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"croup" Definitions
  1. a disease of children that makes them cough (= force air through the throat noisily) a lot and have difficulty breathingTopics Health problemsc2

274 Sentences With "croup"

How to use croup in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "croup" and check conjugation/comparative form for "croup". Mastering all the usages of "croup" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They diagnosed the baby with croup and gave them a steroid treatment typical for croup.
Croup hasn't always taken such a meager toll, of course.
Kids are given epinephrine when the croup is more severe.
Croup is the perfect vector for anxiety and overzealous care.
"Symptoms and treatment of croup" into the Google query box.
Her other child, 3-year-old Aza, battled high fevers and croup.
But croup can come in many forms, some far deadlier than others.
Less frequently, measles can lead to blindness, croup, mouth ulcers, ear infections, or severe diarrhea.
Yet the study found no effect on respiratory infections, including ear infections, croup and wheezing.
One in eight are put on antibiotics, despite the fact that croup is almost always viral.
In the present day, with the benefit of modern vaccinations, these types of croup are very rare.
But even taken in this broader context, croup appears to be a suck on clinicians' time and resources.
Inpatient admission for croup is very rare; it represents no more than 21 or 4 percent of cases seen by clinicians.
Both nights the diagnosis was the same: Our kids had croup—that blight on children under 5 (and almost no one else).
Moments later, on the pediatrics ward, a preverbal toddler hospitalized with croup spotted Max and came charging down the hall squealing with delight.
" Thinking back on my own experience, it's pretty clear my son had mild croup; my daughter's case may have been classed as "moderate.
At the trials, Vollmer's son came down with a fever and a cough that turned into croup, which he passed on to his parents.
If you've heard of croup, you may think you know what's going on, that it's nothing serious, that it isn't worth your feeling panic.
Dr. Anne, Medicine Woman suspects croup and sends Matthew to go fetch a doctor while she rushes back to the Barry home with her friend.
One official writeup in the journals pegs the rate of death from croup at 0.0001 percent, which is to say: 1 case in a million.
Those who study coughs in children also distinguish the barking cough of croup, and the paroxysmal cough of whooping cough, with or without its characteristic whoop.
The Stephans consulted a family friend, who is a nurse, and she suggested Ezekiel might have croup—a respiratory infection that can usually be treated at home.
In the old days, when the illness was still described with the (as in "this child has the croup"), its course was understood to be quite grave.
Yet as we've seen, the number of kids who die from croup is minuscule; and just a tiny fraction are deemed to be in any danger whatsoever.
In the US, more than 26,33 kids (most below the age of 23) are admitted to the hospital for croup every year, at a cost of $2000 million.
But he wasn't really worried by the fact that, according to this study, three-quarters of all kids who show up at the ER with croup are given dexamethasone.
Children typically show choking signs after inhaling something, but if the object isn't found found, symptoms can appear similar to recurrent croup (an upper respiratory infection with cough) and asthma.
Ezekiel had already been sick for over two weeks with what his parents believed was croup and the flu when suddenly he stopped breathing, prompting his parents to call an ambulance.
One of Johnson's studies in Alberta found that about 85 percent of kids who show up with croup at general emergency departments turn out to have a "mild" form of the condition.
Collet told police she'd assumed Ezekiel, who'd been dealing with a runny nose and fever in February 2012, had a respiratory infection called croup, and that natural remedies seemed to be helping him.
And yet Lila Grace, now 21 months, was curled up with her head tucked in my shoulder, fingers pinching my skin, as she struggled with that painful barking cough that comes with croup.
In all that time, she said, she saw maybe 10 instances of croup—out of "thousands" in all—in which the child appeared to be in real trouble, with slowed respiration and signs of cyanosis.
Your kid with croup may start coughing like a wounded seal; she may wheeze or make a grating sound while breathing in; and the skin around her ribs and chest could well retract with every breath.
When it detects one, a camera mounted on the stable "croup" area on the back half of the dog (look it up) takes a picture and immediately uploads it to Facebook via an attached mobile data dongle.
"We have a dogged adversary, who is tough, drawing from a breeding ground that is favorable to him because the population is isolated," Colonel Nicolas James, Commander of Desert Tactical Croup Belleface, told Reuters at its base in Gao.
But now that I'm a grown-up, and looking after a pair of tiny tracheas, I know croup to be a very modern, terrifying syndrome: A seizing of a child's respiratory tract, often coming on at night, and manifesting as a queer distress.
The couple were found guilty in April following a highly publicized trial, during which the jury heard they used naturopathic remedies to treat their 19-month-old son Ezekiel, who had been showing symptoms of what the couple believed was croup or the flu.
I'm sure that if she'd run us through the stats on croup—if she'd told us that it's almost never truly dangerous, that it resolves itself and rarely worsens over time—the conversation would have eased our sleep in the absence of any medicine.
According to the University of Calgary's David Johnson, one-quarter to one-third of all kids who come into an emergency department are suffering from some form of respiratory distress; and he guesses that croup specifically accounts for 3 to 5 percent of all ER visits by children.
If you'd mentioned croup to me not long ago, before my kids were born, I'd have thought it was an antiquated term, one of those conditions that has either been renamed by modern medicine or vaccinated into history—an exhibit in the same museum as pleurisy or dropsy or catarrh.
Perhaps more realistic (but still not that dire) is an estimate from the University of Calgary professor and noted croup scholar David W. Johnson: He and his colleagues have presumed, through what he told me was a process of "smoking a cigar and waving it" and "an extrapolation from an extrapolation," that 1 in 1513,000 child-patients dies from the condition.
Usage varies from animal to animal. Birds and cattle are said to have a rump and tailhead. Dogs are said to have a rump and dock. Horses are said to have a croup"How do I...Identify Parts of the Horse" Arabian Horse Association(croup)"Body parts of the horse" (Croup)"Identifying Horse parts and markings for Dummies" (Croup) (sometimes rump),"Learning the parts of the horse" American Miniature Horse Association (uses rump or croup) thigh or haunch, buttock, and dock.
Laryngeal diphtheria can lead to a characteristic swollen neck and throat, or "bull neck". The swollen throat is often accompanied by a serious respiratory condition, characterized by a brassy or "barking" cough, stridor, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing; and historically referred to variously as "diphtheritic croup", "true croup", or sometimes simply as "croup". Diphtheritic croup is extremely rare in countries where diphtheria vaccination is customary. As a result, the term "croup" nowadays most often refers to an unrelated viral illness that produces similar but milder respiratory symptoms.
Parts of the horse Quarter marks in checkerboard pattern on a horse's croup In horse anatomy, the croup refers specifically to the topline of the horse's hindquarters and surrounding musculature, beginning at the hip, extending proximate to the sacral vertebrae and stopping at the dock of the tail (where the coccygeal vertebrae begin). Below the croup is the thigh or haunch. Behind the thigh is the buttock. On horses appearing in parades and other public ceremonies, the croup may be decorated with a pattern in the horse's hair, formed by applying hair gel or spray, then brushing patches of hair in opposite directions.
The back and especially the loin should be well- muscled. The croup and thigh should have good angles and be well-muscled. The croup may be somewhat sloping. The forequarters of the horse should be well- muscled with a wide and deep chest.
This Greater Swiss Mountain Dog has strong, well-muscled shoulders; straight, strong forelegs; slightly sloping pasterns and well-rounded feet. The neck is of moderate length, strong, muscular and clean. The topline is level from the withers to the croup - the croup is the fused sacral vertebrae that form the roof of the pelvis and the first few vertebrae of the tail. The croup is long, broad and smoothly rounded to the tail insertion.
Inflammation of the trachea is known as tracheitis, usually due to an infection. It is usually caused by viral infections, with bacterial infections occurring almost entirely in children. Most commonly, infections occur with inflammation of other parts of the respiratory tract, such as the larynx and bronchi, known as croup, however bacterial infections may also affect the trachea alone, although they are often associated with a recent viral infection. Viruses that cause croup are generally the parainfluenza viruses 1-3, with influenza viruses A and B also causing croup, but usually causing more serious infections; bacteria may also cause croup and include Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis.
CHEST - Largo. SHOULDERS - Broad and muscular. BELLY - A little bulky. CROUP - High, the protruding hips and muscular.
Internally, it has been used for weak pulse, vegetable poisons (shoot), feverish colds, pneumonia, croup, heart conditions, and cardiac arrest.
Back straight and powerful. Strong, broad, muscular loin. Croup slightly inclined. Chest deep, ribs moderately sprung, back ribs proportionately long.
Specifically, the withers should be well-developed but not appear exaggerated or considerably higher than the highest point of the croup. In evaluating the hindquarters of the Campolina, the croup should be quite full, though not overly muscular except in stallions. In those animals used for Dressage however, the preferred build goes against the breed standard. Dressage horses are preferred to have an "uphill build" where the croup slightly lower than the withers. The tail of this breed should exit the rump at around the 1 o’clock position.
1958: Headed a team that isolated some of the viruses that cause croup while working in The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.
122 In young children when it affects the trachea it may produce the symptoms of croup due to the small size of their airways.
Gases and other drugs used in anaesthesia include oxygen, nitrous oxide, helium, xenon, volatile anaesthetic agents. Medication for asthma, croup, cystic fibrosis and some other conditions.
The neck is set on quite high, and the shoulders are uniformly long and powerful. The carriage of the head and the level croup with high-set tail distinguish the harness horses from their riding-type relatives. The longer back, more open loin, and flatter croup enable the hindlegs and forelegs to work independently and with great action. By comparison, the harness horse appears to stand higher off the ground.
Its thorax is wide and its croup oblique. It is a quite nervous and resistant horse used to corral cattle. Known specimens are Lobo, Lobito, Olivito and Fogoso.
The chest is deep, with a broad, muscular breast. The croup is wide and powerfully muscled. The hooves are hard and strong. There are two main types of Trait du Nord.
She gives Door to Croup and Vandemar, in exchange for the magical spear she needs to hunt and slay the great Beast of London. Croup and Vandemar, with Door captive, travel downward, while Richard, the Marquis, and Hunter travel at a slower pace, all toward the great labyrinth through which they need to pass to reach Islington. In this labyrinth the Beast of London dwells. Hunter and Richard battle it, with Richard being the only survivor.
His croup was long, wide and well muscled. His color was chestnut. He had a white star on his forehead and on the left hind leg a white sock.Berry, Barbara J. (1979).
Virtually square-shaped, withers that are not raised too high, slightly convex loins with well developed muscles breadthways, broad, long, very muscular, oblique croup, ample, deep chest descended to the elbows or lower.
The two return to the Museum and go below to reunite with Hunter. In the meantime, the Marquis seeks out Croup and Vandemar, exchanging a priceless Tang dynasty figurine for information regarding who ordered the murder of Door's family. The true price for this information, however, is his life; Croup and Vandemar capture, torture, and kill him, breaking the one-hour "head start" agreement that was part of their deal with the Marquis. Door, Richard, and Hunter proceed onward to the dwelling of the Black Friars.
Joseph O'Dwyer Joseph O'Dwyer (October 12, 1841 – January 7, 1898) was an American physician. He developed a valuable system of intubation in diphtheria cases. O'Dwyer is often cited as the "father of laryngeal intubation in croup".
