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"dolor" Definitions
  1. mental suffering or anguish : GRIEF

296 Sentences With "dolor"

How to use dolor in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "dolor" and check conjugation/comparative form for "dolor". Mastering all the usages of "dolor" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"Dolor" Piñera, dolor sentías mientras el pueblo protestaba y tú comías pizza.
Los estadounidenses se sintieron conmovidos por el dolor de Haití.
Pero hay algo más, algo que sigue causando mucho dolor.
Las ambulancias y los paramédicos llegaron cuando su dolor aumentó.
Ahora, muchos de estos pueblos están abatidos por el dolor.
Dijo que su cuerpo a menudo se doblaba de dolor.
Dijo que su cuerpo a menudo se doblaba de dolor.
El dolor de garganta es solo un posible síntoma del coronavirus.
R: Sí. Creo que es así como lidia con su dolor.
In rhoncus tincidunt dolor, eget pretium purus lacinia ut.
Morgan Stickney vivía atormentada por el dolor: la joven nadadora, alguna vez promesa olímpica de Estados Unidos, se la pasaba dopada con opioides debido al dolor de una lesión en el pie que nunca terminó de sanar.
"He buscado el dolor físico para llegar a un estado de trance".
Este tsunami de dolor y muerte es la normalidad de tantos sitios.
Le causaban dolor y a menudo se desprendían cuando caminaba o bailaba.
"Es fácil documentar el dolor de otra persona", dijo sobre su proyecto.
Bodies embarrass me, as does the soul When aflame, with grief or dolor.
Then you look at Rohnert Park, and it's the dolor, the sadness, the mundane.
Pointing to her stomach, she would say, "Yo tengo dolor" — I have pain, Jamie said.
Disfruto escribir el personaje del exesposo, una relación llena de humor y repleta de dolor.
Sed ullamcorper, lectus id consequat dapibus, risus dolor lobortis lectus, id volutpat odio massa in massa.
Y no sabía qué me daba más miedo y dolor, si el aborto o la ley.
Pero el dolor y el miedo constante finalmente la sumergieron en un estado profundo de depresión.
Una vida de deslizar a la izquierda y a la derecha me había permitido evadir mi dolor.
Lo único que no cambia es la autoridad de un corazón humano vulnerable al dolor de otros.
"Desconocemos los porqués", dijo Darger, cada vez más emotivo al contar el dolor que sentía al esperar las noticias.
For the majority of a long if intermittent career, the Swedish indie-pop troubadour has specialized in cheerful dolor.
Cada brasileño que presenció el Maracanazo lo vivió como un dolor colectivo, pero lo recuerda como una experiencia única.
Había mucha confusión y mucho dolor, pero sonreía ante todo y todos porque no le podía fallar a mis hijas.
Como madre siento coraje, repudio y un profundo dolor por los cobardes hechos en la sierra entre Sonora y Chihuahua.
" Quietly, and then with resolve, the women and girls flanking her join in to sing, "Ay, que dolor": "What sorrow.
Missing the food of home, she consulted her mother, Delfina Dolor — Mama Fina — for recipes and carefully replicated each one.
Cualquier cosa que haya sido, la sangría no hizo más que empeorar el dolor y, muy probablemente, acelerar su muerte.
La Organización Trump rechazó las acusaciones, pero aun así podrían volverse un nuevo dolor de cabeza para la Casa Blanca.
" Hayek continued the tribute in Spanish, writing, "Con el corazón lleno de amor y dolor le dije adiós a mi Lupe.
She has a small role in the film, "Dolor y Gloria" ("Pain and Glory"), which stars Antonio Banderas and Penélope Cruz.
Se ha comprobado que el hacer gárgaras con una solución salina es un remedio eficaz para el dolor de garganta ( here ).
"Los animales no lloran como los humanos, pero puedes sentir en verdad su dolor y sufrimiento con solo verlos", cuenta Valencia.
Dijo que un medicamento que le recetaron para tratar un dolor severo funcionaba, pero también la hacía sentir cansada y atontada.
Pero, aclaró, era verdad que lo haría algún día y que saberlo le ayudaba a atravesar su dolor y su depresión.
Trabucco Zerán está nominada con su primera novela, La resta, sobre el dolor generacional de los muertos que carga una familia.
Los más cercanos a Vervoort podían ver sus ojos hundidos bajo el peso de los medicamentos que tomaba para aliviar su dolor.
So with an ambient track imbued with the dolor of a summer storm, "aiwtdipms" shows us a new side of the dextrous producer.
Zhao habló de los "tres tesoros en esta vida": que alguien sepa "cuando tienes frío o calor, cuando experimentas dolor o sientes desolación".
"It could have been more if we did not have pre-emptive evacuation," Humerlito Dolor, governor of Oriental Mindoro province, told DZMM radio.
Como muchos venezolanos más adinerados, Jiménez conservaba casi todo su dinero en dólares, pero esto hacía que las transacciones fueran un dolor de cabeza.
Que la ayuda humanitaria sirva para paliar tanto dolor, producto de la escasez socialista, que va desde lo más elemental a lo más complejo.
El policía Brad Mock todavía recuerda el dolor cuando llegó corriendo al colegio del que se graduó años antes, para ayudar a los adolescentes heridos.
Solo una de las cinco personas infectadas con el virus desarrolló los síntomas, entre los que se mencionan: fiebre, sarpullido, dolor en las articulaciones y ojos rojos.
Todas las mujeres corren el riesgo de padecer dolor crónico, pérdida de sensibilidad o que sus pechos sean asimétricos, entre otras complicaciones, de acuerdo con la agencia.
Con el paso de los años, ese cosquilleo se convirtió en un dolor que hacía que sus piernas se sintieran al rojo vivo y perdieran su fuerza.
He arrived to the premiere of Dolor y Gloria in an even more dramatic outfit — a floral-print orange and pink pleated, tiered ball gown with plunging neckline.
Los médicos pueden recomendar solo los remedios habituales para cualquier enfermedad viral: descanso, medicamentos para reducir el dolor y la fiebre, así como líquidos para evitar la deshidratación.
Sus días, que alguna vez estuvieron llenos de entrenamientos y entrevistas, se convirtieron en una nebulosa de estancias hospitalarias, tratamientos para el dolor y siestas inducidas por medicamentos.
Si puedo reírme del monstruo de mis pesadillas, si puedo reírme del depredador más poderoso del mundo del entretenimiento, quizá mi dolor no me controla tanto como yo creía.
Por ahora, los médicos solo pueden recomendar los remedios habituales para cualquier enfermedad viral: reposo, medicamentos para reducir el dolor y la fiebre, y líquidos para evitar la deshidratación.
Por ahora, los médicos solo pueden recomendar los remedios habituales para cualquier enfermedad viral: reposo, medicamentos para reducir el dolor y la fiebre, y líquidos para evitar la deshidratación.
CreditCreditJulian Faulhaber for The New York Times 'I have known the inexorable sadness of pencils,'' begins Theodore Roethke's ''Dolor,'' the best poem in English about the grayness of the office.
In the former, Chang's mother reads an anaphoric series of phrases ("Invocation of a feeding tube"; "Invocation of bureaucratic waste"; "Invocation of gasping") whose incantatory repetitions swell with poetic dolor.
Old beyond his years and sad beyond any misfortune he'd yet suffered, he wrote in Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair of "mi viejo dolor," my old sadness.
Desde su adolescencia, había estado combatiendo una enfermedad muscular degenerativa que le robó el uso de sus piernas, le arrebató su independencia y le causó un dolor implacable y agonizante.
A los 67 años y algunos meses antes de cumplir tres años de haber dejado la presidencia, Washington supuestamente se despertó sin poder respirar bien, con dolor de garganta y fiebre.
Aquella mañana de agosto, la vida de De Alba al igual que la de los demás sobrevivientes y los familiares de quienes murieron se sumergió en el silencio y el dolor.
"The Long Christmas Dinner," a comedy dappled with dolor, mostly comes off well until the director substitutes a sentimental ending for Wilder's sad one, but "Pullman Car Hiawatha" is excruciatingly jollied up.
Las víctimas, o los padres de menores que sufrieron abuso, también reciben avisos legales cuando sus imágenes son encontradas durante investigaciones, lo que se convierte en un recuerdo constante de su dolor.
One is "Dolor," a luxuriantly mournful bolero from 1955; she shares it with the revered Puerto Rican salsa singer Cheo Feliciano, in one of his last recordings before his death in 2014.
"Por todo el fracaso, dolor y sufrimiento, debo pedir perdón como presidente de la Conferencia de Obispos, además de hacerlo a título personal", dijo el cardenal Reinhard Marx en una conferencia de prensa.
Sus padres y amigos cercanos nos dijeron que verla con dolor los obligaba a confrontar sus sentimientos en torno a la decisión que ella había tomado y yo tuve que sondear los míos.
El proyecto inmobiliario Trump Tower Punta del Este debía concluir su construcción en 2016, pero está muy lejos de estar terminado y se ha vuelto un dolor de cabeza para quienes invirtieron en él.
La mezcla de mensajes —la secadora feminizada, el arma fálica— genera una serie de significados aparentemente disonantes donde se mezclan lo masculino y lo femenino, el deseo y el peligro, la risa y el dolor.
La muerte de Li, el doctor de 34 años, provocó manifestaciones de indignación y dolor en redes sociales, donde una gran cantidad de comentarios exigieron una disculpa de las autoridades hacia Li y su familia.
Para amar mejor (y sobre todo sin dolor) debemos reflexionar sobre nuestras prácticas afectivas, cuestionarlas y desaprender las mal llevadas, empezando por abandonar la idea romántica de que nuestra felicidad existencial como personas solo depende de alguien que nos colme.
"De acuerdo con esta acusación, hicieron mal uso de los recursos y se aprovecharon de la necesidad y el dolor que enfrentó Puerto Rico tras el paso del huracán María", comentó, y agregó que el gobierno seguirá reforzando sus medidas anticorrupción.
"De acuerdo con esta acusación, hicieron mal uso de los recursos y se aprovecharon de la necesidad y el dolor que enfrentó Puerto Rico tras el paso del huracán María", comentó, y agregó que el gobierno seguirá reforzando sus medidas anticorrupción.
A cada uno le puso una inyección para aliviarle el dolor —lo más seguro es que se hubierean hecho daño al saltar frenéticamente cuando intentaron huir del bosque en llamas— y les cambió el agua, que estaba contaminada por cenizas.
Sus familiares y amigos habían sido testigos de este tira y afloja durante más tiempo que cualquiera, del eterno ir y venir entre su dolor creciente y cualquier pequeño logro que pudiera experimentar en el tiempo que le quedaba de vida.
Y si bien la idea de pasar al menos quince días encerrados en casa es un dolor de cabeza para una vida de urbanitas sibaritas y gregarios, peor sería el resultado opuesto: andar por la calle creyéndonos sanos cuando podríamos ser portadores asintomáticos.
Intimacy or generosity in White's work, whether it's in the mournful embrace of a couple in "Black Sorrow (Dolor Negro)" or the private blues performance of "Goodnight Irene," acts an alternative to the cruelty and sadism of political and economic realities faced by African Americans.
"Pero seguimos volviendo a la prosa de Urrea porque es maravillosa, poética y precisa como ninguna; en medio de las secuencias más brutales, nos informa y sacude, haciéndonos sentir el dolor de los demás como si fuera el nuestro", escribió el autor de la reseña.
Lo que había comenzado para Vervoort como una infancia feliz —padres amorosos, una hermana menor, largos días jugando algún deporte en un callejón— se había complicado en su adolescencia, cuando el dolor que la atormentaría por el resto de su vida apareció por primera vez.
Miles de mujeres japonesas están respaldando e impulsando una petición ante el Ministerio del Trabajo nipón para que las empresas ya no puedan obligar a las trabajadoras a usar zapatos con taco, gracias a la campaña #KuToo: mezcla de zapato (kutsu) y dolor (kutsuu) en japonés.
Los científicos todavía no tienen suficientes datos para saber si esos rasgos están asociados con necesitar menos sueño, pero informalmente, Ptacek y Fu dijeron que ellos han encontrado que las personas que naturalmente duermen poco son optimistas y enfocadas, así como resilientes contra el estrés y el dolor.
Los científicos todavía no tienen suficientes datos para saber si esos rasgos están asociados con necesitar menos sueño, pero informalmente, Ptacek y Fu dijeron que ellos han encontrado que las personas que naturalmente duermen poco son optimistas y enfocadas, así como resilientes contra el estrés y el dolor.
Con el tiempo dejó en claro que quería que la gente viera una imagen completa de su vida, del dolor y la tristeza y el trabajo que estaban ocultos detrás de las imágenes inspiradoras y las charlas motivadoras, la profunda soledad debajo de los chistes y las risas.
Médicos y especialistas prueban nuevas maneras para aprovechar la realidad virtual a modo de terapia, con las cuales personas que padezcan dolor crónico o un adolecimiento temporal (como un niño a quien van a inyectar) queden tan inmersas que sus cerebros no puedan procesar al mismo tiempo las sensaciones dolorosas.
Las mujeres que estén considerando someterse a una cirugía de implante mamario deben conocer los riesgos de complicaciones graves —como fatiga, dolor articular y la posibilidad de desarrollar un tipo poco común de cáncer—, advirtió la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de Estados Unidos (FDA, por su sigla en inglés) el 23 de octubre.
"En lo personal y con el dolor que causa y con lo que significa la pena para los padres de familia, yo estoy en la convicción de que lamentablemente pasó justamente lo que la investigación arrojó", dijo el presidente mexicano en un video difundido vía Twitter con motivo de su sexto informe de gobierno.
