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"ER" Definitions
  1. emergency room (= the part of a hospital where people who need immediate treatment are taken)

721 Sentences With "ER"

How to use ER in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "ER" and check conjugation/comparative form for "ER". Mastering all the usages of "ER" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Er sagte mir, dass er die Dinge aus einem religiösen Blickwinkel betrachtete.
Er grillte am Geburtstag seiner Ehefrau, als er einen Anruf vom deutschen Innenministerium erhielt.
"I'm a cleaner, a put-er away-er, an organizer of things," he added.
Daran wird auch Trump nichts ändern, da kann er so viel twittern, wie er will.
Er hatte 2100 Euro selber bezahlen müssen, obwohl er seit Jahrzehnten arbeitete und Krankenversicherungsbeiträge zahlte.
He's a friend, always has been, and will be when we're old(er) and grey(er).
Er versuchte, in bessere Stimmung zu kommen, sagte er mir, doch es war ein harter Kampf.
When Tottenham's star striker, Harry Kane, scores, we join in a guttural chant: Ees-un-of-er-own, ees-un-of-er-own, ay-ree-kane, ees-un-of-er-own.
Wenn der Krieg in Syrien zu Ende wäre, erzählte er mir, würde er auf der Stelle zurückkehren.
Ich fragte ihn, ob er seine Ansichten für typisch hielt oder ob er sich als Extremisten betrachtete.
Er glaubte, Deutschland sei weitaus gastfreundlicher als andere europäische Länder, doch er würde immer ein Ausländer bleiben.
Er war es leid, ein Asylsuchender zu sein, sagte er, und auf der Straße schräg angesehen zu werden.
This guy got beaten unconscious (!), taken to an ER (phew), awoke and checked whether the ER was in-network (
Dabei hob er seinen rechten Arm in der Art eines Hitlergrußes, damit es keinen Zweifel gab, was er meinte.
We're told to head to ER each time, but many FPIES parents park outside ER for this same reason.
Er sagte, dass er dieses Gefühl seit einem Tag im vergangenen Sommer hatte, als er auf einem Schiff mit Kurs auf Tartus in Syrien arbeitete und von einem Freund daheim die Mitteilung erhielt, dass Uniformierte nach ihm suchten.
Als er mit terpentingetränkten Papiertüchern das Fett von einem Schlauch entfernte, erzählte er mir davon, wie er in der Provinz Helmand mit dänischen Soldaten in einem Panzer gesessen hatte und vor ihnen eine Bombe am Straßenrand explodiert war.
I went to the ER, which ends up being the ER I go back to for the [Covid-19] test twice.
Nun wurde er an einem einzigen Abend in ihre Reihen aufgenommen (Er singt in fünf weiteren Aufführungen bis zum 10. Juli).
Er lud Asylsuchende zum Essen zu sich nach Hause ein, doch er hatte eine beinahe apokalyptische Ansicht von ihrer Anwesenheit in Deutschland.
Er erzählte mir dass er als Übersetzer für die britischen und dänischen Einheiten gearbeitet hatte, die 2011 in der Provinz Helmand operierten.
For other conditions, visiting the ER once didn't raise the risk of subsequent hospitalizations for self-harm, but visiting the ER twice did.
I know you're all very busy and the President Elect appreciates you taking the time to meet with him…er…me…er…us.
Als ich ihn sah, wie er dort so ganz allein auf einem Fleckchen Wiese stand, wusste ich genau, an was er mich erinnerte.
We'll find out just how faster and furious-er and family-er it all gets when The Fate of the Furious opens in April.
Yasser erzählte mir, dass er seinen obligatorischen Militärdienst Jahre zuvor abgeleistet hatte, aber die Uniformierten wollten ihn wieder einziehen, damit er für Assad kämpfte.
In Deutschland lebte er in einem gewissermaßen isolierten Wohnheim, wo er ihm wenig anderes zu tun blieb als zu rauchen und Tee zu trinken.
While, on average, in-network ER doctor rates were 297% of Medicare rates, the out-of-network ER doctor rates averaged 798% of Medicare rates.
Er lobte die starke deutsche Tradition der Berufsausbildung, derer er teilhaftig geworden war, und hatte seine Zweifel, ob die Qualifikationen der Asylsuchenden einem Vergleich standhielten.
Er hätte sich in Lincolns Wohnhaus in Springfield gelangweilt und er hätte in Iowa am Drehort des Films "Feld der Träume" begeistert das Maisfeld erkundet.
The ER Scud is slighter and smaller than the Nodong, and three ER Scuds appear to have been fired in a similar salvo in September 63.
In about 8,500 cases, patients returned to the ER to be treated for an episode of self-harm within six months of their first ER visit.
Während er darüber sprach, stand er neben dem Forum und betrachtete die griechische Säulenfront des benachbarten Alten Museums und den mächtigen Berliner Dom mit der Hohenzollerngruft.
Fred S. Pond of Chicago didn&apost take kindly to the notion that Young came up with the words, saying he proposed "he-er, his-er, him-er, hisers and himerself" in a letter to the Mansfield, Ohio, News-Journal, published March 21, 1911, Baron said.
Als im folgenden Jahr 16 Asylsuchende, viele von ihnen aus Afghanistan, in ein Gästehaus nahe einer hoch aufragenden Kirche, in der er predigte, einzogen, plante Graf von Rechberg sie zu besuchen, doch er wurde von einem, wie er es beschrieb, "seltsamen Gefühl" erfasst, das ihn zögern ließ.
Er sagte mir, dass er etwas wie die einwandererfeindlichen Proteste meinte, die wöchentlich in Dresden geschahen, sich in andere Teile Deutschlands ausgebreitet hatten und manchmal Zehntausende anzogen.
An archived webpage for Opana ER includes this patient profile: Endo did voluntarily take Opana ER off the market a month after the FDA's request in 2017.
Through h/er work, P-Orridge puckishly calls for an end to gender as a construct, and so, h/er participation in The Intersectional Self feels apt.
She did a Reddit Ask Me Anything session on January 22, discussing everything from surprise ER billing to how to negotiate an ER bill to health care reform.
Als er vor seinem neuen Zuhause aus dem Bus stieg, so sagte Yasser mir, hatte er den Eindruck, dass nichts in dieser fremdartigen neuen Realität seines sein könnte.
Grab your headset and not your junk (seriously if you pee yourself while playing Pee World VR, we will laugh at you) and dive, er... Let 'er rip!
I ultimately ended up in the ER because it pulled open, and the ER doctor finally gave me the referral I needed in order to get the surgery done.
"An advantage of the ER Scud over the Rodong is that the ER Scud is much cheaper," said Jeffrey Lewis of the California-based Middlebury Institute of International Studies.
Er sagte, dass die meisten der Asylsuchenden Männer aus Syrien waren, von denen viele ihre Familien zu holen versuchten - "ihre drei Kinder und zwei Ehefrauen", wie er es ausdrückte.
But your situation is a bit … er … tricky.
One of Gizmodo's sources—the man who had to go to the ER for severe dehydration after consuming the bars—wants Soylent to compensate him for his $400 ER bill.
Seine Frau berichtete, dass er drei Wochen vor seinem Tod gesagt habe, er sei "der Welt noch den Tannhäuser schuldig" — eine eher heikle Mischung aus Früh-und Spätstil des Meisters.
She was ending up in the ER with really severe pain, and often couldn't even get past the ER gatekeepers, because she was assumed to be drug-seeking just automatically.
