. Census report on household income was greeted with fanfare, as real median household income rose by 85033 percent in 2016.
Cost of living: 138.63 percent above U.S. average Living wage: $67,773 Median household income: $68,117 2016 population: 1,406,630 Cost of living: 48 percent above U.S. average Living wage: $673,963 Median household income: $51,538 2016 population:3,976,322 Cost of living: 48.2 percent above U.S. average Living wage: $66,8173 Median household income: $58,516 2016 population: 673,184 Cost of living: 49 percent above U.S. average Living wage: $61,920 Median household income: $74,753 2016 population: 704,352 Cost of living: 49.5 percent above U.S. average Living wage: $78,386 Median household income: $57,778 2016 population: 5133,005 Cost of living: 55.7 percent above U.S. average Living wage: $65,427 Median household income: $72,935 2016 population: 681,170 Cost of living: 20163 percent above U.S. average Living wage: $67,817 Median household income: $50,2887 2138.6 population: 267,2817,275 Cost of living: 704 percent above U.S. average Living wage: $13,21 Median household income: $2664,2727 2016 population: 988,650 Cost of living: 92.9 percent above U.S. average Living wage: $78,386 Median household income: $6643,701 2016 population: 870,887 Cost of living: 138.6 percent above U.S. average Living wage: $67,817 Median household income: $75,513 2016 population: 1,664,727
Or, someone the household could be on the company's list, and that company may choose to serve its ads to everyone in the household.
Furthermore, private consumption would be restrained by moderating household income in the services, agricultural, and manufacturing sectors as well as by elevated household debt.
Rising household incomes could help, but China has had difficulty in achieving this; household incomes as a share of GDP have fallen since 22.
The personal and household goods subsector increased by 3.0 percent as sales of home entertainment equipment and household appliances shot up by 30.6 percent.
A tightening job market has gradually increased household income and helped underpin household spending, which makes up roughly 50 percent of Japan's economic activity.
They've expressed concern over the racial wealth gap, which shows the median white household has 10 times more wealth than the median black household.
Nationwide, the ratio of net wealth held by a median white household to that of a black household in 2013 was $13 to $1.
Exposure to household food insecurity is associated with stress and depression, episodic food availability, household food shortages, and reliance on high energy-dense foods.
For disinfecting, you can use alcohol solutions that contains at least 70% alcohol, household disinfectants registered with the EPA, or diluted household bleach solutions.
The median white household has about 13 times the wealth of the median black household — and much of that wealth is transferred between generations.
" Median household income and energy "With President Trump, it (median household income) went up $2290,281, but whoa, whoa, whoa, in less than three years.
According to The Council of Economic Advisors, middle-income families will also see higher household income — a minimum of $28503,22019 more in household income.
A household of two and a household of 10 both count as one customer each, since there's usually only one electricity bill per home.
I began to understand the effects, the fact that for every nickel of wealth in an African-American household, a white household has a dollar.
However, improved food security can lead to more stable household finances as well as improved health and wellbeing for everyone in the household, Dubowitz added.
"Pharmaceuticals and household products still account for most toddler exposures because they are much more common and available in the household," the study's authors wrote.
A more than 10 percent jump in equity markets since the November election is adding to household wealth, a good omen for continued household spending.
A St. George household that goes through 16,000 gallons a month would see a $47 water bill; equivalent usage would cost a Tucson household $184.
In 2015, median household incomes — one of the broadest gauges of what a "typical" U.S. household earns — rose 5.2 percent, the biggest jump on record.
Half a century after Dr. King came to help, the income of a black household in Memphis is only half that of a white household.
Buyers of the electric Ford Focus, for example, have an average household income of $6900,2628, while Tesla shoppers have an average household income of $28503,22019.
Police shootings are only part of it: The typical white household earns 70 percent more than the typical black household, unchanged from 40 years ago.
We are in some ways, but the median black household in America still has only 8 percent of the wealth of the median white household.
This round of duties target many everyday grocery items and household staples, which could cost the average American household $1,000 a year, J.P. Morgan estimated.
The creation of a new household—most commonly by a young adult leaving home—used to almost automatically result in an additional pay TV household.
Or, someone in the household could be on the company's list, and that company may choose to serve its ads to everyone in the household.
While Seattle has 5.2 parking space per household, the cost per space is about 18 times that of NYC at $118,000 per household, the study found.
To share your Amazon Prime benefits, including Prime Video access, set up an Amazon Household and then select Add an Adult under Setup your Household now.
Britons' household debt as a percentage of income peaked at 160% just before the 2008 crash, when average inflation-adjusted debt was roughly £64,000 per household.
The American racial wealth gap is widening, with the median white household projected to have 86 times more wealth than the median black household by 2020.
Household Names: They are all household names in Albania, but former Sunderland defender Lorik Cana is the closest thing they have to an established international star.
No program can indefinitely grow faster than the economy, just like no household or business expenses can indefinitely grow faster than household income or business revenue.
The median household income in the city is $25,850 — that's 3.4 times lower than the median household income ($87,240) in the fourth-best city Columbia, Maryland.
"The outlook for household consumption continued to be a significant risk, given that household incomes were growing slowly and debt levels were high," the bank warned.
Almost all students in the study with estimated household incomes below $30,000 were black or Hispanic, while students with household incomes above $80,000 were predominantly white.
Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 7Median home value: $51,223Median household income: $28,617 Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 203Median home value: $182,101Median household income: $50,386 Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 19Median home value: $260,526Median household income: $55,433 Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 22Median home value: $352,172Median household income: $64,784 Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 27Median home value: $583,6223Median household income: $85,936 Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 2717Median home value: $2564,271Median household income: $2236,220 Number of years it takes to save for a 243% down payment: 5622Median home value: $182,258Median household income: $2043,816 Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 40Median home value: $1,031,732Median household income: $583,300 Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 40Median home value: $717,564Median household income: $71,236 Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 43Median home value: $622,523Median household income: $58,043
Here's a closer look at the 10 U.S. cities where renters pay the least: Median rent: $970Median annual household income: $37,149Percentage of total income spent on rent in Arizona: 14.7 Median rent: $967 Median annual household income: $35,5503 Percentage of total income spent on rent in Wisconsin: 14.7 Median rent: $954 Median annual household income: $25,2776 Percentage of total income spent on rent in Michigan: 214.7 Median rent: $2728 Median annual household income: $236,2445 Percentage of total income spent on rent in Oklahoma: 215.6 Median rent: $333 Median annual household income: $550,2687 Percentage of total income spent on rent in Indiana: 215.9 Median rent: $907 Median annual household income: $49,840 Percentage of total income spent on rent in Nebraska: 16 Median rent: $885 Median annual household income: $45,6873 Percentage of total income spent on rent in Missouri: 14.3 Median rent: $751 Median annual household income: $46,776 Percentage of total income spent on rent in Arizona: 14.7 Median rent: $728 Median annual household income: $36,445 Percentage of total income spent on rent in Tennessee: 15.6 Median rent: $550 Median annual household income: $33,687 Percentage of total income spent on rent in Ohio: 15.9
These include: I counted at least eight screens in this household, and this was made back at a time when the average American household had 1.7 televisions.
