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135 Sentences With "falseness"

How to use falseness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "falseness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "falseness". Mastering all the usages of "falseness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Those cracks having now become chasms, Wohl can use the falseness of Simonesque stage comedy to dramatize the falseness of her real subject, which is not divorce but marriage.
But the falseness of the pretense has always been obvious.
The falseness of his statements is revealed and reported on.
I think there is something to learn about the falseness of narratives.
There is a falseness to that, like a trick, and we hate it.
They produce in us a falseness in all our impressions of external things.
The falseness of that belief was most spectacularly demonstrated by the debacle in Iraq.
The minute there's any falseness in your behavior, that will be picked up on.
Her preoccupations were nostalgia and melodrama, and strategic falseness became a kind of calling card.
Moreover, the language surrounding her government plan for "economic patriotism" is almost Orwellian in its falseness.
In the end, the impression his film leaves is not of falseness exactly, but, eerily, of fetish.
I'd be around him and suddenly I'd acutely feel all the different kinds of falseness in me.
Here's what happened: Now, at that point, Moreno has unleashed a whirlwind of falseness onto the world.
And yet the very falseness of the prospectus they flogged may be their best qualification for the job.
There's a certain falseness to Facebook "friends" you never interact with beyond the occasional Like or emoji-filled comment.
A crucial response, insufficient though it may be, is to document the falseness of his statements with simple evidence.
Beneath its falseness, it was somehow genuine, suggesting the possibility of a different kind of success buried within conventional failure.
House is a very real music— you need to have an element of falseness, and hip hop and RnB enforces that.
Slices of life, however accurate, collect into a kind of glutinous falseness when shaved too thin and heaped in a pile.
When people decided they'd had enough of the uncanny, plastic-sheened falseness of the average stock image, they let the world know.
House Republicans stand poised on Thursday to pass legislation that would—if it became law itself—expose the falseness of these promises.
There is a fundamental layer of falseness and contrivance to all public images: Celebrity culture relies on that layer not being disrupted.
For example, would it be useful if we included a link for each statement, allowing readers to see documentation of its falseness?
Indeed, fiction can be as illuminating as reality, as the thoroughness (and the falseness) of Annette Apon's Leonie, Actrice en Spionne demonstrates.
It's a narrative that, compared with the falseness of the final couple, is the kernel of truth at the center of the joke.
One of the best lessons I ever received in my intellectual development was the falseness of the idea of highbrow or lowbrow culture.
"Continue to deepen the exposure and criticism of the Dalai clique's reactionaryness on politics, its falseness on religion, its deceptive methods," he said.
But then at some point people realize the essential falseness of all that and they try to reconnect with their original animating ideals.
But it's a falseness, and that's an authenticity problem — that everybody he knows is not as perfect as him because we're all for amnesty.
You may not be able to place a name on what's happening, but you still instantly recognize the distracting, crisp falseness of the image.
"That's a falseness, and that's an authenticity problem, that everybody he knows is not as perfect as him because we are all for amnesty," he said.
Synthesizers, in the eyes of scene, symbolized falseness, hollowness, soullessness, coldness—in other words, exactly the ideas that Milemarker tackled head-on in Frigid Forms Sell.
Giving viewers an old cliché about what it is artists do, it calls attention to its own Hallmark-card falseness, highlighted by its goofy, peach coloration.
The townspeople's stiff, unnerving affect stresses the language and, above all, its falseness — the string of lies, gossip and conjecture that will ultimately lead to tragedy.
The wrinkled, distressed flesh speaks clearly about the falseness of earthly pleasures; the lost expression in the eyes sits uneasily with the sad nonchalance of the pose.
Chief Justice Warren quizzed Virginia's lawyer about the falseness of the racial purity claim, yet he veered away from it in his decision for the unanimous court.
In certain instances, the conservator will protect an image's over-all compositional effect while also seeking to acknowledge the newness, the falseness, of what she has done.
"Everybody's for amnesty except for Ted Cruz," Mr. Paul said, turning Mr. Cruz's favorite shibboleth against him as he denounced the "falseness" that he said Mr. Cruz perpetrated.
There's so much noise, so much hysteria, so much hatred, so much pettiness, so much falseness, so much intolerance, so much that's stomach turning — and all of it public!
But surrounding Idris Elba's warm performance is a metallic and cold movie, and an air of falseness that comes down, in the end, to simple lack of chemistry between the costars.
What's more, reality television — which millions watch (including me) for its compelling combination of escapism and familiarity, falseness and relatability — has permeated wider, societal conversations, taking on a strangely educational function.
I don't know what it would be like to grow up in a country that tells itself it's the best, even when faced with daily reminders of the obvious falseness of such claims.
"Westworld" has a story to tell, but it's also about storytelling, constantly forcing us to recognize the falseness of the stories that are given to us and the stories that we tell ourselves.
By this I mean the deliberately forced, deliberately 'false' voice we get from someone like Al Green creatively hallucinates a 'new world,' indicts the more insidious falseness of the world as we know it.
The clear falseness of the meme, the fact that it is an obvious exercise in absurdity, makes it possible to compartmentalize the joke of a homophobic Millie Bobby Brown from the actual Millie Bobby Brown.
"Again, with respect to the veracity, they wouldn't know they're being targeted with false information; they would know why they're being targeted as to the demographics… but not as to the veracity or the falseness of the statement," he pointed out.
I read the final pages in full thrall of Marías's novelistic power, every observation and overreaching universalizing thought falling into place as Eduardo reveals the underpinning of all that has come before, the falseness of how we have read this marriage.
This note of falseness also affects traditionally paced thrillers like Outbreak (1995), about the spread of an Ebola-like virus, and the 2013 South Korean movie Flu, about an illness that breaks out in the city of Bungdam, near Seoul.