274 Other historians say he fell from a cliff. Pushmataha died of croup, even though the disease usually only afflicts infants and young children. Apuckshunubee's successor was Robert Cole and later Greenwood LeFlore. Pushmataha's successor was Nittakechi.
Racemic epinephrine has historically been used for the treatment of croup. Regular epinephrine however works equally well. Racemic adrenaline is a 1:1 mixture of the two isomers of adrenaline. The L-form is the active component.
In bird anatomy, the rump is the body immediately above the tail. The color of plumage on the rump is a characteristic widely used by ornithologists to distinguish between related species, and sometimes also between males and females of the same species. Similarly, the silhouette of the tailfan is a characteristic widely used for purposes of identification, particularly in the field. Some birds have a food reservoir pouch in the esophagus that is known as a croup (or crop), which should not be confused with the croup (rump) of a horse.
The heights of horses surveyed in 1623, measured not at the withers but at the highest point of the croup, which provides a height measurement significantly different from standard measures, ranged between , the taller animals being the horses of officers. Only the horses owned by Colonel Herman Fleming were taller, with a croup measurement of . It is not known if these horses were domestic crossbreeds or imported. The average height of the horses of the troops of Hollola, Pori and Raseborg was only one year, but those in the next year's survey were .
Strong hindquarters define the breed as a small draught horse, "designed for strength and power, but with class, presence and style." They are sometimes described as having an "apple butt" as the croup is well rounded and "very generous, smooth and broad". Poorly-muscled hindquarters or a too- sloping rump are unacceptable. The line measuring the length of the hip should also be horizontal; if the tailhead falls below the horizontal line intersecting the point of the hip, the horse's "hip/croup will be approaching too steep an angle for the Gypsy Vanner".
In England, it was known as Boulogne sore throat, as it spread from France. In 1826, Pierre Bretonneau gave the disease the name diphthérite (from Greek diphthera "leather") describing the appearance of pseudomembrane in the throat.Bretonneau, Pierre (1826) Des inflammations spéciales du tissu muqueux, et en particulier de la diphtérite, ou inflammation pelliculaire, connue sous le nom de croup, d'angine maligne, d'angine gangréneuse, etc. [Special inflammations of mucous tissue, and in particular diphtheria or skin inflammation, known by the name of croup, malignant throat infection, gangrenous throat infection, etc.
"Welch Bertram S. & Martin Annie" in Register of Marriages for West Ham Registration District, vol. 4a (March quarter, 1913), p. 43 In 1919, when Lynn was two years old, she fell ill with diphtheritic croup and nearly died.
The croup is rounded, with a thick, low-set tail. The breed's legs tend to be straight, with good, dense bone that makes them sound and sturdy.Dutson, pp. 287–290 Domesticated Chincoteagues are considered intelligent and willing to please.
A Stabyhoun's body should be powerful with well-rounded ribs. Its back is straight with the croup sloping slightly. The loin is powerful, and the belly is only moderately tucked up. The tail is long, reaching to the hock.
The Ukrainian Riding Horse is muscular and solidly built, with high withers, a broad deep chest, a long straight back, a long sloping croup and strong legs well set on. The head is well proportioned, with a straight profile.
The forehead is wide, the ears medium-sized and mobile. This breed has a strong neck and high, oblique muscular croup and a straight and strong back. The tendons and joints are well defined. The legs are strong and structured.
"The Azteca horse". Both sexes usually weigh from . The facial profile of the breed is straight or convex and the neck slightly arched. Overall, they are well-muscled horses, with broad croup and chest, as well as long, sloping shoulders.
After Richard is tortured by Croup and Vandemar, Door agrees to open the door, but she uses the copy of the key Richard won. The key does not open the door to Heaven, but instead to somewhere else, as far away as she could imagine, presumably to Hell. Islington, Croup and Vandemar are all sucked through the gateway before Door closes it. Door then uses the Black Friars' real key to allow Richard to travel back to London Above, where he finds himself restored to his normal life as it was before he first met Door.
Hambletonian had an unusual build, being low at the withers (15.1 ¼ hh) but high at the croup (15.3 ¼). This length of hind leg provided a great deal of thrust with each stride, and he passed both characteristics on to all his get.
The Cherokee also eat the plant as a spring tonic, for colds and for croup. They also use the warm juice for earaches. The Ojibwa use a decoction as a quick-acting emetic.Densmore, Frances 1928 Uses of Plants by the Chippewa Indians.
The Kalmyk is said to resemble the Kirgiz horse, though taller, with a longer neck, steeper shoulder, and a less steep croup. Their height averages , and some individuals may pace. They are sturdy with good endurance and able to withstand extremes of temperature.
The neck medium in length, strong, with a slight dewlap. Topline sloping slightly upward from withers to hindquarters. Chest well-developed, long, moderately wide, and well let-down with a slight tuck-up. It has a long, fairly straight croup and solid back.
Its back is broad and well supported. Its loins are slightly arched. The hips give a slight inclination to its croup, which is well muscled. Its chest is broad and long, rather let down so that the sternal line arrives at elbow level.
The neck is thick and strong and the thorax wide, the withers are quite high and the croup tends to be oblique. Its color varies but the predominant one is gold. The most known stallions are 16 Doradito, 5 Tuerto, 49, 51, Proyectil and Erizo.
In the last fifty years, Ardennes horses have begun to be bred into the existing stock. They have long bodies, wide chests, and a narrow, sloping croup. Their hind legs are often cow-hocked. Mezen horses come in bay, black, sorrel, brown, and gray coats.
The breed consists of two subtypes, the Adaev and the Dzhab or Jabe. The Dzhabe developed in the southern districts of Aktubinsk. They have a heavy head, thick, short neck, and deep chest. They have a straight back, strong legs and a well-muscled croup.
They have an average-sized head with a straight profile, a good neck, and prominent withers. Their chest is deep, the shoulders sloping and well-muscled, the back is long and straight and the croup sloping. They have muscular legs with hard, well-formed hooves.
Bicopoulos D, editor. AusDI: Drug information for the healthcare professional, 2nd edition. Castle Hill: Pharmaceutical Care Information Services; 2002. Pseudoephedrine is also indicated for vasomotor rhinitis, and as an adjunct to other agents in the optimum treatment of allergic rhinitis, croup, sinusitis, otitis media, and tracheobronchitis.
The neck is well arched and connects smoothly to a sloping shoulder. The legs are straight with clean, flat bone and hard hooves. They have a short back with well sprung ribs and a relatively level croup with a high carried tail. They normally stand and weigh .
A number of characteristic coughs exist. While these have not been found to be diagnostically useful in adults, they are of use in children. A barky cough is part of the common presentation of croup. A staccato cough has been classically described with neonatal chlamydial pneumonia.
The croup is sloped, and the tail is characteristically set low on the body. From the rear view they are usually "rafter hipped" meaning the muscling of the hip tapers up so the backbone is the highest point. Hooves are small and upright rather than flat.
Respirovirus is a genus of viruses in the order Mononegavirales, in the family Paramyxoviridae. Rodents and human serve as natural hosts. There are currently seven species in this genus including the type species Murine respirovirus. Diseases associated with this genus include: croup and other acute febrile respiratory tract infections.
The current boathouse is located on the south-eastern tip of Hayling island on Sandy Point. The building was constructed in 1975 on land leased from the Coldeast and Tachbury Mount Croup Hospital Group. The current boathouse is the third location the station has used on Hayling island.
This plant had many uses among Native Americans. The Cherokee used it as an expectorant and a diuretic, and for inflammation, croup, and common cold. The Chippewa used preparations of the root to treat convulsions and bleeding wounds. The Cree chewed the root for sore throat and toothache.
The Black Forest Horse is a draft horse of light to medium weight, well muscled and with a short and powerful neck. The head is short and dry, the shoulders sloped, and the croup broad and muscular. The legs are clean, without feathering, and the hooves broad and strong.
A black Percheron The head has a straight profile, broad forehead, large eyes and small ears. The chest is deep and wide and the croup long and level. The feet and legs are clean and heavily muscled. The overall impression of the Percheron is one of power and ruggedness.
Judging from the Roman nose and rounded croup with a low tail set illustrated in these paintings, the opposite of traits associated with Arabian ancestry, the horse used as a model in some paintings was likely of Andalusian descent.Loch, S. 1986. The Royal Horse of Europe. J. A. Allen.
In severe cases, a grey or white patch develops in the throat. This can block the airway and create a barking cough as in croup. The neck may swell in part due to enlarged lymph nodes. A form of diphtheria which involves the skin, eyes or genitals also exists.
The Manipuri Pony has a light head with a straight profile, set on a well-formed neck, somewhat pronounced withers, a deep chest and sloping shoulders. The croup is sloping, the legs sturdy and the hooves well-proportioned. The overall appearance is elegant. Manipuri ponies generally stand high.
Sahelian goat is a small sized animal. They are thin in appearance with narrow body, shallow chest and sloping short croup. They have stiff short hair with variety of colors. Their color vary from pure white, cream to red, black or gray sprinkled or pied, gray, brown or black.
A pony shown with quarter marks Closeup of quarter marks in a checkerboard pattern on a horse's croup Quarter marks are a type of ornamentation on a horse seen in certain types of exhibition or competition. Typically, these marks are found on the croup of the animal and are created by combing its hair in different directions, creating contrasting areas.Global Horse Culture: Quarter Marks The classic design was created by hand-creating each square with a small brush or comb. However, in modern times, they can also be created quite quickly by use of a stencil lain on a given area with the exposed hair brushed in a different direction than other growth.
The Barb is a light riding horse noted for its stamina. It has a powerful front end, high withers, short back, a sloping croup, and carries its tail low. It is hardy with clean legs and sound hooves. It does not have particularly good gaits, but gallops like a sprinter.
The selective breeding that created the Soviet Heavy Draft resulted in a massively-built horse with free-moving gaits. It has a straight or convex profile, and a short neck. The torso is wide and muscular, with a wide strong back and a muscular sloping croup. The abdomen is rounded.
The back is long, and generally straight, although it can be slightly dipped, and the croup rounded, long and muscled. The legs are short, solid, and muscular with broad, strong joints and well-formed hooves. Defects occasionally shown include a coarse head and an excessively dipped back."Lithuanian Heavy Draught" .
The back is straight, strong and firm. The loins are short, strong and deep. The croup is broad, of medium length, and slightly rounded, neither flat nor falling away. The chest is roomy, broad and deep (approximately 50% of the shoulder height) with a well-developed forechest and well sprung ribs.
The neck is muscular, the mane thick. The shoulder is fairly straight, the withers high and the croup short but muscular. The legs are short, strong and reasonably well conformed, the joints are broad, the hooves are strong but tend to be cylindrical. The action is lively and sure-footed.
The girth is deep. The back is generally shorter in modern Mérens than in the traditional version, where horses with long, strong backs were preferred for use as pack horses. The croup is well-muscled and the tail low-set. The legs are strong and solid, with well-defined joints.