The New York Times documentó partes de los trayectos de las jóvenes durante el último año [en inglés], con el júbilo de las premiaciones, las aspiraciones de las afganas por ser lideresas o formar sus propias empresas pese a las restricciones de los talibanes y el dolor de perder a seres queridos en atentados terroristas.
Ningún formato de relación, por muy alejado de lo socialmente aceptado que esté, equivale a establecer relaciones más justas, esto es, más igualitarias y no violentas: el tema no es el tipo de relación, sino la reflexión que te permite salir del bucle, de las experiencias repetidas que han estado causando desencuentro y dolor en quienes amamos.
On his piano ballad, "Amorfada," he croons over a gentle beat, telling a story of heartsickness and betrayal: "Toas' las barra' y los trago' han sido testigo / Del dolor que me causaste y to' lo que hiciste conmigo / Un infeliz en el amor que aún no te supera" ("All the bars and drinks have been witness / Of the pain you caused me and all you did to me/ A wretch in this love thing who still isn't over you").
In the video and photographic documentation of "Para no morir de hambre en el arte" (1979), the Colectivo de Acciones de Arte (CADA) employed public space and popular consumer products to comment on the deficits faced by the Chilean population; in the photography series Todas las de la ley (1980), Eugenio Dittborn overlaid archival images with text to document the country's rate of criminal activity; and in the video work "El beso (Zona de dolor II)" (1981), writer Damiela Eltit stages a kiss with a homeless man as a form of protest against the oppressive dictatorship.
The Regent family moves into the castle (with many kids) and the Prince's Uncle rules the kingdom. Things are good throughout the land, but Prince Dolor is ignored. The new King sends Dolor away and tells everyone that Dolor died. Dolor is sent away to live in the lonely tower in the middle of a wasteland.
Sáenz de Tejada, Nacho.Kjarkas: "La lambada es un dolor" May 29, 1990.
True Remembrance is a free visual novel by Shiba Satomi for Microsoft Windows. The game tells of a future where many people suffer from a pandemic depression known as The Dolor. In an unnamed city, specialized doctors known as Mnemonicides treat patients who suffer from The Dolor. The game's protagonist, a young Mnemonicide named Blackiris, is given the task of curing a young girl named La of The Dolor.
He was married with talent manager, Dolor Guevarra with 2 daughters, Jaypee and Anes Guevarra.
Since, Nacho makes appearances at every Artilleros' home game at the Estadio Templo del Dolor.
Incumbent Ryanh Dolor is term limited. His father, former Mayor and Liga ng mga Barangay Provincial Federation President Herminigildo Dolor is running for mayor under United Nationalist Alliance. His opponents are Mario Bejer and Juan Magboo. ≥u Incumbent Julian Casapao is running for reelection.
El dolor de pagar la renta () is a 1960 Mexican comedy film directed Agustín P. Delgado.
In a high-profile case De Silva presided over the investigation of former minister Dolor Ernesta.
El dolor de vivir is a Mexican telenovela produced by Televisa for Telesistema Mexicano in 1964.
Before, a rich family lived there and the husband had an affair with the maid, Dolor (Alessandra de Rossi) the husband of Dolor – Gener (Ryan Eigenmann) gets jealous and suspects that their daughter and her upcoming baby is not his. So Gener confronted Dolor as she also admits that he has nothing to suspect because their daughter is his, but Gener didn't listen and as the struggles goes on Gener accidentally kills her daughter and also kills Dolor along with her unborn baby. Gener was killed later when the police tried to arrest him. After hearing the story Oliver and Leah find ways to stop the haunting but later they realize that the ghost of Dolor and her daughter only wants to help them and the ghost of Gener wants them killed like what he did to his family.
"Referencia Histórica" from La Hermandad de Mayor Dolor @ Galeon. He died in his home town of Jerez.
Hanif Dolor (born 27 June 1982) is an international football player from Saint Lucia, who plays as a midfielder.
Video clip contains no storyline, this is just a different incarnation Naty from Baroque through ladies player of American football to the seductive sexy vixen. "Cambio Dolor" second single in Argentina has become a signature tune telenovela Muneca Brava "Cambio Dolor". Song was deployed to 52.místo to Argentine TOP 100 chart on 24 January 1999.
El dolor de amar is a Mexican telenovela directed by Jesús Valero for Telesistema Mexicano in 1966. Is a remake of telenovela Senda prohibida (1958).
Los Panchos - Perfidia 14\. Son by four - A puro dolor (Balada) 15\. Juan Luis Guerra - Quisiera (salsa) 16\. Son by four - Cuando seas mia (salsa) 17\.
Prior to arriving at the Dive & Trek, Dunlap and Omwakwe were received and honored by Batangas Governor Mandanas as well as Mayor Dolor of Bauan, Batangas.
An old grey woman appears. She says I am your fairy godmother. Dolor asks, "Will you bring me a boy to play with?" She says no.
Melody Dolor Kay (born August 28, 1979) is an American actress. She starred in several movies including Camp Nowhere and The NeverEnding Story III: Escape from Fantasia.
Dolor was served as vice governor of the province for three terms from 2010 until 2019, under governor Reynaldo Umali. He started his political career in his youth as chairperson of Sangguniang Kabataan. Dolor successfully run for Governor of Oriental Mindoro in the 2019 gubernatorial elections. Running under the PDP–Laban party, He garnered 213,312 votes besting rivals Reynaldo Umali and Rodolfo Valencia who got 117,617 and 30,923 respectively.
Om is the third album from Mexican singer Benny Ibarra. This album was influenced by Indian sounds and introspective atmospheres. Three singles were released: "Cada Mañana", "Mas de Ti" and "Sutil Dolor".
Venga la morte, intrepida l'attendo. Ma, ch'io possa struggermi ad altra face, ad altr'oggetto donar gl'affetti miei, come tentarlo? Ah, di dolor morrei! Non temer, amato bene, per te sempre il cor sarà.
There are seven different studio versions and two official live versions of "Harvest of Sorrow": two in English, two in Spanish ("Mies Del Dolor", "La Cosecha Del Dolor"), one in Italian ("Frutto Del Buio"), one in French ("Moisson de Peine"), and one in a mix of all of the versions except the English acoustic and Italian (also called "Harvest of the World"). The song "Battlefield" is featured as the music in the heavy metal edition of the Adult Swim game, Robot Unicorn Attack.
The head is turned sharply to the right and the eyes are closed. A priest's account in 1755 documents the existence of a former inscription, based upon Lamentations 1:12, which read: "O vos, qui transitis per viam, attendite et videte si est dolor similis sicut dolor meus. Completus est opus istud An: 1555" (Oh, you who pass this way, look carefully and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow. This work was completed in the year 1555).
Given text like this as input: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur dignissim venenatis pede. Quisque dui dui, ultricies ut, facilisis non, pulvinar non. Duis quis arcu a purus volutpat iaculis.
His career began with this band and for which he is most known. Its characteristic sound is mainly hard rock. Cuca's most popular songs are "El Son del Dolor", "La Pucha Asesina", "La Balada".
The "Demonomicon" includes other spells she invented such as "Dolor", "Ensnarement", "Exaction", "Imbrue", "Implore", "Minimus containment", and "Torment".Gary Holian and Owen K.C. Stephens (October 2005). “Spellcraft: The Demonomicon of Iggwilv”. In Erik Mona ed.
Violanchelo (also known as Amor, Dolor y Viceversa and Love, Pain and Vice Versa) is a 2008 drama film starring Bárbara Mori, Leonardo Sbaraglia and Tony Dalton. The film is based on a romantic story.
Humerlito "Bonz" Dolor (born November 27, 1976) is a Filipino politician from Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, and currently the Governor of Oriental Mindoro. He previously served as Vice Governor of the province from 2010 until 2019.
78-83 The words were transcribed, in Latin, by his confessor Ralph Bocking, a Dominican friar, and were eventually published in the Acta Sanctorum, an encyclopedic text in 68 folio volumes of documents examining the lives of Christian saints. The British Library copy, contains what is believed to be Bockings transcription of the prayer: > Gratias tibi ago, Domine Jesu Christe, de omnibus beneficiis quae mihi > praestitisti; > pro poenis et opprobriis, quae pro me pertulisti; > propter quae planctus ille lamentabilis vere tibi competebat. > Non est dolor similis sicut dolor meus.Acta Sanctorum.
The new group consists of Alonson "Alon" Urbina, Edwar "Hommy" Alvarado, Gabriel "Gabo" Mundo and Hecson "Hache" Hernández. The quartet released two singles, "Mi Persona Favorita" and "Ya No Hay Dolor" and a seven-track album titled 2018.
In 2010 Banco was relegated to the second division, along with Club Pueyrredón."El dolor de ya no ser", Cancha website, 2010-10-24 In November, 2011, Banco Nación defeated Hurling Club 31-28 proclaiming second division champion.
Dolor de garganta is the eighth album released in 1999 by Javier Krahe. In 1998 Javier Krahe found the label 18 Chulos with Pepín Tre, Santiago Segura, el Gran Wyoming, Faemino and Pablo Carbonell, and this album is edited by it.
Jason Bajada is a Canadian singer-songwriter from Montreal, Quebec.Catherine Genest, "Jason Bajada : Cueillir la lumière". Voir, August 24, 2017. Bajada released two albums, Puer Dolor in 2005 and Up Go the Arms in 2006,"New Music: Newly released compact discs".
In January 2008 local victim advocacy organization Madres del Dolor lodged with court a case accusing two policemen of killing 21-year-old Sergio Enciso in Buenos Aires Province. The case remained pending till the end of 2008. According to Madres del Dolor, a judge detained five police officers and the police chief of Ramos Mejia in Buenos Aires Province for the February death of 35-year-old Gaston Duffau after an official autopsy confirmed that the victim died from multiple blows to the body and asphyxia. The police officials involved remained in pretrial detention at year's end.
In book two, the codebearers oust Sceleris from his stronghold on the shard of Dolor. An allegory of Satan. Stone-Eyed Sterling: Nicknamed "Stoney". He provided transportation for Hunter, Rob, and Trista in book two, until he betrayed them at the Battle of Torpor.
Songs from the CD Natalia Oreiro were used in telenovela "Muñeca Brava" (Brave Doll) where Natalia played a main character in years 1998–1999. Song "Cambio Dolor" was the title song and song "Me muero de amor" was a love theme of main characters.
Pseudo-Hyginus:Pseudo-Hyginus, Preface (trans. Grant) > From Aether (Air) and Terra (Earth) [Gaia] [were born] : Dolor (Pain), Dolus > (Guile), Ira (Anger), Luctus (Lamentation), Mendacium (Lies), Jusjurandum > (Oath), Ultio (Vengeance), Intemperantia (Intemperance), Altercatio > (Altercation), Oblivio (Forgetfulness), Socordia (Sloth), Timor (Fear), > Superbia (Pride), Incestum (Incest), Pugna (Combat).
Miguel Picazo de Dios (27 March 1927 - 23 April 2016)Muere el director Miguel Picazo, retratista del dolor de ‘La tía Tula’ was a Spanish film director, screenwriter and actor. He is best known for his first feature film La tía Tula (Aunt Tula) (1964).
On 28 May, the body was confirmed as that of Edwin, and his funeral was held the following day in La Ceiba. Morales, Ninoska. Dolor e impotencia en el sepelio de Edwin Palacios. (Pain and powerlessness at the funeral of Edwin Palacios) La Prensa, 2009-05-29.
Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast. It causes local pain (dolor), redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), and warmth (calor). Later stages of mastitis cause symptoms of systemic infection like fever and nausea. It mostly occurs 2–3 weeks after delivery but can happen at any time.
This special compilation is divided into three parts. The first part consists of Oreiro biggest hits. six songs were selected, two of them being her hits "Cambio Dolor" and "Tu Veneno". The second part of the compilation has four remixes of hits from the first CD "Natalia".
Father Ildefonso Dimaano served as its pioneer station manager, starting from its launch in 2009. Fr. Nonie Dolor replaced him from 2011 until April 2016. His position was succeeded by Fr. Jayson Alcaraz until July 31, 2017 when Dimaano returned for a second term as station manager.
Morbi fringilla lacus quis arcu. Vestibulum sem quam, dapibus in, fringilla ut, venenatis ut, neque. After passing this through , the width of each line is at most 50 characters and the text flows within this constraint: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur dignissim venenatis pede.
In 2000 Guerra composed the song "Dime cuándo comenzó el dolor" for the Amores perros movie soundtrack. In 2001 Guerra wrote the theme for the film De la calle.Olivares, Juan José. "Ely Guerra es autora de la letra de la banda sonora de De la calle" (in Spanish).
Since antiquity, the cardinal signs of inflammation have been known as: calor (warmth), dolor (pain), tumor (swelling), and rubor (redness). The eicosanoids are involved with each of these signs. Redness—An insect's sting will trigger the classic inflammatory response. Short acting vasoconstrictors — TXA2—are released quickly after the injury.
The Argentine Association for the Study of Pain (Spanish: Asociación Argentina para el estudio del Dolor, AAED) is the Argentine chapter of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), a medical professional organization promoting research, education and policies for the knowledge and management of pain. Founded in 1974, the Argentine chapter was the first national chapter of the IASP to be created in Latin America. It organises a biannual academic conference, the Congreso Argentino de Dolor, and was scheduled to be the organiser of the IASP's worldwide conference in 2014. Among the association's political aims has been the promotion of a "right to treatment of pain" as a human right to be recognised by the United Nations.
