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"certainty" Definitions
  1. [uncountable] the state of being certain
  2. [countable] a thing that is certain
"certainty" Synonyms
confidence conviction assurance certitude sureness assuredness positiveness faith trust cocksureness credence doubtlessness belief satisfaction face firmness authoritativeness indubitableness conclusiveness reliability inevitability surety cert inevitableness ineluctability fact surefire reality consequence cinch lock sure thing sure bet safe bet foregone conclusion matter of course dead cert inevitable result predictable result open and shut case truth accuracy correctness authenticity verity veracity truthfulness validity faithfulness decisiveness infallibility genuineness definiteness factuality trustworthiness courage bravery aplomb courageousness dauntlessness fearlessness fortitude guts pluckiness poise resoluteness resolve self-belief self-trust valor(US) valour(UK) backbone perspicuity clarity explicitness simplicity clearness comprehensibility intelligibility plainness coherence transparency directness obviousness unambiguity openness legibility articulateness salience cognizability decipherability distinctness maxim law axiom principle truism revelation proven principle actuality materiality sanguinity buoyancy hopefulness cheerfulness happiness brightness cheer enthusiasm anticipation calmness easiness elation encouragement exhilaration expectation idealism positivism gospel truth gospel so lowdown skinny authority naked truth honest truth the case whole truth actual fact absolute truth Bible truth chapter and verse hard truth security dependability safety solidness soundness safe future assured future comfort ease reassurance self-assurance calm freedom well-being inexorability inescapability stubbornness unavoidability bullheadedness contumacy doggedness grimness indomitability inexorableness inflexibility inflexibleness intransigence intransigency mulishness obduracy obstinacy perseverance pertinacity dogma blind faith invincible conviction unchallengeable conviction unquestioning belief arrogant conviction given rule absolute donnée fundamental established fact constant unchanging situation unchanging factor unchanging state of affairs resolution determination purposefulness decidedness decision purpose determinedness granite willpower assertiveness emphaticalness stick-to-itiveness strong-mindedness character independence intelligence strength strength of character preciseness precision exactness exactitude closeness accurateness nicety rigorousness fineness rigour(UK) rigor(US) perfection ultraprecision delicacy meticulousness strictness carefulness expectedness liability likelihood predictability predictableness probability destiny fate fortune doom lot calling future kismet call circumstance due vocation break conclusion condition constellation design dole persuasion view opinion judgement(UK) judgment(US) sentiment notion feeling mind verdict eye bias partiality predilection prejudice firm belief More
"certainty" Antonyms
doubt uncertainty incertitude nonconfidence disbelief indecision qualm scepticism(UK) unsureness ambiguity distrust hesitation questionableness wavering hesitancy vacillation irresolution faltering indecisiveness hesitance concept idea impossibility possibility theory evitability unlikely possibility hypothesis argument conjecture premise belief philosophy postulate theorem position principle ideology perception assumption cowardice cowardliness cowardness fearfulness feebleness gutlessness cravenness faintheartedness fear pusillanimity pusillanimousness recreancy timidity wimpiness wimpishness dastardliness poltroonery spinelessness spiritlessness timorousness obscureness obscurity unclarity imprecision inaccuracy incoherence inexactness turbidity cloudiness turbidness opacity opaqueness falsehood misconception myth fabrication lie misbelief falsity mendacity invention untruth misstatement falseness bearishness pessimism depression discouragement gloom sadness sorrow unhappiness hopelessness avoidability prevention preclusion forestalling escapability avoidance forestallment precluding averting riskiness danger risk dangerousness hazardousness insecurity perilousness precariousness peril instability threat unreliability bogosity fakeness forgery phoniness fantasy delusion illusion fairyland irreality fiction imagination reverie unreality fallacy fallaciousness illusoriness continuity fraction incompleteness inconclusiveness indefiniteness part dishonesty discomposure distress agitation anxiety desolation disappointment discomfort trepidation worry affliction angst anguish concern dejection disquietude disturbance malaise nervousness perturbation tension change changes variance flux adjustment advances evolution inconstancy variation variety alterations development deviations diversity fluctuation irregularity modification revisions shifts transitions

953 Sentences With "certainty"

How to use certainty in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "certainty" and check conjugation/comparative form for "certainty". Mastering all the usages of "certainty" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"People like certainty, travelers like certainty, companies like certainty," said Greeley Koch, the group's executive director.