What is at stake with the American capitalist propaganda of Koons's "Bouquet of Tulips" is the recognition of art as a means of seeing through Orwellian falseness, through the clichéd, through the indifferent, through the tendentiousness of Trumped-up, hyped-up, falsified life and death.
The leagues themselves can be confused in their understanding of how valuable this is, and confusing in how they try to sell it back to us; think of the NFL's towering and risible corporate grandiosity or the prickly falseness college football's righteous con artistry.
They are trying to sell us things that are free, and if they are machine-made and hilarious as they lurch towards us, their falseness reminds us of some important and true things, things that we already have and all too easily forget, and which belong to us alone.
Sometimes its falseness manifests as outright deception — as the peculiar story of a surfing photojournalist's fraudulent images of war recently reminded us — but more often it involves a tacit agreement on the part of both the makers and the viewers to willfully suspend disbelief and call the thing we're looking at accurate.
Along with a raised horizon that mimics the sky/earth hybrid of Monet's Waterlilies, they appear at first glance to be abstract, an idea exploited further by layering color in frames of collage-like subdivisions that give each of the larger canvases a greater artificiality, a falseness that fails to cohere much like a Warhol silkscreen's resistance to cohesion.
Paul all but accused Cruz of being a self-righteous hypocrite — something it's been known for years that many of his fellow Republicans thought of him but that no one has said out loud on primetime television: What is particularly insulting, though, he is the king of saying, oh, you're for amnesty, everybody's for amnesty except for Ted Cruz, but it's a falseness.
"So happy right now," just a split-second before Trump literally told the crowd, "I am going to make you so happy," and there it was again, the kind of sentence you never hear in politics, the sort of thing you say to a woman when you are promising her everything—a promise whose falseness inheres in it, but perhaps you are so grateful to hear it at all.
Journalists invested in the alleged mystery around Knox's guilt or innocence continued to insist upon "the elusiveness of the truth" even years after many new details about the case had come out — like the falseness of the DNA evidence on which the prosecution had pinned its investigation, and the unreliability of the one witness (a heroin addict who'd been high the night of the murder) who had vaguely placed Knox and Sollecito at the crime scene.
The Old Norse name Fárbauti has been translated as 'dangerous striker', 'anger striker',' or 'sudden-striker'. It is a compound formed with the noun fár ('hostility, danger, unfortunateness, falseness') attached to the verb bauta ('to strike').
National Museum in Warsaw Levin continues working on his estate, a setting closely tied to his spiritual thoughts and struggles. He wrestles with the idea of falseness, wondering how he should go about ridding himself of it, and criticising what he feels is falseness in others. He develops ideas relating to agriculture, and the unique relationship between the agricultural labourer and his native land and culture. He comes to believe that the agricultural reforms of Europe will not work in Russia because of the unique culture and personality of the Russian peasant.
Arguments for prescriptivism focus on the function of normative statements. Prescriptivists argue that factual statements and prescriptions are totally different, because of different expectations of change in cases of a clash between word and world. In a descriptive sentence, if one premises that "red is a number" then according to the rules of English grammar said statement would be false. Since said premise describes the objects "red" and "number", anyone with an adequate understanding of English would notice the falseness of such description and the falseness of said statement.
Annie Dillard, a prominent critic of transcendentalism, suggests a rather different kind of observer—one conscious of their own embodiment, of a "particularity" in space and time, of subjectivity, of the constructiveness, the "falseness" of vision. Dillard’s vision is different from Emerson’s because she is conscious of her presence, so she can pay attention to the “falseness” of vision. In this sense, it is safer not to attain nor aim for the transparent eyeball ideal, because vision is limited, and one should “not stalk the truth” of the places where it could be seen.
There was a falseness to > the whole project. But I did meet and work with Edmund Goulding for the > first time. He concentrated on attractive shots of me - in other words, gave > me the star treatment. It was the first time I had this.
Reform and salvation are possible with divine truth, which fights evil and falseness. When the truth is accepted and one has an evil desire, temptation (conflict) results. Although one must resist temptation, it is really a combat between God and the devil (or hell).TCR, n. 596.
He arrived in the middle of the school of mannerism, where the craft was preferred to the intellectual role of art. He broke with all of that falseness". Cézanne appreciated Poussin's version of classicism. "Imagine how Poussin entirely redid nature, that is the classicism that I mean.
Baptism signifies entrance into Christianity and reformation of the mind, where falseness is replaced by truth. Although believers should be baptized at the age of reason (to make a decision to follow Jesus), Swedenborg said that baptized infants receive a guardian angel to guide them into the Christian faith.TCR, n. 677–678.
Theatricality and falseness were emphasised, and when actors were off stage, they could be seen at the sides of the stage watching the performance. The production received lukewarm reviews, and had an average box office.Waith (1984: 54) In 1984, German playwright Heiner Müller adapted the play into Anatomie Titus: Fall of Rome.
In contrast, Jeanne's vocal style is very pointillist. The frequent leaps, changes of character, drastic dynamic changes, and glissando, characteristic of Jeanne's vocal part, are emblematic of her hysteria and falseness. Furthermore, Jeanne's demonical possession is underscored by the use of laughter, groans, and electronic distortion of her voice.Helman, "The Devils of Loudun," 85–86.
The book follows a number of themes, such as reality vs. illusion, integrity vs. falseness and the nature of achievement. The Tao of Muhammad Ali was developed by composer D. J. Sparr for the Washington National Opera's American Opera Initiative, along with Pulitzer Prize–winning librettist Mark Campbell, Davis Miller co-wrote the libretto.
Osinubi 2010, p. 60. He creates opportunities for subterfuge, and proves his loyalty by returning to the plantation. These reinforce the colonel's positive view of slavery and sense of Grandison's gratitude. Through "the reversal of polarities, particularly of the master-servant relationship, of truth and falseness, of knowledge and ignorance, and of autonomy and control," Grandison achieves freedom.