Sandalwoods have good endurance, and are considered easy to manage. They should have a nice head with small ears, a short, muscular neck, and a deep chest with a sloping shoulder. The back is usually long, and the croup is sloping. The ponies are usually and may be any color.
The facial profile may be straight or slightly convex. Withers are moderate in height, and the shoulder is to be "long and sloping". The standard considers a very short back, deep girth and muscular coupling over the loins as desirable. The croup is rounded, neither too flat nor goose-rumped.
The neck is muscular, with a slight arch, leading into long, sloping shoulders and a muscular chest. The back is short and the hindquarters muscular and broad. The croup is slightly sloping and rounded, with a high-set tail. The ideal Spotted Saddle Horse resembles a "smaller, slightly stockier Tennessee Walking Horse".
The Canadian horse has a rather short, high-set head with a broad forehead. The neck is arched and graceful, and the chest, back and loins broad and strongly muscled. The shoulders and croup are sloping, with a relatively high-set tail. Overall, the breed gives the impression of strength and agility.
The shoulders and croup are long and the back short. Welaras are used mainly in English riding, especially in hunter classes. They are also seen in show jumping, three-day eventing, pleasure driving and as general leisure riding horses. Welara/Thoroughbred crosses are popular mounts for riders competing in hunter and jumper classes.
Some morphological traits remain the same throughout the breed. The forehead is broad, and the facial profile is straight or convex. The neck is strong and rather long, well connected to the withers, and the back straight. The croup is elongated, muscular and slightly oblique, and the powerful hindquarters are an asset in show jumping.
The muzzle is wide and the straight lines of the head often border on convex. The neck is powerful and usually crested, and is set high on strong shoulders. The withers are not high, and the back, while long, has a strong loin. The hindquarters are broad and deep and the croup is level.
These ponies stand between high. They can be gray, buckskin, dun or bay, have primitive markings such as dorsal and zebra stripes, and have partially raised manes. The facial profile is straight or slightly dished, with a prominent jaw. The neck is thick but arched, the girth and shoulders thick, and the croup slightly sloping.
Glycyrrhizin compounds with bactericide effects in vitro were isolated from flowers. The German Commission E describes uses of the plant for respiratory infections. It was also part of the National Formulary in the United States and United Kingdom. The plant has been used in an attempt to treat colds, croup, sunburn and other skin irritations.
Spud wants to go camping and shoot many bears with Jackie, Chubby, and Farina. But his mother has forced him to look after his little brother Wheezer, who has the croup. In caring for his brother he must periodically apply ointment to his chest. He tells his friends he must stay home and grease Wheezer.
The shoulder is often upright. The horse has a deep chest, a sloping croup and long, fine, strong legs with small joints. Its chest is narrow and it is not very deep through the girth, due to the Akhal-Teke influence.Qarabağ atları da əldən gedir... The skin is thin and soft, with a shiny coat.
Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is a medication and hormone. As a medication, it is used to treat a number of conditions, including anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest, asthma, and superficial bleeding. Inhaled epinephrine may be used to improve the symptoms of croup. It may also be used for asthma when other treatments are not effective.
Colorado Ranger horses may be of any color except pinto, and pinto or American Paint Horse breeding is not allowed within five generations of any registered horse's pedigree. They stand high. The breed has a straight facial profile, long, muscular neck and deep chest. The shoulders and croup are sloping, connected by a short back.
It is considered the only breed matured by indigenous people in Canada. The breed has a broad forehead tapering to a refined muzzle. They have cold weather adaptations including small, well-haired ears and nostril flaps able to tighten in bad weather. They have low withers, a short, straight back, sloping croup and a low-set tail.
Daisy becomes ill in the winter and dies of croup because Dr. Hall, Ruth's father-in-law refuses to take Ruth's call for help seriously and fails to attend to the child immediately. Ruth and Harry have two more daughters, Katy and Nettie; then, while Nettie is still an infant, Harry contracts typhoid fever and dies.
The ears should have a good shape and express the desired alert character of the horse. The neck is long, arched and well-muscled, flowing into well-defined withers, and a back that is level and relatively short. The shoulders are deep and sloping to allow for good movement. The croup should be slightly sloping rather than level.
The jaw is deep, the ears small, the eyes large and expressive, and the nostrils flared. They have a neck that is sturdy, yet arched and withers that are low, muscular, and broad. They are a Baroque horse, with a wide, deep chest, broad croup, and muscular shoulder. The tail is carried high and well set.
The shoulder should be long and well positioned. The width of chest is broad and deep, the croup is very muscular. Special attention is placed on correct position of the short legs having strong clean joints and little feathering.Summerhayes, RS, “Horses and Ponies”, Warne & Co, London & New York, 1948 Circumference of cannon bones of mares has to be between .
White markings are minimal, and seasonal color changes are often drastic. The head is small, with thickly-furred ears that are small and quite pointed at the tips. Overall, the body is stocky and muscular, with a deep, narrow chest, short back, sloping croup and low-set tail. The coat and mane are thick, especially in winter.
The Anadolu is a small pony, standing between 12.1 and 13.3 hands high. The head is small and shows refinement. Both convex and concave profiles are found within the breed. The mouth is small and the nostrils are open and flexible, while the withers are somewhat low, the chest is narrow and the croup is sloped.
The head is big and heavy with a deep muzzle. The ears are large, thick, tapered and either droop or fold back exposing the interior, depending on the dog's mood. The neck and back are well muscled and the chest is broad and deep. Unlike the vast majority of canines, the croup is higher than the withers.
At the time of his birth his uncle was First Consul of France and childless. Napoleon Charles was his eldest nephew and seen as a potential heir, but he died before reaching his fifth birthday on 5 May 1807 of croup. Napoleon Charles had two brothers: the youngest, Louis Napoleon, eventually became Emperor as Napoleon III in 1852.
Causes of upper airway obstruction include foreign body aspiration, blunt laryngotracheal trauma, penetrating laryngotracheal trauma, tonsillar hypertrophy, paralysis of the vocal cord or vocal fold, acute laryngotracheitis such as viral croup, bacterial tracheitis, epiglottitis, peritonsillar abscess, pertussis, retropharyngeal abscess, spasmodic croup.Respiratory Emergencies, section Acute Upper Airway Obstruction. From FP Essentials 368. January 2010 by American Academy of Family Physicians.
They have a deep chest that is moderately broad with a muscular fore-chest. The shoulder blades and upper arms are sloping and form a near right angle. The withers are pronounced and the croup slopes gently down the dog. The forelegs are straight with a medium bone, while the hind legs are well feathered, broad, and muscular.
The neck is of medium length, the withers are pronounced, the shoulders sloping, and the chest deep. The back is medium-long and muscular; the croup is long, slightly sloping, and well-muscled. The legs are clean, with broad, flat knees and powerful hocks showing clear definition of tendons and ligaments. The Haflinger has rhythmic, ground-covering gaits.
The Tersk is similar in conformation to the Arab. It has a light head with straight profile; the shoulders are sloped, the chest broad, the back straight, the croup rounded, and the legs slender but strong. The tail is set on high. The skin is fine, as is the hair of the coat, mane and tail.
Although considered a good teacher, he was not known for his writings. System of surgery, Volume 1 by Frederic Shepard Dennis, John Shaw Billings He was one of the first surgeons in Germany to perform tracheotomies for treatment of croup (1848 at Greifswald, five cases). He is also credited for providing an early mention of human pulmonary aspergillosis.
Viewed from the front the ribcage is oval and relatively deep, half from height. The ribcage is also relatively long with well-developed last ribs. The arched neck, distinguishable withers and slightly slanting croup makes the lines of the body very speedy. The underline has only a slight tuck up, which with the long ribcage reflects endurance.
Inspiratory stridor often occurs in children with croup. It may be indicative of serious airway obstruction from severe conditions such as epiglottitis, a foreign body lodged in the airway, or a laryngeal tumor. Stridor should always command attention to establish its cause. Visualization of the airway by medical experts equipped to control the airway may be needed.
The neck is comparatively long, and the withers and croup are prominent. A dorsal ridge extends backward and ends abruptly just before the end of the chest. Their horns grow outward, and curve in a semicircle, but always remain more or less on the plane of the forehead. The tail is short, reaching only to the hocks.
A Sorraia stallion with characteristic convex facial profile. The Sorraia breed stands between high, although some individuals are as small as The head tends to be large, the profile convex, and the ears long. The neck is slender and long, the withers high, and the croup slightly sloping. The legs are strong, with long pasterns and well-proportioned hooves.
Rhinosinusitis is very common among patients with VCD and for many patients, VCD symptoms are ameliorated when the rhinosinusitis is treated. GERD is also common among VCD patients, but only some experience an improvement in VCD symptoms when GERD is treated. Other causes of laryngeal hyperresponsiveness include inhalation of toxins and irritants, cold and dry air, episodic croup and laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR).
The Corsican is a small horse, standing between at the withers and weighing The coat colour may be black, seal brown, or any shade of bay; minimal white markings are tolerated. The head is relatively short, sometimes heavy, with a straight profile. The body is compact, with a short and sloping croup. The legs are fine, with small hard hooves.
In December 1824, Pushmataha acquired a viral respiratory infection, then called the croup. He quickly became seriously ill and was visited by Andrew Jackson. On his deathbed, Pushmataha reflected that the national capital was a good place to die. Pushmataha's chosen assistant also happened to suddenly die on the return journey from Washington, DC to Choctaw lands in present day Mississippi.
Alexander Caseby was born on 19 January 1898 in Lundin Links, Fife, Scotland, as the son of John Caseby, a bootmaker. He had older brothers John, James, David, William, a sister Netta, and a younger brother Angus. He fell sick to three illnesses in early life: croup, measles, and mumps. His father owned a bootmaker's shop, which his family resided above.
The Stabyhoun's coat is long and sleek. Although a slight wave over the croup is permissible, it should never be curly. The hair behind a Stabyhoun's front and rear quarters is longer and fuller, but should never feather. Any curling of the coat suggests that cross- breeding has occurred in a dog's line, and for this reason cannot be considered a purebred Stabyhoun.
Often used to refer to one particular stallions' foals born in the year, but can also refer to a particular owner, an entire breed, or a region or worldwide crop. ;crossbred :A horse that is a cross between two known breeds. Not to be confused with grade, below ;croup :The topline and immediate underlying musculature of the hindquarters.Belknap Horsewords p.
Physically the ESL is somewhat rangy, nearly square in proportion, slightly higher at the withers than at the croup, robust in bone; head shape varies with the regional varieties. Ears are erect and triangular, the tail carried in a curve over the back. The coat is a medium long double coat with straight coarse guard hair and a soft thick undercoat.
Members of the breed have heads of medium length, with a straight or slightly convex profile. Ultra convex and concave profiles are discouraged in the breed, and are penalized in breed shows. Necks are long and broad, running to well-defined withers and a massive chest. They have a short back and broad, strong hindquarters with a well-rounded croup.
Most infections with adenovirus result in infections of the upper respiratory tract. Adenovirus infections often show up as conjunctivitis, tonsillitis (which may look exactly like strep throat and cannot be distinguished from strep except by throat culture), an ear infection, or croup. Adenoviruses, types 40 and 41 can also cause gastroenteritis. A combination of conjunctivitis and tonsillitis is particularly common with adenovirus infections.