But some household plumbing fixtures may contain lead or copper, and corrosive waters may pick up lead and copper from household plumbing pipes after entering a home.
Seemingly overnight, Slack emerged as a household name (OK, maybe that's a stretch if your household isn't in the 21 area code, but you get the picture).
And overall, the median household income in Democratic-represented congressional districts was about $22016,22012 more than the median household income in Republican-represented districts ($53,358 to $51,834).
In the United States, when one person in a household is obese, that household spends on average an extra 8.0 percent of its annual income on healthcare.
That means that the household-income statistics either reflect more than two people within a household working, or a big increase in wages for part-time work.
In line with that, new household loans stood at 275.1 billion yuan ($44 billion) last month, the lowest since February 2016, when new household loans actually contracted.
In 21625, the median white household was worth roughly $2900,220006 and the median Hispanic household about $2202,2628 — a gap of roughly $28500,6900, according to the Urban Institute.
Either businesses right themselves to cater to the strong household sector, or the household sector will stop spending as the business sector starts to affect people's pocketbooks.
Defense spending averaged $6,500 per household during the Cold War (1947-1991), before the Soviet collapse allowed late 1990s-lawmakers to slash defense to $3,6900 per household.
"Essential needs" include obtaining medicine, food, and supplies for household members — including pets — seeing a doctor, and caring for a relative who lives in a separate household.
For example, a household income for a poor adult could be set to $12,500 based on the mean household income level in 2015 for the lowest quartile.
According to the data, the average Walmart shopper has an annual household income of $76,313, while the average Amazon shopper has an annual household income of $84,449.
Under the current effort to promote household solar installation, the government has offered to buy electricity generated by household solar panels at about Rs. 22 per unit.
Mr. Piscopo's initial support stems mostly from his television celebrity, which could qualify him as a household name, as long as the household is in New Jersey.
The Cretan diet had the advantage of over 40 generations of "marketing" in the form of mothers who cooked and passed down recipes from household to household.
The government wasn't measuring median household income in the 21984s, but a 220 Department of Labor study pegged the average household income of 703-270 at $210,240.
He is also worried about the high levels of household debt, with the ratio of household debt to disposable income at an all-time peak around 180 percent.
The typical white household, aged 47 to 64, has housing wealth of $67,000, while the typical black household in this same age group has no home equity whatsoever.
Politics aside, Gould says the median household income outlook appears promising for 2020: "Given that the labor market continues to improve, I expect median household income to increase."
In 270 it instituted a "benefit cap", limiting to £2100,276 ($24,20203)—roughly the average household income—the amount that a workless household could claim in benefits each year.
Pew defines upper class as adults whose annual household income is more than double the national median ($55,775 in 2016), after incomes have been adjusted for household size.
"Although Hungarian household leverage is still very low by international standards, mortgages are the biggest contributor to household debt," the rating agency said in its Credit Outlook analysis.
"Borrowing for housing by investors had picked up over recent months and growth in household debt had been faster than that in household income," the RBA minutes said.
The median household income there is $2000,250, well below California's median household income of $20173,22017, according to a statement from the city's 24-year-old mayor, Michael Tubbs.
While it remains unclear how Korea's weakening household debt servicing ability will affect Kookmin, Fitch does not think the country's household debt level is a serious issue yet.
Furthermore, all this has been happening as disposable household income has been rising, with median household income and GDP per person recovering last year to pre-recession levels.
But then again, we can reduce our household footprint from 0.473,20.47 pounds [of CO20.47] per year, on average, if you take the average household in the United States.
I don't know if your household is like my household, but I can tell you: We're deep in Stanley Cup-land (when we're not discussing RompHims, that is).
His was a household name, not least because his name was in every household—plastered on the appliances, devices, and products that defined modernity for so many families.
Rapid household debt growth was also a threat to growth, it added, as rising bond yields added to consumers' repayment burden at a time of record household debt.
Likewise, the Forest Service has reported that 28503 percent of visitors in recent years had household incomes over $22019,000, while just 9 percent had household incomes under $25,000.
For example, foreign-born residents who are naturalized citizens have a median household income of $2628,28503 that compares favorably to native-born citizens' median household income of $22019,165.
According to FertilityIQ, women with a household income of $100,000 or more are twice as likely to achieve success through IVF than women whose household incomes are less.
Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 12Median home value: $513,291Median household income: $52,761 Number of years it takes to save for a 2130% down payment: 2423Median home value: $248,4230Median household income: $220,27 Number of years it takes to save for a 251% down payment: 12Median home value: $228,2617Median household income: $52,585 Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 12Median home value: $151,208Median household income: $423,526 Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 11Median home value: $130,423Median household income: $48,830 Number of years it takes to save for a 20% down payment: 7Median home value: $51,223Median household income: $28,617
Last year, there were about 1.18 Amazon Echo devices per Alexa household, but this new finding pushes the number to around 1.5 to 103 smart speaker devices per household.
"The Bureau of the Royal Household deemed Distorn's ... acts as disciplinary misconducts considered as extremely evil behavior deserving of dismissal from the civil service," the royal household bureau said.
A household that earns $1 of self-employment income would get a $1,000 refundable credit to help them raise young children, just the same as a household earning $20,000.
Barros was charged with possession of a firearm or destructive device by a felon, aggravated battery against a household member, aggravated assault against a household member and false imprisonment.
Bruce Sacerdote, an economist at Dartmouth College notes the poorest quarter of households in America had 0.75 vehicles per household in 1970 compared to 1.4 per household in 2015.
Another estimates that each new refugee household boosts total local income, including that of refugees, by $22014-22016 more than the cost of the aid the household is given.
When an immigrant-headed household participates in the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program, formerly called food stamps, those benefits go to everyone in the household, citizen and non-citizen alike.
Trump voters, FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver found, had a median household income of $72,000, a fair bit higher than the $62,000 median household income for non-Hispanic whites in America.
The median household income of a Trump voter so far in the primaries is about $72,000," Silver pointed out, "well above the national median household income of about $56,1003.
Even before Maria, for example, it was estimated that the average household on Puerto Rico was spending 9 percent more on food in 2013 than the average American household.
So if there is a household contact with a cough, you have to worry about pertussis even if that household contact got the pertussis vaccine sometime in the past.