In rhetoric, logology focuses not in finding the truth or falseness of a statement or phrase, but rather why that particular word or string of words was chosen and how those choices influenced the way those words were interpreted and understood by the receiver.Singh, Surjit. The Rhetoric of Religion: Studies in Logology by Kenneth Burke. Review.
View-from- nowhere journalism sources often try defend themselves by claiming, "Both sides are angry at us, therefore our reporting is fair, balanced, and correct". This is illogical, as equiposition of angered parties has no bearing upon truth or falseness of a report, "fairness", or objective "balance", especially when the balance of truth is 100 percent lopsided to only one party.
" L'Informateur (France): "Andrei Diev is a pianist of great magnitude. His talent is the embodiment of the transcendental potential of art. His remarkable technique is aimed at revealing the secret of music." "He plays, transformed by that which opens up to him beyond the boundaries of the notes, clearly revealing to us this secret without the least bit of falseness or demagoguery.
Saint Metrophanes, Patriarch of Constantinople, was a contemporary of St Constantine the Great (306–337). His father, Dometius, was a brother of the Roman emperor Probus (276–282). Seeing the falseness of the pagan religion, Dometius came to believe in Christ. During a time of terrible persecution of Christians at Rome, St Dometius set off to Byzantium with two of his sons, Probus and Metrophanes.
Forensic (also known as judicial), was concerned with determining the truth or falseness of events that took place in the past and issues of guilt. An example of forensic rhetoric would be in a courtroom. Deliberative (also known as political), was concerned with determining whether or not particular actions should or should not be taken in the future. Making laws would be an example of deliberative rhetoric.
Retrieved 17 December 2011 (archived by WebCite on 17 December 2011). Unlike other musical films, Les Misérables features the actors singing live on camera, rather than miming to backing vocals. Hooper told Los Angeles Times that he thought there was a "slightly strange falseness" when he saw musical films where the actors sang to recordings. The actors wore wireless earpieces on set so they could sing to accompanying piano music.
Gnawgahyde is an aggressive hunter, who considers all animals to be lesser life-forms, suitable for skinning, eating, or stuffing. His pet warthog Clyde, is somehow an exception to this viewpoint. Gnawgahyde believes in living off the land, and regards the falseness of civilization as a sign of weakness. Therefore, he refuses to use deodorants or cosmetics of any kind, and will not eat processed food, or wear synthetic fibers.
The title was intended as an ironic comment on the falseness of adhering to a self-focused perspective. According to Harrison's foreword, he titled the book I, Me, Mine to acknowledge that it "could also be seen as 'a little ego detour'" of his own. Harrison (left) with friends from the Hare Krishna movement in 1996. The song helped establish his legacy as one of rock music's most overtly spiritual songwriters.
Over a six-year period, this experience of meaninglessness repeats itself in his college life in Pune. Despite the novel's pessimistic undertones, an element of humour runs through Kosala. Oblique, irrelevant humour is used as a serious moral strategy, to unmask the falseness of society and culture. In its narrative, Kosala presents a fusion of different genres, including: autobiography, the diary, the novel, Indian folktales, folk narrative, and medieval hagiography.
To put it another way: > False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often > long endure; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, > as every one takes a salutary pleasure in proving their falseness; and when > this is done, one path towards error is closed and the road to truth is > often at the same time opened. — Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man (1871), > Vol. 2, 385.
Other Christian communions developed their own competing heresiological traditions as well. In Islam, heresiology surveyed both the various Muslim sects, and also other religions such as Christianity and Judaism. Some like Abu Mansur al-Baghdadi and Ibn Hazm wrote polemical works, arguing the falseness of sects and religions other than their own. Others like Al-Shahrastani's Al-Milal wa al-Nihal took a more impartial approach closer to modern religious studies works.
They are able to lead lives that are authentic and genuine. Incongruent individuals, in their pursuit of positive regard, lead lives that include falseness and do not realize their potential. Conditions put on them by those around them make it necessary for them to forgo their genuine, authentic lives to meet with the approval of others. They live lives that are not true to themselves, to who they are on the inside out.
In the opening chorus the instruments go with the voices as in a motet. The words are set in a strict counter-fugue: each entrance is followed by an entrance in inversion. The sequence is concluded by a canonic imitation on a new theme: in the words "" (and do not serve God with a false heart) the falseness is expressed by chromatic. A second expanded fugue presents even more complex counterpoint than the first.
Of the Slovo o Polku Igoreve... he said something to the effect that all the poets of the whole world lumped together couldn't have created such wonder, in fact something close to Pushkin's words. Yet translations of the legend... outraged him, particularly that of Balmont. He despised Shmelyov for his pseudo-Russian pretenses, though admitting his literary gift. Bunin had an extraordinarily sharp ear for falseness: he instantly recognized this jarring note and was infuriated.
He gives a few illustrations of this choice then paints a picture of what he guesses actually happened when Man fell. After his illustration, Lewis says, “the act of self-will on the part of the creature, which constitutes an utter falseness to its creaturely position, is the only sin that can be conceived as the Fall.” God then began “ruling” Man not by the laws of the spirit but by the laws of nature.
Honest men do not survive many revolutions, and the Raja's falseness was the means to his success. He was patriotic, but his love of country was subordinate to self. He hated the English bitterly, for they were stronger than he or his country, but his interest compelled him to serve, like Samson, the Philistines he hated. He was not without his notions of fidelity, and would stand by a friend, as long as he could do so with safety to himself.
The method of Cuclin is the logical enquiry, followed up to an absurdity, or violent contradiction. The contradiction is the sign of reaching the truth, because the truth is found in logical reasoning, not in reason. An absurdity is the sign that the reason does not agree with the results of the logical reasoning, but is not a sign of unreality or falseness. Rather the opposite is true, that the point of view of the reason is unreliable and many times false.