The ingredients for a successful awards show cameo are as follows: The cameo-er must be a bigger star than whomever they're featuring with; the cameo-er must be a bit out of left field; and the cameo-er must be able to show off talent in a way that nobody expected.
So though the total number of frequent ER visitors didn't change, the chances that any individual person on Medicaid or who had no insurance would use the ER frequently did drop.
Er, mate - pretty sure it shouldn't even fucking exist.
The buffalo — er, bison — are free to roam again.
ER: I'm a big believer in that thesis — diversity.
It's spring — er, sorta — and everything's coming up Kidman!
Willoughby Sharp: ….. this was the ultimate piece and er ….
District court ruling upholding opana er intellectual property * u.s.
Because that's just how the Dutch roll — er, glide.
Er, and maybe — I'm just saying — a "Hellraiser" comic.
Hannah Brown is spilling the tea — er, the champagne.
" On August 5, he went to the ER, because he couldn't breathe and "became increasingly paralyzed while in the ER, including his chest, lungs, arms, throat (swallowing muscles), facial muscles, and neck.
Average health care costs for teens initially treated in the ER for self-harm injuries were also $11,000 higher than youth whose initial ER visit was for other reasons, the study found.
A good example of an opioid that does this is Targiniq ER. If Targiniq ER is crushed or dissolved, it releases Naloxone, an opioid antagonist that blocks the effect of the opioid.
Beilhack, der vor der Ankunft der Syrer im Ort als Lastwagenfahrer gearbeitet hatte, erzählte mir, dass er seinen alten Beruf nicht vermisste, und er schien das Zusammenwirken mit den Syrern zu genießen.
I like Hulu a lot, as we all know, but their BEST news isn't some new show they picked up but, rather, that they SECURED THE RIGHTS TO ER. ER IS COMING, BABY.
However, very few concussion diagnoses actually happen in the ER. According to researchers, more than half a million children with concussions were not seen in the ER or by a physician at all.
They said I needed to go to the ER immediately.
Basically, we're totally prepared for spring — er, summer — to commence.
The ER waiting room in Brookdale has four service windows.
Some of that money has benefited the California ER program.
Andre has Nessa sabotage, er, "shadow" Tiana as she prepares.
ER doctor caught on video cursing out patient  is suspended.
You have just two weeks left to get 'er done.
He reported to the ER, along with five other doctors.
We tragically lost a member of our ER family yesterday.
Time to start planning your next love affair ... er, vacation.
Endo removed Opana ER from the market a month later.
"We didn't wait, we went to the ER," she said.
Just hold onto this quirky contraption and let 'er rip.
I ended up in the ER vomiting uncontrollably for hours.
"ER nurses are a different kind of creature," Thomas wrote.
Notice that white poofy thing behind Aria's — er, Hale's — head?
Watch the adorableness and terror unfold — er, pile on — above.
That leaves some older ER patients waiting in the hallway.
Roxanne drives me to the ER and waits with me.
ER: "Lean" never referred to the size of a round.
At the Grand Palais, the scene — er, Seine — was set.
ER Sukuk is the issuer and trustee of Sukuk certificates.
ER: My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh.
Trump was not going to take that, er, kneeling down.
" He also added "I'm a young, black, rich mother****er.
Both Hudgens and Corden laughed because, er, he's not wrong.
They've partnered with insurance providers to reduce ER visits. Maitian.
That's why I took their breakup a little, er, personally.
Er, excuse me, didn't mean to break the illusion there.
So far we don't know what triggered the ER visit.
And they brought her to the ER for medical care.
The handsome ER doctor approached me with a solemn face.
ER staff did not respond to 63% of the alarms.
Opana ER generated sales of about $159 million in 2016.
This bad boy (er, girl) is just under 40 pounds.
So, I'm not just another #TeamStormy yes man (er ... woman).
An ER doctor believed Rolando might have a brain hemorrhage.
Opana ER is more potent than either oxycodone or morphine.
We can git 'er done, if we just get going.
At almost every other ER, Conrad would have certainly died.
Men, however, still accounted for more ER visits than women.
Napoleon coming back from Elba  — er, scratch the last one.
Er wollte für keine der beiden Seiten des Konflikts kämpfen.
"Ich könnte keiner Katze etwas zuleide tun", erzählte er mir.
"Ich kann ohne meine Frau nicht leben", erzählte er mir.
"Kinder kommen miteinander besser zurecht als die Erwachsenen", sagte er.
Später kam er in einen Pausenraum und rauchte eine Zigarette.
Er konnte nicht verstehen, warum die Europäer keine Afghanen wollten.
Als ich nach seinem Namen fragte, schüttelte er den Kopf.
Einer seiner Zähne war abgebrochen und er benötigte einen Ersatz.
Scholz sagte mir, dass er kein Problem mit Ausländern hatte.
Yasser scherzte mit Beni darüber, dass er die Ruhe störte.
"In einer Minute kommt die Polizei", setzte er ironisch hinzu.
Er kunnen zoveel dingen misgaan wanneer je met voedsel werkt.
I've been to the ER. I've been to nursing school.
"We found him on [the set of] ER," Goodwin joked.
"We have a lot of, er, blood stuff," he smirks.
They are very clearly not just friends or, er, galpals.
ER: When we married, we only wanted to play jazz.
Not the best part of a year, like er Uber.
However, Kit Kat may have taken the cake — er, candy?
Total miles (er, kilometres) driven would fall by 37 percent!
In California, most ER physicians are classified as independent contractors.
Die Geschichte", sagte er, "ist nicht nur schwarz oder weiß.
The Supreme Court just validated Trump's Muslim — er, travel — ban.
You go to the ER. And then your baby's fine.
And thus, a new meme has been bornhub – er, born.
Below the most, er, notable lines from Trump's speech. 26.
Instead, she wasted no time cutting his, er, fingers off.
Animators had a few tricks up their slee ... er, gloves.
A different data set covers ER visits in urban areas.
Endo said Friday that it has no plans to relaunch the original version of Opana ER. However, Impax Laboratories has been selling a generic version of the original formulation of Opana ER since 2013.
Then I hit the ER again after a bender and it was a big eye-opener: When you go into the ER at 0.45, they test to make sure all your organs are functioning.
She advises we take him to urgent care or the ER. I know this isn't worth a trip to the ER, so I load up the kiddo and head to the pediatric urgent care., well your predisposition to heart disease is also quite... but the Huntington's will kick at a guess, lifestyle depending, you're probably looking at somewhere between 8 to 10 years.
The drug would compete with Purdue Pharma's once-daily Hysingla ER and Pernix Therapeutics LLC's Zohydro ER. The panel's discussion comes amid increasing political pressure on the FDA to address the problem of opioid abuse.
I spent the next hour calling local ER after local ER, and receiving the same, infuriating reply:"We can't confirm that we have a patient meeting that description," receptionists at three area hospitals told me.
The two ER instances are squeezed into one, with the TH "looping" above the ER. So ERTHER becomes HTER with the phrase making a loop-de-loop as you read it from left to right.
She's gruff, but her brother Billy (Dacre Montgomery) is gruff-er.
Contestant Peter Baggenstos, an ER doctor from Minnesota, wasn't shown helping.
Animal ER Live airs Saturday and Sunday nights at 9 p.m.
The ER is one place where this broader approach can begin.
People are using the hashtag "#SpideyPool" to describe the, er, couple.
This, to me, felt silly; who bikes themselves to the ER?
Tibbetts is an ER nurse, but this was not a hospital.
In many communities without SANEs, ER personnel still perform those services.
" This tweet, as promised, gave people something to, er, "pour over.