"We want to bring back certainty, in particular legal certainty," Barnier said.
He grapples with the idea on "What Comes After Certainty": True love is not magic, it's certainty And what comes after certainty A world of mystery.
"Businesses crave certainty, and certainty isn't the word of the day," Mr. Woldenberg said.
Be suspicious of the certainty of others and seek to reduce your own certainty.
And so the certainty is that passing a bill gives the health insurance companies certainty.
And deterrence works on certainty: Certainty about who is doing what, and what actions will spark retaliation.
"Certainty around tariff free access would ensure a greater sense of certainty for future trade," he said.
That certainty can feel wonderful and be so calming, and I think that certainty can be dangerous.
There is widespread support for these types of spending reductions, and more certainty would certainty spur economic growth.
Businesses, their customers and their shareholders prefer certainty over hype, even if that certainty varies from state to state.
His movies are about men searching for certainty from others and from themselves—a certainty that almost never arrives.
I can say almost with total certainty, that if you're building a brand ... I think it was total certainty.
The easiest explanation is this: The markets value stability over volatility, certainty over uncertainty, and Clinton represented stability and certainty.
"'We've started to comply with this and we prefer certainty over non-certainty,' we heard that a lot," Chen said.
Running from the certainty of my home in Guatemala — the certainty of racism that forced us to our knees so that others might feel tall, the certainty of death — to the uncertainty of my reception in the United States.
A well-designed version of the former gives you price certainty; a well-designed version of the latter gives you emissions certainty.
While you might not be able to say yes with any certainty, I don't think you can say no with any more certainty.
There's no certainty that an esports player will win a world championship again, which means there's no certainty they'll make a decent living again.
He will either say "businesses need tax certainty to grow" (meaning: "certainty that they will like the tax code"), or "we don't have the money".
This short documentary explores the natural human need to find certainty during uncertain times, and how embracing that certainty can sometimes be a dangerous thing.
A character with religious certainty or any other kind of certainty is always going to be a very dramatic character because they are forever hitting obstacles.
The transfer market was not built for faith; it exists for certainty – a certainty that additions, any and all, will inevitably equate to on-field success.
Stephens compares the certainty of environmentalists to the certainty of Hillary Clinton supporters last year, and positions himself as a populist advocate for the common man.
If it's a certainty that all of us will experience illness, it's a near-certainty that most of us will care for someone with an illness.
We need certainty, in terms of decision-making, we need certainty for investment climate, because altogether, I think the underlying demand is there on the consumer side.
Image: NASAIt's a veritable certainty that North America's first people arrived via the Bering Land Bridge, but less certainty exists about how and where they migrated from there.
The third, divestments for 51 percent and the fourth is actually investment certainty and the fiscal certainty what is the revenue tax regime that can govern until 2041.
In an environment where certainty is scarce, I can say with certainty that today we have taken steps to meaningfully strengthen what is already a world-class Board.
"The thing that industry wants most is certainty and that's what these 2012 and 2014 car rules did they provided certainty all the way through 2026," McCabe said.
The New York Times' new columnist got pummeled over for his first op-ed, "Climate of Complete Certainty," in which he cast doubt on the certainty of climate science.
Lies before they are revealed, after all, provide the comfort of false certainty, while lies exposed offer another kind of certainty: villainous and tragic, yes, sometimes even life-shattering.
Conditions must include a near certainty that the high value target or other lawful terror target is present and near certainty that non-combatants will not be injured or killed.
And while the Trump administration decided to keep an Obama-era requirement of "near certainty" that no civilians would be killed, it reduced the required level of confidence that the intended target was present in a strike zone from "near certainty" to "reasonable certainty," one official said — further lowering constraints on attacks.
Through a painstaking statistical analysis, they were able to close in on just 18 key base pairs with over 95 percent certainty, and another 27 with over a 50 percent certainty.
Distribution of startups based on the certainty of their technology's merit, Distribution of startups based on the certainty of their technology's merit, Where does de-risking technology offer the most value?
We're going to have certainty of who our next President is going to be, and I think just the fact of having that type of certainty is going to be beneficial.