At the 2001 ASCAP Latin Music Awards, Alfanno was awarded "Song of the Year" and "Pop/Balada Song of the Year" for his composition of the song and was named Songwriter of the Year. In 2015, "A Puro Dolor" ranked number 35 on Billboards Best Latin Songs of All Time.
One was "Bruca maniguá" and the other one was "Ben acá Tomá". Both songs were released as A-sides of their respective singles, but only "Bruca maniguá" (with the bolero son "Dolor cobarde" as B-side) achieved international success, marking the start of Rodríguez's rise to fame.García pp. 17, 35.
The date of the poem can be set by the dates when William was known to be in the Holy Land: October 1176 – July 1177. :Chanzos, tu.t n'iras outra mar, :e, per Deu, vai a midons dir :qu'en gran dolor et en cossir :me fai la nuoit e.l jorn estar. :di.
Failing to seduce hin, she runs away with baby CJ, and the infant catches the measles and ends up in hospital. Ace is aware of the Bartolomes' movements, and brings Jade and the baby to the hospital. This is what Jacky and Nanay Dolor sees when they get to the hospital.
In the 1960s, Córcega participated in the Viruta y Capulina films El dolor de pagar la renta and Dos pintores pintorescos. In the latter film, he co-starred as the villain, Lorenzo, a fortune hunter who murders a woman and tries to murder Capulina, whom he thinks is a witness of the crime.
The painting was reproduced by L'illustrazione Italiana, published by the Fratelli Treves. He also painted: L'ultima cacciata del Conde di Monterosso. At Milan, in 1881, he exhibited: Desolation, in 1883 again at Milan, he exhibited: May. In 1883 at Rome, he displayed Dolor, and in 1884 at Turin: Caccia alla volpe and Idillio.
The song reached number-one on Billboard Top Latin Songs chart, and became the longest running chart topper of its history, spending 20 weeks at the top; this record was broken five years later by Colombian singer Shakira with "La Tortura" which spent 25 weeks at number-one. "A Puro Dolor" also reached the Billboard 100; this led to the recording of an English-language version of the track "Purest of Pain", which was also charted in the United States. The composition also met with critical acclaim receiving the Lo Nuestro Award, the Billboard Music Award and a Latin Grammy Award nomination. In 2009, "A Puro Dolor" was named the best-performing Latin single of the 2000s decade in the United States.
Some of his poems were also anthologized in Ipuipo sa Piging (2010), selected poems of some 32 poets in Filipino. Last March 15, 2011, his collection of poems, HIJO Y HIJA DE PUTA at iba pang mga tula was launched by Grandwater Publishing at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. In November 2013, one of his poems, the Alay sa Bayaning Mandirigma was anthologized in Salita ng Sandata (Bonifacio's Legacies to the People's Struggle); his poem Maita (Ka Dolor) Gomez was also anthologized in Maita (Remembering Ka Dolor). Last October, 2014, the Center for Creative Writing of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines launched his new anthology of poems Sa Pamumulaklak ng mga Talahib, with English version (The Talahib's Blooming).
As with any form of inflammation, phlegmon presents with inflammatory signs dolor (localized pain), calor (increase local tissue temperature), rubor (skin redness/hyperemia), tumor (either clear or non-clear bordered tissue swelling), functio laesa (diminish affected function). There may be systemic signs of infection, such as fever, general fatigue, chills, sweating, headache, loss of appetite.
In 2001, Aute released Un perro llamado Dolor, an animated film that he wrote, directed, and scored. The firm was featured in the film festivals of San Sebastian, Valladolid, Havana, and Tribeca (in the United States) as well as other venues. This successful format was followed by El niño y el basilisco and Giraluna.
"¡NO!" ¡Cuánto sufrí y qué solo!... Ni un amigo; Ni una mano leal que se tendiera En busca de la mía, ni siquiera El placer de crearme un enemigo. De mi angustia y dolor, solo testigo, De mi terrible vida, compañera, Fue una pobre mujer, una cualquiera Que hambre,pena y amor partió conmigo.
Lesbia Soravilla (22 May 1906 – January 1989) was a Cuban writer, feminist and activist, prominent in the feminist movement of the 1920s and 1930s. Her work, including poetry and novels, dealt with feminist issues. Her novels include El dolor de vivir (1932) and Cuando liberan las esclavas (1936). Born in Camagüey, Soravilla worked as a journalist for El Mundo.
It is often sprinkled with cinnamon as a final touch. Torrijas or torrejas were first mentioned by the Spanish composer, poet and playwright Juan del Encina (1468–1533) in his Cancionero, published in 1496. "Anda acá pastor" has the verse "En cantares nuevos/ gocen sus orejas,/ miel y muchos huevos/ para hacer torrejas,/ aunque sin dolor/ parió al Redentor".
DWAL is a station that brings news, information and evangelization. Pioneer personalities of the FM station were Fr. Nonie Dolor, Lita Aguila-Bicol and Renzo Luna (Renz Belda, also a reporter for DZRH). More personalities added up through the years up to the present. DWAL-FM carries the slogan Evangelization Radio that later evolved into News and Evangelization Radio.
He fakes another DNA test to disprove Lino's previous DNA results and claim his paternity. Accompanied by the local Kagawad and holding falsified DNA results at the Bartolome residence, Jade and Ace demand to take back the child. A violent altercation occurs between Ace and Lino while Jade escapes with CJ. Nanay Dolor collapses from a stroke.
The court trial ends with a guilty verdict for both Jade and Ace for the crime of adultery. The emotional testimonies of Lino, Jacky and Dolor sealed the judge's decision. The Corpuzes appeal while Ace arranges to leave the country with Jade through the back door. They plan to kidnap CJ who is safely reunited with the Bartolomes.
Its freezing in here! When Prince Dolor went to bed that night he couldn't wait to go out flying again tomorrow. The next day, he did his lessons and schoolwork quickly and went out on the cloak again. He saw all kinds of flowers and trees and grass, birds and small animals that scurried away from him.
"El Dolor de Tu Presencia" (English: "The Pain of your Presence") is a chart- topping hit from Jennifer Peña’s 2002 album Libre. The song was the second to be released from the album, after the promotional single “Vamos al Mundial.” The song charted at #1 on the Billboard Hot Latin Tracks for eight weeks during 2002 and stayed on the chart for 32 weeks, making it Jennifer Peña’s most successful single to date. The album also charted in the #2 position for the Billboard Regional Mexican Airplay chart, as well as the #11 position for the Billboard Latin Pop Songs Chart. In addition to being featured on Libre, the track is also included on Peña’s live album, Houston Rodeo Live, as well as on the compilation El Dolor de Tu Presencia Y Muchos Exitos Más.
María Josefa Mujía (1812–1888) was a Bolivian poet. Blind from the age of 14, she was one of Bolivia's first Romantic poets and is considered the country's first woman writer following its independence. Her poetry was lauded for its sincerity and lyricism, while its dark and sorrowful content earned her the moniker "la Alondra del dolor" (the "Lark of pain").
The 21st century brought a new twist to his work with a film called Un perro llamado Dolor. Aute created over 4,000 drawings to animate the film. He also toured with an exhibit called "Transfiguraciones" that had venues in Cuba, Spain, Colombia, Ecuador, and Italy between 2004 and 2010. This was followed by a retrospective of his work in Zaragoza.
Lico MC, Hoffmann A, Covian M R (1969). Modificación de las manifestaciones objetivas del dolor por estimulación límbica em cobayo. Anales del IX Congreso del ALACF, p. 139 A year before her first findings were presented at the annual congress of the Latin American Association for Physiological Sciences, Reynolds published his paper on the antinociceptive effects of periaqueductal gray electrical stimulation in rats.
Capulina (left) and Viruta (right) in La Sombra del Otro. Viruta (Marco Antonio Campos) and Capulina (Gaspar Henaine Pérez) debuted many films in which they sang, danced and worked as a team. Viruta was the "smart one" and Capulina was the "silly trickster". Some of their films include El Dolor de Pagar la Renta and El Peligro de La Muerte.
Cardinal Benedetto Pamphili's text and lyrics for the 1707 version of the aria are: Lascia la spina, cogli la rosa; tu vai cercando il tuo dolor. Canuta brina per mano ascosa, giungerà quando nol crede il cuor. Leave the thorn, pluck the rose; you go searching for your pain. Hoary frost by hidden hand will come when your heart doesn't expect it.
The fifth track, "Qué Bonita" and "Dolor", was recorded on his 1982 album, ...Es La Diferencia. The sixth track, "Por Tu Maldito Amor", was recorded on his 1989 album of the same name. The eighth recording, "Hermoso Cariño", appears on his 1992 self titled album. The ninth song, "De Que Manera Te Olvido", was recorded on his 1998 album of the same name.
Ferreyra started his career with River Plate. He was signed by PFC CSKA Moscow in January 2004Entrevista. El Malevo Ferreyra: de Rusia con dolor and was part of the team that won the 2004–05 UEFA Cup, being on the bench for the final. In June 2005, he joined PSV Eindhoven on loan, but he returned to CSKA in December 2005.uefa.
He almost runs out of food and is very sad and lonely when one morning he hears a trumpet. A huge parade of people from the city had come to his tower. They were singing and celebrating for they had heard that he was alive. The nurse and the black night rode to the city to tell them about Prince Dolor.
By the middle of the 70s, the station moved successively to Hilltop, Kumintang Ibaba and settled at the now-demolished Basilica Site until it ceased operations. DWAM, through the years, provided listeners with religious broadcasting, news, music and oftentimes, religious drama. Its notable roster of personalities during the 70's included Lita Aguila-Bicol, Bert Cabual, Fr. Nonie Dolor, Oscar Adelfo de Villa, Rene Beraña and Avis Magtaas; Bicol and Dolor would later team up to reestablish the station at 95.9 FM in 2009 while Cabual rejoined in 2011 after years of overseas work in London. It was also in this period that 1080 kHz enjoyed the distinction of being the sole AM station in the market until Batangas Capitol operated Radyo Balisong (now known as DZBR Bible Radio 531, owned by the evangelical group Cathedral of Praise) opened shop in 1981.
This exposure led to the parent album to receive a Gold certification in Argentina, Mexico, and the United States. "A Puro Dolor" ranked first at the Hot Latin Songs 25th Anniversary chart. "Purest of Pain" was also a modest success in Europe where it peaked at number seven and eighteen in the Flanders and Wallonia regions of Belgium and number three in the Netherlands.
"A Puro Dolor" is a song recorded by Puerto Rican band Son by Four. It was written by Omar Alfanno and released as the first single of the second studio album of the band in 2000. Two versions of the track were produced by Oscar Llord for the album; one as a salsa and the other as a ballad. The ballad version was arranged by Alejandro Jaén.
Functio laesa is a term used in medicine to refer to a loss of function or a disturbance of function. It was identified as the fifth sign of acute inflammation by Galen, who added it to the four signs identified by Celsus (tumor, rubor, calor, and dolor). The attribution to Galen is disputed, and has variously been attributed to Thomas Sydenham and Rudolf Virchow.
It was diagnosed the cause was sudden cardiac death."Un jugador de Luján falleció en pleno entrenamiento" Desde Abajo Rugby, 2010-02-15"Tristeza y dolor en Luján Rugby Club", A Pleno Rugby, 2010-02-16 Women's field hockey team promoted to Primera D (the fourth division) in 2008, after the Hockey Federation reconsidered the situation of the team, which had been obtained the championship that year.
The symbolism of the male lover as hunting bird reoccurs in the troubadour lyricBernart Marti, Bel m'es lai latz la fontana (I like it near the fountain). and in the Middle High German Minnesang,Der von Kürenburc, Ich zôch mir einen falken (I trained a falcon). beginning a century later. The apposition of joy (joi) and grief (dolor) would become a mainstay of the troubadours.
Among the dead at the Santa María massacre was Manuel Vaca, a Spanish immigrant worker. His half-brother, Antonio Ramón arrived in Chile from ArgentinaGoicovic Donoso, Igor, Entre el dolor y la ira: La venganza de Antonio Ramón Ramón, Editorial Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile, 2005, pp. 188 decided to seek revenge. Ramón finally took action seven years later and bought a dagger and some strychnine.
Dolorimetry (dolor: Latin: pain, grief) is the measurement of the pain response in animals, including humans. It is practiced occasionally in medicine, as a diagnostic tool, and is regularly used in research into the basic science of pain, and in testing the efficacy of analgesics. Non-human animal pain measurement techniques include the paw pressure test, tail flick test, hot plate test and grimace scales.
There, she did a research project about youth identity and bullying that was awarded by the University of Girona, where she studied psychology for a year. An accompanying video titled "El dolor silencioso" (The Silent Pain) featured bullied youth including herself encouraging others to speak up. Her organization Rompe el Silencio (Break the Silence), formed in 2013, supported bullied youth in online and face-to-face settings.
The French libretto to Don Carlos was by Joseph Méry and Camille du Locle. The aria's French incipit is "Toi qui sus le néant". The libretto was translated into Italian by . Italian Tu che le vanità conoscesti del mondo E godi nell'avel il riposo profondo, Se ancor si piange in cielo, piangi sul mio dolor, E porta il pianto mio al trono del Signor.
The ghost of Gener possesses Oliver and made him attacked every member of his family but because of the help of Dolor and her daughter, they stopped the ghost of Gener and free Oliver's body. It ends with them leaving the house to start a new life back in the city while Oliver is also acquitted from the accused murder and also getting to bond with his step daughter.