Basically, we're more than prepared for spring — er, summer — to commence.
He put me in an episode of ER that he directed.
It's the perfect time to get your gear in ... er, gear.
I went to the ER for something a couple weeks ago.
However, there was a, actually a very humiliating prerequisite.
ER: The image of Jamie, the girl in the quinceañera dress.
Often the PMDD-er knows exactly what they want and need.
ER doctors weighed in on the effect of such devastating blows.
But what if this Bieber is playing the, er, long game?
He has some, er, unfavorable thoughts about The New York Times.
"This is something the government mandated," one ER doctor told KHN.
Like any corporate activity, Er Xi whitewashes overly difficult personal style.
Until then, we'll always have gems like, er, The Pink Panther.
ER: What if Clinton wins the nomination, and Sanders endorses her?
ER: So you believe fundamentally that the trouble is with money?
Coola ER+ Radical Recovery After-Sun Lotion, $32, available at Sephora.
Beer and watermelon are a match made in heaven — er, Texas.
Er, the actual Norse god or the very married Chris Hemsworth?
Make some room on your bookshelf — er, get your Kindle ready.
Er, OK. This is a far from isolated incident with Trump.
Unfortunately, er, the burger's actual taste was apparently pretty unpleasant, too.
That alone might cement h/er legacy as a creative force.
This guy makes Hilda Solis look like a John Birch-er.
Star came into the world with an, er, difficult first season.
Got to protect season ticket sales, er ... the taxpayers after all.
Seattle's Russell Wilson with an iPad — er, Surface —on the sideline.
But that's not the only, er, interesting thing about this request.
Perhaps she'll choose a less, er, spoken-for place next time.
Egg her on and let nature (er, AI) take its course.
The reality on the ground has been a little, er, different.
A surprise third place is ER. Who can resist Doctor Clooney?
We rushed to the ER and horrible thoughts flooded my mind.
Er kritisierte die Vereinbarung, der Mays Kabinett am Mittwochabend zugestimmt hatte.
Chapter Three: Strang(er) things Roy Moore defeated appointed Alabama Sen.
I like to put the 'er' on everything: finer and sexier!
Endo agreed to halt shipments of Opana ER starting September 1.
ER: What are your future plans and dreams for the project?
Kamm sagte, er würde nie den Ausdruck in ihren Gesichtern vergessen.
Sollte die Situation in seinem Ort "eskalieren", erwartete er ähnliche Proteste.
Von syrischen Frauen würde nicht erwartet, solche Stellungen innezuhaben, sagte er.
"Deutschland kommen in dieser internationalen Völkerwanderung große Verpflichtungen zu", sagte er.
Die Flüchtlinge, meinte er, würden es auf dem Arbeitsmarkt schwer haben.
Qraluq sagte mir, dass er früher Politiker oder Diplomat werden wollte.
"Neunzig Prozent von denen, die ankommen, sind keine Flüchtlinge", sagte er.
Ich fragte ihn, wie er sich in seinem neuen Zuhause fühlte.
En tot slot is er nog het o zo verraderlijke papierwerk.
The ER intake staff's first question was whether he had insurance.
I heard the Brighton show ended up being pretty, er, toxic.
When Schumer calls her out on it, things get weird(er).
If that fails, they may go to the ER for relief.
ER: No. But I did want to be a jazz star.
ER: It was more of an acting job than anything else.
Admittedly, some of the findings were a little, er, hair-raising.
Beneath its joyous surface, this book's sole — er, soul — runs deep.
These patterns have echoes in our own imperial — er, presidential politics.
Kinas reaktion er en trist gentagelse af princippet i Mohammed-krisen.
The next day, he visited the ER at Westmoreland County Hospital.
Guys, I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed this morning … er, evening.
As a former NBA-er*, this comes as no big surprise.
The power of three (er, two) is coming to Grey's Anatomy.
BORTNIKOV: Well, Putzi — er, um, actually, right now we got none.
Everett immediately went to the ER and was diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis.
Dort wird er die Anwesenden bitten, das Gebäude zu verlassen. pic.twitter.
ER: When I went to college, I was a government major.
Instead, this exhibition narrates h/er life's journey into the occult.
Great. To make a tricky theme a bit trickier yet, the ER..ER is not split between the two words of each phrase consistently; sometimes the first ER ends a word (like LOBSTER), sometimes it's within the first word (like BEVERAGE), sometimes it's split across two words (as in ROLE REVERSAL) and sometimes it's in the second word (as in BLACKBOARD ERASER).
Second visits to the ER for various pain symptoms, blackouts, vomiting or injuries that were not self-inflicted were associated with a three to five times higher risk of a subsequent ER visit for self-harm.
Endo justified withdrawing the original version of Opana ER by telling the FDA that it saw misuse of Opana ER soar after Purdue Pharma introduced a crush-resistant version of its top-selling Oxycontin in 2010.
Scholz erzählte mir, dass er kein aktiver Wähler war, aber bei der nächsten Gelegenheit für die Republikaner stimmen würde, eine in den 1980er Jahren in Bayern gegründete Randpartei, deren Ideologie er akkurat als "ziemlich braun" beschrieb.
Individuals who are experiencing symptoms that wouldn't otherwise warrant a trip to the ER should consider setting up a telemedicine appointment or calling a primary care physician before going to the doctor or ER, Spyres suggested.
Instead of waiting until a claim for an ER visit comes in, why not work with physicians to identify the patients most likely to end up in the ER if they don't get certain services soon?
Instead, leaders of ER programs in different states told me that the biggest hurdle may be ensuring that a patient has a place to get longer-term care after the ER starts that patient on addiction treatment.
Here's how ER visits have changed for other forms of health insurance: Because the ACA expanded Medicaid and overhauled the individual insurance market, the number of uninsured ER trips declined by about 9% from 2006 to 2014.
AA, MF, DH, PO. SA, AH, ER, ST. Eight sets of initials.
But again, neither company is reinventing the wheel — er, optical sensors — here.
The newest Diva has made her entrance into the ring (er, world)!
She has not returned to the ER since beginning treatment in August.
So privacy alive and kicking among the young then — not, er, dead.
Er, just the author of the article Rothenberg tried to nega-spin.
My last ER-worthy panic attack was in Cortez, Colorado in 2013.
Read This Next: ER Doctors Are Bringing Patients Back From the Dead
He, er, seems to have forgotten that Pennywise does not actually exist.
Bryan's view of the ride is a lot, er... fairer than mine.
Pubic hair removal injuries that send people to the ER are real.
Oprah Winfrey is putting her money – er, bread – where her mouth is.
Just get the right pricing algorithms in place and let 'er rip.
From the ER to cardiac ICU thanks for taking care of me.
So expectations for The Rise of Skywalker's performance are, er, sky high.
ER: There was a phase of my career that was net-only.
If you were a #NeverTrump-er, he'd put you in a position.
Well, after the Gettysburg Address, he tweeted out, emancipate this motherf---er.
The first ER doctor sent me home and said I was hysterical.
And, er, that's a wrap on Scott saying things about his baby!
Do angry skies spell a trip to the ER when you land?
Careful, this trick—er, illusion has a second, surprising twist in it.
ER: There haven't been any layoffs at the companies I've worked with.
Where fashion week formats are concerned, Italians take the cake (er, tiramisu).
The fifth season of hit series ER premiered in September of 1998.
With the massive success of the HBO miniseries — or, er, television show?
"You don't focus on the 99 you save," that ER doctor said.
ER: Does that mean you believe Sanders can still win the nomination?