The novels present in language suitable for young audiences the Greek deities, their fervours and foments, using everyday characters and aspects of everyday life. Unprepared to compromise on the biological foundations of our human nature, Maze exposed, like Virginia Woolf and Dostoevsky, the falseness of moralism, the brutality underlying patriotism, the possessiveness of romantic love, the conformism, propaganda and censorship of respectability, the narcissism of sentimental or fashionable views of the world and the base self-interest of their underlying motives.
Bosman warns Sophia that Demetrius plans to kill her, asking that she identity Demetrius as an impostor to the people. The time is now ripe for her to point out his falseness, now that the people are ready to revolt against his cruelty. Sophia agrees, regretting that she didn't betray him out earlier. Demetrius commands Bosman to kill Sophia and Marina—and to make it look like Mariana killed herself so as not to obstruct Zarrianna's relations with the king.
As against other persuasions in paraconsistent logic (such as relevantism and the Brazilian school), the paraconsistent treatment developed by Peña, which belongs in the fuzzy family founded by Lotfi A. Zadeh, regards true contradictions as situations wherein a state of affairs enjoys only partial existence. His approach to fuzziness deviates from Zadeh's mainstream orthodoxy in rejecting alethic maximalism and so embracing the principle of excluded middle, regarding all intermediaries as degrees of both truth and falseness, being and non-being (Plato's influence is discernable here).
When he is finally persuaded to leave his private rooms (the "wealthy oriental creditor" having departed) they promise their continued loyalty and financial support. The other guests decline to offer any tangible help. At that moment Fabrizio bursts in and announces that Asdrubale's debts have miraculously been cleared and that he is once again a wealthy man. The general rejoicing contrasts with the consternation amongst those guests who realize that they have been tricked into revealing their falseness and base motives to the Count.
In modal logic, a proposition P can be necessarily true or false (denoted \Box P and \Box\lnot P, respectively), meaning that it is logically necessary that it is true or false; or it could be possibly true or false (denoted \diamond P and \diamond\lnot P), meaning that it is true or false, but it is not logically necessary that it is so: its truth or falseness is contingent. The modal fallacy occurs when there is a confusion of the distinction between the two.
His books received high praise when they were first published, even from fellow writers. He went on to publish a dozen more books. Humphrey wrote fiction that addressed the Southern past. He once asserted, “I am a destroyer of myths. My whole work has shown the danger and falseness of myths..[especially] the myth of the South” (“Notes on the Orestia,” 38; MS at Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas at Austin). Home from the Hill (1958) is Humphrey’s first and most famous novel.
At this point, Quijano is not even mentioned as a possibility, nor is Alonso. In Chapter 49 of Part I he tells us that he was a direct descendant of Gutierre Quijada. His "real" name of Alonso Quijano is only revealed (invented) in the last chapter of Part II, and with the stated purpose of demonstrating the falseness of the spurious Part II of the pseudonymous Alonso Fernández de Avellaneda, in which work the protagonist is Martín Quijada. Knights in the chivalric books Alonso Quijano read, which reading caused his madness, have nicknames.
Giving language bodied presence, Gupta connects word to place, to our sense of place, of nationhood, belonging, and diaspora, and to maybe even the falseness of it all. For, In Your Tongue, I Cannot Fit (2018) is a multi-channel sound installation at the Kochi-Muziris Biennale '18-19 that exhibits Gupta's attempt to give voice to 100 poets who were imprisoned and silenced for their poetry and their beliefs. The installation includes printed sheets of the prisoners' poems impaled on metal rods accompanied by recorded recitations of the same.
Bolzano distinguishes five meanings the words true and truth have in common usage, all of which Bolzano takes to be unproblematic. The meanings are listed in order of properness: I. Abstract objective meaning: Truth signifies an attribute that may apply to a proposition, primarily to a proposition in itself, namely the attribute on the basis of which the proposition expresses something that in reality is as is expressed. Antonyms: falsity, falseness, falsehood. II. Concrete objective meaning: (a) Truth signifies a proposition that has the attribute truth in the abstract objective meaning.
His first symphony was conducted by Leopold Stokowski.The Economist obituary 1 September 2007 p. 73 He became popular with the series of songs and serenades that he composed for the 1936 production of Much Ado About Nothing at the Vakhtangov Theatre in Moscow. By the 1930s, Khrennikov was already treated as a leading official Soviet composer. Typical was his speech during a discussion in February 1936 concerning Pravda articles "Chaos instead of music" and "Ballet falseness": > The resolution on 23rd April 1932 appealed to the consciousness of the > Soviet artist.
Thus Porphyry's scheme—the oldest as well as most impressive straightforward attack on Daniel—was founded on the purported falseness of Daniel's prophecies. He threw his full force against the book of Daniel, realizing that if this mainstay of faith were weakened, the entire makeup of prophecy could collapse, because the times and symbols of Daniel are found in the Revelation of the New Testament. Also, if the author was not Daniel, then he lied on a colossal scale, attributing to God prophecies never given, and claiming imaginary miracles.
The front cover shows the three band members with corpse paint and spikes in front of an inverted pentagram. The back cover features a statement insulting the early Norwegian black metal scene: "To All Norwegian 'Black-Metal' Clowns, We Desecrate your so-called Northern Kingdom & Sky of White Falseness… After which, We Baptise All of thee In Piss!!!" The band later explained that this was a reaction to a racist letter by Mortiis who had insulted them as "niggers" who had no right to play black metal.James NecroFiend: Total Desaster Interview, 2000, accessed on 4 February 2013.