"The SEC needs to give more guidance ... because businesses crave more certainty and I think investors crave more certainty as well as protection," said Jonathan Johnson, a board member of Overstock.
Time to provide farmers & ranchers nationwide w/ regulatory certainty!
There's another certainty, too — one that Taubes doesn't acknowledge.
"Our aim is to provide as much certainty as possible to business, citizens and the European Union," Davis told reporters, adding however that "to provide certainty, we must talk about the future."
Trump said the same things over and over and over and over again, based on the same few articles of faith: worship of material success, contempt for "losers," and certainty — above all, certainty.
It may well be better to give people the option of a treatment in five years whose efficacy is known with 80% certainty than to wait 20 years for one with 99% certainty.
Of course, at this stage, we cannot know with certainty.
He's still hawking success, and certainty, and disdain for losers.
That sudden certainty that things were different, and worse, forever.
" Ford said that it wanted "regulatory certainty, not protracted litigation.
More lawsuits against the executive order are a near certainty.
Europe's historical investor appeal was built on certainty and predictability.
More lawsuits against the executive order are a near certainty.
Programs like FRStat can't create empirical certainty around fingerprint analysis.
But in courage and certainty, she tops all of them.
" Ford said that it wanted "regulatory certainty, not protracted litigation.
Kleven's taken that number down to about 60 percent certainty.
Here's a theological certainty: Cats do not belong in church.
This period of relative certainty could come undone in court.
No one can say with certainty what that plan is.
Halo 6 seems like a possibility — if not a certainty.
We do so because it feels good to have certainty.
And with certainty, we will not shy away from accountability.
Second, for a team already in contention, certainty trumps upside.
The PCC gives them that certainty, it guarantees them security.
There is no certainty the dollar will fall this time.
But Mr Scholze says audits "provide certainty, which companies need".
It's hard to speculate on Chinese policy with any certainty.
Nobody can say with certainty how much this will cost.
"Humans desire certainty, and science infrequently provides it," it stated.
LONDON (Reuters Breakingviews) - Airbus' Brexit certainty drive is wishful thinking.
The triple slaying shattered that certainty, according to ABC News.
Wethought we might have a little bit more certainty today.
"We couldn't offer price certainty and they could," Werner said.
The appointments would bring "some certainty and finality," Gardner said.
We need clarity and certainty, because time is running out.
Mock is an activist and the author of Surpassing Certainty.
"Our brains don't like ambiguity, they prefer certainty," Greenberg added.
And Green knows the return on investment isn't a certainty.
Greater certainty over future tax policy is welcomed by businessfolk.
The only certainty is that the churn will be enormous.
Senator Rand Paul spoke with certainty about that in August.
In that bubble of theories and assumptions, there is certainty.
Local businesses also enjoy the certainty associated with the credit.
Democrats should not assume a Blue Wave is a certainty.
The bottom line: For Guyana itself, there is less certainty.
With near certainty, the measure will pass 3 to 2.
It's not a certainty that this adaptation will happen, however.
And so I can't say with certainty where he is.
Granit is a certainty to start the game for Switzerland.
"False certainty is much more dangerous than uncertainty," he said.
But then, with Ibrahimovic, defeat is never a certainty, either.
"It's the lack of certainty that is hurting," said Cunningham.
Asked if it was a 100 percent certainty that Mrs.
Here's a third life certainty for Farewill to remember: hackers.
It's very difficult to say so with any certainty, though.
Today, we have complete certainty about what Louis C.K. did.
Still, it's no certainty that Kennard declares for the draft.
On certainty of upholding conviction on appeal, federal courts win.
Do you know how we can say that with certainty?
Confidence and some certainty eventually leads to more economic growth.
But there are signs of easing up on that certainty.
He, too, brought words of reassurance, if not of certainty.
Murdoch's prose is elegant, validating itself by its own certainty.
Qualcomm is leading with price, closing certainty and licensing business.
"Your certainty level has now plummeted to zero," he said.
Farmers need certainty and open markets to make ends meet.
O.K., there's no certainty that any of this will happen.
We see that curiosity will serve you better than certainty.
But there is no certainty on who really owns them.
As a result the only Catholic certainty now is uncertainty.
Callahan, for his part, hopes for some more certainty sooner.