ER: People will argue that it'll be influential mostly as a spoiler.
The interviewee in question was, er, former mayor of London Ken Livingstone.
While Specs were the must-have gadget — er, social media fashion accessory?
We need to talk about the elephant in the room, er, lobby.
At the hospital, the ER team worked furiously as Jessica grew weaker.
We want somebody with kidney stones having to negotiate in the ER?
ER: I've had instances that are familiar to any female-identifying person.
ER: Being a female photographer means constantly having to prove your vision.
But yes, one team bats and the other fields and, er, bowls.
Lora was previously a TC-er and is returning to the fold.
This is when Amazon Prime becomes your best friend — er, true valentine?
"Portia has four moms," the ER alum joked to PEOPLE in March.
The lawsuits have centered on Opana ER, a long-acting opioid painkiller.
And now, another beloved GBBO-er has hung up their baking pan.
The results were based on seven years of federal ER visit data.
It has asked drugmaker Endo Pharmaceuticals to remove painkiller Opana ER. Why?
I went to the ER at my mother's request with no insurance.
Laughing, the singer added, "She's already a really strong little f—er."
So, er, you're not really moving fast and breaking things are you!?
Because I'm the first person to be like, 'F— that motherf—er.
Shotguns caused 41,500 ER visits, of which 47% were related to assaults.
On the other hand (er, wing?), you may find it absolutely adorable.
In many videos, would-be competitive tickling champs discuss the, er, sport.
They found that taramasalata, made from salted cod roe, was … er, salty.
I was not lying in the ER and am definitely not dead.
That year, there were an estimated 33,826 ER visits for sunburn nationwide.
I avoided the ER for a week thanks to that one bowl.
Heck, we still discuss our futures even though we achieved ER-status.
And then there's Nancy and Steve — er, excuse me, Nancy and Jonathan.
On November 5, ER&R Club members will receive a registration email.
Endo's sales of Opana ER amounted to about $159 million last year.
ER nurses, too, saw salary increases as more men entered the field.
As for the prototype I rode, it's an impressive hover... er, rideable.
Unfortunately for some, even years later these ER-positive tumors can recur.
They rushed LiLo to an ER, where a plastic surgeon reattached it.
She was taken by ambulance, unconscious to the closest trauma ER hospital.
Had I not returned to the ER, I wouldn't be alive today.
That is where they watch ER. The bedrooms are down that hallway.
Er besuchte die Berufsschule und hatte gelernt, ziemlich gut Deutsch zu sprechen.
Die Gemeinde hatte für die Syrer neue Küchen einbauen müssen, sagte er.
Er setzte sich auf die Couch und blickte auf den orangen Wollteppich.
Wenn ihn Leute sahen, dächten sie "Nicht aus Deutschland", sagte er mir.
He proposed to her in that very ER room two years later.
Often the medical attention provided in the ER only partially improves symptoms.
A pelvic exam in ER. My back was hurt from gymnastics class.
The teen required a lifesaving blood transfusion, which the ER team implemented.
I avoided the ER for a week thanks to that one bowl.
He says his past ER bills often ran into thousands of dollars.
So I don't remember much about ER. I really was on autopilot.
We've also rounded up other reviews from around the galaxy, er, internet.
And check out Sam Malone — er, Ted Danson — behind the local bar.
" Another officer claims Jones also said, "Suck my d*ck, n***er.
"Bei einigen Dingen ist eine Rückgabe sinnvoll", sagte er in einem Interview.
That night, I went to the ER because my difficulty breathing worsened.
Having the object removed without the ER facility fee will be cheaper.
That includes money from, er, activities the Justice Department might frown upon.
Er blieb damit über der 50-Punkte-Marke, die Wachstum und signalisiert.
Now, there are two Rudds—er, two Mileses—and hijinks, naturally, ensues.
I wanted something simple that, er, "just works" (to coin a phrase).
As certified members of the Instant Pot cult (er, club) we're psyched.
Now ... take it away, Brian/Stewie/Peter/Quagmire -- er, we mean Seth.
ER: So, thanks for having me, first, in this very beautiful environment.
The same is true of a Generation X-er or Baby Boomer.
"Er … thank you," responds Freya, and strides off to chase her future.
A relieved Justin then left the ER and went about his life.
Darauf thematisierte er auch seine Drogenprobleme und den Kampf, nüchtern zu bleiben.
Harigtay previously told PEOPLE of her 18-episode stint on the hit medical series: "When I was at ER I thought all I wanted to do was be on ER." Law & Order: SVU airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m.
And don't let the name confuse you: Oak Taverns says the pronunciation of Gin&'er is up to the drinker — whether it's Ginger, in a nod to Harry's infamous red hair, or the more literal Gin and 'er.
It might be an okay show, and it might be one worth watching — but it would never be ER. Correction: Margaret Lyons hung photos of the ER cast in her middle-school locker, not her high-school one.
"Grey's Anatomy" has surpassed "ER," which ended its run on NBC in 2662, as the prime-time medical show with the most episodes, and in the fall it will beat "ER" in the number of seasons as well.
Compared to teens whose initial ER visit was unrelated to self-harm, adolescents treated for self-harm injuries were more than four times more likely to visit the ER for self-harm over the five-year follow-up period.
Although teens initially treated for self-harm injuries in the ER were more likely to die by suicide, suicide was still rare, occurring in less than 1% of the teens who came to the ER after self-harm incidents.
Yet national cancer data report that more than 60 percent of breast cancer cases among non-Hispanic blacks are ER+/HER-, while non-Hispanic blacks make-up less than 9 percent of ER+/HER- cases in the United States.
Marquez starred on ER for the first three seasons from 1994 to 1997.
Now that's what you call a phoenix rising from the asses — er, ashes.
This igloo -- er, house -- is in Webster, New York, just outside of Rochester.
It's what anyone would expect from the ER with any other medical condition.
Seven hours after I initially arrived at the ER, I finally checked out.
"I'd been told by an ER doctor that nothing was wrong," Leah says.
" NS: "I could open an ER for emergencies that don't require immediate attention.
They may need something... er... spicy to keep the flame from going out.
By the time he got to the ER, he was throwing up blood.
And in the end, the California Highway Patrol got their man -- er, dog.
The more jarring change about Bill — er, Will — is that he doesn't stutter.
In that case, you should get to the ER right away, she says.
They also had some, er, strong opinions about the candy corn pizza creation.
As a medic and as an ER nurse...we are the front line.
I've even taken it to doc appointments and ER visits if I'm scared.
He smiles because, er, it's exciting when inebriated women fall into your arms?
Warning: In the last week of October, your feelings could get, er, complex.
Your opinion is probably based on, er, your custom-curated social-media feed.
Where, Poppenreiter, says the two can finalize the terms of the, er, date.
The ABC Series Makes History as the Longest Primetime Medical Drama – Surpassing ER!
It totaled 250 people sent to the ER and 100 with head injuries.
Perhaps in response to this, the BART-er went rogue and dropped knowledge.
Patients get surprise bills when a specific ER doctor doesn't accept their insurance.
So, if you get your reviews from Twitter, er, check elsewhere this week.
She drove over, picked us up and took us to the ER immediately.
Celeb-model hybrids Hailey Baldwin (er, Bieber?) and Emily Ratajkowski walked the show.
We now have pet-specific ER doctors, cardiologists, oncologists, neurologists, dermatologists, and ophthalmologists.
You can't create something this cool and leave us all hanging, er, standing.
Alda's other television credits include ER, 30 Rock, The Blacklist and Ray Donovan.