Teni released her debut single "Amen" while signed to Shizzi's Magic Fingers Records. She left the record label and signed with Dr. Dolor Entertainment in 2017. Teni started gaining prominence after releasing the single "Fargin" in September 2017. She made her breakthrough after releasing the hit singles "Askamaya", "Case" and "Uyo Meyo". "Askamaya" was ranked 15th on MTV Base's year-end list of the Top 20 Hottest Naija Tracks of 2018.
Among his successes that landed him fame in Cuba and Latin America were: En un beso la vida, Sin egoísmo, Difícil, Amarga decepción, Por borracha, Por un puñado de oro, Dónde tu iras, Mi corazonada, Muerto en vida, Dolor de hombre, Que murmuren, Un amigo mío, Amigo de que, Yo estoy desengañado, Arráncame la vida, Egoísmo, Esta tu canción, Se muy bien que vendrás, and Corazón de Madera.
This film reunited Banderas with Salma Hayek for the sixth time. In 2018 he was cast with Penélope Cruz in the Spanish film Pain and Glory (Dolor y gloria), directed by Pedro Almodóvar. On 25 May 2019, Banderas won Best Actor at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival for his role in the film. He was later nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for Pain and Glory.
Gual grew as a playwright at the height modernist and symbolist poetry was soaking his early works. Nocturn. Andante. Morat(1896) and Silenci (1898), with decadent atmosphere and a very suggestive correspondence between music and colors and words. The successful Misteri de dolor(1904) inaugurated a new period. First, Gual opted for a dramatic style of drawing more realistic, melodramatic and social, which is quite visible in Els pobres menestrals (1908).
SIRENIA Recruits Singer EMMANUELLE ZOLDAN, Releases 'Dim Days Of Dolor' Album SamplesSirenia Official Facebook The album was performed live for first time in Postbahnhof, Berlin on November 10, at the beginning of an extensive European tour. One of the notable aspects is the little presence of Veland's harsh vocals, and the less participation of the traditional French opera choir (The Sirenian Choir) in most of songs, in comparison to their previous albums.
Unfortunately, several problems caused Pinal to close the Silvia Pinal Theater, which stopped functioning in 2000 to become a religious temple. Pinal returned to the theater in 2002 with the play Debiera haber obispas. In recent dates she has also participated in productions such as Adorables enemigas (2008) and Amor, dolor y lo que puesto (2012). In 2014, the Diego Rivera Theater changed its name to become the new Silvia Pinal Theatre.
At times he even felt well enough to dictate letters and listen to music. Slowly, however, he lost his sight, speech, and reason, and on 10 July 1559 he died, aged 40. From that day, Catherine took a broken lance as her emblem, inscribed with the words "lacrymae hinc, hinc dolor" ("from this come my tears and my pain"), and wore black mourning in memory of Henry.Knecht, Catherine de' Medici, 56–58.
Alfredo Placencia Alfredo Placencia, (September 15, 1875 in Jalostotitlán - May 20, 1930 in Guadalajara) was a Mexican priest and poet. Known as Alfredo R. Placencia, his works include El libro de Dios (1924) (The Book of God), El paso del dolor (1924) (The Passing of Pain), Del cuartel y del claustro, y Poesías (1959) (Poems). His remains are in the Rotonda de los Hombres Ilustres, placed within the mausoleum of the Panteón de Belén.
He painted four murals for the Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional called La paz, La Guerra, El dolor Humano and La Victoria. His largest and most important work was fifty-six fresco panels at the monument to José María Morelos in Janitzio, Michoacán in 1938 along with an artist called Pepe Díaz. He painted an unfinished mural called La justicia y la justicia at the law school of the Universidad Metropolitana Xalapa in 1938.
Kauffman also starred or appeared in films throughout the Golden Age of Mexican cinema, including the 1950 film, También de Dolor se Canta, starring Pedro Infante and films opposite Adalberto Martínez. Kauffman married three times, with each marriage ending in divorce. She had four sons and a daughter during her three marriages. Her eldest sons, actor Humberto Elizondo and David, were born during her first marriage to Mexican diplomat, Humberto Elizondo Alardine.
In December 2004 the Chicago Tribune lists her album Oregano among the top 10 best Latin recordings of the year. Her song "Para el dolor" (For pain), the second track in "Oregano," was included in "Music From the Wine Lands" a compilation by Putumayo World Music, a New York City-based record label. The album also won the Independent Music Award for the best Latin album. In 2005 she separated from Uruguayan singer Jorge Drexler.
Although Moré could not read music, he arranged material by singing parts to his arrangers, which included pianists Cabrerita and Peruchín, as well as trombonist Generoso Jiménez. Between the years 1953 and 1955, the Banda Gigante became immensely popular. Their first recording session took place in November 1953, which included the hit "Manzanillo". Other hits followed, including self-penned songs such as "Mi saoco", "Santa Isabel de las Lajas", "Cienfuegos" and "Dolor y perdón".
Three of Peire's songs have surviving melodies, but two (for a canso and a sirventes) were composed by others: Guiraut de Bornelh and Raimon Jordan respectively.This is not unusual for thirteenth-century sirventes. The poems with borrowed melodies are Ar mi posc eu lauzar d'amor and Ricx hom que greu ditz vertat e leu men respectively. Guiraut's poem is No posc sofrir qu'a la dolor and Jordan's is Vas vos soplei, domna, premieramen.
"Without You I'm Nothing" is a 1999 single by British alternative rock band Placebo. The title track of their second album, the single version featured additional vocals by David Bowie. The single reached number 79 on the French Singles Chart, and number 52 on the Australian ARIA singles chart. This song was also featured in an episode of Queer as Folk and the mexican movie Amor, Dolor y Viceversa (Love, Pain and, Vice versa).
In gratitude, both actors agreed to appear together only once in a Cardona film: También de dolor se canta (1952). His career became so prolific that during 1937–1986, he directed more than one hundred films, in which he directed several of the biggest stars in Mexico. In the late fifties he made two films aimed at children, Pulgarcito (Tom Thumb) (1957) and Santa Claus (1959), which earned him several international awards.
Tito Puente: When the Drums are Dreaming. Josephine Powell, Author House, 2007 Apart from being a famous singer, he was a notable songwriter as well. Numbers he composed include "Mondongo", "Rumba rumbero", "Loco de amor", "Los tambores", "Oh, mi tambó", "Bongó", "Dolor cobarde". Films he appeared in include Mi reino por un torero, Suspense, Panamericana, Imprudencia, Acapulqueña (with María Antonieta Pons), Copacabana, Mientras el cuerpo aguante, Canción para recordar and Nacido para amarte.
También de dolor se canta (You also sing because of sadness) is a Mexican film of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema. It stars Pedro Infante, Irma Dorantes and Guillermina Grin. It also features a number of cameo roles from Mexican actors famous at the time, including Germán "Tin Tan" Valdés, Fannie Kauffman and Pedro Vargas amongst others. It also takes a look inside the workings of cinema at the time, not always showing the nicer side.
QED Conference 2014 Crislip is an editor of and writes biweekly posts for the Science-Based Medicine blog. There, he writes on investigating the claims of alternative medicine. He is the co-editor, along with Steven Novella and David Gorski, of a 12-volume series of Science-Based Medicine Guides, based on posts from the Science-Based Medicine blog. He also posts several times a week on a blog for Medscape called Rubor, Dolor, Calor, Tumor.
Similarly, el puente 'bridge', el dolor 'pain', or el árbol 'tree' are masculine nouns in Modern Spanish, whereas a ponte, a dor, and a árvore are feminine in Portuguese. On the other hand, the Spanish feminine la leche 'the milk' corresponds to Portuguese o leite (masculine, like French le lait, Italian il latte). Likewise, nariz 'nose' is feminine in Spanish and masculine in Portuguese. Some Spanish words can be both masculine and feminine, with different meanings.
At the age of 17 (1941) he entered the Art Faculty of the National University of San Marcos. At the age of 19 (1943) he publishes his first book of poems: Rótulo de la esfinge, in collaboration with Antenor Samaniego; and months later he publishes another entitled: Bahía del dolor. Sebastían Salazar Bondy did not include these two books in any of the relations of his work that he did afterwards."Cronología de Sebastián Salazar Bondy".
Arcane Astral Aeons was composed by Morten Veland at the beginning of 2018, during the break of an intense North American tour that Sirenia finished in April. On August 14, album details were revealed; basically, is the same production and engineering of their predecessor work Dim Days of Dolor (2016). It was recorded between May and July 2018 in Veland's personal recording studio (Audio Avenue Studios) in Tau, Rogaland. Additional recordings were made at Sound Suite Studios in Marseille.
The basic assumptions of this theory is, that during a man’s development, “emotional layers” grow around the “essential core” of his mind. This model shall be imagined as an onion, whose core is the source of our zest for life. Around this core, a layer of pain and dolor grows throughout development, because of experienced and not worked up injuries. Because these feelings often are felt insufferable, another layer is built, the layer of defending emotions like anger, aggression, rage and defiance.
On September 27, Sewell defeated Noriega, BJ and Orlando Colón to win the Unified Universal Title for the third time. Sewell continued his feud with Colón by defeating him in a match for the Universal Title on October 17. He would go on to lose the title to Noriega on November 28, 2009. Sewell returned to the promotion thirteen months later, interfering in a match between Carly Colón and Ricky Banderas, costing Colón the Universal Heavyweight Championship and reforming Los Hermanos en Dolor.
A woman wincing in pain The dol (from the Latin word for pain, dolor) is a unit of measurement for pain. James D. Hardy, Herbert G. Wolff, and Helen Goodell of Cornell University proposed the unit based on their studies of pain during the 1940s and 1950s. They defined one dol to equal to "just noticeable differences" (jnd's) in pain. The unit never came into widespread use and other methods are now used to assess the level of pain experienced by patients.
He is also credited as the first bachatero to implement the use of humbucker pickups on acoustic electric guitars. Luis Vargas self-produced, promoted and sold his first albums in the early 1980's. Supported by local artists Pedro Pimentel, Artemio Sánchez, and Antonio Carrasco, his music began being played by local radio stations. After issuing his music through an independent label called José Luis Records, Sony Discos (now Sony Music Latin) signed him in 1996, releasing Volvio el Dolor in 1997.
Gilabert dwells on the cruelty (cruseltat granda) of the lady and the llanguiment (disease) of the poet, his love, which pushes him to extremes (like death) and obsession. This drove him to greater heights of poetic eloquence than most of his Catalan contemporaries. This obsessiveness he shares with Andreu Febrer. The lines > Mas ya d'uymay sots en la derraria, > que ma dolor e mos mals cesseran; > car per vos muyr, d'on per mort fineran > los gran turme[n]ts que·m donatz cascun dia.
The song got up to fifth place overall and remained in the charts 19 weeks to 23 May 1999. Cambio Dolor became a huge hit in many countries of Western Europe, which aired telenovela Muneca Brava. A number one hit song was also in Israel and Russia, as well as all other world countries where the telenovela aired. This video was filmed as a jingle telenovela Muneca Brava, but has also become another official music video (unlike other soap operas Natalie jingles).
Alongside minor poets Néstor Galindo, Ricardo José Bustamante, and Manuel José Tovar, she formed the foundation of Bolivian romanticism. Mujía's personal and sorrowful style of poetry draws on her own blindness. Her melancholic verses betray a deep pessimism and due to the tragic character of her verse, she was referred to as "la Alondra del dolor" (the "Lark of pain"). Enrique Finot, in his Historia de la Literatura Boliviana, described her work as being impregnated with a profound sincerity and having a charming simplicity of form.
Near the South West Coast Path is Poldowrian Garden which includes a prehistoric settlement discovered in 1965, dated by archaeologists at 5500 BC. Finds from the site are available for viewing. The roads to Coverack cross Goonhilly Downs (famous for the BT satellite earth station). "Coverack Cove and Dolor Point" SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) is one of the most famous geological localities in Cornwall, providing an almost continuous section across a mantle-crust boundary. Other nearby SSSI are Coverack to Porthoustock and Kennack to Coverack.
He has composed for musicians like Tony Vega, Luis Enrique, Melina Leon, Jerry Rivera, Victor Manuelle, Gilberto Santa Rosa, and Marc Anthony. His most successful song, "A Puro Dolor" performed by the Son by Four, reached the 'Billboard Hot 100. The song was awarded a Lo Nuestro Award, the Billboard Music Award, and a Latin Grammy Award nomination in 2000. His song "Amores Como el Nuestro" which was written for Jerry Rivera was sampled by Shakira and Wyclef Jean on the song "Hips Don't Lie".
Methadone was introduced into the United States in 1947 by Eli Lilly and Company as an analgesic under the trade name Dolophine. The trade name Dolophine was created by Eli Lilly after World War II and used in the United States; the claim that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler ordered the manufacture of methadone or that the brand name 'Dolophine' was named after him is an urban legend. "Dolo" stems from the Latin word for pain, dolor, and finis which means "end". Therefore, Dolophine literally means "pain end".
The same day, the Celía family would also come forward to claim the lands in question, bringing police with them to enforce their claim.Amnistía Internacional (Diciembre de 2012). Transformar dolor en esperanza. Defensores y defensoras de derechos humanos en América By the end of the night, two people, a policeman as well as a Qom man named Roberto López, had been killed and several others were hospitalized due to the conflict.Los qom, reclamos y diálogo Página 12. Consultado el 3 de marzo de 2015.
She practiced flamenco dance for twenty years and studied acting at the CEFAC, acting school of TV Azteca. She debuted in theater at age 17 with her father, actor Gonzalo Vega Don Juan Tenorio, playing the role of Doña Inés. Vega also acted on stage in the Perras. In movies, she has participated in Amor, Dolor y Viceversa and appeared as the protagonist in Daniel and Ana, a film that showed at the Cannes Film Festival where she was cast alongside Dario Yazbek and José María Torre.