The album title was intended as a pun combining the falseness intrinsic to pop music and rubber-soled shoes. Lennon said the title was McCartney's idea and referred to "English soul". In a 1966 press conference, Starr said they called the album Rubber Soul to acknowledge that, in comparison to American soul artists, "we are white and haven't got what they've got", and he added that this was true of all the British acts who attempted to play soul music. McCartney recalled that he conceived the title after overhearing an American musician describing Mick Jagger's singing style as "plastic soul".
I am one of millions who do not > fit in, who have no home, no family, no doctrine, no firm place to call my > own, no known beginning or end, no "sacred and primordial site." I declare > war on all icons and finalities, on all histories that would chain me with > my own falseness, my own pitiful fears. I know only moments, and lifetimes > that are as moments, and forms that appear with infinite strength, then > "melt into air." I am an architect, a constructor of worlds, a sensualist > who worships the flesh, the melody, a silhouette against the darkening sky.
For nothing, so argued Theophilus, generates either life or death in you, but the working of your own mind, will and desire. If Academicus continued to follow his earthly will then every step would be a departure from God, because this earthly will is ruled by “pride, self-exaltation, in envy and wrath, in hatred and ill-will, in deceit, hypocrisy and falseness, ... working with the devil”. When one works with the devil, the nature of the devil is created in oneself which leads to the “kingdom of hell”.The Way to Divine Knowledge, The Works, Vol.
True view of oneself (of own spiritual condition, position relative to God, sinfulness etc.) is tightly connected with the passions of pride and vainglory and is distorted by these passions. The degree of prelest is the degree of such distortion, i.e. the amount of falseness in the view of oneself and the degree of difficulty of change from the false view to the true one. Different kinds of prelest are described by many Holy Fathers, including the Fathers of Philokalia: St. Gregory of Sinai, St. Maximus the Confessor, St. Symeon the Metaphrast, St. Symeon the New Theologian and others.
In line 9, the word "unjust" is taken by Atkins to mean either "dishonest" or "unfaithful"; the editor leans toward the second option because it is in keeping with the rest of his interpretation, but it is clear that the word refers to some "falseness in matters of the heart". (Atkins p. 340) In line 12, the term "lie with" also furthers Atkins's argument for an elaborate pun, declaring that the speaker lies with the mistress rather than to her.(Atkins) Also in lines 11 and 12, much is debated over the beginning "O" of line 11.
It took almost three months to cross Anatolia in the heat of the summer, and in October they began the siege of Antioch. With the Crusader army moved onwards towards Antioch, the Emperor Alexios I achieved part of his original intent in inviting the Crusaders in the first place: the recovery of Seljuk-held imperial territories in Asia Minor. John Doukas re-established Byzantine rule in Chios, Rhodes, Smyrna, Ephesus, Sardis, and Philadelphia in 1097-1099\. This success is ascribed by Alexios' daughter Anna to his policy and diplomacy, but by the Latin historians of the crusade to his treachery and falseness.
In 1893, Wells sued the Memphis Commercial for libel when the journal attacked Wells over her reports on the racism and injustice of lynching. It had been claimed that lynching, while not legal, was a natural result of the need for revenge of a community against perpetrators of violent crime and did not single out blacks. Wells' work showed the falseness of this narrative. Wells asked lawyer and activist Albion W. Tourgee to represent her on the case, but Tourgee refused, having largely retired from law (with the exception of his ongoing support of the case which would become Plessy v Fergusson).
Dyppel left the island on September 20, 1680. One of the letters that travelled on the same ship was from Esmit to the company, charging Dyppel with falseness and self- enrichment, and that the colony had been misheld.Krarup, Personalhistorisk, 40 After returning to Denmark where he landed in Helsingør on February 24, 1681, Dyppel wrote a letter to the company saying that he would stay there a week to go to the altar at the church, not having done so in 9 years. He wrote that Esmit was not of "a good Danish mindset" and that he himself was "not affectionate of the German".
" NoiseMatters called them "[l]ike Siouxsie Sioux but without the overly- made up falseness and a better vocal range, a bit like Bjork but sane, and a bit like Shakespeare's Sister, with a liberal splash of Kate Bush. Quite a mix, but a unique sound... Joana Glaza's vocal range is impressive, however she shares with the Icelandic singer a fetish for vocal affectations which are both distinctive and, at times, piercing." Metro commented that they "played a storming set of thrilling new wave rock" calling Joana "mesmeric" and "defiantly doing her own thing. On the strength of this set, proper New Favourite Band material.
Xander is a little bit excited that a form of energy like Dawn could have a crush on him. Spike does what he can to comfort Buffy and tells her that they will find her sister before it's too late, and Buffy admits that Spike had been right about Dawn; Buffy should have been honest with her in the first place. Dawn passes through the park, reliving past memories only to be reminded of their falseness, then ends up at the hospital. She searches for answers in the Psych ward, trying to persuade the mental patients to tell them what they see when they look at her, then runs into Ben.
Although he praised their "sublime" poetry and stated that they exhibited "imagination, romance, loyalty, probity and humanity", he also thought that centuries of persecution had led some Jews to exhibit "avarice, servility, falseness, cunning and the rest". He was also known to praise various ethnic and cultural groups, for instance he thought that the Chinese people exhibited a "spiritual superiority" to the English, and praised Muslims for exhibiting "manliness, straightforwardness, subtlety, and self-respect". Both critics of Crowley and adherents of Thelema have accused Crowley of sexism. Booth described Crowley as exhibiting a "general misogyny", something the biographer believed arose from Crowley's bad relationship with his mother.
This was mirrored by similar growth in marketing of quack medicines elsewhere in the world. Clark Stanley's Snake Oil In the United States, false medicines in this era were often denoted by the slang term snake oil, a reference to sales pitches for the false medicines that claimed exotic ingredients provided the supposed benefits. Those who sold them were called "snake oil salesmen," and usually sold their medicines with a fervent pitch similar to a fire and brimstone religious sermon. They often accompanied other theatrical and entertainment productions that traveled as a road show from town to town, leaving quickly before the falseness of their medicine was discovered.