In the ER, charcoal is used to treat drug overdoses and severe poisoning.
But today, we have the whole shebang, and it's a little, er, different.
Like Ryan Gosling, Saint West is a man (er, baby) of many expressions.
But some cool(er) teens are using memes, of all things, to prompose.
I turn on ER and decide this is why I hate making plans.
Or this, er, Hillary lapel pin to go on your T-shirt lapel?
They're a struggling motherf—er showing his ass in front of the world.
In that study, marijuana-related ER visits increased 57% from 2011 to 2013.
Check out Clay -- er, Dylan -- shredding on guitar and singing his heart out.
Over half of ER visits for children under 1 are due to falls.
" My dad might have been counted among those ER numbers as an "undetermined.
This was like a month ago but I recognize the f***er instantly!!
"And Republicans will always protect Americans with pre-existing conditions" Er, no. 227.
Adding Christie's problems to the ticket might be, er, a bridge too far.
And if that's dancing with scrony [sic] little f—er, so be it.
They also tracked 10,43 similar teens seen in the ER for other reasons.
Among women with ER-positive cancers, there was no difference in overall survival.
Warmly apologetic, she explains that she hadn't realized Janice was still, er, available.
If you love the medical aspect of "Grey's," try the classic series "ER."
People ages 25 to 44 had the highest rates of ER visits nationally.
Draußen auf dem Meer war er Bootsmann gewesen und hatte die Decksmannschaften beaufsichtigt.
Und doch sah er dieses neue Unbehagen als etwas Gutes für die Seele.
Jeder, der diese Dinge öffentlich äußert, wird "sofort zum Nazi erklärt", sagte er.
Zugleich schien er noch immer wegen der Stimmung im Ort besorgt zu sein.
An jenem Morgen sah Yasser aus, als hätte er nicht viel Schlaf gehabt.
After all, you could do a whole lot worse than keepin' 'er country.
In the ER I always give anti-nausea medicine if I'm giving ketamine.
Just the ER, in the afternoon, with a crowd waiting in the lobby.
Sam: One time I er… oh I dunno if I should share this.
The loose woman likes men whose job titles end in the letters er.
But ER visits are incredibly expensive, leaving caring parents in a punishing situation.
"In the ER, patients come in with different shapes and sizes," he explains.
We get the last polling place, er kid, called in and construction wins!
Still, ER doctors tell Wooster they're running low on the surgical masks, too.
One was an ER doctor who tested positive for the virus last Saturday.
Someone comes into the ER, you don't blame them, you try and understand.
Eastern to help myself and Deb — er, Ms. Amlen — crush the day's puzzle!
" • Quotation of the day "I'm gonna be just fine, so let 'er blow.
So now Judy writes content for Well/er, a health and happiness website.
The ER doctor examined me and gave me the test for Covid-19.
The performers were giddy, supportive and almost nerdy — more LARP-er than jock.
Opana ER is an extended-release painkiller that was first approved in 2006.
Here's what Mr. Scaramucci, er, Mario Cantone, had to say about the announcement.
Trips to the ER can run up providers thousands of dollars every visit.
Marquez played nurse Wendy Goldman on "ER" for three seasons, from 1994-97.
Azcue's insurance plan, for example, didn't cover the cost of an ER visit.
When you whisk upon a, wait...that's not how it goes.
"There's no cavalry going over the hill," said Mr. Baur (pronounced BOW-er).
The ER sustained significant damage and is closed, according to the hospital's statement.
That's because the 15-er does double duty as both infotainment and instrumentation.
Grab a White Russian—not a Stella Artois—and load 'er up ASAP.
Kamal was rushed to the ER with gashes on his legs and hand.
By the time Arya was taken to the ER, she had lost consciousness.
These results are consistent with previous studies that have found self-harm ER visits not only increase the risk of suicide, but also increase the risk of repeated ER visits and greater use of health services, the study team writes.
The implication of "fair er" and "strong er" is that Britain already had these values when it was in the EU. Was the point of Brexit to make Britain the same as it was before, only a little bit… more?
HOW DID NO ONE TELL ME ER IS ON HULU THANK YOU UNIVERSE I NEEDED THIS THANK YOU ER, with its lightning-quick storytelling and propulsive filmmaking, is a perfect fit for the "just one more episode" streaming television era.
Kaufmann ist einfach für die Rolle wie geschaffen (Er ist, wie man meinen könnte, für sie geboren.): Die düstere Melancholie seiner Stimme, die Natürlichkeit, mit der er diesen verwundeten Aussenseitern ein Gesicht verleiht, machte sie für diesen argwöhnischen Feldherrn perfekt.
You can easily fix any of the above with this magic wand, er pen.
"Not knowing what was normal, I took her to the ER," Nina tells PEOPLE.
But sexual transmission would an important, er, development in the virus (and attendant panic).
" He has also appeared on such prime-time shows as "CSI: Miami" and "ER.
KIM KARDASHIAN TAKES KANYE WEST TO THE ER: REPORT "Life is stressful," Miller shared.
He appeared on Shameless, That '70s Show, ER, 24and The Young and the Restless.
And in an ER, 90 percent of our test patients would have gotten it.
The smaller percentage of patients still left uninsured also used the ER less often.
In last night's episode, Corinne, er, explored Bachelor Nick Viall in a bouncy castle.
Claire found out about the ER program through its substance use counselor, Tommie Trevino.
In the ER were a few scrub-wearing staffers behind desks and computer stations.
We're on the scene at Amazon's Day One building (right beside its, er... Spheres).
I was taken via ambulance to the ER where I remained for 28 hours.
Er, I mean surgical innovation prototype day...yeah, that has no ring to it.
"Be patient with the ER nurse/EMS/PD/FD in your life," she wrote.
In the end, it's better to have an awkward sneeze than an ER visit.
Or that people would get, er, creative — and make their nails look like cheese.
When she finally went to an ER, doctors said it had to be amputated.
But there's also plenty of other evidence that ER costs are indeed very high.
I treat him to a burger (er...two actually) and get one for myself.
Because he's so honest, though, the whole show feels a little more, er, dark.
I would love to just have Hulu record every ER episode for me, automatically.
Rahman allegedly told ER staff that she "threw away" the baby, the paper added.
Well, flip-flopping aside, two couples got engaged and two couples, er, started dating.
That evening, Doak took Jessica to the ER while Wayne stayed home with Cody.
ER: I think I'd provide myself the same advice I give to younger photographers.
Mucins are large proteins that are made in a compartment called endoplasmic reticulum (ER).
Wen's experiences in the ER have prepared her for her new role, she says.
She's also an accomplished TV director whose credits include ER, Shameless, and The Leftovers.
Then as any Gen Z-er would do, Jade took her passion to YouTube.
ER: I think it's fundamental, and I would take that at two different levels.
I watch a few episodes of ER, do my skincare, and get in bed.
I started as weeknight open mic-er, hoping to get a coveted MC spot.
That's a lot of porn, er, 4.5K cat videos you could storage on it.
Toothaches, back pain and headaches were the most common forms of preventable ER visits.
He's a successful "Fu Er Dai" to Lili Fu, a Shenzhen-based young professional.
What happens when someone needs to go to the ER for a dog bite?
Well, he better be able to fight ... you have to kill me motherf***er.
She came back and was like, 'You need to go to the ER now.
She had to be taken to the ER. Here's hoping that thing stays closed.
No politician is a good enough BS-er that they can forge their energy.
That's why most ER doctors I work with won't buy trampolines for their kids.
Peter, er I mean Gloria, is out there doing the work, in the meantime.