She worked as an MTV VJ and in 1995, she landed a role in the soap opera Dulce Ana. She was then cast in the TV series 90-60-90 modelos (1996) and next in Ricos y famosos (1997, playing Valeria). Next, she starred in the Argentinian film Un Argentino en New York (1998). After the movie, Natalia launched her first album, Natalia Oreiro and the single "Cambio Dolor" became the opening theme for her next acting project, the prime time show Muñeca brava (1998–1999).
She became popular in Russia and Israel due to the success of Muñeca Brava in that country and was even invited to star in a Russian telenovela. In Israel she performed many times on big stages and on many TV shows and won the best telenovela actress award and best theme song "Cambio Dolor" on "VIVA 2000" awards, And in 2002 the Israeli Cable TV had a live competition for finding the Israeli Natalia Oreiro, and she was the honor guest of the evening.
Dim Days of Dolor was composed in the beginning of 2016, and recorded between June and July of that year in Morten Veland 's personal recording studio (Audio Avenue Studios) in Tau, Rogaland. Additional recordings were made at Sound Suite Studios in Marseille. On July 5, Sirenia announced that their female vocalist Ailyn Giménez left the band for "personal reasons".SIRENIA Parts Ways With Singer AILYN GIMÉNEZ GARCÍA She didn't participate in any of the final recording sessions held for this work, but she recorded the full album in demo version during the early stages.
The first single from this album, "Brief and Beautiful" became a major hit throughout the fall. "Brief and Beautiful" was written by Hanne Sørvaag and Harry Sommerdahl, and a Spanish-language adaptation of this song called "Fue para los dos" was released earlier in 2007 by Spanish singer Edurne. Her fourth album was met with mixed reviews. On the album, "Even when you're with me" is a cover of the Spanish singer Chenoa's "Me Enamoro Del Dolor", and "If You Could Only See Me" was originally recorded by another Norwegian artist called Ina.
Albayalde said Luib, who has a standing arrest warrant for two counts of murder, was identified through the help of a tipster, who provided the police information on February 4. Albayalde said Luib also admitted his involvement in the killing of Sytin on the evening of November 28 outside the Lighthouse Resort and Hotel in Subic Zambales. Sytin's driver was injured during the incident. On August 8 page A19 of the Philippine Daily Inquirer, former Bauan mayor Ryanh Dolor was named the sole suspect linked to the murder of Mei Magsino.
Son by Four is the second studio album recorded by Puerto Rican-American band Son by Four. It was released by Sony Music Latin on February 1, 2000. This album received a nomination for a Grammy Award for Best Salsa Album in the 43rd Annual Grammy Awards on February 21, 2001, and also became their first number-one album on the Billboard Top Latin Albums chart. The first single, "A Puro Dolor", was nominated for a Latin Grammy Award for Best Tropical Song in the 1st Annual Latin Grammy Awards on September 13, 2000.
She added a fifth segment, Dolor (Sorrow) as a confrontation with Hoyer's work and an homage to Hoyer, whom Linke greatly admired and had met during her student days in Essen. She followed this up with two further works, the duets Affekte (Affects, 1988) und Affekte/Gelb' (Affects/Yellow, 1990), that extended the basic themes of Afectos Humanos through a relationship between two people. Linke danced these with her partner Urs Dietrich. In the early 1990s, she founded the Susanne Linke Company at the Hebbel Theater in Berlin.
Marmolejo says that in spring there was an "pestilencia" that the Mapuche called chavalongo and that the Spanish called dolor de cabeza identified as epidemic typhus (Revista chilena de infectología). Vivar claims the pestilencia was caused by the cannibalism. Lobera makes no mention of an epidemic. Meanwhile, in the north during 1554, news of the victories of Lautauro led to uprisings by the previously subdued Promaucaes in the valley of the Mataquito River and the Picunche in the valley of the Aconcagua River, but these were put down.
Mar de Copas has been called a depressive band due to their lyrics such as "El dolor después del amor / vuélvete a morir / no sé si ese cuerpo que cayó fui yo al morir, / enamorado de la soledad". Barrios has stated that his songs were written at the worst times in his life and that recording albums is a natural process. Luis García a.k.a. "Wicho" Mar de Copas created their recording studio Villa Ruby and independent label Mar de Copas Productions S.A.. In mid-1997, the band released their third album, III.
Revenge for the Santa María massacre was the reason Ramón arrived in Chile from Argentina, using his own identity.Goicovic Donoso, Igor, Entre el dolor y la ira: La venganza de Antonio Ramón Ramón, Editorial Universidad de Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile, 2005, pp. 188 Ramón finally decided to take action seven years later. He found General Silva Renard walking alone to his office, in Viel street in Santiago, on December 14, 1914, and stabbed him seven times on his back and head. The General started shouting “Murderer! Murderer!” and several passersby came to his help.
Some German groups from Nicaragua were in refugee camps in other countries but once the war and the German persecution started, some returned to Nicaragua. La Prensa, el Diario de Los nicaraguences. Enfoque Alemanes en Nicaragua: Entre el dolor y el olvido, posted 26 July 2000, retrieved 31 August 2012 Some groups of German (and other ethnic groups) were deported to concentration camps in the United States from Nicaragua. Those who refused to be deported were confined on Ellis Island, a small island in New York, used as a quarantine site for immigrants.
Eliseo Cardona from El Nuevo Herald regarded "Amarte Es un Placer" as the best track on the album. Ramiro Burr, writing for the Houston Chronicle praised the orchestra in the song and Miguel's delivery. "Amarte Es un Placer" was nominated in the category of Pop Song of the Year at the 13th Annual Lo Nuestro Awards in 2001, but lost to "A Puro Dolor" by Son by Four. The track was recognized as one of the major Latin songs of 2000 at the ASCAP Latin Awards in 2001.
Following this, he joined the company's dominant heel stable, Los Intocables, along with Miguel Pérez and Jesús Castillo. After the stable's dissolution, he was involved in another stable named Starr Corporation, where after Cosme's insistence his character became darker and was renamed "El Mesías" Ricky Banderas. Following this, he was teamed up with Shane Sewell in a stable known as Los Hermanos en Dolor. In 2001, Cosme performed in a tryout match for the World Wrestling Federation and Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling's 12th Anniversary Show pay-per-view event.
Towards the end of his life, Eadred suffered from a digestive malady which would prove fatal. 'Author B', the biographer and former apprentice of St Dunstan, described with vivid memory how the king sucked out the juices of his food, chewed on what was left and spat it out."Eratque, proh dolor, rex Eadraedus dilectus Dunstani per omne tempus imperii sui nimium languens, ita ut refectionis tempore sorpto succo ciborum reliquam partem parumper dentibus obtritam ab ore rejecisse, et sic saepe convivantibus secum militibus foetentem nausiam exspuendo fecisset." Vita S. Dunstani § 20: p.
In 2016, Jeanette re-recorded "Toda la noche oliendo a tí" alongside fellow ballad singer Juan Bau, which was released as a single on Regalia Records. The song "Frente a frente" has been sampled in several hip- hop tracks, including Noreaga's "Gangsta's Watch", Cookin' Soul's remix of "Threat" by Jay-Z, Cartel de Santa's "El dolor del micro", Facção Central's "A malandragem toma conta (Releitura)", and The Louk's "Ritmos & Letras". Chicano rapper Conejo sampled "Corazón de poeta" in "Coins Like Judas", a song off his 2014 album Favela Tres.
Huberto Pérez de la Ossa Rodríguez (born Albacete, 1897– died Salamanca, 31 August 1983) was a Spanish writer and theatre director. His published work includes El ancla de Jasón (1921), La lámpara del dolor (1923), El opio del ensueño (1924), La Santa Duquesa (1924) (Premio Nacional de Literatura), La casa de los masones (1927) and El aprendiz de ángel (1935). After the Spanish Civil War, he moved on to stage direction. Between 1940 and 1952, he collaborated with Luis Escobar Kirkpatrick at the Teatro María Guerrero in Madrid.
1 (76), March 2007, p. 55. In 1940, Isaza Mejía examined the use of pituitrine in obstetrics in his work Algunas consideraciones sobre el uso de la pituitrina en obstetricia (published by Antioquia, 1940) and founded the cytologic laboratory of the University Hospital of San Vicente de Paúl in Medellín, and introduced the exfoliative cytology in Colombia in 1949.Dr. Gustavo Isaza Mejía, Asociación Antioqueña de Obstetricia y Ginecología. Mejía wrote, among other things, an orientation and guidance for women and mothers: Maternidad y menstruación sin dolor: la educación de los hijos (publisher Bedout, 1960).
With them were sick people who were carried in hammocks. Asked why they came, they all answered, they were sick and they can only be healed by Maria. A middle aged woman, nicknamed “Bengge”, came to their houses to ask for alms and many forms of material aid, so she could start building an ermita in honor of “Our Lady of Sorrows” (Nuestra Señora de Dolor). The replay of the pilgrims surprised the natives for never had Bengge travelled far to reach the mainland, except the places within the confines of Calolbon.
Son by Four won all the awards, and Alfanno won the award for the writing of the song. At the Lo Nuestro Awards of 2001, the group earned six awards; among them "Pop Song of the Year" and "Tropical Song of the Year". Alfanno also received a Latin Grammy Award nomination for the Best Tropical Song, which it lost to "El Niágara en Bicicleta" by Juan Luis Guerra. "A Puro Dolor" was given three Billboard Music Award in 2000 for Latin Track of the Year, Latin Pop Track of the Year, and Tropical/Salsa Track of the Year.
Pequeñas infidelidades (2012) is a bodevil – a comic monologue in which La Shica narrates the supposed amorous vicissitudes of a single woman who has had ups and downs with the opposite sex. She sings personal versions of songs by La Lupe, Paquita la del Barrio, Martirio, and Chavela Vargas. In the show she shared the stage with Josete Ordóñez, guitarist and producer of her first album. In October 2013 she premiered Espain, dolor del bueno, a show written jointly with Andreu Buenafuente and directed by him, in which La Shica sings, dances, and debuts as an actress.
She was also known for innovative work using Powerpoint such as Lorem Ipsum Dolor, her piece mixing the Latin text often used as filler (lorem ipsum) in unfinished documents with animation and graphics, and Click To Add Title, her 2002 competition versus Michael Sippey in the style of a Photoshop contest. Her design work was often deeply intertwined with her work as a writer. Harpold was a strong advocate of the need for "a personal, direct, and conversational" voice on the Web in order to make sites effective. Note: Access date for Internet Archive version of page is 1997-10-15.
Doña Soledad Avenue just east of France Street in Don Bosco The avenue was named after Doña Soledad Lirio Dolor, a former assemblywoman from the province of Batangas, landowner, and real estate developer who pursued several subdivision projects, including Better Living in Parañaque where this road passes.A camp named after a woman published by the Philippine Star; accessed 2013-10-19.History of Better Living Subdivision published by Butch Serrano; accessed 2013-10-19. It is also sometimes referred to by non-Parañaqueños as Bicutan Road because it is the road that goes to and from Bicutan.
She claimed that she did not consult the party because she believed the outcome had been assured, having served as treasurer of the party and successfully directed the campaign of Gabriel Serville in 2012 and 2017. On 16 February, Mazia withdrew her candidacy following the death of her brother on 14 February. Two debates with four candidates each were broadcast by Guyane 1ère on 21 and 22 February at 20:00 local time, presented by Laurent Marot and Jessy Xavier. The first debate was held between Dolor, Harbourg, Joigny, and Mignot, and the second between Riché, Rimane, Adam, and Makébé.
Sewell debuted in the IWA days after leaving WWC in a run-in to help Savio Vega as he was being double-teamed by Miguel Perez and Jesus Castillo in Carolina, Puerto Rico. He became the company's first World Heavyweight Champion on October 28, 2000 in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. He started a notable feud in December 2001 when Vega returned and unified with Starr Corporation and attacked both Sewell and Ricky Banderas forming Los Hermanos en Dolor (Brothers in Pain). In December 2004, Sewell turned heel with Vega after he won the Heavyweight title from Ray Gonzalez at Christmas in Puerto Rico.
The work consists of three parts, each representing an element of the Passion story: #Circuitus Lamentationis - Dolor in Horto (Agony in the Garden) #Rotae Passionis (Passion Wheels) (based on the Fourteen Stations of the Cross) #Rota Parallela - Christus in Somno Inspiration for the composition was derived from Northern Renaissance art, in particular the works of Hieronymus Bosch and Matthias Grunewald. The approach of these artists to the subject of the Crucifixion appealed to Rouse because they conveyed the anguish of the Passion more emphatically than their Italian counterparts.Rouse, Christopher. Rotae Passionis: Program Note by the Composer. 1982.
"Ginza" is a song performed by Colombian singer J Balvin. It was released as the lead single from the singer's third studio album Energía on July 17, 2015. "Ginza" was commercially successful, positioning itself inside the top 10 in most Latin American markets and crossing over to European radio. It reached number one in several charts, including Balvin's native Colombia, Mexico, Spain, Italy and the United States, where the song became the longest-reigning number one by a solo act, surpassing a record previously held by Juanes' "Me Enamora", Flex's "Te Quiero" and Son by Four's "A Puro Dolor".