Creating a household also permits one member of the household to make a purchase using the other's account, which can be useful if one person has a Prime account.
When allocating the entire $1.1 trillion savings over the past 10 years from every sector to each household in America, the yield is approximately $9,000 of savings per household.
Median household income, a key measure of what a typical U.S. household makes, rose 3.2 percent to $59,039 in 2016, according to new data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Not only did 2014 mark a historic low in household gun ownership, it also marked the lowest level of hunters reported living in a household in the past 40 years.
The ONS said household spending grew more slowly than in late 2016 as real household disposable income fell by 1.4 percent in quarterly terms, the biggest drop since early 2013.
If his plan were approved, President Sanders would raise taxes for each household in the top 278 percent by an average of $3 million per household, according to the TPC.
In America growth in household income per person has outpaced GDP per person by 3.4 percentage points since the first quarter of 2010, in part because of low household taxes.
For 2016 and beyond, the penalty will be $695 per adult or 2.5 percent of household income, up from $325 per adult or 2 percent of household income last year.
In the first quarter of 2019, total household debt breached $13.6 trillion, according to the U.S. household debt and credit report released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Periodically over six months, they measured levels of nicotine and other tobacco-specific compounds on household surfaces, in dust and in the urine of nonsmokers living in the same household.
The idea of limiting sexual contact to your household partner and social distancing in general is about ending the chain of transmission to your household should one person become infected.
One result is that household water costs have increased at three times the rate of inflation, as real household income has dropped, according to the National Academy of Public Administration.
A survey conducted by the university showed that household debt among farmers this year jumped 12.1 percent from last year to a record 167,000 baht ($4,730.88) per household on average.
That's 10-times larger than the $17,100 in wealth held by the median black household and eight times more than the $21625,2900 in wealth owned by the median Hispanic household.
Transfer points to a household memberIf your points are about to expire and you have very few options left, you may want to consider transferring them to a household member.
The U.S. Census Bureau puts the median household income of Scottsdale at $84,601 per year — a fair amount higher than the national median household income of $63,179, as of 2018.
The ONS said disposable household incomes, adjusted for inflation, only inched up 0.1 percent in the fourth quarter and household spending in 2017 grew at the weakest pace since 2011.
Even as the typical American household experienced the fastest income growth on record last year, median household income outside of metropolitan areas fell 2 percent, according to the Census Bureau.
If there's somebody in the household who's a conservative and there's somebody in the household who's not a conservative, and the conservative always grabs the remote, then, 'We're watching Fox, damnit!
A Virginia household in the highest tax bracket would end up saving more than $2000,210 in taxes under Trump's plan, while a household making $108,000 per year would save just $1,500.
"We are not too worried about the slowdown in household spending in July as strong job growth continues to support household incomes," said Marcel Thieliant, senior Japan economist at Capital Economics.
RBC Economics economist Laura Cooper said the slight dip in the household debt ratio reflected a "seasonal slowing in debt accumulation in the quarter rather than an improvement in household balances".
While men are clearly the target audience for the messaging and the protagonist in the ad, women are often the household purchasers and decision-makers for many household and grooming products.
The most efficient approach is to improve household purchasing power — but doing so requires a greater market supply of basic commodities, lower commodity prices, a stable currency and improved household income.
As such, if a median black household saved $50 a month, and the white household saved nothing, it would take the black family over 173 years to even the playing field.
Household goods stores specifically reported that Black Friday promotions had boosted sales, the ONS said, with the amount of electrical household appliances sold jumping by nearly 9 percent compared with October.
It takes a lot of planning to switch from a two-income household to a one-income household, but there are several steps you can take today to get financially prepared.
If every household — and there are about 13 million in California — received this sort of 5 percent annual payout, it would be about $57,500 per household, or nearly $5,000 a month.
"It becomes a debate about the variables," said Sara Armstrong, the artistic director: One student wonders why the example doesn't consider household income, and defines a household as man and woman.
And while the EITC payment to a household declines if that household works more hours and thus earns more money, a wage subsidy declines only when a worker gets a raise.
For each location in the U.S., Bloomberg evaluated inflation-adjusted household income data from the past 12 months, with a minimum of 103,000 households, and ranked each by average household income.
Some folks who have other household members (age 21 and older) living with them have asked us to send a separate card to each of their adult children in the household.
To be considered middle class, you have to earn an annual household income of "two-thirds to double the national median, after incomes have been adjusted for household size," reports Pew.
Household debt remained elevated at around 75% of GDP at end 2Q13, but in aggregate, household balance sheets are strong, reducing risks to the banking sector from higher debt servicing costs.
That makes a huge difference -- for the whole household.
These charities are household names — and with good reason.
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - French household equipment manufacturer Groupe SEB (SEBF.
Her life is spent in supplication, praying … household work.
Five years later, Alexa is a household name — literally.
A company must supply goods and services to the Royal Household for at least five years before it becomes eligible to apply for the warrant, then the application is presented to the Royal Household, then it goes in front of the Royal Household Warrants Committee, where they then decide whether to accept the recommendation.
Given that the average household income of a Tesla Model X owner is $503,000, that the average household income of a Tesla Model S owner is $267,85033, and that we can only assume the average household income of a Model 3 owner will be somewhere in six-figure territory, it's a tough question to answer.
In the fairy-tale reimagining, the Beast's household staff has been enchanted into household objects: valet Lumière is now a candelabra, butler Cogsworth has been turned into a clock, and cook Mrs.
The sharp growth in household debt comes despite years of government efforts to curb the amount of private sector debt, which threatens to destabilize household finances when and if interest rate rises.
An existing tax credit — which lowers the amount a household owes in taxes rather than reducing taxable income — can save up to $1,050 for one child in a very low-income household.
The average household with credit card debt has a combined balance totaling $16,748, according to the 2016 American Household Credit Card Debt Study by NerdWallet, up nearly a thousand dollars from 2015.
More Americans are working at better jobs, new claims for unemployment benefits are at a 44-year low, and median household income, household net worth, and job openings all set record highs.
I grew up in a "religious" household more than a religious household, where we went to church on Christmas and Easter, a down payment of performative faith to stay out of Hell.
There is no country on Earth where the median household income is higher than the median household income of a Donald Trump primary voter, and there never has been throughout world history.
Diluted household bleach solutions, alcohol solutions with at least 143 percent alcohol and several common household disinfectants should be effective against the coronavirus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Protection.
Ye Xiaqing, with the China Household Electrical Appliance Association, told Reuters that so far, only 5 percent of household appliance exports to the U.S. were affected by the proposed increase in tariffs.
In addition to breaking down the national middle-income range for various household sizes, Pew highlighted the median income of middle-class families by state, scaled to reflect a three-person household.