Hagerman says that in the way that Pamphilia is ambivalent about what to do with her love for Amphilanthus, Wroth herself is ambivalent about the life of courtly masques. The contradiction of allowing women to have "feminine expressive display" of feelings and then strictly "enforced silence" could have represented the good and the bad of courtly life for Wroth. In the masques, Wroth was given a voice, but after she was no longer affiliated with the court life, she recognized the artificiality of the voice she had because the courtly life and the masques require a level of falseness. Gary Waller states that Wroth's female characters describe the pressure they feel in terms of theater and display.
However, she stayed in stasis and her ship did not reach Earth until years later, so the infant she expected to help raise was a grown man when she arrived still in her teens. After Lex Luthor uses Black Kryptonite to split Kara into good and evil parts, the evil Kara claims that Zor-El actually sent his daughter to Earth to kill his nephew, since he was resentful of his older brother and hated the idea of Jor- El's lineage continuing past Krypton's destruction. Regardless of the truth or falseness of this, Kara has rejected this aspect of herself. In the new Supergirl series, new information on Zor-El's history and relations are ongoing.
1819 – Le Père Goriot (1835) – Rastignac is a 21-year-old student in Paris. He makes his first forays into high society (drawing on his family's resources to the full), is tempted by but rejects the machinations of Vautrin, and is confronted by cynicism and falseness in the people he meets. Initially desiring the Comtesse Anastasie de Restaud (daughter of Father Goriot), he is persuaded to become the lover of her sister Delphine (wife of the Baron de Nucingen, a wealthy Alsatian) by his cousin the Vicomtesse de Beauseant, who has a greater insight into Parisian life and acts as his patron. Goriot approves of Rastignac as Delphine's lover and sues Nucingen to give her control over her dowry.
She recognised the extent of the ground before her as a mingled sphere of poetry, history, devotion, and art. She infected her readers with her own enthusiastic admiration; and, in spite of her slight technical and historical equipment, Jameson produced a book which thoroughly deserved its great success. She also took a keen interest in questions affecting the education, occupations, and maintenance of her own sex. Her early essay on The Relative Social Position of Mothers and Governesses was the work of one who knew both sides; and in no respect does she more clearly prove the falseness of the position she describes than in the certainty with which she predicts its eventual reform.
"'State Theology' assumes that in this text Paul is presenting us with the absolute and definitive Christian doctrine about the State ... and absolute and universal principle ... The falseness of this assumption has been pointed out by many biblical scholars". Reference is made to Käsemann's Commentary on Romans, as well as Cullmann's The State in the New Testament. The KD authors insist that texts must be understood in their context: within a particular writing (here: Romans); within the Bible as a whole; and within the particular historical context (here: Paul and the community in Rome). Note that, "In the rest of the Bible, God does not demand obedience to oppressive rulers ... cannot contradict all of this".
Around ten years later, he followed the well-known Algerian Sufi shaykh Ahmad al-Alawi. Jossot was not the only French painter of his time to convert to Islam and Sufism: others included Ivan Aguéli and Étienne Dinet. Writing in the Dépêche tunisienne (10 February 1913), Jossot contrasted the falseness of Western civilisation with the simplicity of Islam, and praised Islam for having "no mysteries, no dogmas, no priests, almost no ceremonies," and for being "the most rational religion in the world." Jossot wrote several booklets, titled Ma Conversion, Le Sentier d'Allah and Le Foetus récalcitrant where he tried to compile and resume more than hundred articles scattered in French and Tunisian newspapers.
The fables and anecdotes in the text attempt to illustrate the falseness of human distinctions between good and bad, large and small, life and death, and human and nature. While other ancient Chinese philosophers focused on moral and personal duty, Zhuangzi promoted carefree wandering and becoming one with "the Way" (Dào ) by following nature. Though primarily known as a philosophical work, the Zhuangzi is regarded as one of the greatest literary works in all of Chinese history, and has been called "the most important pre-Qin text for the study of Chinese literature". A masterpiece of both philosophical and literary skill, it has significantly influenced writers for more than 2000 years from the Han dynasty (206AD220) to the present.
Comparing it to previous singles "Genghis Khan" and "My Trigger", Sean Maunier of Metro Weekly opined that while the song is not as memorable as the former two, "it pulses with synths and some interesting swells". DIY critic David Beech felt "The Heart of Me", along with the two aforementioned singles, "possess a pop pomp that's been hinted at only slightly in the past". He concluded, "Though there's a definite confidence in their composition, they certainly feel less organic, more contrived than before." In a negative review, Rachel Brodsky of Spin dismissed its "cheery falseness", stating that it "sounds ready to be slapped into a Target commercial, as if its only sincere yearning is for royalty checks".
Reflecting on the relationship between the obvious symbolic meaning of a photograph (which he called the studium) and that which is purely personal and dependent on the individual, that which 'pierces the viewer' (which he called the punctum), Barthes was troubled by the fact that such distinctions collapse when personal significance is communicated to others and can have its symbolic logic rationalized. Barthes found the solution to this fine line of personal meaning in the form of his mother's picture. Barthes explained that a picture creates a falseness in the illusion of 'what is', where 'what was' would be a more accurate description. As had been made physical through Henriette Barthes's death, her childhood photograph is evidence of 'what has ceased to be'.
In an interview in 1973 concerning The Roads to Freedom, Sartre revealed at least one of the reasons he discontinued the series: :What is fundamentally false about a novel in which one constructs a character based on oneself is precisely that he is not really you. The differences you put into him, and which seem of no decisive significance at the outset, end up throwing him into falseness. In The Age of Reason, I gave Mathieu everything of mine—I don't mean the facts of life, but his character—except the essential thing, which is that I lived in order to write. There is something radically false in an autobiographical novel, namely that it's straddling: it is neither completely a novel, nor completely an autobiography.