"Da la Vuelta" received a nomination for Best Tropical Song at the inaugural Latin Grammy Awards in 2000, which was awarded to "El Niágara en Bicicleta" by Juan Luis Guerra. It also was nominated Tropical Song of the Year at the 13th Annual Lo Nuestro Awards in 2001 but lost to "A Puro Dolor" by Son by Four. Santander and Estefan were presented with a BMI Latin Award in 2001 as it was recognized as the one of the best-performing songs of the year. The track was included on Anthony's greatest hits album Sigo Siendo Yo: Grandes Exitos (2006).
On April 3, 2014, the band announced they had returned to Napalm Records with a pending album release for early 2015. The Seventh Life Path, Sirenia's seventh album was released on May 8, 2016. On July 5, 2016, it was announced via the band's website that Sirenia and Ailyn were amicably separating "for personal reasons," and that the name of the new singer would be announced on September 8, 2016 ahead of the November release of their new album Dim Days of Dolor. The same day, Ailyn stated on her Facebook that she did not make the decision.
A Cochrane review in 2014 found that "Four studies (7761 patients) that used clinical signs as a guide to anaesthetic administration in standard practice, as the control group, demonstrated a significant reduction in the risk of awareness with BIS monitoring. Four studies (26,530 patients) compared BIS monitoring with end tidal anaesthetic gas (ETAG) monitoring as a guide to management of anaesthesia and they did not demonstrate any difference in terms of intraoperative awareness". The Sociedad de Anestesiología Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor de Madrid recommends monitoring of anesthetic depth in accordance with literature-based evidence. BIS, however, is not explicitly endorsed.
Underneath is a further possibly cryptic epigram, with some words in capitals: Julius hoc mensis fuit Augustissimus anno atq(ue) secunda decem junge secunda dies non amor invidia est dolor euge lege alme viator et disce exemplo vivere: disce more sic cecivit (cecidit?) not elevit, translated as "The month of July was the most august in this year and the following hatred not love, well-done! read O Traveller and teach by (his) example (how ) to live: teach (how) to die, thus he has fallen he has not arisen". At the end are two monograms: "R...E" and "AR".
Returning to Spain he published two solo albums: "A la vida al dolor" ("To life and pain ") and "Vericuetos" ("Loopholes"). In 1976 he spent several months in France and the Netherlands, composing chamber music, which would lead to his next record: "Otros días" ("Other Days"). Between 1976 and 1979 he arranged and collaborated several projects, rock and flamenco compositions, which were all brought together on "Inquietudes a compás" ("Beat Concerns"), re-released in 1997. In 1979 he recorded a fusion album between cante jondo songs (pure flamenco) and sitar called "Gualberto and Agujetas" (included on his 1997 album).
Upon reestablishment of the station in 2009, the news organization consisted solely of three people. It was founded by former DWAM 1080 kHz mainstays Fr. Nonie Dolor and Lita Aguila-Bicol, and DZRH provincial reporter Renz Belda who uses the name Renzo Luna as a compromise of working for two stations. Initially, there were no field reporters until the 2010 presidential elections when they hired their first, and youngest reporter (at age 16), Ethel Robles. The pool of reporters was further established by hiring former comic cartoonist Onofre Tenorio under the radio name Kakang Bising and freelance DJ Samuel Barral in 2011.
She later had a great comeback with albums such as Dama del Caribe and Candela, as well as Angela. Her single "Boca Rosa" peaked at number-one in the Billboard Hot Latin Tracks chart in late 1988. Angela continued to make music, and after her A Puro Dolor, she released a new album, Muy Personal, which included some new songs in new styles as well as remakes of some of her most famous songs such as "No, no hay nadie mas" and "No se como amarle" from Jesus Christ Superstar. She has also taken several steps into theater.
The work argues that the identity of bullied people is suppressed, that they stay this way for fear of being totally outcast, and that an environment supportive of resilience and self-expression is needed for them to overcome bullying. To accompany the research project, Herrero made a video titled "El dolor silencioso" (The Silent Pain) featuring some of the people she met online and herself, describing their bullying and encouraging other young suffering people to speak up. The video received wide attention on the internet. Herrero's family learned about her bullying only when the research and video came out.
In his book on agriculture, Columella describes how to treat a cow with stomach-ache: :sī dolor remanet, ungulās circumsecāre, et unctā manū per ānum īnsertā fimum extrahere ::("If any pain remains, trim your nails, insert your oiled hand through its anus and extract the dung") An example of the usage of "ring" as a metaphor in a modern Romance language can be found in Brazilian Portuguese slang, in which the word anel can have the same double meaning, especially in the expression o anel de couro (the leather ring). "Ring" is also British slang for "anus".
The Little Lame Prince and his Travelling Cloak (often published under its shorter title The Little Lame Prince) is a story for children written by Dinah Maria Mulock Craik and first published in 1875. In the story, the young Prince Dolor, whose legs are paralysed due to a childhood trauma, is exiled to a tower in a wasteland. As he grows older, a fairy godmother provides a magical travelling cloak so he can see, but not touch, the world. He uses this cloak to go on various adventures, and develops great wisdom and empathy in the process.
Alfanno, well known for his work with salsa recording singers Marc Anthony, Víctor Manuelle, Jerry Rivera and Gilberto Santa Rosa was in charge of the album production. Alfanno declared that he wrote the song in ten minutes, and that after the success of the track, he analyzed the composition, since he did not understand how "A Puro Dolor" became that popular. He named it "the Cinderella of all his songs." After its success in the Latin market, Oscar Llord then engineered an English version of the song “Purest of Pain”, which went on to become a Billboard Top 40 hit, and performed alongside N’Sync at the 2001 Latin Grammy Awards.
In 1928 he published No toda es vigilia la de los ojos abiertos, at the request of Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz and Leopoldo Marechal; the next year he published Papeles de Recienvenido. En 1938 he published "Novela de Eterna" y la Niña del dolor, la "Dulce-persona" de un amor que no fue sabido, an anticipation of Museo de la Novela de la Eterna (published posthumously in 1967); in 1941 he published, in Chile Una novela que comienza, and in 1944 a new edition of Papeles de Recienvenido. In 1947, Macedonio moved into the home of his son Adolfo de Obieta, where he lived for the rest of his life.
Emmanuelle Zoldan performing live in Kherson, Ukraine in June 2016 On 29 August 2016 Sirenia revealed eighth full-length album Dim Days of Dolor before their official announcement of their new singer. On 8 September 2016 Sirenia announced their new singer Emmanuelle Zoldan, a French mezzo-soprano singer from Aix-en-Provence who has worked with Sirenia for 13 years and is part of The Sirenian Choir. She has contributed to lead vocals before on the Sirenian Shores EP cover of "First We Take Manhattan" by Leonard Cohen. Sirenia toured with Arkona and MindMaze in May 2017 for their debut in the United States and Canada.
She hands him a dagger and, trembling, he leaves to avenge her. She asks the gods to strengthen his arm, while Cleone and the chorus comment on her anguish (Chorus and duet: Il tuo dolor ci affretta a consolarti ...Se l'amor mio ti è caro ... Incerto, palpitante ... Se a me nemiche stelle / "We come to console you ... If my love is dear to you" ... "Uncertain, palpitating" ... "Unless, o gods, you are my enemies"). She rushes out in a fury, followed by the others. Fenicio and Pilade meet, predicting Pirro's downfall if he goes ahead with his marriage to Andromaca (Duettino: A così triste immagine / "Such sad imaginings").
Also at the end of his years in Vienna, but materialized after his return to Spain in 1992, the composer came into contact with the poet José Ángel Valente, another of the key figures in Sotelo's creation. Currently, as imbued by Valente's poetry, Sotelo writes pieces like Memoriae. Escritura interna sobre un espacio poético de José Ángel Valente (1994) – a key work in his career – Nadie (1995–97), Epitafio (1997), In pace (1997), Si después de morir... In memoriam José Ángel Valente (2000), El rayo de tiniebla (2008), Arde el alba (2008–2009) and Muros de dolor ... V: José Ángel Valente – Memoria sonora (2009).
After a few years of management under Q Productions, Peña opted to further her career by signing with the then new label Univision Music Group, whose president had launched Selena's career while at EMI Latin, which he headed until 2000. Under UMG, Peña was billed as a Latin pop artist. In 2002, Peña released Libre, produced by Rudy Pérez and Kike Santander. Rudy Pérez wrote the album's biggest hits: "Vamos al Mundial", which was chosen as the anthem for the 2002 FIFA World Cup; and "El Dolor de Tu Presencia", which catapulted Peña's popularity, spending eight consecutive weeks at #1 on Billboard's Hot Latin Tracks.
Miguel Ángel Hernández Miguel Ángel Hernández (born Murcia, 1977) is a Spanish writer. He teaches art history at the University of Murcia, and has published several books on art and visual culture. He is best known for his fictional works, among them the novels Intento de escapada (2013), which won the Premio Ciudad Alcalá de Narrativa and was translated in five languages, and El instante de peligro (2015), which was a finalist for the Premio Herralde de Novela.BioBio 2 His latest novel is El dolor de los demás (2018), selected among the books of the year by El País and The New York Times en Español.
In 2009, she starred in the psychological crime thriller Amor, Dolor y Viceversa alongside Leonardo Sbaraglia, the drama is about a female architect who is involved in the murder of the fiancee of a promising surgeon, who allegedly saw in her nightmares. The crime-drama was filmed in Mexico city and is produced by Mori. The film earned mixed reviews from critics and viewers. In 2011, she got the main role in the action-drama "Viento En Contra", alongside actors Héctor Arredondo and Fernando Luján, in which she played a successful and promising CIO, who is unjustly involved in a police chase due to a scandal of a financial fraud.
13 in Paris' honour, calling him sales Nili (wit of the Nile) and Romani decus et dolor theatri (ornament and grief of the Roman theatre-world). He is also recorded in Juv. vi.82-87 "When Eppia, the senator's wife, ran off with a gladiator to Pharos and the Nile and the ill-famed city of Lagus, Canopus itself cried shame upon the monstrous morals of our town. Forgetful of home, of husband and of sister, without thought of her country, she shamelessly abandoned her weeping children; and--more marvellous still--deserted Paris and the games." and was the subject of Philip Massinger's play The Roman Actor.
In 1998, Son by Four released their first album, Prepárense. The success of the singles "Nada" and "No Hay Razón", distributed in Puerto Rico by the independent label RJO, captured the attention of the Sony Music CEO Oscar Llord, who made an agreement with RJO to re-release the album and start the recording sessions of the next album. Llord was the brain child behind the ballad version, which was recorded at his own Extreme Studios in Miami, FL, which was the version that went on to #1. The first single taken from the following album was "A Puro Dolor", written and arranged by Panamanian record producer Omar Alfanno, with a ballad version arranged by Alejandro Jaén.
Inflammation (from ) is part of the complex biological response of body tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants, and is a protective response involving immune cells, blood vessels, and molecular mediators. The function of inflammation is to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury, clear out necrotic cells and tissues damaged from the original insult and the inflammatory process, and initiate tissue repair. The five classical signs of inflammation are heat, pain, redness, swelling, and loss of function (Latin calor, dolor, rubor, tumor, and functio laesa). Inflammation is a generic response, and therefore it is considered as a mechanism of innate immunity, as compared to adaptive immunity, which is specific for each pathogen.
The story begins with an introduction of its setting: a dystopian scenario set on a modern-day timeline where severe depression has become a worldwide pandemic and is given a proper medical term - The Dolor. The only way to combat this disease that has taken the grip of humanity is the complete erasure of the memories that has triggered depression on patients. Mnemonicides, doctors with inborn telepathic powers capable of memory alteration and are specially trained for the task, are individually and periodically assigned with patients, termed as Guests, to cure the latter's condition. The series of treatments takes place in a town specifically designed for Mnemonicides and Guests to live together for the length of the entire medication.
He would "discipline" wrestlers by mugging them in a mob, while singing a traditional Puerto Rican bomba, Santa María. Later in 2001, he allied with the main heel stable in the promotion, The Starr Corporation, composed of Chicky Starr, Víctor Rodríguez and Ricky Banderas. At Christmas in PR 2001, Vega and The Starr Corporation turned on Banderas and Shane, who teamed as Los Hermanos en Dolor, and feuded with Banderas. The Starr Corporation remained on his side until a conflict arose between them, leading Vega to expel Laureano from the IWA. On March 2, 2002, Vega used his authority to award himself the IWA World Heavyweight Championship, eventually dropping it to Figueroa.
"Under the Boardwalk" has since been covered by many artists, including Bette Midler, and the Tom Tom Club (whose version reached #22 in the UK Top 40 in 1982, becoming the first version of the song to chart in Britain). Versions by Billy Joe Royal, Bruce Willis (a #2 success in the UK), and Lynn Anderson (#24 on the Country singles) all reached the Billboard charts. The song has been translated to Spanish and interpreted by the pioneer Argentine rock group Los Gatos Salvajes under the title of "Bajo la rambla", on their 1965 debut LP Los Gatos Salvajes. It was also covered by the Argentine band Los Perros on their 1992 album Perfume y dolor.
"Qué Te Pasa" spent sixteen weeks at number-one, surpassing the records held by fellow Mexican singers Daniela Romo and Ana Gabriel, when their singles "De Mí Enamórate" and "Ay Amor", respectively, spent fourteen weeks at the top of the chart, becoming the song with most weeks at number-one in the 80's. Yuri held this record for twelve years, until Son By Four with "A Puro Dolor", which spent 20 weeks at number-one in 2000. To date, only one female singer have spent more weeks at the top: Shakira with "La Tortura", 25 weeks in 2005. Currently the song ranks twelfth for songs with most weeks at the top of the chart.