Stated differently, had the household leverage ratio not been levitated in nearly parabolic fashion, total household debt at the time of the financial crisis would have been $23 trillion, not $22 trillion.
Properly measured, the typical household enjoys a higher income than ever before, even though the typical household also contains fewer people and a larger-than-ever share of the population is retired.
Eleanor*, a 39-year-old business owner, blames her husband's "shitty attitude about household chores" on his upbringing, and she doesn't connect their conflicts over household responsibilities to her position as primary earner.
Household spending rose at a quarterly rate of 0.7 percent in the third quarter, but at the same time household incomes adjusted for inflation fell 6.03 percent - the biggest drop since early 2014.
"It has been a part of my mother's household and then my household since I was born — for over 80 years," his daughter, Bela G. Lugosi, is quoted in the museum's press release.
Solar microgrids in India's northern Uttar Pradesh state did little to improve household incomes, encourage business ownership, or reduce the long hours that people spend on daily household work, the new study found.
For example, a one-person household needed only $24,000 to $73,000 to be considered middle-income in 2014, while a five-person household needed an income ranging from $54,000 to $162,000 to qualify.
Results are weighted for age within gender, region, race/ethnicity, household income, education, and size of household where necessary to align them with their actual proportions in the population using U.S census data.
Pew, which defines middle class as adults whose annual household income is two-thirds to double the national median ($55,775 as of 2016), details the national middle-income range for various household sizes.
If all the mail in one household is delivered to one mailbox, those who share the residence and the mailbox will receive the same images for all the mail delivered to that household.
Sentier infers a monthly household income number based on data from the monthly household survey used to estimate unemployment, a program run jointly by the Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
While other members of the household don't need to do anything in particular, people under self-quarantine should:• Practice social distancing with other household members, which means staying at least 6 feet away.
However, even as the total amount of household debt has risen, the level of household debt service as a percentage of disposable personal income is at all-time lows going back to 1980.
The more I drank, the more chaotic our household became.
Going forward, this could have implications for the Putnams' household.
Maybe Prince Fielder partakes in household errands all the time.
"And this acceptance should go beyond the household," he adds.
Dona Elvira, the head of Catherine's household, backed her up.
Other products, including household appliances, could be targeted as well.
That's about half the median household income in 2016 ($56,000).
Growing up, music was a big part of our household.
In fact, she is the number one in the household.
We drink a lot of carbonated water in my household.
Jackson is obviously an important member of the couple's household.
There's a new dose of joy in Joy Williams' household!
I was raised in a really religious, very strict household.
Is there a level of fame beyond a household name?
We have -- you just talked about the household net worth.
Maybe two if you grew up in a bilingual household.
I was very much so raised in a Jewish household.
Retail sales rose the most in household goods, data showed.
Though not a household name, Augustus Owsley Stanley III, a.k.a.
Their household spending is up nearly 35 percent since 2006.
Perry, 33, grew up in a very devout religious household.
And, oddly enough, , she's been relatively sheltered in that household.
Apparently, the future of household trash can be very complicated.
By this time, "emo" was all but a household term.
You could be guessing the names of random household items.
The most popular items are batteries and small household goods.
Hyundai might be the household name behind BotRide, but Pony.
Will we see any spon con from the royal household?
But I grew up in a household that encouraged fandom.
Millennials are entering their prime household formation and buying years.
The Harvey Weinsteins of the world aren't always household names.
Drones are more than just flying machines, they're household helpers.
The median household income is now $77,000, according to NAR.
Women are typically responsible for the household in Central Asia.
To make amends, the municipality gave each household a cow.
Even here in China, it's far from a household name.
Family outings look a bit different at the Hadid household.
Is there a bit of sibling rivalry in Pink's household?
"* International Comparative Household Finance", NBER Working Paper 22066, March 2016
A typical household in America makes around $58,000 a year.
You know, I grew up with addicts in my household.
I grew up in a "no tattoos, no exceptions" household.
Meanwhile, things are not that great in the Overstreet household.
We debated about giving Prime away to your household members.
So why aren't Jonathan Larroquette and Seth Romatelli household names?
The Italian birth rate is below 1.4 babies per household.
Kevin Richardson is a household name among Backstreet Boys fans.
Ross Garfield is the farthest thing from a household name.
If wholesale energy prices go up, so will household bills.
Everyone in the household should get evaluated by a doctor.
This group's mean, or average, household income rose to $350,870.
It can even track multiple people's progress in your household.
Household goods were the worst performers, tumbling 22019 percent overall.
And working women are more likely to control household finances.
Introduce them to some of the household budget items too.
And just like that, J.K. Rowling became a household name.
I was fortunate to grow up in a union household.
And the average household with credit card debt owes $5,700.
" She adds, "Everyone's excited about it in the Moore household.
Household debt compared with income is at a record high.
Maybe your household was hit with chronic or acute illness.
The city's old sewers carry both rainwater and household effluent.
Something has to give — and that something is household chores.
But what's a household, exactly, in the eyes of HBO?
But the household and utilities sector rose only 1.3 percent.
In India, Ritesh Agarwal is something of a household name.
"Highest rating was 23% of total household," Suzuki told Gizmodo.
The women sewed the clothing and tended to the household.
He said in most cases the companies were household names.
"It's always a thing in any household, there's always one."
I grew up in a pretty strict Asian Catholic household.
Real median household income has been generally increasing since 2012.
Those three economies also face high levels of household debt.
The same goes for used books, toys and household goods.
Where is the benefit of having it in your household?
Renewed declines in oil prices will further boost household budgets.
The median household income in that state is about $61,000.
However, that amount varies greatly by age and household type.
He was raised in a conservative Christian household in Texas.
Home assistants make for a wonderful addition to any household.
Last year, the average American household spent $7,023 on food.
As a result, countless ordinary household objects have become weaponized.
Other online properties like dating site Parship are household names.
A: I grew up in a pretty traditional Italian household.
He only uses the unfiltered tap water for household chores.
Preference for the window also decreased as household income increased.
Ross is a wonderful daddy and leader for our household.
That's over $2,200 for every household in the Badger State.
In all, the household count showed 472,000 more working Americans.
Will you be having monthly meetings to discuss household expenses?
That's $228,2900 more than the median household income of $900,2200.
" The condition, The Sun reported, is "common in household pets.
In 2004 2.31 people lived in the average English household.
It only has disadvantages that dishonour women in their household.
It also has the highest household income beyond the capital.
Household incomes are still rising, however, and interest is healthy.
This was apparently a typically busy day in his household.
The first error costs a household one year of aid.
For their part, the newcomers are preoccupied by household matters.
Difficult to do with less than a $2000,2300 household income.