The medium to large size long-muzzled head has a straight or slightly convex profile with wide-set eyes. The croup is sloping, the haunches well-muscled, and the back, short with a strong loin. The criollo is tractable, intelligent, willing and sensible. Criollo horses average 14.3 hands high, being the maximum height for stallions and geldings of 14 to 15 hands high.
A crop, or croup, is a thin-walled expanded portion of the alimentary tract used for the storage of food prior to digestion. In some birds it is an expanded, muscular pouch near the gullet or throat. In adult doves and pigeons, the crop can produce crop milk to feed newly hatched birds. Certain insects may have a crop or enlarged esophagus.
Mons conducts a séance to discover Aggie's whereabouts and gains a riddle in return. Box escapes with the aid of Mrs Croup who uses dynamite for fishing. Box finds his way to Aggie only to find Percy Flarge has laid a trap for him. Box is again captured and is put on a train to be transported to London with Aggie.
The Mangalarga Marchador is a medium-sized breed with a silky coat, prominent withers, deep chest, a proportionately-long back, muscular hindquarters, a sloping croup and hard hoofs. Not all coat colours are accepted for registration - appaloosa for example is not. For stallions the ideal height is , with a range for registration from to . The ideal height for mares is , ranging from to .
As a medication, it is used to treat a number of conditions including anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest, and superficial bleeding. Inhaled adrenaline may be used to improve the symptoms of croup. It may also be used for asthma when other treatments are not effective. It is given intravenously, by injection into a muscle, by inhalation, or by injection just under the skin.
The Swiss Warmblood generally stands between 15.1 and 16.2 hands high, and their coat may be any color except pinto and appaloosa. The breed has a well- proportioned head with a straight or slightly convex profile. The chest is broad and deep and the shoulders sloping and long. They have prominent withers, a straight back, and a slightly sloping croup.
The neck is arched and carried high, running into pronounced withers, with a deep chest and muscular, broad, and angular shoulders. Marwaris generally have a long back and sloping croup. The legs tend to be slender and the hooves small but well-formed. Members of the breed are hardy and easy keepers, but they can also be of tenacious and unpredictable temperaments.
The ears are long, wide and well open nostrils. The muzzle is small, and the neck is medium to short, thick, sloping and well connected to shoulders, which are well-sloped. The chest is broad and deep, the back tends to be long, and the croup is slightly sloping. The hoof is wide, but not as strong as it should.
The breed's gaits are agile and elevated, but generally comfortable to ride. The Lusitano differs from the Andalusian through having a more sloped croup, a lower-set tail, and a more convex head profile. The mane and tail are extremely thick in both breeds. Lusitano in a bullfight The ancestors of the Lusitano were originally used for classical dressage, driving and bullfighting on horseback.
The external and internal abdominal obliques are attached to the ribs and pelvic bones, and support the internal organs. The Supraspinous ligament begins at the poll and ends at the croup (sacral vertebrae). It supports the head and neck, and its traction force aids in supporting the weaker thoracic and lumbar areas. It spreads out and attaches to the spines of the cervical vertebrae.
Concerning signs that may require further investigation include stridor, history of radiation therapy to the neck, trouble swallowing, duration of more than three weeks, and a history of smoking. If concerning signs are present the vocal cords should be examined via laryngoscopy. Other conditions that can produce similar symptoms include epiglottitis, croup, inhaling a foreign body, and laryngeal cancer. The acute form generally resolves without specific treatment.
Around age two "Bertie", as he was called during that time, contracted a serious bout of croup, and was momentarily thought to have died until resuscitated by his uncle, John Minthorn.Burner, p. 6. As a young child he was often referred to by his father as "my little stick in the mud" when he repeatedly got trapped in the mud crossing the unpaved street.Burner, p. 7.
Highflyer was a bay stallion with a sock on a hind pastern. The Arabian influence could still be seen in him, having a light overall build, with a small, refined, slightly dished head, an arched neck, short back, relatively flat croup, and high-set tail. His abilities on the track could have been foreseen in his very muscular hindquarters, sloping shoulder, and deep barrel.
A male budgerigar with a full crop after feeding. One greater flamingo-chick in Zoo Basel is fed on crop milk. The crop (serial 4) prominently seen at the beginning of the alimentary canal. A crop (sometimes also called a croup or a craw, or ingluvies) is a thin-walled expanded portion of the alimentary tract used for the storage of food prior to digestion.
Budyonny stallions stand on average , mares . The coat is generally chestnut with a golden sheen, although they may also be bay, gray or black. They have a well-proportioned head with a straight profile, a long neck, pronounced withers, sloping shoulders, a wide, deep chest, a long, straight back, and a slightly sloping croup. Their legs are long and strong with good joints and well-formed hooves.
That evening the child Rosie contracts membranous croup and dies. When Constance arrives home late that night, Douglas refuses to let her into the room, and she says "I am a thousand times more fit to be with her than you." The two drift further apart and, upon the verge of a formal separation, the old family lawyer skillfully plays upon their feelings that a reunification results.
The Calabrese generally stands 16 to 16.2 hands high, and can be bay, brown, black, gray or chestnut. They have a refined head with a straight or slightly convex profile, a well-shaped, muscular neck, prominent withers, long, sloping shoulders, and a broad, deep chest. The back is straight and the croup muscular and sloping. The legs are muscular with strong tendons and well- formed hooves.
Many of these ponies have been exported to Australia, where they have had an influence on the breeding of the Australian Pony. Timor Ponies are strong, frugal, and agile, and have a quiet and willing temperament. The ponies have a narrow frame, short back, muscular neck, prominent withers, and a sloping croup. The shoulders tend to be straight, but the legs and feet are strong.
The Racking Horse is a light riding horse, standing an average of high and weighing around . Overall, the Racking Horse is described as "attractive and gracefully built". The neck is long, the shoulders and croup sloping and the build overall well-muscled. According to the breed standard, the Racking Horse should have slim legs, with good bone and feet large enough to preclude lameness.
The Lokai have well-proportioned heads with straight or slightly convex profiles, set on a long, well-formed neck and sloping, muscular shoulders. The withers are prominent, running into a straight, short back and sloping croup. The legs are solid, clean, and well-muscled. The Lokai generally stands between , and is usually chestnut (often with golden highlights), bay, or gray, although they are occasionally black or dun.
Due to frustration with a failing music business, Kam Moye surprisingly announced that he was leaving the music industry altogether on April 25, 2010. However, in late 2012 he announced he was returning to recording and releasing music under the name Supastition, and released [The Blackboard EP] in early 2013. On February 18, 2014, Supastition dropped a new project Honest Living, which is produced entirely by Croup.
Heliox has been used medically since the early 1930s. It was the mainstay of treatment in acute asthma before the advent of bronchodilators. Currently, heliox is mainly used in conditions of large airway narrowing (upper airway obstruction from tumors or foreign bodies and vocal cord dysfunction). There is also some use of heliox in conditions of the medium airways (croup, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
Despite feeling that women are unsuited to journalism, Fleet Street newspaper editor Frank McSweeney hires Stella Mason as a reporter at the Daily National. Stella starts a hugely popular gossip column, gaining the nickname 'Paper Orchid'. When her husband dies, Lady Croup becomes the new proprietor of the Daily National. She fires Frank and another journalist, 'Johnny' Johnson - both of whom join rival newspaper the World Record.
The Karacabey was a very sound breed with good conformation, showing Arabian influence but with more body mass. They usually stood at 15.1 to 16.1 hands high, and were bay, black, gray, roan, or chestnut. They had a well-proportioned head with a straight profile, set on a slightly arched neck. They had pronounced withers, a wide, deep chest, sloping shoulders, a straight back, and a rounded, muscular croup.
The Kustanair generally stands 15 to 15.1 hands high and the coat can be bay, brown, black, chestnut, gray or roan. The breed has a light head with a straight profile, a muscular neck, and prominent withers. The chest is deep and wide, the shoulder long and sloping, the back long and the croup sloping. The legs are well-muscled and long with clean joints and good hooves.
The withers must be defined but not exaggerated. The Camargue horse has a medium length back, well-supported, and a slightly sloping full croup, well-muscled hindquarters, and a low set, full tail. The Camargue horse has long legs which are well proportioned, strong and resistant, with large knees and hocks. Their hooves are hard and tough, with soles that are large and wide, suited to its original marshy habitat.
Like other heavy warmblood breeds, the Alt-Wurttemburger is good-natured and affable, hard to unnerve but easy to motivate. They stand somewhat smaller than their riding horse counterparts, between 155 and 165 cm at the withers. They are predominantly bay, brown, chestnut, and occasionally grey. The head should be medium-sized, dry and expressive; the body of cob-type substance with a long shoulder and slightly-sloping croup.
Caspian horses generally stand between tall, although better feeding conditions outside of Iran often result in taller specimens. They have a short, fine head with a vaulted forehead, large eyes and short ears. The muzzle is small and the nostrils large and low on the head. Overall the body is slim, with a graceful neck, with sloping shoulders, straight back, good withers and a high-set tail on a level croup.
The Balikun breed stands at high or more, and is most commonly bay or chestnut. They have heavy heads with small ears; the neck is thick, short, and well muscled; withers may be somewhat low; the back is short, flat, and very strong; the croup is sloped with a low-set tail. The shoulder is somewhat straight but muscular. This breed has powerful quarters and strong legs with good feet.
The head is rectangular in shape - quite unremarkable and plain with long ears and a straight profile. The chest is broad and heavy-set with thick muscles; the back is slightly dipped; the shoulders should be well-sloped and the croup only gently so. The horse's legs should be free of excess hair, very strong and thick with good bone. The breed's temperament is described as willing but strong.
The Don usually stands , and may be bay, black, gray or chestnut. They have a clean head with a straight or dished profile, well set onto a well-formed neck, high withers, and a wide, deep chest. Their shoulders can be straight, limiting the length of their stride, but are often well-formed. The back is long and straight, flowing into a croup that is long and sloping.
While in an intimate embrace with her Box has a vision of a ram's head with glowing eyes. Box then discovers that Captain Corpusty intends to betray him to the police and he escapes, taking Aggie with him. Aggie is wounded, but Box remains free. He witnesses the spectre of the ram's head again and meets Mrs Croup who has an intense and unhealthy interest in famous murderers.
Ideally, the horse is characterized by a noble expression, with long- lined and correct conformation. The head is dry, expressive, and aesthetically appealing though need not have out of the ordinary refinement. The topline is long, generous, and slightly curved featuring a medium-length neck set on rather high, a stark, laid-back wither and long sloping shoulder. The loin is well-muscled, the croup is long, slightly tilted, and muscular.
He listened to the heart and focused on problems of the heartbeat and unusual sounds, but he failed to link them to any specific ailment. Shortly after, René Laennec (1781-1826) invented the stethoscope and developed aided auscultation. He wrote two books and many reports, for example about diseases like croup and cholera. In 1832 he co- founded the Académie Nationale de Médecine with Antoine Portal (1742-1832).