"You could say we have gone for certainty," O'Grady said.
But the value is not that it gives you certainty.
So let's stop hoping to find the magic certainty button.
"There's a certainty, for example, of seasonal flu," Fauci said.
The way things are going, it sadly seems a certainty.
But had Americans died, war would have been a certainty.
Certainty will be key to ensuring the space economy flourishes.
A year ago, many industry executives exuded much greater certainty.
The certainty of the sentiment against a change was striking.
You need, as in England, the certainty of the penalty.
The only certainty with Italy's upcoming election will be uncertainty.
And they allowed me to feel a sense of certainty.
Regulators exist to give certainty to those that they regulate.
Until recently, the Mercers' support was considered a virtual certainty.
And few insurers are willing to bet against a certainty.
Still, that kind of unproven certainty can lead one astray.
The question has been hard to answer with much certainty.
I can now say with certainty that I was wronged.
Cook didn't lead the league in anything, except, perhaps, certainty.
One way to cope with uncertainty is to demand certainty.
No one can say with certainty what, precisely, has worked.
Memorial services were held without any certainty about what happened.
Clinton's candidacy, and not of certainty that she would win.
When considering moving or expanding, they need stability and certainty.
We agree workers and job creators need clarity and certainty.
But health care costs continuing to rise is a certainty.
With this declaration, a court challenge is a near certainty.
A key argument against network neutrality is also about certainty.
The only certainty about the future is its inherent uncertainty.
"Few voters shift their support on an absolute basis — from total and complete certainty for one candidate to equally unequivocal certainty for the other," he wrote, adding that most voters change their minds gradually.
ROGAN: It is but it&aposs not as good as it needs to be in order to guarantee that we are wiping out nuclear weapons with any kind of certainty near -- even near certainty.
The new measures would reportedly lower the threshold on acceptable civilian casualties from a "near certainty" of no such deaths to "reasonable certainty" — although the Pentagon maintained the commitment to avoid civilian casualties would remain.
"We want to continue to invest," he said, "but need certainty."
"We can say that with 100 percent certainty," Dr. Cook said.
"There is no certainty because we failed last year," Cole said.
"Probably because he's a total dick," Blake said with venomous certainty.
I needed to know, with certainty, that Paulette actually had cancer.
What it can boast with certainty is that it's a bargain.
When somebody sells something with certainty, there's an appeal to that.
But today, such levels of support seem far from a certainty.
The only real certainty is that the storm will eventually pass.
Chances are you probably can't answer these questions with any certainty.
Both possibilities are realized, with certainty, in different sorts of measurements.
When you add in his behaviour, cancer is a near certainty.
T'Challa lacks certainty and purpose, which Killmonger has by the boatload.
"Not at all," she says, with what seems like absolute certainty.
Be that as it may, we have more uncertainty than certainty.
That said, it's impossible to explain these findings with absolute certainty.
And no certainty about the future she had been working toward.
And because we don't always know that our certainty is unwarranted.
But Mr. Cazeneuve did not express certainty about the man's identity.
The victory was seen injecting greater certainty into the financial markets.
"It creates some certainty, which the market historically craves," he said.
New rules on mining aim to provide more certainty to industry.
Clinton is seen by investors as offering greater certainty and stability.
We live in a world where uncertainty is the only certainty.
"I do believe it's important we have certainty," Flanagan told ITV.
There is no certainty of a deal, the news agency said.
The company added that there was no certainty of a deal.
That will create a regulatory culture that has predictability and certainty.
No one who wasn't there can know with certainty what's true.
Approval is not a certainty and could very well get denied.
The certainty of daily rain, though, marks Mawsynram out as unusual.
He has not elaborated on his certainty that arson is involved.
The only certainty right now is that there's more to come.
It will, I can say with almost complete certainty, disappoint you.
It's hard to predict or measure the effect with any certainty.
These are tricky questions, ones that cannot be answered with certainty.
I cannot imagine how anyone could determine that with any certainty.
But we can't say with any certainty what type of explosion.
"Puerto Rico needs certainty and stability," she said in a statement.
That prediction became a certainty when I took my first bite.
Then there was the certainty that sensitive information would be released.
That whole certainty about whether you're straight or gay or whatever.
They can't say with certainty whether Zika caused the pregnancy losses.