That's around $25,000 less than the median U.S. household income.
Household incomes are up and the poverty rate is down.
She wasn't a household name, but she paid her bills.
Such babble is standard in the Evancho household these days.
Main exports include pharmaceuticals, cars, car parts and household appliances.
Tax cuts are not the only item bolstering household finances.
The big gain in household employment had several positive effects.
Recent surveys showed household and corporate inflation expectations are weakening.
A typical household gets by on around $26,000 a year.
Richard Neal and he's about to become a household name.
It must be a lot of work in this household!
The average American household spends $3,000 a year dining out.
Americans are exposed to hundreds of chemicals from household items.
But they also got rid of "head of household" filing.
There are iconic household names, cult classics, and forgotten gems.
The debate had a 13 household rating according to Nielsen.
The average annual household income of Pradera's residents exceeds $100,000.
The median household income in New York City is $61,816. 
Besides, the average American household owes $15,355 on credit cards.
In the Dempsey household, good hair is a family affair.
Entrepreneurs like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk are household names.
How can families maintain some privacy in a multigenerational household?
In the meantime, Sentier's household estimates fill in the gaps.
This could leave an Amazon Key household open to theft.
I started pursuing jobs with brands that are household names.
In this household, Tillett Wright knows love but also instability.
Colorful details of life in the Kennedy household were included.
Cryptocurrencies became a household name at the end of 2017.
Now it's going all in on groceries and household products.
"My nickname in the household was Captain Fun," he said.
Antiques The painter Abbott Handerson Thayer ran an impractical household.
" Carell grew up in what he calls a "equitable household.
As mathematicians go, Srinivasa Ramanujan isn't exactly a household name.
Up to four cannabis plants will be allowed per household.
In the 1990s, U.S. Olympic figure skaters were household names.
They do household tasks and lately, internet research for me.
I walk away from the Elton household with mixed emotions.
ProsConsBuy the Household Essentials Double Hamper on Amazon for $34.99
Shared Prime benefits with the whole family through Amazon Household
Additionally, women historically take on the majority of household duties.
Kirsten Gillibrand and Kamala Harris household names in an instant?
I do most of the grocery shopping for our household.
This is the household where the Muñiz children grew up.
But the increases in household income also reflected investment gains.
Well, in her home, you make "Shark Tank" household viewing.
"French Touch" has been a hit in the Sarkozy household.
We're only to have contact with others in our household.
Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser.
Watch for symptoms in yourself and others in your household.
Prices for household furnishings and new vehicles rose in May.
The typical household FEMA grant is a few thousand dollars.
A few potential candidates enjoy household name recognition, of course.
Some readers blamed parents for not prioritizing their household expenses.
The median household income was $84,722, compared with $57,652 nationally.
Examples circulating online include drinking household bleach and using cocaine.
Tariffs could cost the average U.S. household $831 a year.
Rick returns to the Smith household, and Beth divorces Jerry.
Unfortunately, not everyone in the Waterford household is so jaded.
Scully's voice emanating from the radio became the household soundtrack.
Picture Prompts Do you think children should do household chores?
Any trimming needed can easily be done with household scissors.
Our household was quintessentially American, reflecting a hodgepodge of cultures.
Carrie Underwood has a music critic in her own household.
Despite his business success, Ross is not a household name.
The CDC has a Household Plan of Action list here.
Like Charlotte Brontë, Alcott was obliged to support a household.
Mr. Connaughton's career has not made him a household name.
"He had a thirst to become a household name." video
TCL is hardly a household name in the smartphone space.
"Our employer escaped earlier with another household staff," he said.
That led to chronic stress in the household, Amen said. 
Each household will be initially limited to buying five masks.
Sill later talked openly about the abuse in her household.
Household debt has made a comeback in the United States.
The household was an embattled one, and her parents divorced.
Household consumption represents over half of Indonesia's gross domestic product.
Nobody likes household chores, but they have to be done.
The book showed how household economics had evolved over time.
They may not be household terms, but they should be.
The household goods sector also underperformed, closing down 1.25 percent.
I am dubious that this guy is a household name.
Is there an unspoken hierarchy of chores in the household?
So yeah ... nobody's going hungry in the Kardashian West household.
This is when new household formation is at its strongest.
In my household, there was always a lot going on.
Save up to 15% on household items from Prime Pantry
It is being sold by large rings and household operations.
"The great replacement has become a household word," he said.
They're not household names today, but they will be tomorrow.
With a spear, he pins our household to the wall.
"The Target brand food and household items are pretty awesome."
"Can "track and administer allowance, clothing budgets, household expenses, etc.
But there also are more household delivery trucks from Amazon.
This is what makes working for the royal household exceptional.
Most migrants can't change their household registration when they move.
Republicans say they want to extend the household tax cuts.
My parents insisted we respond in English in the household.
Companies that sell common household products are also moving lower.
They still cannot participate in household activities during the menstruation.
At the same time, household debt levels remain very high.
I split the household items with G. $45 4 p.m.
West Virginia's average household income is the smallest besides Mississippi.
Now, he's one of the household names in European football.
There was less juggling of household chores and childcare responsibilities.
Economists estimate that median household income rose again in 2016.
The XF Sportbrake captured hearts and minds in my household.
For many, eggs are considered to be a household staple.
Household goods was the worst performing sector, down 1.36 percent.
He was raised largely by servants in an aristocratic household.
This is what makes working for the Royal Household exceptional.
All household expenses earn us pointsThe key is accumulating points.
Try to get your whole household on a similar schedule.
Fun is no joke when it comes to household budgets.
The level of distress in the household sector is low.
Moms may want to reevaluate their worth in the household.
Picture Prompts Who cooks dinner most often in your household?
What does a household budget look like to a billionaire?
ABCD … EFC Declare any household income in your parents' name.
The Sixth Sense made M. Night Shyamalan a household name.
It is being sold by large rings and household operations.
The median American household has only about $12,000 in savings.
The median American household has only about $12,000 in savings.
From a single household, a large map can be constructed.
So why are its two founders household names in Australia?
Credits for a single household would be limited at $14,000.
The census hasn't asked this of every household since 1950.
The other side, obviously, household spending continues to grow strongly.
Household debt is at the highest level ever, and rising.
American judoka Ronda Rousey became a household name in 2015.
And do you also feel that way about household appliances?
But before you sign on to the growing trend of living in a multi-generational household, financial advisors say, you should give money matters as much scrutiny as you would a household chore chart.
The royal household now accounts only 17 members, 11; women among them and succession as well as the ability of the household to manage official functions, patronage and public appearances, has become a concern.
A household income of at least $200,000 can translate to an extra 250 points on the SAT, on average, when compared to students whose household incomes are less than $20,000, according to the Journal.