Patrick Bolitho, a two-year-old boy, was suffering from croup. He was admitted into St Bartholomew's Hospital and was placed under the care of Dr Horn (the senior registrar) and Dr Rodger. Dr Rodger was concerned and arranged for him to be nursed by a special nurse on a one-to-one basis. Patrick had two respiratory episodes where he went pale and his breathing became "noisy".
The profile of the breed's head is usually flat or somewhat concave, becoming slightly convex from the nasal region to the top of the muzzle. The forehead is wide and the eyes set well apart. The breed typically has a slight ewe neck, and the neck is attached low on the chest compared to many other breeds. The withers are pronounced, the back short and strong, and the croup steeply angled.
The height at the withers is 3–4 cm higher than at the croup. A Bakhmull's gait should be easy and springy. Prescribed hunting behavior: Searching for prey, a Bakhmull walks or jog-trots. After seeing the game, it immediately starts galloping fast with a whole-body run (a full stretch, contracting to a ball and again to a full stretch like a string with a flexure on the waist).
The shoulder is muscular and tends to be straight, the chest is broad with substantial muscle, the girth is deep and the back is short, straight and muscular, sometimes slightly concave. The croup is broad and sloping, and the tail is set low. The legs are solid, strong and muscular, the hooves broad and strong. Horses with concave profile, long or drooping ears, or poor conformation of the legs are not admitted for registration.
Their average height lies between 1.44 and 1.52 m, the head is proportional to the body with a straight or slightly convex profile and medium-sized or small ears. The neck is quite long and well attached with an abundant mane. The croup is oblique and should be as high as the withers. Overall it is a compact, medium-sized, squared horse with well- defined musculature and a healthy and strong constitution.
Malopolski horses generally stand from high, and may be bay, black, chestnut, gray, or roan, although chestnut and bay are the most common colors. Their head is well proportioned with a straight profile, a neck of good length, withers prominent, the chest wide and deep, and the shoulder sloping and long. The back is long and the croup slightly sloping. The legs are well-muscled and long, with good joints and tough hooves.
The Heihe breed has good, uniform conformation and a willing, obedient nature. The head is medium in size with a straight profile, the eye is large and open, and the ears are long. The neck is medium in length and wide at the base; the withers are high; the croup tends to be short; the limbs are strong with long forearms and short cannons. The hock is usually not straight enough in this breed.
The normal variation of blood pressure during breathing/respiration is a decline in blood pressure during inhalation and an increase during exhalation. Pulsus paradoxus is a sign that is indicative of several conditions, including cardiac tamponade, chronic sleep apnea, croup, and obstructive lung disease (e.g. asthma, COPD). The paradox in pulsus paradoxus is that, on physical examination, one can detect beats on cardiac auscultation during inspiration that cannot be palpated at the radial pulse.
As the disease progresses, occurrence of secondary symptoms such as dysphagia, pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, failure to thrive, and recurrent upper respiratory infections can be diagnosed. The risk of laryngeal papillomatosis spreading to the lungs is higher in the juvenile-onset than the adult-onset. In children, symptoms are usually more severe and often mistaken for manifestations of other diseases such as asthma, croup or bronchitis. Therefore, diagnosis is usually delayed.
The Altai has a head with a slightly dished profile, set on a relatively short neck. They have a strong back, a well-developed croup, and short cannon bones. They stand an average of 13.2 - 13.3 hands high, and their coat colors are chestnut, bay, black, gray, and sometimes leopard spotted. Crossing Altais with other breeds usually results in larger, stronger horses that still retain the healthiness and easy management of the Altai.
Mrs Croup assists him in reaching St Beads nunnery, where Aggie was raised. There Box discovers that Olympus Mons and his amber shirted thugs have arrived first and witnesses them murder several nuns while seeking Aggie. Box is discovered and taken prisoner. Mons and Pandora Box reveal that Aggie is descended from Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene and from a long line of descendants who have been raised to be perfect sacrifices.
Apart from respiratory involvement, illnesses and presentations of adenovirus include gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, and rash illness. Symptoms of respiratory illness caused by adenovirus infection range from the common cold syndrome to pneumonia, croup, and bronchitis. Patients with compromised immune systems are especially susceptible to severe complications of adenovirus infection. Acute respiratory disease (ARD), first recognized among military recruits during World War II, can be caused by adenovirus infections during conditions of crowding and stress.
A small band of Nokota horses, showing several common colors of the breed The Nokota horse has an angular frame with prominent withers, a sloped croup, and a low set tail. Members of the breed are often blue roan, which is a color rare in other breeds, although black and gray are also common. Less common colors include red roan, bay, chestnut, dun, grullo and palomino. Pinto patterns such as overo and sabino occur occasionally.
Penguins: Though flightless, a penguins' wings can be used as flippers to beat handlers. Penguins must be grasped at the base of the head from behind, so as to avoid the sharp, fish catching beak. Another way to capture large penguins is to cover them in a trash can with a hole in the bottom. Ostrich, emu, and cassowaries: Large members of this croup have pecking beaks and long legs used to kick.
After offending Lady Croup, Stella also loses her job. When Stella's tenant is murdered, circumstantial evidence builds up against her. She takes the story to Frank, hoping that the World Record will give her a job in return for the scoop. When he tries to force her to publish it under her own by-line she takes it to the Daily National, where its crime reporter Freddy Evans is asked to investigate it.
He was not born into a wealthy family. His parents ran a shop selling knitted goods. His parents were deeply affected by the death in quick succession of their three elder children from croup, and Jules was sent away to live with an aunt in Bernissart for a few years, before returning to Ghent where the educational possibilities were better. There was nothing about his early years to mark him out as a future top politician.
The breed comes in many coat colors, including chestnut, dun, bay, black, gray, palomino, pinto and roan. There are over 100 names for various colors and color patterns in the Icelandic language. They have well-proportioned heads, with straight profiles and wide foreheads. The neck is short, muscular, and broad at the base; the withers broad and low; the chest deep; the shoulders muscular and slightly sloping; the back long; the croup broad, muscular, short and slightly sloping.
8 These acts required householders and/or general practitioners to report cases of infectious disease to the local sanitary authority. The following diseases were covered by the acts: smallpox, cholera, diphtheria, membranous croup. erysipelas, scarlatina or scarlet fever, typhus fever, typhoid fever, enteric fever, relapsing fever, continued fever and puerperal fever. Householders or general practitioners who failed to notify a case of one of these diseases was liable to a fine of up to forty shillings.
A unique aspect of the breed is the topline, which rises just slightly from withers to croup, creating a topline that is straight but not level. Renowned for their flashy, lively gait, when on the move, their strong rear drive and slightly shorter upper arm produce a springy motion rather than a far-reaching one. The angle of the topline does not change while moving at a natural gait. The muzzle is full and tapers slightly at the nose.
In 1918, the Argentine breeders decided to create a pure-bred criollos registry, and the breeder's association was then formed in 1923. Much infighting occurred between the bands of Emilio Solanet and Enrique Crotto. The first promoted the Asian type crioulo and the latter the taller African type with a coarse convex head, fallen croup, thinner mane and tail. It was not until 1934 that Dr. Solanet was able to firmly take control of the breeders association.
Dexamethasone is a type of corticosteroid medication. It is used in the treatment of many conditions, including rheumatic problems, a number of skin diseases, severe allergies, asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, croup, brain swelling, eye pain following eye surgery, and along with antibiotics in tuberculosis. In adrenocortical insufficiency, it should be used together with a medication that has greater mineralocorticoid effects such as fludrocortisone. In preterm labor, it may be used to improve outcomes in the baby.
They have an abundant forelock and mane. Their head is relatively large with a wide jaw, the neck is not very long, but described as "strong." The breed tends to be a bit straight in the shoulder with relatively low withers, a somewhat long back and loin, and the croup is sloped with a low-set tail. They have good bone, characterized by an average cannon circumference of , large joints and hooves that are small but strong.
The breed is narrow in the chest, though deep, the shoulders are straight, and the withers pronounced. The back is short, the croup sloping, and the legs long and strong, with small hooves. The breed has good stamina, and a fast, ground-covering, running-walk gait, which is said to be smooth and comfortable to ride. They are strong, able to carry a person all day in heat and over rough terrain, despite their small size.
Baucher also incorporated flexions of the haunches, including rotations of the croup around the shoulders. This intended to teach the horse to keep his haunches straight and to help move them backward in the rein back. The rein back was used to teach the horse to move his whole body mass away from the bit (to increase the power of the hand), and also to help close the angles of the hind legs, which would help increase impulsion.
Infants with vascular rings typically present before 12 months with respiratory or esophageal symptoms like stridor, wheezing, cough, dysphagia, or difficulty feeding. The stridor improves with neck extension, differentiating from laryngomalacia which is relieved by prone or upright positioning, and will not be relieved with corticosteroids or epinephrine, unlike croup. Diagnosis requires a high degree of clinical suspicion and can be confirmed with barium contrast esophagogram for those with esophageal symptoms, bronchoscopy, or CT or MRI.
The death of Apuckshunubbee, together with that of Pushmataha in Washington, DC of the croup that year, meant a major loss in experienced leaders among the three divisions, as each had led since about 1800. His successor was Robert Cole. The Choctaw realized that the election of Andrew Jackson as president in 1828 meant that removal pressure would not relent. They continued to adopt certain assimilation practices and leaders agreed they could not afford military resistance.
The Jutland is typically chestnut, but may also be bay, gray, black, or roan, and frequently has white markings. In the early 1900s, most Jutlands were bay or black, but those colors are now in the minority; chestnut is now considered to be the horse's "national color" and is selectively bred. They generally stand between , and weigh between . The breed has a convex facial profile, a short, arched neck, low withers, a wide chest and straight shoulder, and a slightly sloped croup.
Eventually, however, through the efforts of her daughter Hortense, the two were reconciled. The Divorce of the Empress Josephine in 1809 by Henri Frédéric Schopin When after a few years it became clear she could not have a child, Napoleon, while still loving Joséphine, began to think about the possibility of divorce. The final die was cast when Joséphine's grandson Napoléon Charles Bonaparte, who had been declared Napoleon's heir, died of croup in 1807. Napoleon began to create lists of eligible princesses.
Breton horses are usually about tall, but may range from , depending on type. They usually have a chestnut coat, often with a flaxen mane and tail, but can also be bay, grey, or red or blue roan. Bretons have a well-proportioned head of medium volume with a straight profile and a strong, short neck well-set into muscular withers. The shoulder is long and sloping, the chest broad and muscular, the back short and wide, and the croup sloping.
In radiology, the steeple sign is a radiologic sign found on a frontal neck radiograph where subglottic tracheal narrowing produces the shape of a church steeple within the trachea itself. The presence of the steeple sign supports a diagnosis of croup, usually caused by paramyxoviruses. it can also be defined as the replacement of the usual squared-shoulder appearance of the subglottic area by cone shaped narrowing just distal to the vocal cords. This is called the steeple or pencil-point sign.
The predominant colour of the Hirzai is gray. The head is handsome with a broad forehead; the neck is medium in length, muscular, and arched; the body is compact with a short back and well- muscled loins; the croup is level; the shoulders are well sloped and powerful; the forearms are strong, but the legs lack bone. This is a horse of strength, good conformation, and stamina and it can used for hard and fast work. It usually stands around high.