The way he bobs his head and rocks on his heels, er, bottom hemisphere.
I'm out there with a broke hand .. don't get smoked f—- a— cr—-er.
"When I became an ER doc, my patients looked just like me," he said.
Ana Maria is the NY14-er who famously jumped into the elevator with Sen.
Another health scare, when Butler experienced heart palpitations, sent her to the ER again.
Kalsi served in Afghanistan in 2011, running a field hospital ER in Helmand Province.
"So North Korea can presumably build more ER Scuds to overwhelm THAAD," Lewis said.
Opana ER was approved in 2006 and a reformulated version was introduced in 2012.
Cory Booker's name is pronounced pretty much how it looks: Cor-ee Book-er.
Determining the precise minute to arrive at the ER is a critically important decision.
Plus the company suggests consuming the toy parts, er, Jell-O within an hour.
Wherever Netflix goes from here, movies like "Bright" shouldn't become a hobbit -- er, habit.
Last month, a patient arrived in our ER after having tried a friend's vape.
"So, the first season is such a blur to me," said the ER alum.
They are the crucial link at Sharp that make ECMO in the ER possible.
"Wenn hier Rechtsextreme auftauchen, stelle ich mich ihnen in vorderster Reihe entgegen", sagte er.
Er würde auf dem Balkon Hühner halten und sämtliche Syrer zu einer Party einladen.
" Trinity Vibes Fill-er-up Butt Plug: "I LOVE Pinky; that's what he's named.
Now, with RiRi as our guide, let's get to shopping (er, saving), shall we?
A horrible practice which, er, has sometimes even caught out some very techie people.
I will take multiple trips to the ER, each time leaving without a diagnosis.
She told Yazmin to take her to the ER if her breathing got worse.
Besides CB Daniels Sr. Road, there's ER Daniels Road and just plain Daniels Road.
They still need to be able to go to the ER in an emergency.
The story can be read as a celebration of a woman who, er, persisted.
Kellogg's burger will hit the refrigerated er section of grocery stores in early 2020.
We drive an hour to the vet ER and I start praying while crying.
This program is a game-changer for anyone in need of virtual ER triage.
Or if they're not good at cuddling, like if you're a bad spoon-er.
Piegari shared that the ER was already a hectic place, short on vital resources.
I rushed back to the ER—and this time they were on their game.
Owners in the Least, er, East are willingly going to make things even tougher?
In einem Interview sagte er, die Sammlung umfasse Tausende umstrittener Objekte allein aus Afrika.
" Er fügte hinzu: "Wir müssen nachforschen, ob wir sie auf legalem Weg erworben haben.
One key blood test physicians use in the ER is a protein called troponin.
And so the battle for Harvard — er, Hogwarts — is the battle for the world.
"Er, when I publicly stated," he said, to roars of laughter from the audience.
More to the point, we could have skipped the foofaraw with the ER doctors.
So — in other words — Brexit means, er, trust Google to look after your data.
What do you mean a law enforcement person used a Taser in an ER?
Cases increased from an estimated 1,671 ER visits in 2004 to 4,396 in 2017.
And the tired-er they get, the more rigid, hyper, and irritable they become.
Coombs Lee was an ER and ICU nurse and physician assistant for 25 years.
It was, er, her pose, and her explanation for it, that grabbed everyone's attention.
ER: We're currently investing out of our fourth seed fund [which closed last year].
ER: The LA ecosystem has been scaling and maturing rapidly since we started Mucker.
"In about 95% of cases, children can be discharged from the ER," Michelson added.
SS: Eric Rondolat, thank you very much indeed for that-, ER: Thank you, guys.
Then I was on from 33,000 feet in the air and Peaching… er... posting.
But a long-range THAAD-ER battery might provide cover for sub-hunting aircraft.
Read This Next: Race Isn't Supposed to Matter in the ER, but It Does
They had been sent to the ER by their pediatrician a few months earlier.
Go deeper: Genetic testing may prevent ER visits for kids with Type I diabetes
ER: When I stopped using images from the postcards, I started reading the notes.
The promotion took place this past Saturday, and, er, it didn't go so well.
Omnipresent AI. KS: Someone was just doing, it's super-er than the regular one.
Around 95 percent of all kids were discharged from the ER after receiving treatment, while 3 percent had injuries that warranted admittance to the hospital (the remaining 2 percent bailed from the ER before hospital staff had a chance to see them).
The Israeli actress kicks off PEOPLE's 25 Women Changing the World joined by five real-life wonder women: ER nurse Kelly Lynch, Marine pilot Major Khadijah M. Nashagh, Southern California firefighter Lovie Jung, ER pediatrician Dr. Liza Kearl and Air Force Capt.
Making sure people take precaution to protect themselves and others from the flu—and only people with real emergencies are seated in the ER lobby—will help to ease the many difficulties ER nurses and doctors face during their 12-hour-long shifts.
"When I was at ER I thought all I wanted to do was be on ER," she recalled of her 18-episode stint on the hit medical series opposite Anthony Edwards (who, coincidentally, will be guest-starring on SVU in season 18).
"They sent a cleaning team to that individual's home to clean the house, change the air filters in an effort to reduce… asthma attacks that would lead to ER visits, and saw that following that, the ER visits significantly dropped off," said Marcotte.
But as that date drew near, Endo tried again to keep Impax from selling a generic version of Opana ER. That's when Endo decided to pull the original formulation of Opana ER off the market, saying the drug was susceptible to abuse.
But, er, there's a horse… Such limits may explain why Ahoi is generating so many early swipes — and rather fewer actual calls — in that the activity sums to (mostly) men looking for women to videochat with and being matched with, er, men.
I even make fun of myself sometimes with this line, "I know you know this but sometimes my job is to be a professional reminder-er" (repeating the "er" several times to poke fun at the fact that it's not a real word).
Devorah: And if you have a kid, it's like, at some point between 0 and 18 you're going to go to the ER. You can't raise a kid and think, "I'm never going to the ER." Dan: That can be super expensive.
"The ER is very expensive, not a cost-efficient way of doing care," he said.
I put on ER in the background, which I've been slowly making my way through.
The ER doctors told [her dad] Dennis and me she might not survive the flight.
It's no surprise that she'd make ugly Christmas sweater season all about that, er, hobby.
That's because Broce flies an ER-2, a modified version of the famed U-2.
Refrigerators, ovens, microwaves, and some small appliances caused tens of thousands of ER visits each.
I paid a $100 copay for the ER visit, and my insurance covered the rest.
"I'm a lucky motherf—er," the comic added, proving his point with an Instagram Thursday.
"Maybe someone hit me with a belt," the report shows he told the ER doctor.
In short: If someone wants help, they can get it at the ER 25/25.
If you want Oliver Stone's more, er, colorful version, here is a trailer for Snowden.
Chopra fell while filming a scene, sending her to the ER Thursday night,Variety reports.
"The difference is, ER personnel receive minimal to no training in these exams," she said.
How dare you try to tarnish my motherf***in' home boy's reputation, punk motherf***er.
I got into the stretcher, was wheeled through the ER and loaded into an ambulance.
And the average price of an ER visit increased by $298 over that time frame.
But some of the new, smaller computers are even smaller-er than other smaller computers.
The first weeks after leaving the ER may be when young people are most vulnerable.
He appeared on Shameless, That '70s Show, ER, 24 and The Young and the Restless.
We had to go to the ER and have them remove it with special pliers.
But coming in at number three is a very, er, unexpected present: Beef jerky bouquets.