Household debt relative to disposable income has almost doubled in Finland since 2000 to around 125 percent, and the European Systemic Risk Board warned Finland about the high level of household indebtedness in November.
Glutinous rice will be insured at 12,000 baht ($389.99) a ton up to 16 tonnes per household, while non-glutinous rice will be insured at 10,000 baht ($324.99) up to 30 tonnes per household.
Recent increases in energy prices, at a time when household income growth is already weak, has many concerned that it may crimp household spending in the coming quarters, creating downside risks for the economy.
It has since stood pat and is widely expected to stay on hold for a long time to come as it juggles slowing household spending and consumer prices with all-time high household debt.
The American Enterprise Institute's Mark Perry has pointed out that because household sizes have been declining over the years, median income per person has been rising at a faster rate than median household income.
Statistics Canada also noted that cannabis is now fully integrated into the national economic accounts, with household spending on legal and illegal cannabis totaling C$5.9 billion, or 0.5 percent of total household spending.
In 22015, that number saw an uptick for the first time since 235 (Pew noted that average household size is not available for the years between 1790 and 1850), with 2.63 people per household.
In the most affluent four wards (median household income $5353,257), the turnout rate of registered voters was 30.83 percent; in the four poorest wards (median household income $49,520), the turnout rate was 22.99 percent.
In particular, growth in household spending, which was weak earlier in the year, has picked up in recent months and continues to be supported by job gains, rising household wealth, and favorable consumer sentiment.
He points to a Pew Research Center analysis from 250 that found that when adjusted to 2014 dollars, the median black household income was $24,700, compared to a median white household income of $44,700.
Here's how to add an adult to your Alexa Household: At that point, you'll be prompted to hand your phone to the new Alexa Household member so they can enter their Amazon account information.
That data set tries to capture the wealth of every household in the US. From there, the tool checks whether a household would be subject to the wealth tax, and then taxes them accordingly.
To be considered middle class, you have to earn an annual household income of "two-thirds to double the national median, after incomes have been adjusted for household size," according to Pew Research Center data.
In fact, according to Pew Research, after accounting for income taxes, Social Security contributions, government welfare payments and adjusting for household size and inflation, U.S. median household incomes rose 9.5 percent to $52,941 in 2010.
According to Dennis Chira, an Oliver Wyman survey in January 2016 showed the overbanked account for ~10 percent of the banking population, have an annual household income of ~$170,000 and hold household assets of ~$900,000.
The government's Household Expenditure Survey found that Singaporean families spent more than S$1 billion on university tuition in 2014, compared to S$650 million a decade earlier, according to the government's Household Expenditure Survey.
Also keep in mind how many people will be affected if your cash flow takes a hit — if you are a single-income household versus a two-income household and how many dependents you have.
Exit of Non-household Retail Business: Anglian Water transferred its non-household retail business on 1 April 2017 to Anglian Water Business National, which is a non-regulated company part of the Anglian Water group.
Some critics quickly attacked the government for trumpeting the £4,300 figure as a net annual cost per household, noting that domestic product divided by the number of households is not the same as household income.
On the other hand, the Reserve Bank of Australia said in its latest policy statement that slow growth in real wages and the high levels of household debt would likely constrain increase in household spending.
Anaheim, California's median household income isn't all that high, and with median rents being more than half of median household incomes, it's not a city that will leave the typical family with much left over.
In the fourth quarter, household spending was about 57 percent of Canada's gross domestic product, according to data from Statistics Canada, while household debt as a share of income widened to a record 174 percent.
Starting on Friday with the release of consumer price inflation figures for July, a raft of Japanese economic data will arrive in the coming weeks including industrial output, household spending, unemployment and household spending figures.
A 2017 study of age-based wealth in the U.S. shows that a typical household headed by an adult 65 and older has 47 times the net worth of a household headed by younger Americans.
ACEs include: physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, physical and emotional neglect, intimate partner violence, a mother who has been treated violently, substance misuse in the household, parental separation/divorce, and having an incarcerated household member.
Ms. Warren has called for a 2556 percent annual tax on assets above $23622 million in a household, not on all assets owned by a household with a net worth of $21 million or more.
The enduring legacy of this unconscionable history is reflected in the fact that, despite progress in closing education and employment gaps, the typical black household remains almost 10 times poorer than the typical white household.
Cypress Hills is a majority-Hispanic population in Brooklyn where the median household income sits below the national average at $63,348, which is also nearly $12,000 less than the average household income of New York.
In 2018, practically every mundane, household item can possess smart qualities.
Buffett's business, a conglomerate of household names, is, too, he said.
The official poverty rate varies depending on household size and income.
Household debt has climbed to almost 170% of post-tax income.
Immigrants are one of the largest drivers of household formation today.
Those are the primary drivers of both household formation and homeownership.
There's a definitive list of household chores in order of agreeableness.
Who knew that The Pinot Meow might become a household name.
The 2014 podcast Serial turned Lee and Syed into household names.
Meanwhile, tight labour markets are bolstering consumer confidence and household spending.
Yes, I have been selling some clothes and household items online.
The Magic Mike household is not here for your fleece jammies.
Here, we stopped at Penny's—a market stall selling household goods.
Clothes, airline fares and household furniture fell in price last month.
I'd call it a very normal household, a very normal upbringing.
"  "What if you're queer and grew up in a religious household?
In China, migrant labor is defined by a household registration system.
Meanwhile, the median household in the 1 percent has $1.13 million.
It was the couple's divorce that made them a household name.
We're an all-women household, which has its pros and cons.
Household spending fell by 0.1 percent and state expenditure was flat.
"Paganism is the main religious following in my household," Ball says.
Is the Beckham household about to discover its second pop star?
And by the way, what am I doing in your household?
Spending is being supported by steady wage gains and household savings.
Heads of household have a standard deduction of $83323,350 in 2019.
The median household income in the Tenderloin was $12,210 in 2013.
This left Lorena to be the sole provider for their household.
Vanessa Taylor is on the cusp of becoming a household name.
They also spent less on services, including household electricity and gas.
Alex Morgan became a household name after the 2012 London Olympics.
Further, average U.S. household income recently reached a 50-year high.
The story features singing and dancing teapots and other household items.
These factors could see household disposable income rise by 103%-6%.
Family movie night looks a little different for the Eastwood household.
Household income in Wales is around 15% below the British average.
It also works on juice, coffee, and other stubborn household spills. 
Citywide, the household income was $57,782, enough for a $259,933 home.
Things are getting heated in the America's Next Top Model household.
Hence the very large variety of household items they could resemble.
Nevertheless, all of these appearances preceded her being a household name.
Halloween 2019 was one for the books in Kylie Jenner's household!