Restorers opened the hatch on a croup of the horse, surveyed the condition of the internal skeleton, and engaged in complex technical expert appraisal, including gamma-ray examination of the feet of a horse. Lost fragments were recreated, inserts in bronze, granite, and marble were made. Gilding of signs on an inscription by galvanic way was made. In 1991–1992 restorers cast new fencing using the sample of a link which has remained, using funds of the Museum of City Sculpture.
Gelderlanders are typically chestnut, but may be bay, black, or gray. They often have a great deal of white markings on the legs and face in the sabino pattern, and there are a handful of tobianos as well. Their heads are long and flat with a straight or convex profile and the neck is well shaped and muscular with an arch. Their withers are prominent and broad, and their backs are relatively long but running smoothly into a level croup.
Peneias generally stand between 10.1 and 14 hands high, and are usually bay, black, chestnut, or gray, although other colors are seen. They have a well-proportioned head with a convex profile and a well-set neck running into low withers, a wide chest, and muscular, sloping shoulders. They have a short back, sloping croup, and long legs with small, tough hooves. The natural gait of the Peneia breed is fairly stilted, so they are usually taught a smoother gait called the aravani.
HPIV-1 and HPIV-2 may cause cold-like symptoms, along with croup in children. HPIV-3 is associated with bronchiolitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia. HPIV-4 is less common than the other types, and is known to cause mild to severe respiratory tract illnesses. Paramyxoviruses are also responsible for a range of diseases in other animal species, for example canine distemper virus (dogs), phocine distemper virus (seals), cetacean morbillivirus (dolphins and porpoises), Newcastle disease virus (birds), and rinderpest virus (cattle).
Despite its small size, the pony-sized Finnhorse is not a pony, and possesses the same body proportion and movement as the larger sections. A pony-sized Finnhorse must measure no more than 148 cm (14.2-1/2 hands, 58-1/2 inches) at the withers or the croup. Both sexes are also required to pass either a drivability or a ridability test. The horse's pedigree is also evaluated, and uncharacteristically small individuals descending from larger- sized lines are not accepted.
Dole horses generally stand at hands high, weigh , and are usually bay, brown or black, with gray, palomino, chestnut and dun occurring less frequently. White markings may occur on the head and legs, especially on the trotter type. The head is heavy with a straight profile, the neck rather short and muscular, the withers moderately pronounced and broad, the chest wide and deep, and the shoulder strong, muscular and sloping. The back is long and the croup broad, muscular and slightly sloping.
Artemisia afra is a well-known medicinal plant in Africa, and is still used by people of many cultures. A. afra has been used for treating a variety of ailments such as coughs, fevers, colds, chills, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, gastric de- rangements, colic, croup, whooping-cough, gout, asthma, malaria, diabetes, bladder and kidney disorders, influenza, and convulsions. The roots, stems and leaves are used as enemas, poultices, infusions, lotions, inhaled (e.g. smoked or snuffed), or as an essential oil.
In 1860, Eugene Gayot called the mares of the breed "heavy, common, soft and of medium size". Breeders chose horses with large joints, thick coats and a high croup, and had a preference for a black coat color. In 1861, there were concerns that the old-style Poitevin was becoming extinct, and questions about whether the Poitou mule retained the quality that it previously had. The large Poitevin mares became rarer, due to large amounts of crossbreeding and a lack of care shown towards breeding stock selection.
The back is medium-long, solid and elastic with a broad loin, the croup slightly sloped, wide and muscular. The limbs should be correct and dry with great bone strength, very strong joints suited to the horse's size, ending in the all-important well-shaped hooves. At three years the horse is expected to stand between 158 and 165 cm tall, with a canon circumference of 22 to 24 cm. The primary colors are black, seal brown, and dark bay, though bay, chestnut, and grey do occur.
A 2-year-old black male Perro de Presa Mallorquín According to the FCI standard, this dog should be a medium- sized, typical molosser with a slightly rectangular build. It is strong and powerful, with a deep and wide chest and a somewhat slimmer croup. The skin is thick and somewhat loose, but must not form folds except for a minor one on the throat. The head is powerfully built and in males, the circumference of the skull should exceed the height of the dog.
The rump is anterior to the animal's tail (here on a draft horse) The rump or croup, in the external morphology of an animal, is the portion of the posterior dorsum – that is, posterior to the loins and anterior to the tail. Anatomically, the rump corresponds to the sacrum. The tailhead or dock is the beginning of the tail, where the tail joins the rump. It is known also as the base or root of the tail, and corresponds to the human sacrococcygeal symphysis.
Dexamethasone is commonly given as a treatment for croup in children, as a single dose can reduce the swelling of the airway to improve breathing and reduce discomfort. It is injected into the heel when treating plantar fasciitis, sometimes in conjunction with triamcinolone acetonide. It is useful to counteract allergic anaphylactic shock, if given in high doses. It is present in certain eye drops – particularly after eye surgery – and as a nasal spray, and certain ear drops (can be combined with an antibiotic and an antifungal).
The Orlov trotters are in general taller and more robust than Standardbreds. The average current measurements for Orlov breeding stallions are 161.4 cm (height at withers), 164 cm (body length/barrel), 186 cm (chest circumference), 20.4 cm (cannon bone circumference) and for breeding mares are 160.3 cm, 163.6 cm, 186.2 cm and 20.1 cm respectively. In appearance, the Orlovs are characterized by a big head, large expressive eyes, a long and naturally arched neck set high, prominent withers and broad croup. The body is muscular.
This conformation has been difficult to achieve in many animals, with many horses having the appearance of a short neck due to the curvature of the crest. The back of the Campolina should be a bit "long". When evaluating the animal's side profile, special attention should be paid to overall anatomical balance, which in this breed can err in overdevelopment of either the withers or the croup. Unbalanced horses tend to produce a rough ride and are referred to as having a "hard" gait.
Keyes was born an only child to an affluent family in Atlanta. Throughout their lives, he was close to his father and especially to his mother, despite her eventual abuse of alcohol. He suffered from chronic bronchitis and croup in his infant years, and in 1925 his family moved to Miami Beach, Florida in hopes of his benefiting from its sunny climate. His father, Kenneth Keyes Sr., became successful in real estate development there and active in the conservative evangelical wing of the Presbyterian Church.
The Maremmano breed generally stands between and is usually bay, brown, dark chestnut or black, although gray and roan are occasionally seen. It has a long, slightly heavy head, a muscular neck that is broad at the base, high, well-muscled withers, a full chest and sloping shoulders. The back is short, the croup sloping, and the legs solid and sturdy with good joints and strong hooves. The breed is known for its solidity and their ability to adapt to bad weather and rough terrain.
The epiglottis closes the opening to the larynx during swallowing. The trachea begins to form in the second month of development, becoming longer and more fixed in its position over time. It is epithelium lined with column-shaped cells that have hair-like extensions called cilia, with scattered goblet cells that produce protective mucins. The trachea can be affected by inflammation or infection, usually as a result of a viral illness affecting other parts of the respiratory tract, such as the larynx and bronchi, called croup, that can result in a barking cough.
Caterpillar stage As a caterpillar, it is black with pale yellow lines that run across the body, giving it a chequered look. It has long white hairs thinly distributed over its soft skin, a light brown head capsule, red spots around the head area, and a prominent red croup. The caterpillar would usually rest on the undersurface of the leaves that it's feeding on. The adult is a diurnal flying moth with a black wingspan of up to 5 cm having white bands on the forewings and a white outer margin on the hind wings.
Busts at the Académie Nationale de Médecine, with Trousseau fifth from the left Trousseau was instrumental in creating new modes of treatment of croup, emphysema, pleurisy, goiter, and malaria. He received the prize of the French Academy of Medicine for his classic essay on laryngology which originally appeared in 1837. He was the first in France to perform a tracheotomy, and he wrote a monograph on this as well as intubation in 1851. His textbooks on clinical medicine and therapeutics were both extremely popular and translated into English.
The statutory requirement for the notification of certain infectious diseases first came into being with the Infectious Disease (Notification) Act 1889, which made reporting compulsory in London and optional in the provinces. Cases of smallpox, cholera, diphtheria, membranous croup. erysipelas, scarlatina or scarlet fever, typhus fever, typhoid fever, enteric fever, relapsing fever, continued fever and puerperal fever had to be reported by the household head or attending doctor to the local authority. The system spread to the rest of England and Wales in 1899 with the Infectious Disease (Notification) Extension Act 1899.
Richard and the Marquis rush ahead, to the final confrontation between the parties, in which Islington's true nature is revealed. Islington is revealed to have ordered Croup and Vandemar to execute Door's family as revenge for Door's father's refusal to assist him. He also reveals he had also manipulated her father's diary in order to lure her to him. Islington wishes to use Door and the key to force open the door to Heaven, where he seeks dominion over all the other angels as revenge for his banishment.
However Exmoors may be taller than this limit with some reaching 13.2hh With a stocky, powerful build, the Exmoor pony is strong for its height, and noted for its hardiness and endurance. The chest is deep and the back broad, the croup level. The legs are short, with good bone and hard hooves. Although many sources state that the Exmoor has a distinctly different jaw structure from other horse breeds, which includes the beginnings of development of a seventh molar, this is a misunderstanding based on an incorrect translation of a German study.
He was tried in a District of Columbia court, convicted, and fined $300 ($ in today's dollars), but received no prison sentence. A motion for Brooks' expulsion from the House failed, but he resigned on July 15 in order to permit his constituents to ratify or condemn his conduct via a special election. They approved; Brooks was quickly returned to office after the August 1 vote, and then re-elected to a new term of office later in 1856, but he died of croup before the new term began. Keitt was censured by the House.
This pressure gradient, resisting the contraction of the left ventricle, causes an increase in afterload. This results in a decrease in stroke volume, contributing to the decreased pulse pressure and increased heart rate as described above. Pulsus paradoxus occurs not only with severe cardiac tamponade, but also with asthma, obstructive sleep apnea and croup. The mechanism, at least with severe tamponade, is likely very similar to those of hypertrophic and restrictive cardiomyopathies (diastolic dysfunction), where a decrease in Left Ventricular (LV) filling corresponds to an increasingly reduced stroke volume.
As Kimball's fortune grew, he became an active public citizen. His first appearance in political life was in 1844, as a consequence of a speech by Daniel Webster, in which he urged the revision of the US naturalization laws in reaction to the Irish vote. As early as 1850, he offered a prize for the best essay on the treatment and prevention of croup. In 1849 and 1850 Kimball was elected as a member of the Common Council for Ward 10, he served as a city counciler in 1850 and 1851.
They are hardy with good endurance, robust health, and are generally long-lived. The breed standard describes the head of a Finnhorse as dry and the profile straight, not long or convex, with well-spaced, short ears. The neck should be well-shaped and not underslung or ewe-necked; the body should be on the long side, but rounded and proportionate; and the croup should neither be level nor with a too-high connection to the tail. Finnhorses are strongly muscled, with good bone, sturdy "dry" legs, and strong hooves.