Strictly monotheistic, Fanimry is an upstart faith founded upon the revelations of the Prophet Fane (3669-3742) and restricted to the southwestern Three Seas. The central tenets of Fanimry deal with the singularity and transcendence of the God, the falseness of the Gods (who are considered demons by the Fanim), the repudiation of the Tusk as unholy, and the prohibition of all representations of the God. The Kianene - Kian is most powerful Ketyai nation of the Three Seas, extending from the southern frontier of the Nansur Empire to Nilnamesh, and founded in the wake of the White Jihad, the holy war waged by the first Fanim against the Nansur Empire from 3743 to 3771. The Cishaurim - Priest-sorcerers of the Fanim based in Shimeh.
Warman sued Paul Fromm and his Canadian Association for Free Expression for libeling him in various Internet posts. On November 23, 2007, Ontario Superior Court Justice Monique Métivier ruled in Warman's favour and ordered Fromm to pay Warman $30,000 in damages, and to post full retractions within ten days on all the websites on which he posted the defamatory comments. Métivier found that Fromm posted statements about Warman "either knowing the fundamental falseness of the accusations he levelled at Warman, or being reckless as to the truth of these."Don Butler, "Anti-racism activist wins libel judgment ", Ottawa Citizen, November 24, 2007 The Ontario Court of Appeal upheld the judgement and added $10,000 in costs against Fromm and his group.
Friedrich Nietzsche believed the search for truth, or 'the will to truth', was a consequence of the will to power of philosophers. He thought that truth should be used as long as it promoted life and the will to power, and he thought untruth was better than truth if it had this life enhancement as a consequence. As he wrote in Beyond Good and Evil, "The falseness of a judgment is to us not necessarily an objection to a judgment... The question is to what extent it is life-advancing, life-preserving, species- preserving, perhaps even species-breeding..." (aphorism 4). He proposed the will to power as a truth only because, according to him, it was the most life- affirming and sincere perspective one could have.
According to the tradition, the conversion was inspired by the events at the deathbed of her mother in 1583: her mother, who feared purgatory, was comforted by her Jesuit confessor who assured her that purgatory did not exist and was merely used to warn common and simple-minded people. The queen sent the Jesuit away, but it made Anna feel distaste for the falseness of Roman Catholicism. After the death of her mother, her maternal aunt Queen Anna Jagiellon suggested that she be sent to Poland to be raised there, but was turned down by John III. She had her own court, supervised by her mother's former Mistress of the Robes, Karin Gyllenstierna; one of her maids-of-honours being her cousin, Princess Sigrid of Sweden.
Bailey imagined complexes of mind-atoms that work together to form a consciousness that is not determined, but also not susceptible to the pure randomness of individual atomic swerves, something that could constitute Epicurus' idea of actions being "up to us" (πὰρ' ἡμάς).It is a commonplace to state that Epicurus, like his follower Lucretius, intended primarily to combat the 'myths' of the orthodox religion, to show by his demonstration of the unfailing laws of nature the falseness of the old notions of the arbitrary action of the gods and so to relieve humanity from the terrors of superstition. But it is sometimes forgotten that Epicurus viewed with almost greater horror the conception of irresistible 'destiny' or 'necessity', which is the logical outcome of the notion of natural law pressed to its conclusion.
The sycophantic look full of falseness, the dainty movements of the kittens, several of which are sometimes painted sporting round their dam—all this, in the most multifarious postures, turns, groups, sports, and quarrels, is depicted with a true observance to nature. On Sundays and winter nights, Mind, by way of pastime, used, out of dried, wild chestnuts, to carve little cats, bears, and other beasts, and this with so much art that these little dainty toys were shortly in no less request than his drawings. It is a pity that insects, such as frequently exist in the interior of chestnuts, have already destroyed so many of these carvings. At the Barengraben (bear-yard) in Bern, where a few live bears are always to be seen, Mind passed many a happy hour.
Mark Olsen, of the Los Angeles Times, believes the 2009 remake is "deeply misguided refraction of the original". Olsen points to what he feels is the addition of unnecessary back story for the family, and Iliadis's choice to film the rape scene in a "verdant, scenic forest", which gave the sequence an "art-directed falseness, draining the audience-implicating authenticity and replacing it with the easy distance of knowing entertainment". Olsen also felt that changing the trinket Mari holds in the original film to a keepsake from her deceased brother turns the family into "heroic characters" who appear to be "defending their entitlement to a rustic second home and vintage motorboat, not their right to exist". Dennis Harvey of Variety believed that the film lacked in comparison to the 1972 original in almost every aspect.
However, to become actual this election needs to articulate with a pole of exclusion; thus the need of a new expansion of this universe of non-relation, the universe of totalitarianisms, by definition an endlessly expanding universe whose theoretical limits paradoxically coincide with its own self-destruction. The election/exclusion logics works by means of pairs of contradictory and, therefore, mutually exclusive terms. Their content may be as varied as the different semantic domains invested by the totalitarian machine: chosen/doomed, religion/magic, truth/falseness, literate/illiterate, savage/civilized, subject/object, intellectual/manual, proletarians/capitalists, science/illusion, subjectivity/objectivity, etc. In all these contradictory pairs, one of the poles “means” to occupy the whole field; but at the same time, its own meaning and “existence” depends on the virtually excluded pole.