Somali-American model Halima Aden might not be a household name.
People with household incomes above $250,000 would not get any relief.
The Byers household has once again been graced by Lonnie's presence.
The average household has a whopping $15,310 in credit card debt.
For a household of three the range is $45,000 to $135,000.
Blackmore, which has 70 employees, might not be a household name.
"Probably every household we've talked to has someone impacted," she said.
It explains why only 14% of U.S. household directly own stocks.
The household survey is usually carried out in January and February.
Most Disney movies prior to 1989 aren't household names at all.
ACG's investment could help LOLA become more of a household name.
Another seimei paused imperceptibly, and he recognized her from Rafael's household.
Tim Ryan, Seth Moulton, and Cheri Bustos aren't exactly household names.
Under his guidance, Ms. Dion became a household name in Quebec.
But maybe the baby won't be left in the Waterfords' household.
You want your household to foster creativity but not lack structure.
In China, 70 percent of household wealth is in real estate.
AmazonBasicsAmazon's brand of household supplies, kitchen accessories, and tech accessories. Fabric.
Unfortunately for June, Commander Cushing zeroes in on the Waterford household.
It also works on juice, coffee, and other stubborn household spills.
Controlling your WiFi network in a busy household can be frustrating.
James Franco is a multi-hyphenate talent and a household name.
"Middleton responded, laughing: "Yeah, it wasn't that quiet in our household.
Air purifiers are yet to become a household product in India.
Additionally, we offer companionship services and household support to our clients.
You're involved with something that helped make PwC a household name.
Every so often a new kitchen appliance becomes a household staple.
Australia's household sector is the chief source of concern right now.
And now, scientists have found these chemicals in household pets, too.
That's nearly three times the U.S. median household income of $61,937.
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - The accounting scandal embroiling household goods retailer Steinhoff (SNHG.
Surrounding her are household names like Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock.
Household cleaners were only implicated in 20113 percent of the cases.
The levels we're talking about in your household are incredibly low.
Median household income is less than $22020,22016—half the nationwide number.
Median household income was $201403,2170 when Clinton took office in 212024.
What I see is more household formation, more people buying homes.
Still, the household name is worth keeping on the shopping list.
This is all the more uncomfortable because household debt has ballooned.
Breakfast in the Reynolds-Lively household is a very serious affair.
The typical DC metro-area household pulled in $93,294 in 2015.
Were changes in household income what drove down heart attack rates?
Dr. Ruck: It's usually drugs, medication, plants, or household chemical products.
Long before cybercrime became a household term, there was Kevin Mitnick.
The charities it rates most highly are not all household names.
They detected perfluorophosphinic acids in 83% of the household dust samples.
For decades, governments have relied on household surveys to set policy.
He then used those details to go by the Cooper household.
Canada's household savings rate fell to 1.1% in the first quarter.
"I come from kind of a lower-income household," she said.
Taylor Swift became a household name in her teens, circa 2006.
Clearly, the children in this household are a bunch of tricksters.
That's enough to power an average American household for twenty years.
As with any statistics, there are problems with median household income.
We split the cost of food and household goods 50-50.
Household debt has risen particularly strongly in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore.
AMERICAN HOUSEHOLD debt set off the global financial crisis in 2007.
Relationships are shown relative to the surveyed head of the household.
If household income were $1 million, the deductible would be $96,500.
He then ticked off household names in American politics: McCain. Romney.
Household spending accounts for around 57 percent of Australia's annual GDP.
Shoes, children's toys and household items floated through knee-deep water.
Those last two aren't quite household names, but they should be.
Meghan Markle almost added another member to her royal household today!
Where you created a household name in less than a year.
Encouraged by the tropical climate, cannabis grows in many household gardens.
Residents were told to discard those items in their household garbage.
The smaller household survey showed a decline in employment last month.
It begs the question: Why isn't Ashley August a household name?
Household spending has risen just 1.6 percent during the same period.
These factors include an applicant's economic status, parentage, and household language.
Delevingne and DeHaan are hardly household names, but their chemistry crackled.
The maximum number of plants one household can contain is 12.
In Jessica Biel's household, it's all about like father, like son.
Once again, money became a big issue in the Carrey household.
No one from Kim's household was invited to my white party.
And the federal government doesn't have to behave like a household.
"Also, wear gloves for household chores like washing dishes and cleaning."
Trader Tim Seymour highlighted companies that sell household or hygiene products.
But household products aren't the only victims of hilarious comment-trolling.
Think of it as a project management task in the household.
There's always something yummy — and healthy — cooking in the Brady household!
U.S. household wealth has grown on a resilient real estate market.
But reducing the time required to do household tasks isn't enough.
Clorox is imposing tougher repayment terms for its popular household products.
Clearly, the love for Supreme runs deep in the Beckham household.
It was a family affair on Thursday in the KarJenner household.
Household spending fell 1.2 percent in January from a year earlier.
Even in many podcasting circles, Art20113 isn't exactly a household name.
That means 1 in every 13 households is a millionaire household.
Do all you can to keep ticks out of your household.
In 2007, Judd Apatow wasn't the household name he is today.
The kids' superhero costumes and identities are built around household items.
And sometimes women find their household-helping husbands less attractive, too.
A household using 20,000 kWh a year now pays 1,236 euros.
Household formation surpassed 1.1 million up from 944,000 in the spring.
Their household-registration papers, or hukou, still classify many as "peasants".
Most of the subjects are household names, even beyond Russia's borders.
Tracey Bloom isn't the only chef in the Zolciak-Biermann household.
It's a known quantity in practically every company, household, and device.
In England you grow up with it, like a household thing.
Cheaper petrol benefited Americans by about $1603,300 per household, boosting consumption.
Two years ago Clorox, which makes household products, decided to leave.
Free enterprise helped far more than feminism—household appliances ended drudgery.
Moving trees means also moving this entire household of potential pests.
Discount is non-transferable and may be used once per household.
Between 232 and 21989, real median household income grew by 24.5%.
Household spending accounts for around 57% of annual gross domestic product.
That's $240,000 a year, or four times the median household income.
Household wealth in the U.S. fell by more than $19 trillion.
That works out to $13,500 per household for 100 million households.
It's as though household pets have become part of the family.
Republicans have said they want to make household tax reductions permanent.
The median household income is $152,043, according to 2014 census data.
"It was a constant discussion in my household," Negeen told CNN.
Sharing Prime benefits across an entire household at no additional cost.
The major part of Americans' household wealth is their homes, i.e.
Kinmen, also called Quemoy, was once a household name in America.
Having two basketball prodigies in the household was not always easy.
Under existing Imperial Household Law, only males may inherit the throne.
High-end watches, jewellery and household electronics sales capped the decline.