Overall, there were no pony-sized horses below a croup measurement of , and the all-around average height of the horses used by the cavalry was about . During the Thirty Years' War in 1618–1648, the horses used by Finnish cavalry were small and unrepresentative, considered inferior even to the cargo horses used by the Swedish Royal Army. However, these animals had great stamina, a crucial quality during long, exhausting campaigns. The humble-looking Finnish horses were presumably exchanged when possible for other horses obtained as spoils of war.
The Kladruber is also occasionally crossbred with lighter breeds to produce a more suitable riding horse, usually for dressage. Due to their small gene pool and long history of selective breeding, Kladruber type is well "set" and they possess recognizable breed characteristics. Many of these characteristics, such as a prominent Roman or convex facial profile, have been retained from their Baroque ancestors. While the relatively upright shoulder, pasterns and hooves, long back, and short croup are not desirable in a riding horse, these qualities allow high-stepping gaits in a driving horse.
A Morgan in horse show competition There is officially one breed standard for the Morgan type, regardless of the discipline or bloodline of the individual horse. Compact and refined in build, the Morgan has strong legs, an expressive head with a straight or slightly convex profile and broad forehead; large, prominent eyes; well-defined withers, laid back shoulders, and an upright, well arched neck. The back is short, and hindquarters are strongly muscled, with a long and well-muscled croup. The tail is attached high and carried gracefully and straight.
In 1868, the Point Pearce Aboriginal Mission was established by the Moravian missionary Julius Kühn. After ten years, the mission was largely self-sufficient, though Kühn's early success in securing the confidence of the Narungga by using his medical knowledge suffered a notable blow when 16 residents died of whooping cough and croup over several months in the winter of 1872. Many of the buildings remain today. Norman Tindale undertook a linguistic and cultural salvage interview with a woman, Louisa Eglinton, whom he deemed to be the sole survivor of the southern Yorke Peninsula people.
The curvature of the nasal bones should appear to extend naturally from the intersection of the orbit and maxillary and lead gently into the muzzle. Both male and female head profile ideals are moving towards refined, narrow curvature in the lips, especially the upper lip. In the case of the female Campolina, certain breeders now seek to develop the curvature of the croup and buttocks to balance the nasal profile (i.e. an "egua" (female horse) with a strongly curved profile must present a full, developed curvature of the rear).
According to Joe Schwarcz, the product can be traced to Jules Bengue, a French pharmacist, who created Ben-Gay, a menthol-based treatment for arthritis, gout and neuralgia. Lunsford Richardson, a pharmacist in Selma, North Carolina, sold Ben-Gay and heard from his customers that it cleared their sinuses. He blended menthol into petroleum jelly, at first calling it Richardson's Croup and Pneumonia Cure Salve, later changing the name to Vicks VapoRub. It was named after Richardson's brother- in-law, Joshua Vick, a physician who had arranged for Richardson to have access to a laboratory to create the product.
In 1842, he entered in a partnership with Sumner Ballou to open his own grocery business. He died of "spasmodic croup" in 1865, leaving his widow, Martha C, and three children. His obituary in the Lockport Daily Journal described him as a man of "large personal popularity, who was elected to represent the town on the County Board of Supervisors, at a time when his party was in the minority in the Town of Lockport... He was universally regarded as a faithful and capable public officer and a public-spirited and patriotic citizen..." Martha White occupied the house until her death in 1910.
Goss won the Sandown Park round of the 1975 Tasman Series and the 1976 Australian Grand Prix at Sandown Park in Victoria, driving an Australian built Matich A53 Repco Holden in both events.1976 Australian Grand Prix In doing so he became the only driver to ever win both the Bathurst 1000 and the Australian Grand Prix. During the mid-1970s Goss was concentrating his racing efforts more on the F5000 than his Croup C Falcons and ever loyal to Ford tried to run the A53 with a 5.0L Ford V8 but the concept had little success.
Dick recalled one of his few exposures to the outside world was the story of Milton Hershey and his school for orphaned children, and wondered why he failed to qualify for such a place, considering both his parents were deceased, which made him think he was forgotten. During this period of his life, he began to suffer from croup and was left under the care of a prostitute named Aimée (Megan Ferguson). She took his virginity in a way that creator Matthew Weiner stated concerned "his relationship to sex and molestation", and reviewer Abigail Rine described more directly as rape.
The Tori comes mainly in the colors black, bay, palomino, chestnut and liver chestnut. Today's Tori is a harness horse that has a clean and solid build. It has a large to medium-sized head, a shortened poll, a neck that is medium in length and fleshy, withers that are average in height, a back that is long and flat, a loin that is broad as well as a croup that is broad, and the horse is well muscled. The Tori has a very broad and deep chest, and limbs that are clean and properly set.
Methylprednisolone, sold under the brand name Medrol among others, is a corticosteroid medication used to suppress the immune system and decrease inflammation. Conditions in which it is used include skin diseases, rheumatic disorders, allergies, asthma, croup, COPD, certain cancers, multiple sclerosis, and as add-on therapy for tuberculosis or radiculopathy It is given by mouth, by injection into a vein, muscle, or joint, or applied to the skin. Serious side effects may include mental health problems and an increased risk of infection. Common side effects with long-term use include osteoporosis, cataracts, weakness, easy bruising, and yeast infections.
282–283 In 1886, Adler's daughter Rivka died of croup; Sonya died of an infection contracted while giving birth to their son Abram; meanwhile, he had been carrying on an affair with a young woman, Jenny ("Jennya") Kaiser, who was also pregnant, with his son Charles. Depressed after Sonya's death, he passed up an offer to relocate to the United States, which was taken up instead by Mogulesko and Finkel. In winter 1887, an audience at the Princes Street Club panicked when they thought a simulated stage fire was real; 17 people died in the stampede.
John Willette, a reporter for the Daily Globe, calls on Professor Blake to inform him that he will be requested to run for the nomination and shows an article on the subject that has appeared in the Daily Globe. Professor Blake receives him cordially and he meets Professor Blake's daughter, Marie; the young people proceed to fall in love. The time for the convention arrives. As the convention is assembling and before they proceed to business, a band of suffragettes headed by Miss Croup gain admission and attempt to get a plank introduced in the platform favoring 'votes for women.
Peterson was born in Kearney, Nebraska, as the eldest of three children to Venetia "Venet" Paul and George Peterson, both were immigrants from southern Greece. He had one younger sister, Elaine, who died of croup when she was one year old and a brother, John, who was the youngest. His father arrived in the United States at the age of 17 and worked as a dishwasher for Union Pacific Railroad and roomed on a caboose. In 1923, George opened and then ran a Greek diner named Central Café in Kearney after changing his name from Georgios Petropoulos.
Barry's good graces by saving the life of Diana's little sister, Minnie May. Minnie May had an attack of the croup, which Anne was able to cure with a bottle of ipecac and knowledge acquired while caring for the numerous Hammond twins. Throughout her childhood, Anne continued to find herself in similar "scrapes", often through mistakes and misunderstandings, and no fault of her own. At one point Anne "admires to the point of nuttiness" an amethyst brooch, which she is falsely accused of stealing, a crime she has to confess to in order to attend a picnic.
Nebulizers generate aerosols consisting of droplets of various sizes that are admixed to the inspired respiratory gas. Types of nebulizers currently on the market include #Small volume nebulizers, which are used to administer medications such as salbuterol or albuterol. #Large volume nebulizers, which are similar to bubble humidifiers except for the addition of an air entrainment port, and #Ultrasonic nebulizers, which may carry a risk of overwatering the patient. The high density mist produced by nebulizers is useful in decreasing the viscosity of respiratory secretions in those suffering from conditions such as cystic fibrosis, croup, epiglottitis, and bronchiectasis.
Seal of Hugh IX of Lusignan, damaged but probably depicts the hunting attire usually shown on the family's seals, usually showing the holding of a small hunting dog behind the croup of the saddle Hugh IX "le Brun" of Lusignan (1163/1168 - 5 November 1219) was the grandson of Hugh VIII. His father, also Hugh (b. c. 1141), was the co-seigneur of Lusignan from 1164, marrying a woman named Orengarde before 1162 or about 1167 and dying in 1169. Hugh IX became seigneur of Lusignan in 1172, seigneur of Couhé and Chateau-Larcher in the 1190s, and Count of La Marche (as Hugh IV) on his grandfather's death.
Despite the many recorded instances of its use since antiquity, it was not until the early 19th century that the tracheotomy finally began to be recognized as a legitimate means of treating severe airway obstruction. In 1852, French physician Armand Trousseau (1801–1867) presented a series of 169 tracheotomies to the Académie Impériale de Médecine. 158 of these were performed for the treatment of croup, and 11 were performed for "chronic maladies of the larynx". Between 1830 and 1855, more than 350 tracheotomies were performed in Paris, most of them at the Hôpital des Enfants Malades, a public hospital, with an overall survival rate of only 20–25%.
The conformation stance for the breed is to have the front feet square and the back feet parted so that one leg is set perpendicular to the ground, and the other slightly behind it, in order to tighten and flatten the relatively horizontal croup and show off the high-set tail that are breed characteristics. The head is carried high and the neck stretched out. Class procedure is similar to the action breeds, with somewhat greater emphasis on the stand-up for individual presentation. They are presented in a very fine, thin show halter with minimal decoration, designed to show off the refined head that is a characteristic of the breed.
The current state of evidence suggests that nebulized epinephrine is not indicated for children with bronchiolitis except as a trial of rescue therapy for severe cases. Epinephrine is an α and β adrenergic agonist that has been used to treat other upper respiratory tract illnesses, such as croup, as a nebulized solution. A Cochrane meta-analysis in 2011 found no benefit to the use of epinephrine in the inpatient setting and suggested that there may be utility in the outpatient setting in reducing the rate of hospitalization. However, current guidelines do not support the outpatient use of epinephrine given the lack of substantial sustained benefit.
In addition, children with croup living in urban areas have higher hazard ratios for asthma than similar children living in rural areas. Researchers suggest that this difference in hazard ratios is due to the higher levels of air pollution and exposure to environmental allergens found in urban areas. Exposure to elevated levels of ambient air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter with a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5), can cause DNA methylation of CpG sites in immune cells, which increases children's risk of developing asthma. Studies have shown a positive correlation between Foxp3 methylation and children's exposure to NO2, CO, and PM2.5.
Fearful of complications, most surgeons delayed the potentially life-saving tracheotomy until a patient was moribund, despite the knowledge that irreversible organ damage would have already occurred by that time. This began to change in the early 19th century, when the tracheotomy finally began to be recognized as a legitimate means of treating severe airway obstruction. In 1832, French physician Pierre Bretonneau (1778–1862) employed tracheotomy as a last resort to treat a case of diphtheria. In 1852, Bretonneau's student Armand Trousseau (1801–1867) presented a series of 169 tracheotomies (158 of which were for croup and 11 for "chronic maladies of the larynx").