The author of 'Mosquitoland' wears his inner Star Wars nerd on his sleeve -- er, face.
Sony's Ear Puts an AI Inside Your, Er, EarSony clearly watched Joaquin Phoenix in Her.
I don't know… I'll give you a clue; you also had this job on ER.
Troxyca ER contains oxycodone and naltrexone, a drug designed to cancel the effect of oxycodone.
And yes, cheap(er) rockets is good news for people other than the Air Force.
Though overdose-related ER visits varied by region, the number increased for every demographic group.
His chief concern with Arie is that he won't be able to, er, protect Lauren.
We're er, well... it looks like we might move in together actually, so... Char: What?!
Julie, an ER nurse, says her sister was taken to the facility where she works.
But unlike most memes, this one was born directly out of, er, anti-terrorist ads.
To find the partner (er, primer) of your dreams, you've gotta do some background work.
Serious Saturn, planet of getting-'er-done, moved into your sign on December 19, 2017.
Their business model is based on manipulating viewers' emotions to flog them, er, junk supplements.
And I was once almost rushed to the ER after eating a grilled cheese sandwich.
Transitioning awkwardly from a successful run on ER to a film career, George Clooney is
We're told the blanket Kris brought to the ER wasn't Lamar's, but it was identical.
The mailman delivered bills from the emergency room, from the ER physicians, from the ultrasounds.
"We live in an anxiety-riddled, unsure, divisive time right now," says the ER alum.
The apple — or Stone, in this case — doesn't fall far from the tree (er, stage)!
"Portia has four moms," jokes the ER alum, married to real estate CEO Mauricio Umansky.
The meaning of HOV might change from High Occupancy Vehicle lanes to HOV-ER lanes.
Then, prepare to see kitty-cat whiskers and flower crowns everywhere you look — er, tap.
T.J. Miller's Weasel had plenty to say about Deadpool's new, er, look after the experiment.
The company has developed secret lists of diagnoses that they say are "avoidable" ER visits.
Providence Alaska Medical Center kept its ER open and was evaluating damage and water leaks.
"Prior to those roles, he starred as Mark Greene on the long-running drama "ER.
"That motherf---er say a lot of shit," Lynch told host Maher during the program.
His team went around to the ER entrance and threw four patients in its truck.
Imre Kertesz (roughly pronounced EEM-er-eh CARE-tiss) was born in Budapest on Nov.
To enter, nurses must sign up for CheapCaribbean's ER&R Club by 11:59 p.m.
How will nurses respond when the ER is being shut down due to a breach?
DevaCurl Mist-er Right Dream Curl Refresher helps your itchy scalp chill out between washes.
Or is that just something we take up next year, but could apply soon[er]?
The largest percentage of ER visits for animal-related injuries -- 42% -- was in the South.
The show isn't, er, preachy, and does not require much knowledge about Catholicism in particular.
ER: There's definitely an intimacy that comes across in the photos and in the interviews.
It would be nice to have someone with balls, er, brains, in the White House.
"Pure Erschöpfung, blanke Angst", sagte er und atmete so fest aus, dass seine Lippen flatterten.
Wären 350 Asylsuchende nach Eisenärzt gekommen, so hätte das zu "Krawallen" geführt, sagte er mir.
Dennoch entschied er sich, das Heim zu besuchen und Marienbilder sowie einige Süßigkeiten zu verteilen.
Wenn alles nach Plan lief, würde er seine Ausbildung im Supermarkt in drei Jahren abschließen.
Es war für den Supermarkt nicht einfach, gute Mitarbeiter wie ihn zu finden, sagte er.
Mir schien er ein Ort zu sein, an dem Leute sagen, was sie wirklich dachten.
They took him to the ER, where doctors tried to revive him, pumping his chest.
Here are a few options: ER-20XS, DUBS, Earasers, V-MODA Faders VIP, and LiveMus!
But he still makes an appearance this episode, back in the ER with (maybe?) meningitis.
But by the time the woman reached the ER, she had suffered permanent brain damage.
My next memory: sitting in a small ER with my head in my hands, wailing.
After his first ER visit, the doctor told him he didn't need to self-quarantine.
Bubba the Love Sponge has led a full life, and there's much to, er, absorb.
The father contends that he doesn't want to drop "three grand" on an ER visit.
"Fill 'er up," she told a team of stagehands, many of whom wore rubber boots.
Sure, he argues, one can acknowledge that "psychic pain" dictates this, er, imaginary man's behavior.
I don't need you to be vegan-er than thou, or me, for that matter.
Patients are usually at the mercy of the hospital when it comes to ER billing.
The phrase "going ER" is the term of choice among incels for committing mass violence.
Artie checked into a local ER in NJ and we're told he's feeling better now.
Will it be Liverpool, from England's Premier League, or Spurs, from, er, England's Premier League?
Bret: The one thing I really wish for is a president I could, er, trust.
Surprise billing hits one in 6 ER or hospital patients, according to a KFF report.
Später begleitete er das Liebesbekenntnis eines jungen Offiziers mit einem Rauschen von rustikaler, hormonaler Energie.
In a hypothetical example, let's say you visit the ER under high severity and threat.
"Because he could not tolerate the headache, they sent him to the ER," he added.
I've used an arbitrary distance scale (for now) in made-up units of, er, u.
Fill 'er up, at the first gas station in the United States that's fully electric.
What do you mean a sheriff tackled some guy just trying to leave the ER?
She introduces us to her new man, er, dog: a chubby-necked chihuahua named Doug.
Two weeks after his arrival in the ER, the patient died, Dev and Abbas report.
When medications aren't taken as prescribed, conditions can worsen, resulting in ER visits and hospitalizations.
One time I fell ill and went to the ER and faced a $1,600 bill.
Or worse, hearing that a VA ER doctor misdiagnosed a bleeding veteran's common pregnancy complication.
In the video, Kjellberg says, "What a fucking ni**er" regarding another, unidentified Battlegrounds player.
Activated charcoal is only helpful if you're in the ER and need your stomach pumped.
Zack Beauchamp: One of the highlights of "Oathbreaker" was Arya's — er, No One's — training montage.
Imagine how this works for the ER program: You may not get enough funding to do the whole program to begin with, particularly to support not just the ER side of things but also the providers and clinics that will do follow-up appointments.
"They get sick or scared…the ambulance costs a thousand dollars, the ER visit costs one, or two, or three thousand dollars, and then, they're back on the street again," Hawaii senator and practicing ER doctor Josh Green told VICE News about the vicious cycle.
Here are short(er) books that make for compelling vacation reads, ordered from shortest to longest.
Critics (including, er, me) have long charged the IEA with being unduly pessimistic about renewable energy.
For some reason, when he looked at me, I got the cree—er, I felt uneasy.
The message hits you like a lead bus: America ... um ... war ... er ... Disney ... and stuff. Wow.
Maybe we've even tried it, er, just before last call after a few too many drinks.
Everyone suffers when people with mental illness are stuck in limbo in the ER, Schmitz said.
But one dress — er, one style of dress, we should say — held court over the others.
However, he says when in doubt, go with just an "a" and not the "er" sound.
The question, a nod to the current political climate, triggered some plot twists.
To put the sensor under your mattress that can tell when you're … er … you know … sleeping?
In the GIF above, the reddish stuff is groundwater, mixing with blue-er (cooler) surface water.
Or might it be to your benefit to, er, learn to make your own cheesey pasta?
It's as if she's emerging from years in medical school, or, er, two terms as president.
Boomer and Gen X-er stress actually went down a bit, on average, from last year.