They presented — or feigned — certainty about something that weighed on me.
There is no certainty the bid will materialize, the sources added.
"My job — there's no certainty," Ali continues in the trailer's voiceover.
There are some things, though, that you can say with certainty.
But its eventual outcome is as close to certainty as exists.
Business likes certainty and confidence in what happens in the future.
Chancellor Bennet, Chance the Rapper; no longer mere Chance, now certainty.
There is always the possibility, if not the certainty, of blowback.
Which countries the tweets came from cannot be asserted with certainty.
It also offers certainty and precision instead of adaptability and innovation.
Insurers have been pleading for certainty that the subsidy will continue.
I admire their certainty in something far more compelling than reality.
The Foundation for Family Companies welcomed the certainty but expressed reservations.
However, these exemptions must be made permanent for added market certainty.
But it's hardly the certainty that health insurers were asking for.
But in this story, truth is not the same as certainty.
"It will have implications from a certainty-uncertainty perspective," Bostic added.
"The industry needs absolute certainty from an operating perspective," he said.
"Certainty is one of the great privileges of youth," she said.
Sociologists have found that we love certainty — even if it's counterproductive.
A deal would postpone difficult decisions and provide certainty to business.
Now, it's a certainty that McCain won't be one of them.
Basically, projecting your situation with certainty beyond that would be difficult.
"To have great pain is to have certainty," Elaine Scarry wrote.
We've created a system that requires certainty and punishment, swifter trials.
New York (CNN Business)Wall Street, markets and business crave certainty.
The contract has provided the cash flow certainty prized by IFM.
But the founders forgot one thing: humans offer no mathematical certainty.
Barone's misconceived certainty about being a mother was a legal asset.
Certainty, in this case, is not to be confused with clarity.
And to know, with that terrible certainty, that it is true.
There is no certainty over how the talks will play out.
Impeachment now — finally, some will say — qualifies as a virtual certainty.
This language is a commonsense way to provide them that certainty.
"We don't feel the market has certainty on this," he said.
Of course, these things can never be said with complete certainty.
The only certainty in this life, this game, is the gym.
Express yourself with a dead-set seriousness, but flee from certainty.
I'm talking about arrogance over competence, complete certainty, self-absorption, etc.
Nobody knows with 100 percent certainty as it's a closed country.
A big earthquake is a certainty for the state, scientists say.
"There is no such thing as 100 percent certainty," she said.
All of which is to say: Don't confuse likelihood and certainty.
They charge higher rates than banks, but offer borrowers more certainty.
But spending at the top is driven by confidence and certainty.
Certainty is the domain of other human discourses, ideology and religion.
The only certainty is that Trump will continue along this line.
"We appreciate the efforts to provide more transparency and more certainty."
No one can claim to know with certainty what happens next.
His appearance this week was not a certainty until quite recently.
Germany is rich with coal and the economic certainty it provides.
The Kentucky Republican rarely moves without certainty about his vote count.
There was one certainty: He was out of the Kentucky Derby.
And that moment, everyone will know and everyone will have certainty.
It is often impossible to name an attacker with absolute certainty.
We have all weaved the certainty of violence into our routines.
I think the real positive is having some certainty around that.
Many also appear to be seeking certainty in an uncertain world.
"The loser is certainty," proclaimed Senator Cory Booker's former campaign manager.
Among his goals, he said, is to prioritize "certainty" in regulations.
Cheney's certainty ensured America's unraveling, especially when enabled by Powell's reluctance.
Streaming One certainty of watching movies on streaming services is uncertainty.
That, in turn, improved execution by creating greater certainty about price.
Officials also believe, with increasing certainty, that the attack was accidental.
"It gives certainty and stability to Spain's financial sector," she said.
Both companies cautioned that there was no certainty of a deal.
All that is known with certainty is that social factors matter.
What our economy needs more than anything is fairness and certainty.
To Republicans, the eventual approval of Judge Gorsuch was a certainty.
It has to do with certainty and stability at the CFPB.
It is hard to say when but this is a certainty.
Discount said there was no certainty the sale would be made.
Cotton is certainty no expert when it comes to heavy water.
Certainty on any of those issues would be welcomed by investors.
So it communicates tentativeness rather than certainty, weakness instead of strength.