Her compositions have been recorded by many other artists, such as Marco Antonio Muñiz, Danny Rivera, Gilberto Monroig, Chucho Avellanet, Lucecita Benítez, Juan Luis Barry, Linda Ronstadt, Ednita Nazario, Lourdes Pérez and Lunna. Two television specials were made about Sylvia's life, "Sylvia, en tu Memoria" (Sylvia, in your Memory) and Ángela Meyer's "El fondo del Dolor" (In the Deepest Pain) starring Sharon Riley, Sylvia's daughter. In 2001, Rexach was posthumously inducted into the International Latin Music Hall of Fame. There is a theater "El Teatro Sylvia Rexach" named after Rexach in San Juan Teatro Sylvia Rexach and in the Luis A. Ferre Center of Fine Arts, there is a Sylvia Rexach Cafe Theater.
The Spanish version ("Muy Dentro de Mi") hit No. 1 on the Hot Latin Tracks chart for 3 consecutive weeks. According to Anthony, he wrote this song for his then-friend Jennifer Lopez, whom he married soon after. This version was nominated for a Lo Nuestro Award for Pop Song of the Year, losing to "A Puro Dolor" by Son by Four. The English- language version of the track received a nomination for a Grammy Award for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance, the second year in a row for Marc Anthony, losing once again to Sting with "She Walks This Earth (Soberana Rosa)", a collaboration for the album A Love Affair: The music of Ivan Lins.
She was given her first starring role in El buen ladrón (1957) before her breakthrough in Bolero inmortal (1958), in which she debuted as a singer; the film's soundtrack album, for which she recorded songs, was a commercial success throughout Hispanic America. She starred opposite Pedro Armendáriz, her favorite actor, in Dos hijos desobedientes (1960). Greatly admired by audiences for her beauty and talent, she became one of the most popular Mexican performers of the 1960s. Her last appearances were in the telenovelas El dolor de amar (1966), in which she played a villain for the first time, and Felipa Sánchez, la soldadera (1967), in which the press declared she created "an unforgettable character" as the title role.
Oscar Joseph Llord (born July 25, 1957) is a Latin music entertainment executive, producer and businessman. He is the owner of We R 1 Music Group. Llord headed Sony Music Entertainment's Latin division (the Sony Discos label and Sony/ATV Latin publishing) from 1996 through 2003. During his tenure, the company rose to dominance in the US Latin music industry and produced, the most prolific crossover campaign of Latin artists in music history (Ricky Martin, Shakira, Marc Anthony, Son by Four, Jennifer Lopez, Elvis Crespo, and Frankie J.). It was heralded the “Latin Explosion”. Billboard Magazine recognized Son by Four's “A Puro Dolor”, which Llord executive produced, the Latin track of the decade in 2009.
After this, he continued composing and producing songs that have also reached No. 1. Other of his songs have reached number one, remaining there for many weeks, such as "El Dolor De Tu Presencia" by Jennifer Peña, also produced in 2002, which remained at No. 1 for nine weeks.During that time, his productions were able, together, to stay 22 consecutive weeks at no. 1. In this year, Pérez also worked on the Jordi's album Tú no sospechas (in Spanish: "You have no idea"), on which he was responsible for 11 tracks. The album was released on October 8, 2002, to which was added a first single, the title track, produced by veteran stars as Alejandro Jaén.
Billy, who has become attached to Mary, kidnaps and beats Dr. Walsh on her behalf. While torturing Dr. Grant, Mary is discovered and attacked by a security guard, who attempts to free him, but Mary bludgeons him to death. Detective Dolor confronts Mary again, believing that she was a victim of one of the sex parties hosted by the two missing doctors and hoping to help her. Mary begins to unravel from the police interest and worries that a tape of her rape will be found. Meanwhile, Ruby's husband, vengeful after seeing his newly modified wife, tortures Beatress to near death for Mary’s location before ambushing Mary at her house with a knife.
WD98: How to Insert Sample Text into a Document In Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010, the repeated sentence is replaced with a longer text: In Microsoft Word 2013, the text was replaced again with When `=rand(1,1)` is written, only a simple sentence is shown: in English, it is "On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall look of your document." In Word 2007, 2010, and 2013, the pangram "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" text is available by typing the command `=rand.old()` and pressing enter. Additionally, typing `=lorem()` gives the following text: > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
When Aracena was ceded by the Crown of Castile to the Knights Templar, that Order authorized the raising of the current Moorish-style church, noted for the glazed clay sculptures of Pedro Vazquez and which takes its name from the local patron saint, Nuestra Señora del Mayor Dolor [Our Lady of the Greatest Suffering]. The church is emblematic of Aracena and is the oldest church in the town. It consists of three naves of equal height with its choir at the feet and a polygonal presbytery to which, on the side of the chapel, there is attached its Mudéjar- style tower. Also in the town is the church of Santa María de la Asunción, built in 1522.
In 1988, Meyer founded "Meyer de Jesus Productions" (Jesus is her second husband's surname), after Meca Productions was dissolved. She joined Telemundo and produced three series based on historical events: Mission Cumplida (Mission Accomplished) based on the events which took place at the Cerro Maravilla, Gaviota de Esperanza based on the life of Sandra Zaiter and Hasta el fondo del dolor based on the life of Sylvia Rexach, portrayed by Sylvia's own daughter, Puerto Rican actress & singer, Sharon Riley and Adamari López, as Sharon. During this decade she became very active in theatrical presentations. One of her most acclaimed works was the monologue: Tengamos Sexo en Paz (Let's make love in peace).
On May 21, 2015, ALFM and Spirit FM went off-air to give way to its transfer from the Basilica Site to its new broadcast complex at the Balmes Building at C. Tirona Street. It returned broadcasting four days later. The old studio has since been demolished and converted to a parish mortuary. With the retirements of Fr. Nonie Dolor and Lita Aguila-Bicol in April 2016, the station gradually shifted to a more news-intensive format that was completed on May 2017 with old station plugs voiced by Aguila-Bicol being replaced by new ones recorded by Spirit FM's DJ Joseph, and revising its slogan to cater more news as Ang Inyong News and Evangelization Radio.
While Lino's lawyers prepare to file for sole custody and substantiate the adultery charges, they advise Lino to stay away from Ace and Jade, to avoid altercations between them are not used against Lino's claims to provide a safe and healthy environment for his son. His legal team builds a strong case against Jade and Ace on the grounds of adultery, with credible testimonies from Jade's friend Tet, Basté and Dolor Bartolome. Although Lino is tempted to take his son away, he places his trust in the legal system's due process. When the Fiscal's office find merit in Lino's charges against Jade and Ace, someone tips off Ace that a warrant of arrest is issued against them.
Alejandro Fernández released his album Me Estoy Enamorando in 1997; its first single "Si Tú Supieras" won the Lo Nuestro Award for Pop Song of the Year and ended 1998 as the second most successful single. During the 1990s, Mexican singer Luis Miguel became the first Latin singer to receive two platinum certifications in the United States with his albums Romance and Segundo Romance; he also had eight songs ranking as top singles of the year. "A Puro Dolor", performed by Son by Four, became the best-performing Latin single from the 2000s in the United States. "Despacito" by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee featuring Justin Bieber holds the record for the longest run at number one in the Top Latin Songs chart.
She died on 28 February 1159 and was buried in the Pantheon of Kings in San Isidoro de León, where her mother, Queen Urraca had been interred. The remains of the Infanta Sancha were deposited in a stone tomb with the following epitaph in Latin: > Hesperiae speculum, decus orbis, gloria Regni, HIC REQUIESCIT REGINA DOMNA > SANCIA, SOROR IMPERATORIS justitia culmen, et pietatis apex Santia pro > ADEFONSI FILIA URRACHAE ET RAIMUNDI, HAEC STATUIT meritis inmensum nota per > orbem, proh dolor¡ exiguo ORDINEM REGULARIUM CANONICORUM IN ECCLESIA ISTA, > ET clauderis in tumulo, Sol bis sexcentos, QUIA DICEBAT BEATUM ISIDORUM > SPONSUM SUUM, demtis tribus, egerat annes, cum pia subcubuit VIRGO OBIIT ERA > M. C. LX VII PRID. KAL. MARTII finis erat Februarii. The Royal Pantheon.
Months after, Fr. Nonie Dolor, known by his radio name The Niteowl, joined the roster after declining talks by GV 99.9 to jump ship while he was still on AM radio. He would remain with Spirit FM as Sunday jock until stepping down in late 2014 to concentrate on 95.9 FM. Spirit FM later transferred to the now-demolished Basilica Site broadcast complex but kept its Paharang transmitter intact. They later inaugurated the tradition of their annual DJ hunts that launched careers of notable staff such as Ricky, Raynuts, Diego and Kris, who were well-received by listeners. In May 2009, the Paharang transmitter was decommissioned in favor of merging transmission facilities with its revived sister station on 95.9 at Barangay Santo Domingo.
The experience of invidia, as Robert A. Kaster notes,Robert A. Kaster, "Invidia and the End of Georgics 1" Phoenix 56.3/4 (Autumn - Winter, 2002:275-295); Kaster presents a diagrammatic "taxonomy" of the behavioral scripts embodying invidia adducing numerous examples in Latin literature to generate a more nuanced apprehension of the meaning. is invariably an unpleasant one, whether feeling invidia or finding oneself its object. Invidia at the thought of another's good may be merely begrudging, Kaster observes, or begrudging and covetous at the same time: "I can feel dolor ["pain, sorrow, heartache"] at seeing your good, just because it is your good, period, or I can feel that way because the good is yours and not mine."Kaster 2002:281 note 9.
Don Tetto recorded their first album Lo que no sabías in February 2007 at Artico Studios, under the supervision of producer Jorge Holguín. The album was remixed and mastered in Miami by Boris Milan and Mike Couzzic. During the recording process, the band signed with Cabeza De Ratón Music Entertainment, led by their manager Ricardo Rodríguez, who also created their official fan club “Tettomania” in Bogotá. Lo que no sabías was released on August 10, 2007, breaking sales records and occupying the 4th place of the bestseller albums list in Tower Records. Their singles “Ha vuelto a suceder” and "Fallido intento" were well received by radio stations in Colombia. Don Tetto filmed music videos for “Ha Vuelto A Suceder”, "Adicto al dolor (lagrimas)", "Adiós", and "Fallido intento".
On the other hand, in Spanish, (as in dolor ) and (as in nada ) are allophones for the phoneme , while these two are considered to be different phonemes in English. The specific allophone selected in a given situation is often predictable from the phonetic context, with such allophones being called positional variants, but some allophones occur in free variation. Replacing a sound by another allophone of the same phoneme usually does not change the meaning of a word, but the result may sound non-native or even unintelligible. Native speakers of a given language perceive one phoneme in the language as a single distinctive sound and are "both unaware of and even shocked by" the allophone variations that are used to pronounce single phonemes.
Dicen Que El Tiempo is a 2007 Grammy Award nominated album and seventh studio album released by Jennifer Peña on February 27, 2007. Dicen Que El Tiempo was a departure from Peña's previous albums which included material written and produced by A.B. Quintanilla, Rudy Pérez and Kike Santander who wrote previous hits like El Dolor De Tu Presencia and Hasta El Fin Del Mundo. Peña served as a lead producer with shared credits for songwriting and musical production with Obie Bermúdez and Sebastian Krys. In support of the album, MTVTr3s selected Peña as the Artist of The Month on February 7, 2007 with multiple TV slots which included co-hosting Mi-TRL and Los Hits and a special Jennifer Peña week.
Graciela Bevacqua, the chief statistician overseeing the formulation of consumer price data at INDEC, the National Statistics and Censuses Institute, accused Moreno in 2006 of having requested the names of the stores surveyed in the calculation of the retail price index. She refused, on the grounds that the Secrecy Act forbade her to disclose such information to him.La Nación: Respalda ATE los dichos de Bevacqua y busca neutralizar "un maquillaje" en el Indec, 06-07-2009. (Spanish) Moreno's removal of Bevacqua from her post, and his firing of other officials who refused to understate the inflation rate, made him the target of nationwide criticism.Clarín: Conflicto INDEC: un club de mujeres es el mayor dolor de cabeza para Moreno, 27 September 2007.
He wrote 11 complete masses which have survived to modern times (although many of the manuscripts were destroyed in the Second World War), as well as 10 motets, and 8 chansons; the chansons are both in French and Dutch. One of the masses is a four-voice cantus firmus setting of L'homme armé, a style which was already old-fashioned by the time he was writing; the tune moves from voice to voice, but is usually in the tenor. His Missa Fors seulement is based on his own chanson, which he used as the cantus firmus. Memorare Mater Christi is a seven-part motet on the sorrows of the Virgin Mary; each of the seven voices represents a different dolor.
Mary later drops out of her residency. With word quickly spreading through dark web channels that "Bloody Mary" is a surgeon of great skill willing to perform any extreme surgery desired, Mary goes into consensual body modification surgery full- time. She hires Billy and his enforcers to kidnap Grant and deliver him to her apartment, where she holds him hostage and uses him as "practice" material for her extreme surgeries, using pictures of him for her portfolio. Mary is approached by police detective Dolor, who asks about the disappearance of Dr. Grant and the collection of disturbing tapes found in his apartment, explaining that Dr. Walsh gave him a long list of women who might bear a grudge against Dr. Grant, and that Mary was on the list.
Pérez's compositions have included numerous top ten hits during the last 20 years (over 300 of which have been #1 or have reached the Top 10 Charts). Some of them have remained in the top position of the charts for many consecutive weeks (between 9 and 13 weeks), such as "Quitame ese hombre" (by Pilar Montenegro; 13 weeks in the top position) and "El Dolor de tu precensia" (Jennifer Peña; 9 weeks in the top position). He won the Hot Latin Songs, being also the first Hispanic composer and producer to win this award, and he was chosen as producer of the year for four consecutive years. He is the first Latino producer who has won the Billboard Hot Latin Tracks Producer of the Year for four consecutive years.