"On Sunday when he woke, it was definitely time to go to the ER," Bridget said.
Many people took the lyrics from "Formation" and, er, remixed them to fit Taylor Swift's aesthetic.
We broke the story ... Bob was rushed to the ER this past October under similar circumstances.
After an ill-fated run for president, he, er, spent time as a financial services lobbyist.
Melania ... er, Melanie Trump really went all out with the White House Christmas message this year.
"When a population surges, even temporarily, ER visits tend to rise," she said in the statement.
The teaser gets into how her fellow Amazons ride or die, er...fight to the death.
I know fans of smaller phones are pre-disappointed, and I don't blame them, er, us.
Maxwell Drew and Bronx Mowgli are two peas in a pod (er, scoops in a cup).
Ms Whittaker has the potential to be one of the best doctors of, er, all time.
ER: Right, or how it interacts with your computer or phone when different notifications pop up.
Someone please give Arya Stark (er, "no one") and her staff the Darth Maul lightsaber treatment.
One was in the ER a few weeks later with a "baseball-sized cyst," bleeding internally.
At the ER, medical staff came up with a nickname for Hendershot: The Apple Watch Patient.
The doctor in the ER did a check up, then asked me what I had eaten.
One of the ER doctors Fox spoke to in 2016 suggested string cheese as an alternative.
Easiest example — "Boob-er" in reference to a "women on demand" service — and here's some more.
"This sweet pup walked in to UMMC ER just like a patient would," the post said.
In mid-October, he checked into the ER, and the doctors discovered his cancer had spread.
The United States, as the greatest producer of petroleum, eagerly adopted a "fill 'er up" mentality.
Or you can be lazy like us and take your order to the experts, er...baristas.
Knowing the process is irreversible, they scramble to come to grips with the massive—er, minuscule?
Look for the prominent shutter button to start adding new flavor to your snaps... er, photos.
Those agents will be the ones manning the gates -- er, "big, beautiful doors" - -of Trump's wall.
First and foremost, she's an actress (er, was: Markle's last gig saw her starring in Suits).
He's then visited by the ghost of Christmas past...oh, er, his mother, Cherry (Mare Winningham).
The San Diego, er, Los Angeles Chargers, are in the midst of said dilemma right now.
Another option would be to deploy JASSM-ER, a new air-launched cruise missile, in Europe.
"Well, that 'dude' turned out to be @ajaxrider – the ER doc on duty today!" he added.
Er du klar for å kjempe deg gjennom Minecraft-verdenen for å komme først til scenen?
The ER team blasted her with antibiotics and fluids and eased her into an induced coma.
The song feels especially poignant now, given the current state of our political climate (er, meltdown).
ER: Yes, I think it's absolutely massive, and this is what we do here in Davos.
Disse 9000 kunder har via banken oprettet 1100 selskaber, hvoraf kun 18 er skattepligtige til Danmark.
An ambulance brought Larson to the ER of Cabrini Medical Center, the hospital nearest the theater.
FiveThirtyEight's model gave Hillary Clinton a 71.4 percent chance of winning, and she, er, didn't win.
In the study, 99% of the ER patients were treated and did not suffer permanent damage.
In Fu's eyes, Donald Trump is more ambitious than many "Fu Er Dai" in China today.
"My mom took him to the ER and special doctors worked on him," Aubree tells PEOPLE.
It wasn't until June, after graduation, when an ER doctor gave me the most helpful information.
North West is kicking and screaming into old(er) age ... just like the rest of us.
It's important, but hopefully by testing we can stop that trip to the ER from happening.
It's a tale as old as, since the first official Target opened in 1962.
The Chinese have a name for this unwritten rule, "er xuan yi," choose one of two.
Rashida Tlaib's use of the word "motherf***er," in reference to the President, on Thursday night.
Injecting Opana ER was linked to outbreaks of HIV, hepatitis C and a rare blood disorder.
A trip to the ER and an MRI revealed that his hip was full of fluid.
I ended up going to the ER which it was concluded that I separated my shoulder.
So I went back to the ER. Again, I was told I had elevated blood pressure.
Im letzten Herbst deutete Kamm in seinem Büro an, dass er einen Bürgeraufstand knapp verhindert hatte.
Ein ankommender Migrant, hörte er, benötigte eine neue Niere; andere hatten Beschwerden, die teure Medikamente erforderten.
Qraluq begann seine Schicht im Getränkegang, wo er dafür sorgte, dass die Saftkartons perfekt ausgerichtet waren.
She had gone to the ER after her family pressured her because she was coughing constantly.
ER: Well, the Internet has made concealing very much of anything from potential employers very difficult.
Cid Williams, our driver, er pilot, welcomed us and introduced us to our two fellow passengers.
She took Mariee to the ER at John F. Kennedy Medical Center in Edison, New Jersey.
She went to a local stat care place, and then the ER. More antibiotics, no results.
How would you deal with someone who comes into the ER and is going through withdrawal?
Five hundred points to, er, whatever Hogwarts house Blake Lively would belong to (we suspect Gryffindor).
ER: We were working down the street at The Derby, it was called Michael's back then.
By the time he was brought to the ER, he had suffered a grand mal seizure.
The first multirotor vehicle from NASA that will ever set foot, er, ski, on another planet.
A passenger in this low rating range is likely everything a 4.6-er is, but worse.
Fill 'er up... with hydrogen This tiny little car runs on hydrogen and spits out water.
" -- ER doctor Stephen Anderson in Auburn, Washington, on ABC's "World News Tonight" Thursday: "We need ventilators.
She's gotten dirty looks and extensive questioning at the ER, after the backlash against opioid usage.
But Mr. Geier (pronounced GUY-er) proved even more of an empire-builder than Mr. Harper.
On Twitter, ER doctors have traded tips on how to split ventilator tubes between multiple people.
When it hit midafternoon, she contacted the ER. She was told to call the state lab.
Alyssa Piegari has been drawn to the emergency room (ER) ever since she graduated high school.
Alix Atwell is an RN with experience working in the ER, ICU, and labor and delivery.
Miami resident Osmel Martinez Azcue's coronavirus testing, including an ER visit and flu testing, cost $3,270.
" McKinnon later returned with a bombshell about country singer, er, Chance Beef: "He and I dated.
"Sometimes, I still have to go to the ER for IV meds and fluids," she added.
NB: Clicking on another symbol will swap out the earlier one — generating, er, more notification spam.
I'm awoken by F. saying he's going to the ER. He's going to take an Uber.
My friend and I both venmo her $100 to help defray the ambulance and ER costs.
My friend is out of the ER and doing alright at home, which is what's important.
In the meantime, though, there's every reason to continue treating kids at the ER with dexamethasone.
The, er, climax, though, comes later — when Dodson coaches Ross through achieving an on-camera orgasm.
Or maybe dinner at your cousin's house wasn't as tasty, er, filling, as you had hoped.
We should look to those healthcare insurers that are taking alternative paths to decrease ER claims.
He walked the red, er, purple carpet with Liam Cunningham, who played fan-favorite Davos Seaworth.
"ER but make it fashion," she wrote alongside an image of herself in her hospital bed.
This is the culture of what you expect from a REMF [Rear Echelon Mother F---er].
And there's no getting around it: with those pigs, comes a lot of, er ... wet waste.
Or at least, one of the last -- but let's not give them any dumb(er) ideas.
In most cases, children who were seen in the ER were discharged, but 10% required hospitalization.
But do you, a Gen X-er, need to incorporate it into your own written communication?
If you're having er, sensitive conversations with your voice assistant, make sure the recordings are private.

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