CS Mindelense was the defending team of the title. A total of 8 clubs participated in the competition, one from each island league, no club came from Santiago Island as the competition was cancelled for the season. The season had 6 matches in Group A but a shorter 2 and 3 matches in Group B, it was the first ever season with twice the meetings with each club of the group, occurred in only one croup, the next time it was done was in 2017 with the club and the first in each of the three groups. The league was contested by 8 teams with GD Amarantes winning the championship.
However, when it is revealed at Lady Ludlow's annual garden party that the railway will be passing close to Cranford, and that Captain Brown will be away on railway business for long periods of time, his daughter, Jessie, regrets her decision. Greatly dismayed at the news of the railway's arrival is Deborah Jenkyns, who accuses Captain Brown of deceiving them. Upon returning from Lady Ludlow's annual garden party, she complains of a terrible headache and, moments later, collapses in her bedroom and dies later that night. Dr. Harrison's romance with Sophy Hutton blossoms, only to be hindered when he cannot save her brother from the croup.
The Vietnamese Special Forces and the 5th Special Forces Croup staffs developed jointly a program designed to continue operational missions in CIDG camps; process CIDG members administratively and medically; prepare MACV advisers for camp missions; transfer logistical support; reorganize CIDG units into Ranger battalions; and assimilate CIDG leaders into the ARVN ranks. The conversion process proceeded successfully, partly because the Vietnamese Special Forces camp commanders stayed in place and automatically became Ranger battalion commanders. Their familiarity with the troops, the camp area, and the tactical area of operations was invaluable. The MACV advisers did not arrive for duty until some 17 camps had been converted.
Lewis Brian Hopkins Jones was born in the Park Nursing Home in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, on 28 February 1942. An attack of croup at the age of four left Jones with asthma that lasted for the rest of his life. His middle-class parents, Lewis Blount Jones and Louisa Beatrice Jones (née Simmonds), were of Welsh descent. Brian had two sisters: Pamela, who was born on 3 October 1943 and died on 14 October 1945 of leukaemia; and Barbara, born on 22 August 1946. Jones attended local schools, including Dean Close School from September 1949 to July 1953, and Cheltenham Grammar School for Boys, which he entered in September 1953 after passing the eleven-plus exam.
Pasztor in turn recruited Nazarenko into the Heritage Groups Council. The Heritage Croup Council was founded at a conference in Washington D.C. held between 29–31 October 1969, with Nixon speaking to the founders at the White House on 30 October 1969. Nazarenko attended the conference, where he was listed as representing the Cossacks. ABN Correspondence described Nazarenko as representing both "Cossackia" and the American Friends of the ABN at the 1969 conference. In 1974, Nazarenko had given himself the rank of colonel and was listed as one of the leaders of the Captive Nations field committee in New York state, where according to Nixon's papers, his address was 21 S Weatern Highway, Blauvelt, New York.
Neverwhere is the story of Richard Mayhew and his trials and tribulations in London. At the start of the story, he is a young businessman, recently moved from Scotland and with a normal life ahead. This breaks, however, when he stops to help a mysterious young girl who appears before him, bleeding and weakened, as he walks with his fiancée to dinner to meet her influential boss. The morning after Richard rescues the girl, named Door, from the streets, she is greatly recovered and sends him to find the Marquis de Carabas, a man who will be able to help Door escape two infamous (and seemingly inhuman) assassins, the Messrs Croup and Vandemar.
O'Dwyer, Joseph P., "Intubation in Larygeal Stenosis caused by Diptheria", American Lancet, 1893 His tubes and the accompanying instruments for intubation and extubation, with his methods for the care of these patients, came to be employed throughout the medical world, gradually reducing the use of tracheotomy for croup, and thereby "leading to a significant reduction in the death rate". Bouchut and O'Dwyer met in Berlin in 1890 at the X International Congress of Medicine which focused on laryngeal intubation, and where both acknowledged the other's contribution to the development of the procedure. Afterwards O'Dwyer devoted himself to the study of pneumonia. In 1896 he served as president of the American Pediatric Society.
Complications of measles are relatively common, ranging from mild ones such as diarrhea to serious ones such as pneumonia (either direct viral pneumonia or secondary bacterial pneumonia), laryngotracheobronchitis (croup) (either direct viral laryngotracheobronchitis or secondary bacterial bronchitis), otitis media, acute brain inflammation (and very rarely subacute sclerosing panencephalitis), and corneal ulceration (leading to corneal scarring). In addition, measles can suppress the immune system for weeks to months, and this can contribute to bacterial superinfections such as otitis media and bacterial pneumonia. Two months after recovery there is a 11–73% decrease in the number of antibodies against other bacteria and viruses. The death rate in the 1920s was around 30% for measles pneumonia.
While at Ohio State, John Frank was the starting tight end from 1981 to 83 and caught more passes than any other tight end in the history of the school. He was honored as a two-time Academic All-American, became the team’s most valuable player, and was selected as a member of the All Century Ohio State Football Team and Ohio State’s Varsity Hall of Fame. As an undergraduate, he co-authored several research papers investigating the best treatments for pediatric croup and the work was published in the Laryngoscope. While finishing at Ohio State, he was invited to attend the Combine in Indianapolis in 1984, but declined in order to continue studying for his final exams.
Two patients on the same floor at Willard Parker Hospital with Le Bar were discharged soon after Le Bar's death. However, both patients, one a 22-month-old baby girl who had been treated for croup, and the other, Ishmael Acosta, a 27-year-old hospital worker who had been treated for mumps, were rehospitalized on March 21 and 27, respectively, with the same rash and fever that Le Bar had. Biopsies done on lesion from both patients showed Guarnieri bodies, establishing the diagnosis of smallpox. As soon as the diagnosis was made, all the patients and staff of Willard Parker Hospital were vaccinated for smallpox, while the New York City Department of Health and the U.S. Public Health Service were notified.
Deduct the fantasy anachronism of the assailants being Medieval knights, and you get a chillingly accurate prediction of a typical First World War battle.... The modern soldiers of 1914 with their bayonets had no more chance to win such a fight than Twain's knights".George Hardy, "Visions in a dark mirror" in Mary Wheatley (ed.), "The Beginnings of Science Fiction" One frequently overlooked aspect of the book is the emotional intensity felt by Hank towards his family: wife Sandy and baby Hello-Central. Twain's own son, Langdon, died of diphtheria at the age of 19 months, which was likely reflected in Hello- Central's membranous croup. Twain also outlived two of his three daughters, but they both died after the completion of "Yankee.
Seal of Hugh XIII de Lusignan used in 1281. He is shown in hunting dress, with a small terrier-like hunting dog behind the croup of his saddle, with hunting horn hanging from his neck. This was the usual depiction in the seals of his ancestors and may indicate an early feudal tenure by grand serjeanty of hunting, as the same device was used by the Turberville family of Coity Castle in Glamorgan Hugh XIII of Lusignan, Hugh VIII of La Marche or Hugh IV of Angoulême (25 June 1259 – 1 November 1303 in Angoulême) succeeded his father Hugh XII as Seigneur de Lusignan, Count of La Marche and Count of Angoulême in 1270. He married at Pau on 1 July 1276 Beatrix de Bourgogne, Dame de Grignon (c.
Production of antiserum at the Institut Pasteur in Paris Not long after the institute's inauguration, Roux, now less occupied in the fight against rabies, resumed in a new lab and with the help of a new colleague, Yersin, his experiments on diphtheria. This disease used to kill thousands of children every year: an associated condition was commonly called croup, which created fake membranes in the small patients' throats, therefore killing them by suffocation. It was deservedly called “Horrible monster, sparrowhawk of the shadows” by Victor Hugo in his Art of being a grandfather. The painter Albert Gustaf Aristides Edelfelt made a famous painting portraying Pasteur in his laboratory while he was trying to cure this illness, which was fought at the times through procedures that were just as cruel as the illness itself.
An average length back still allows a horse to perform ambling gaits, though a very short-coupled horse usually can only perform the trot. A well-laid back shoulder and somewhat horizontal hip angle favor a longer length of stride and is helpful in horses that fox trot, while a steeper shoulder angle combined with more sloping croup produce a stride more desirable in some lateral gaits such as the running walk. A particular form of ambling gait considered desirable in one breed is often penalized in another. For example, the Missouri Foxtrotter is specifically bred to perform the fox trot, a diagonal ambling gait, while the Paso Fino is bred to perform lateral gaits and sometimes is penalized for a diagonal gait, which in that breed is called trocha.
Home was an important figure in Edinburgh during the Enlightenment. His 1756 essay "Experiments on Bleaching", which won a gold medal was awarded by the trustees for the improvement of manufactures in North Britain, was translated into French and German. It was also an early presentation of the chemical principles underlying plant nutrition. As a professor he speculated somewhat rashly, but carefully treated the physical characters and mode of administration of drugs. His ‘Principia Medicinæ’ was a valuable work in its day, and was used as a text-book by several continental professors. Home was also the first to call attention to croup as a distinct disease in his tractate on the subject, which Dr. Squire, in Reynolds's ‘System of Medicine,’ 1866, i. 236, terms a ‘careful and most philosophical inquiry,’ deciding the dependence of the symptoms on pathological changes in the larynx and trachea.
94, says it was the fourth performance, and gives a different quotation. Berlioz, who was present, describes "raucous sounds like those of a child with croup, guttural, whistling notes that quickly faded like those of a flute filled with water".Quoted by Bouvet 1927 and reproduced in Smart 2003, p. 116. Falcon resumed performances, but her vocal difficulties continued, and she gave her last regular performance there in Meyerbeer's Les Huguenots on 15 January 1838. She resorted to all sorts of bogus treatments and remediesKuhn 1992, p. 219. and moved to Italy for 18 months in the hope that the climate would have a beneficial effect. Falcon returned for a benefit at the Opéra on 14 March 1840, in which she was to sing selections from Act 2 of La Juive and Act 4 of Les Huguenots with Gilbert Duprez, Jean-Étienne Massol, and Julie Dorus-Gras. Her appearance was described as seemingly relaxed, as she received a standing ovation at her entrance.
L'Exorcisme - Musiciens arabes chassant le djinn du corps d'un enfant, Le Paysan blessé (Salon of 1886), L'Ambulance de la Comédie-Française en 1870 (1891), Le Vaccin du croup à l'hôpital Trousseau (1895), as well as portraits of personalities of the time, including Joseph Babinski. Influenced by his master Jean-Léon Gérôme, Brouillet devoted himself to orientalist painting, thanks to his discovery of his wife, Emma Isaac, native country, daughter of a rich Constantine Jewish merchant, cousin of Ferdinand Isaac, whose daughter, Yvonne, born out of wedlock in 1889 in Constantine, he even adopted when his mother, Marie-Louise Travers died 19 December 1892.. The following year, in 1893, when he returned to France with his adopted daughter, he raised Yvonne as his own daughter, representing her in no less than fourteen paintings. A student of the singer Louise Grandjean, she was hired on June 25, 1911, at the Opéra-Comique as a lyrical singer, under the stage name "Yvonne Florentz" and married the composer in 1913.. Brouillet visited Greece twice, first in 1901 for a state commission (Renan meditating on his prayer on the Acropolis) and then in 1903 to paint th portrait of the Queen Olga of Greece, in 1901.

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