I suspect this is true — but I can't say with certainty.
Instead of certainty and cause, A.I. works off probability and correlation.
Precise numerical goals create a false sense of clarity and certainty.
"I think it's a certainty that we'll challenge it," he said.
The only certainty is that color is contextual, ephemeral, and enjoyable.
"There can be no certainty that these approaches will lead to any transaction or any certainty as to the terms on which any such transaction might proceed," the company said in a news release on Tuesday.
Well, that maybe has now become a certainty — at least on iOS.
The likelihood of this particular scenario teeters on the edge of certainty.   
Hamon's poll ratings make his elimination in round one a near certainty.
So we need to be able to give those families some certainty.
But she said they don't have "legal certainty" a crime was committed.
There is no certainty that a deal will occur, the sources added.
And right now there's not as much certainty as we would like.
The imposition of the new rules is still all but a certainty.
Death is the only certainty in life, and we all know it.
Only the plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) can do that with certainty.
But that wouldn't be enough to identify the mystery spot with certainty.
The only certainty about Obamacare is that there's a lot of uncertainty.
And you can only get that certainty from the right human annotators.
"Americans need certainty when it comes to their health care," Nuzum said.
But on Wednesday, even the prospect of a vote wasn't a certainty.
NAFTA has functioned as a legal exoskeleton, offering certainty to foreign investors.
That's when she knew, with absolute certainty, that her daughter had died.
In a case where there's not much certainty, that is for sure.
An authoritarian government can provide certainty, at least in the short term.
The bottom line: Concrete federal regulations could provide safety, stability and certainty.
The Predictit market has Hillary Clinton on 77% (where 100% is certainty).
Amid the speculation, a couple of things can be said with certainty.
ORR was unable to determine with certainty the whereabouts of 1,475 UAC.
The certainty of a residency permit or citizenship has other positive effects.
Their only certainty: "We ain't going back to that house," Lionel says.
One certainty is that, whatever the bill's fate, there will be disappointment.
And we can now say with certainty that Donald Trump was lying.
The CNBC Fed Survey found 100 percent certainty among its 50 respondents.
It cautioned that there was no certainty that any deal would occur.
But such cloning techniques first require certainty you've got an elite tree.
Yes, take away any certainty of being able to trust other people.
For instance the employees need for status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness.
Our sources say it's still a near certainty Ryan Seacrest will host.
There is no certainty that a divestiture will occur, the sources added.
Without certainty, insurers could exit marketplaces, leaving rural areas without any carriers.
There is no certainty that any deal will occur, the sources added.
Issuers are paying us for our distribution capabilities and certainty of execution.
But it is possible to say, with absolute certainty, what won't happen.
But this is by no means not a certainty, the sources say.
But it's a not a certainty that a deal will go through.
Opposed: Nobody wants to know with absolute certainty who's going to win.
There aren't many things we can say about the future with certainty.
And that looks like less than a certainty after Trump's latest victories.
We can never know with certainty the answer to a counterfactual question.
The insularity of conservative thoughts blinds many Republicans to this logical certainty.
I'm gonna guess it's a 21 percent certainty the answer is no.
Until she has answers to these questions, she has no such certainty.
One virtual certainty: The next Treasury secretary won't come from Wall Street.
The shooting victim initially could not pick out Mr. Negron with certainty.
But the American people deserve a greater degree of certainty going forward.
It seems a near certainty that he will stay through the election.
But at least entrepreneurs have some certainty for finishing up this year.
I would have to be godlike to have that kind of certainty.
These policies gave enough certainty to investors to allow real scale deployments.
The people said there is no certainty a deal will be struck.
But outside the White House, there is less certainty about his role.
"Well, I think people need certainty and stability going forward," DelBene said.
And I do think you need a fair amount of certainty there.
That has left Marriott raising concerns about the certainty of Anbang's offer.
Letters Should we avoid claiming with certainty whether or not God exists?
But we shouldn't exaggerate their precision or how much certainty they offer.
And they believe the legal certainty it provides incentivizes American investments overseas.
And this lack of certainty is neither good for business or consumers.
His replies weren't riddles; they were clues about not believing in certainty.
It would be foolish to try to make predictions with any certainty.