While working on his first Spanish speaking album, planning for a 2017 release, his first single, “Me Enamoré”, has been released and promoted as the main theme for the Mexican soap opera “El Vuelo de la Victoria”. His album, Italianissimo was released in February 2018. The songs he recorded for this album are Tia Amo; Su di noi; Bella notte/Non dimenticar; Volare; Ciao bambina; Eh Campari; Il cuore è uno zingaro; Brand New Word For Sexy; Only Your Love Takes Me Home; Angel; A puro dolor (Purest of Pain); Caruso; What Now My Love; Oh, Marie; Angelina/Zooma, Zooma; Esta Cobarida; Tú Y Yo; Te amo (Ti amo); Ángel; El Corazón Es Un Gitano (Il cuore è uno zingaro). He hopes to record a Christmas album by December 2019.
In the 1960s, the school changed its name to the Universidad de las Américas. In the 1990s, the school split into two entities, which today are known as UDLAP and the Universidad de las Américas de la Ciudad de México (UDLA), which is located in Colonia Roma, Mexico City The school offers bachelor's, master's and doctorates in a number of majors, and is divided into five schools: Escuela de Ciencias, Escuelas de Negocios y Economía, Escuela de Artes y Humanidades, Escuela de Ingeniería and theEscuela de Ciencias Sociales. The UDLAP campus was established in 1970 on a campus filled with well-groomed gardens and benches. Today, students and local can be found watching the school's basketball and American football teams, called the Aztecas, face other colleges at the Estadio Templo de Dolor.
Libre is the fifth studio album recorded by Mexican-American singer Jennifer Peña. It was released by Univision Records on June 11, 2002 (see 2002 in music), Libre debuted on Billboard Top Latin Albums Chart at #2 with a 17 track listing of which spawned several top ten hits including "Vamos al Mundial", which was selected by the U.S Hispanic network Univisión as the official song of the 2002 World Cup Soccer tournament. Libre also includes the #1 Hot Latin Track "El Dolor de Tu Presencia" which spent eight weeks atop of the charts in the summer of 2002 along with "Entre el Delirio y la Locura". Recorderd in Miami Beach, Florida and Glendale, California it was executive produced by José Behar and included production by Rudy Pérez, Kike Santander, Gustavo Santander, Enrique Elizondo, José Luis Arroyave and José Gaviria.
"A Puro Dolor" reached the top spot of the Billboard Top Latin Songs, Latin Pop Songs and Tropical/Salsa charts with the song spending 20 weeks at number-one on the former chart. This chart run led the song to be named the best-performing Latin single of the 2000s decade. In the aforementioned chart, only four songs have had similar week runs at the top: "Me Enamora" by Juanes, "Te Quiero" by Flex, and "Bailando" by Enrique Iglesias featuring Descemer Bueno and Gente De Zona with 20 weeks each, and "La Tortura" by Shakira featuring Alejandro Sanz with 25 non-consecutive weeks at the top. "Purest of Pain", the English version of the track, peaked at number twenty-six in the Billboard Hot 100 chart and ranked 61 at the Billboard Year-End Hot 100 singles of 2000.
In the United States, "Por Amarte Así" debuted at number 34 at the Billboard Hot Latin Songs chart on the week of 5 August 2000. It climbed on the top ten six weeks later and peaked at number three on the week of 11 November 2000 In the same week, the song peaked at number two on the Billboard Latin Pop Songs chart with the number one position held off by Chayanne's song "Yo Te Amo". "Por Amarte Así" ended 2001 as the fifth best-performing Latin single of the year in the United States as well as the second best-performing Latin pop single in the country after "Abrázame Muy Fuerte" by Juan Gabriel. At the 2001 Billboard Latin Music Awards, "Por Amarte Así" was nominated Pop Track of the Year but lost to "A Puro Dolor" by Son by Four.
He called for a "common left front", and hoped to receive the support of Berthelot as well as La Guyane Insoumise, which withdrew its support for Paul Persdam in the last few days before the first round in June to back Joigny. On 5 February, Jean-Philippe Dolor, former campaign director for Lénaïck Adam, youth leader of the Guianese Socialist Party, and general director of services for the town hall of Apatou, declared his surprise candidacy. Jérôme Harbourg was nominated by the National Front (FN), hoping to create a "surprise" by submitting his nomination papers within the final hours. At the age of 21, he is the youngest candidate in the by- election, studying at the University of the French West Indies and Guiana. Candidates were required declarations of their candidacies between 5 and 9 February.
Puerto-Rican American artist Elvis Crespo earned the award in 1999, the same year that his songs "Suavemente" and "Tu Sonrisa" peaked at number-one at the Billboard Latin Songs chart. At the 12th Lo Nuestro Awards, Son by Four was named Tropical New Artist of the Year aided by the massive success of their single "A Puro Dolor", which later ranked 1st at the Hot Latin Songs 25th Anniversary chart. Colombian singer-songwriter Fonseca won in 2007 and also earned the Latin Grammy Award for Best Tropical Song. In 2013, the Pop, Regional Mexican and Tropical/Salsa New Artist of the Year categories were merged on a Lo Nuestro Award for Best New Artist category in the General Field; however, the following year, the Lo Nuestro Award for Tropical New Artist of the Year was reincorporated.
William of Montferrat (early 1140s – 1177), also called William Longsword (modern Italian Guglielmo Lungaspada; original Occitan Guilhem Longa-Espia), was the Count of Jaffa and Ascalon, the eldest son of William V, Marquess of Montferrat and Judith of Babenberg. He was the older brother of Conrad, Boniface, Azalaïs, and Renier, and a cousin of both Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor and Louis VII of France. The earliest surviving mention of William's epithet, Longsword, said to refer to his military abilities, and differentiating him from his father, known as "William the Elder", is in the song En abril, quan vei verdeyar, composed in late 1176-early 1177 by the troubadour Peire Bremon lo Tort: :Chanzos, tu.t n'iras outra mar, e, per Deu, vai a midons dir qu'en gran dolor et en cossir me fai la nuoit e.
More of the "Gonzalo Créo" jokes occurred, including "El Dolor del Vecino" (The Neighbor's Pain), using the same premise of pretense of a telephoned confession booth, which involves a man struggling with his apparent bisexuality and "Domingo Y Pancho" which involves them prank calling a man who is sexually aroused by a woman who is helping him with physical therapy for an illness of the nerves. A lot of the prank calls made by Enrique Santos and Joe Ferrero (During and after El Vacilón including the Enrique & Joe Show) have now been made available at The Federal Communications Commission considers the use of prank calls to be a violation of FCC policy, which prohibits recording unsolicited phone calls for broadcast, and fined WSKQ a penalty of $16,000 for a 2007 prank call, unless all parties agree with the recording being made public.Friday, August 24, 2012.
Houston Rodeo Live is a live album released by Jennifer Peña on November 2, 2004 it was recorded on March 14, 2004 at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo in Houston, Texas in front of a crowd of 50,000 spectators. The album was made available in both CD and CD/DVD combo, it sold 100,000 units, becoming Pena's seventh Platinum certified album by the RIAA. A bestseller in spite of never having an official single, early TV slots promoted a duet with Obie Bermúdez "No Se Nada De Ti" which was later scrapped off the track list. Instead it only featured one unreleased song Por Amor and a dozen of Jennifer hits "Si Tu Te Vas", Contigo Otra Vez and El Dolor De Tu Presencia in live format recorded before the release of her sixth effort Seducción; it also included "Vivo Y Muero En Tu Piel".
He recorded "Dolor Karabalí", which Moré considered his best composition recorded with Pérez Prado, one he never wanted to re-record, also his recording in Mexico with Rafael de Paz Orchestra of "Bonito y Sabroso" was never recorded again by Moré, even though his famous composition of the months prior to leaving Mexico became in time the theme of his big band in Cuba. Moré was always reluctant to record newer versions of his hit songs, as he thought "you don't fix what's not broken". Moré and Prado recorded 28 songs in total, mostly mambos. Moré also recorded with the orchestra of Mariano Mercerón: "Me Voy Pa'l Pueblo", "Desdichado", "Mucho Corazon", "Ensalada de Mambo", "Rumberos de Ayer" and "Encantado de la Vida" with "El Conjunto de Lalo Montane", a Colombian singer and composer, with which he recorded in Mexico, conforming a famous duo called "The Phantom Duet" or "Dueto Fantasma".
He produced many more theater plays, including El Indio Rubio (The blond Indian) ; El Dolor Ajeno (Somebody else's pain), with José de Lara; ¡Viva la República! (Long live the Republic!), with Maroni and Sanromá; Hay que hacer algo por la revista (Must do something with the review) with Maroni and Alberti; Mi mujer quiere casarse (My woman wants to marry), El conventillo de las catorce provincias (The fourteen provinces tenement), El cantar de los tangos (The singing of the tangos), La borrachera del tango (Tango's drunkenness), Tarantini y Cía (Tarantini and Company), with Antonio Botta; Con esta...sí (With this one...yes), Atención al fogonazo (Beware of the spark), Hasta el San Martín no para (He doesn't stop till the San Martín) referring to the San Martín Theater, with Pascual Contursi, Telones y Bambalinas (Stage and curtains) and Del tango al Charleston (From tango to Charleston).
He has released recordings with many experimental and noise music concerns such as Resipiscent Records (from San Francisco, California, USA) , Dolor Del Estamago (Tijuana, Mexico), DeathBombArc (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Insect (Prague, Czech Republic) and many others. In addition to composing music for large and small ensembles, Boehringer performs often as a soloist. Notable in much of Boehringer's live performance is dark humor as expressed through costumes, theatrical devices, and bizarre textural program notes and descriptions of his work, such as "feedback driven yodel triggers presented simultaneously with carnastic arrays". As one of his alter-egos, Core of the Coalman, Boehringer has shared concerts with some of the most diverse experimental bands and artists including Gowns, Rubber O Cement, Deerhoof, Ikue Mori, Luciano Chessa, Badgerlore, Ramon Sender, Tralphaz, Sixes, the Breezy Days Band, Xome, Jessica Rylan, 0th, Bulbs, and Joshua Churchill to name a few.
In addition to founding the Mayagüez Zoo, Puerto Rico's only zoological garden, it was named after him in 1998. He discovered over a hundred animal species, particularly amphibians and reptiles. He was the founder and first president of the Puerto Rico Zoological Society, as well as of the Association of Island Marine Laboratories. In addition to writing over 200 papers and articles, he wrote numerous books, including: :Los coquíes de Puerto Rico :El Coquí Dorado de Puerto Rico y otras Ranas de Hábitos Reproductivos Peculiares :Anfibios y Reptiles de Puerto Rico :Anfibios y Reptiles de Nuestro Folklore :Los Machos, las Hembras y los Intersexos :Biología del Sexo :Principios de Evolución Orgánica :Los Helechos Cuernos de Alce o Platicerios :Salientia de Venezuela :Expedición de la UPR a las Selvas del Alto Orinoco 1950 :El Dolor de la Espalda Baja He wrote the Phi Sigma Alpha "Brindis" or toast.
Writing on the influence of Hollywood movies on women in Cuba, Soravilla noted that the effect was clearly seen among all sections of women, irrespective of their class distinction. It had an effect on the maids also who, in particular, during their break period from work, would present themselves with makeup in a charming and appealing way. In her novel Cuando libertan los esclaves published in 1936, Soravilla has one of the female characters express her inability to break a marriage even though her husband was abusive, considering the negative approach in the society towards divorce, particularly because of the high status of her parents in the society. In another novel titled El dolor de-vivir published in 1932, Soravilla has brought out, in a conversational mode between a female activist and her writer friend, the changing approach in a society women from a fashionable lady to a political activist whose writings about feminist movement made her very popular.
Canudo, he explains, is like himself the son of an officer in the Guardia Civil, and has written articles defending this organisation, making him popular with its members. As the book does not deal with matters of law, he cannot give a general ruling on its merit but in his personal opinion it is a good novel, Canudo excelling in a style which contains ironic truths. Primitivo ends with the wish that the literary critics will get as much pleasure out of it as he has himself when reading it during hours of sharp pain and gloomy moments of sickness [“¡Quiera Dios que la censura de los maestros corre parejas con el gusto con que yo la he leído, en horas de amargo dolor y en ratos de tenebrosa dolencia!”]. Primitivo's condition rapidly worsened at the end of the summer and during the first week in September various newspapers reported that he was gravely ill and had been given the last rites.
In the beginning of the year he also lost his brother, who committed suicide.Quizás no sea el mejor momento para jugar (Perhaps this is not the best moment to play); ESPN Deportes, 22 January 2006 (in Spanish) Lux signed a four-year deal with RCD Mallorca for the 2007–08 season, as a backup to youth graduate Miguel Ángel Moyá, but benefitted from an injury to the latter to appear in ten La Liga matches during the campaign. In his second year, the same occurred: Moyá was again downed with physical problems and Lux was promoted to starter,Moyá: "No aguantaba el dolor y era mejor parar" (Moyá: "I could not take the pain and it was better to stop"); Diario AS, 3 November 2008 (in Spanish) but lost his job in January 2009 with the signing of Dudu Aouate from Deportivo de La Coruña. In the following two seasons, Lux was almost exclusively restricted to Copa del Rey matches with Mallorca, only making a combined five league appearances.

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