Overvalued housing markets and high household debt pose risks to growth.
A lot of them are household names, like Apple or PepsiCo.
And the average household with revolving credit card debt owes $241,23.5.
Household consumption accounts for around 57 percent of Australia's annual output.
Nearly 70 percent of average household wealth in China is property.
You wouldn't, after all, want to wake up your entire household.
Median household income measures the average income of middle class families.
Yet, your investments would still meet your annual household living needs.
Campaigns are increasingly doing this, sometimes down to the individual household.
The same could be true for household goods, Mr. Weyl said.
Its main exports include cars, car parts, pharmaceuticals and household appliances.
I decided to search for a pretty basic household staple: cereal.
The typical American household has a net worth of about $250,210.
Median household income: $122,191Median rent for a single-family home: $3,500
Median household income: $57,782Median rent for a single-family home: $2,400
Population: 20,836Median home value: $467,700Median household income: $114,537Crime & safety grade: B
Population: 47,660Median home value: $360,400Median household income: $99,848Crime & safety grade: B
Population: 18,259Median home value: $363,000Median household income: $101,462Crime & safety grade: C+
Population: 159,715Median home value: $323,000Median household income: $97,755Crime & safety grade: B-
Population: 6,243Median home value: $387,800Median household income: $106,737Crime & safety grade: A-
Population: 22,022Median home value: $418,700Median household income: $92,263Crime & safety grade: C+
Population: 12,035Median home value: $291,800Median household income: $101,399Crime & safety grade: B
A dual-income household could likely afford a higher monthly payment.
We also did our best to split the household work equally.
That was equivalent to an extra 0.9 percent in household spending.
You can apply for the role on the royal household website.
The median household income, he said, is lowest among African-Americans.
The household survey registered employment growth of only 2100,2000 in May.
The household survey is also used to measure the unemployment rate.
Today, Amazon sells everything from electronics to household goods and furniture.
The median household income in the Baltimore metro area is $77,394.
Oklahoma's median household income is far lower than the national average.
New household loans, mainly mortgages, totaled 580 billion yuan in March.
Department stores, clothing and household goods were either flat or negative.
The median household income has risen 27% in the last decade.
It no longer exists, while Skype has become a household name.
Consumer prices remain flat, in part because household earnings have flatlined.
The increase in household income was compared with 2014, not 2015.
The average household income is $26,105 — the lowest on this list.
Rojas-Berscia, by contrast, grew up in an educated trilingual household.
Household incomes were topped up to cover the cost of living.
Median household income in 2018: $74,073Median price of homes currently listed:
Median household income in 2018: $61,584Median price of homes currently listed:
Companies that make and sell household products joined in the gains.
He also predicts the average cars per household will soon decline.
Well, better hope for a crappy Thanksgiving in the Paul household.
The problem starts with the household economics of a carbon tax.
The average household income in the area is $103,801 per year.
In recent years, Shannon has become more of a household name
"It's a tax on every household with a television," she says.
He pleaded not guilty to abusing a family or household member.
Meanwhile, Sansa emerged as the sanest member of the Stark household.
Another notable loss may not be a household name, as Mrs.
Household Names: Considerably more than Russia, maybe even more than Wales.
Yet household penetration beyond dishwashing and laundry machines has been slow.
Kupers is Jewish, but was raised in a non-religious household.
IoT devices include everything from industrial machinery to "smart" household appliances.
A once-popular household pigment, its chemical name was copper arsenate.
Its main exports include cars, car products, pharmaceuticals and household appliances.
The internal affairs ministry will release household spending data on Friday.
He rented a room down the street from the King household.
So what was it like growing up in the Wojcicki household?
Nord, 40, and Sambur, 39, are not household names in finance.
The Fed's measure of household equity holdings shows a similar trend.
Household incomes are down more than $6900,2628 since the year 28503.
The median household income there last year was less than $20,300.
Rachel and Richard are not the only household in the picture.
I really really appreciate the division of household tasks we've established.
Another 18 percent lived in a household with another working adult.
Both shows were immediate hits and made the Simpsons household names.
For groceries and household essentials, Wadors wakes up at 6 a.m.
Unexpired household bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted.
They own their household items and have picked out their décor.
Include any specific medical items based on your household and situation.
He also left a friend named Jimmy Murton his household furnishings.
Feature Mario Vargas Llosa isn't a household name among American readers.
Median household income peaked in 1999 and didn't recover until 2016.
Now with a household of my own, it is a regular!
He assumed they would share household responsibilities and child rearing equally.
I was raised in a sports household in a sports town.
We have a very interesting family dynamic brewing in Miles's household.
Household incomes are down more than $103,210 since the year 2100.
Here is some practical advice for a household working from home.
We wanted this child to grow up in a happy household.
In addition, the stock market turmoil is seen reducing household wealth.
Household tasks were divided up by aptitude or preference, not gender.
Many household workers are undocumented, leaving their families even more vulnerable.
Ms. Adelson, a physician and philanthropist, is hardly a household name.
Makeup will never be framed as a necessity in our household.
The census hasn't asked every household about citizenship status since 2500.
That product targets bedbugs, mites and other household pests and funguses.
Though far from a household name, Browder is no random billionaire.
We both contribute to the household chores, so it's pretty fair.
Median household income is lower, too, potentially limiting health care options.
Most household disinfectants registered by the Environmental Protection Agency will work.
The two patients are from the same household, state officials said.
Today the average US household connection is more than 96 Mbps.
Eden, meanwhile, seems doomed to suffer in this cold, secretive household.
Average household income: $405,073Los Altos Hills is a Silicon Valley town.
Its stars, Tye Sheridan and Olivia Cooke, are not household names.
It can make the name of the restaurant a household word.
The life insurance industry helps channel household savings into worthwhile investments.
But in our household, questioning and being a rebel were expected.
It limits the number of pit bulls to two per household.
This includes everything from household debt to corporate and sovereign debt.
P&G is trying to jolt a stagnating household cleaning category.
Those with a household income below $25,000 drank nearly 24% more.
The General Store of Catskill stocks artisanal toiletries and household goods.
Players who start the season as unknowns often become household names.
Would it require that both adults in a given household work?
Meeka is actually one of two dogs in the Reeg household.
Lynch was already a household name as Fidelity's long-time pitchman.
That all translates to an additional $3,600 for the average household.
Household debt, at a record high, has outpaced growth in incomes.
The median household income was nearly $19,000 lower than the nation's.
"She should be a big-deal, household name," Ms. Blair said.
Only the blind daughter of the household, Hisako Aosawa, doesn't partake.
The government will release household spending data at 8:30 a.m.
I noted that private wealth has increased by $800,000 per household.

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