Nietzsche considers this falseness to be indecent. Unlike past ages, his contemporaries know that sham and unnatural concepts such as "God," "moral world-order," "sinner," "Redeemer," "free will," "beyond," "Last Judgment," and "immortal soul" are consciously employed in order to provide power to the church and its priests.The Antichrist, §38 "The very word 'Christianity' is a misunderstanding," Nietzsche explains:The Antichrist, §39 > [A]t bottom there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.... It is > an error amounting to nonsensicality to see in "faith", and particularly in > faith in salvation through Christ, the distinguishing mark of the Christian: > only the Christian way of life, the life lived by him who died on the cross, > is Christian Thereafter, the opposite kind of life was called Christian. Belief in redemption through Christ is not originally Christian.
In Phaedra's case it is her lust of her husband's son and the falseness of her letter. O'Neill takes this one step further in Desire Under the Elms and makes Abbie's misguided actions the begetting and murder of her child. In Desire Under the Elms: In the Light of Strindberg's Influence, Murray Hartman also saw strong parallels between Desire Under the Elms and the work of August Strindberg, writing "At any rate, there is hardly a plot element in the play that cannot be traced to one or more sources in Strindberg." He details several elements of O'Neill and Strindberg's biographies that are similar, and how they manifest in Desire Under the Elms, in addition to naming several specific works of Strindberg's, such as The People of Hemsö, The Bridal Crown, and The Son of a Servant.
She then stabs Psylocke with her psychic katana, preventing her from leaving while she reads a story from the scroll (and seems to project the images from this story into Psylocke's mind) that seems to explain what happened to the two: while on assignment, Kwannon found Psylocke who had just emerged from the Siege Perilous, her body and mind fractured. When the two touched their minds fused, with a confused Psylocke running off and becoming brain-washed by Matsu'o and The Mandarin, while Revanche ended up in a sanitarium, and was eventually found by Nyoirin. A key factor demonstrating the falseness of this story is that Psylocke is showing emerging from the Siege fully clothed in her armor, while anyone truly emerging from the Siege Perilous does so naked. The four are then confronted by Nyoirin.
While all the gods of the Kāmadhātu are subject to passions to some degree, the asuras above all are addicted to them, especially wrath, pride, envy, insincerity, falseness, boasting, and bellicosity. The Great Calm-Observation by Zhiyi says: > Always desiring to be superior to others, having no patience for inferiors > and belittling strangers; like a hawk, flying high above and looking down on > others, and yet outwardly displaying justice, worship, wisdom, and faith — > this is raising up the lowest order of good and walking the way of the > Asuras. The asuras are said to experience a much more pleasurable life than humans, but they are plagued by envy for the devas, whom they can see just as animals perceive humans. The asuras of some inferior realms however, are malevolent (such as the corruptor Mara) and can be referred to as demons.
Allmusic critic William Ruhlmann states that the song comments "on the falseness of show business." The Band FAQ author Peter Aaron describes the song as "an allegory for the music business." Nick DeRiso sees the "escapades" and "ruses" described in the song as creating "an allegory on the dangers of the lifestyle that had rapidly ensnared the Band" during their meteoric rise to stardom with the two albums they released before Stage Fright. To DeRiso, the "snake oil" of the medicine show represents the "late-night escapades and mid-day binges — the mysterious, soul-deadening, very real temptations of the rock-star lifestyle" DeRiso believes that the message was primarily directed at Band pianist Richard Manuel, whose life was falling apart and who was also believed to be the intended recipient of the message of "The Shape I'm In," the song immediately preceding "The W.S. Walcott Medicine Show" on the Stage Fright album.
Incidentally, Hoensbroech and Gerlach had met and become friends in Turkey at the end of the first world war, where Gerlach was a medical officer at the Haidar Pascha Hospital in Istanbul. Since all official documents concerning male internees on the Isle of Man during the war, have mysteriously vanished, Kittel's repatriation on 26 May 1943 via Lisbon to Berlin is documented by his "Foreign Ofice" file (see below); he then proposed marriage to Ingeborg Gerlach and they married on September 15, 1943 at the German Embassy in Paris. Kittel then became manager of the Neuss firm Bauer & Schaurte from 1943-1945 when he was again interned by the British from 1945-1947 due to the denunciation of his elder sister Elsa Löffler née Kittel. It took him two years to gain access to the British archive in the Camp, so that he could prove why in the first place he was interned and secondly the falseness of his sister's deposition.
William Holman Hunt's The Light of the World Light of God, Light of Christ, Christ within, That of God, Spirit of God within us, Light within, inward light and inner light are related phrases commonly used within the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) as metaphors for Christ's light shining on or in them. It was propagated by the founder of the Quaker movement, George Fox, who "preached faith in and reliance on 'inward light' (the presence of Christ in the heart)". The first Quakers were known to sit in silence and meditate on the words of the Bible until they felt the inward light of God shining upon them and the Holy Spirit speaking. The Key to the Faith and Practice of the Religious Society of Friends states that the Inward Light is "both the historical, living Jesus, and as the Grace of God extended to people that simultaneously makes us conscious of our sins, forgives them, and gives us the strength and the will to overcome them" and "teaches us the difference between right and wrong, truth and falseness, good and evil".
The first known debate about human antiquity took place in 170 AD between a Christian, Theophilus of Antioch, and an Egyptian pagan, Apollonius the Egyptian (probably Apollonius Dyscolus), who argued that the world was 153,075 years old. An early challenge to biblical Adamism came from the Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate, who, upon his rejection of Christianity and his return to paganism, accepted the idea that many pairs of original people had been created, a belief termed co-Adamism or multiple Adamism. St. Augustine's The City of God contains two chapters indicating a debate between Christians and pagans over human origins: Book XII, chapter 10 is titled Of the falseness of the history that the world hath continued many thousand years and the title of book XVIII, chapter 40 is The Egyptians' abominable lyings, to claim their wisdom the age of 100,000 years. These titles tend to indicate that Augustine saw pagan ideas concerning both the history of the world and the chronology of the human race as incompatible with the Genesis creation narrative.

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