"The only certainty in Trump's climate orders?" goes a Utility Dive headline.
Someone will have gotten it right, and this certainty reassures us somehow.
There is no certainty that they could recover anything on their own.
It's hard to predict with any kind of certainty what will happen.
He is not yet ready to say, with certainty, that he will.
You feel safe around him, because he has this certainty about things.
So what is there to do in the absence of any certainty?
Her deal was, well, a deal, and it granted businesses some certainty.
But only under a microscope could the disease be diagnosed with certainty.
Statisticians have navigated a route to maximum certainty in an uncertain world.
It's impossible to know with any certainty, and that alone speaks volumes.
Mr. Stanfield drove down with his mom from Victorville, riven with certainty.
Stories of families separated with no certainty of when they'll be reunited.
For decades, TV legal procedurals have offered audiences the promise of certainty.
The only certainty is that everything can't possibly be as it seems.
Increasing the teams to 48 (from 323) seems a certainty for 2026.
Insurers have been pressing for certainty as they plan for next year.
But there is a difference between ease and cheer, certainty and joy.
The sources cautioned there was no certainty a deal would be reached.
Can we say with certainty that these other outlets are not competitors?
Her presidency was a certainty in my mind and in my heart.
In the end the only certainty is that Guido will never change.
Lack of certainty is the biggest emotional roadblock to buying a house.
The people expected to follow the rules deserve more clarity and certainty.
The teasing and luring us into an embrace of certainty and security?
It's the certainty of being, of art that knows what it is.
San Francisco lives with the certainty that the Big One will come.
By October, Mr. McConnell recognized that a trial was a near certainty.
I jumped — was on the path of promised reward, certainty, and structure.
In my experience, connection and empathy are far more important than certainty.
Still, small businesses need additional choices that give them flexibility and certainty.
The judge ruled that there was not enough certainty to move forward.
Kuo's forecast isn't a certainty and Apple declined to comment on it.
Some surprises have bolstered establishments, underscoring that the only certainty is uncertainty.
Dr. Wassenaar said that for her, certainty was the most important issue.
But Collins was not ready to say that switch was a certainty.
Delek said there was no certainty a binding agreement would be signed.
His stubborn moral certainty means he's deceiving himself along with everybody else.
Once you have a level of certainty, you can manage for it.''
And there must be "near certainty" that no civilians will be killed.
Absolutely. But only time will tell whether or not it's a certainty.
For us the second match is going to give us more certainty.
The lack of certainty is a big concern to the financial players.
US intelligence officials say similar efforts are practically a certainty next year.
Trump's victory has landed a blow to the country's notions of certainty.
"I would say we're not seeing the death of certainty," O'Brien said.
Brexit was becoming a "poison" for society and Britain's citizens wanted certainty.
If its current state is any indication, unpredictability is the only certainty.
No one can tell me with any certainty about what lies ahead.
"Businesses now need certainty," said Steve Bates, CEO of Britain's BioIndustry Association.
I find it almost presumptuous to expect such certainty of the future.
It means there can be certainty where otherwise there may be doubt.
There's also the near certainty of legal challenges to declaring an emergency.
You will roll your eyes at the imperious certainty of new parents.
There is one thing, though, that we can say with absolute certainty.
He has the TV show, sure, but he also has his certainty.
It's because we want certainty, he told me, but nature is uncertain.
Klee plays with an in-between space of spatial doubt and certainty.
Adoption implies a sense of certainty that is inappropriate for the procedure.
I can't say with certainty how this is going to play out.
And while it's unlikely they will be, that's not a certainty either.
Wade as a possibility, not a certainty, in his interview with Stahl.
We have no certainty about what will happen next, mainly because we have no certainty about what we will do, but we know the changes are bad and going to get much worse, even with concerted global action.
"It's strange to see the market react so simply to such obvious news like the China deal, but this is a market that thrives on certainty and certainty is what we got on Friday evening," the host said.
Unlike the higher standard used in some civil trials, which require "clear and convincing evidence," or the highest standard used in criminal trials, which require certainty "beyond reasonable doubt," preponderance is often described as 50.01 percent certainty of guilt.
By the next morning that thought has coalesced into something of a certainty, or at least what approximates certainty for a brain in the midst of a murderous headache: This misery doesn't feel like sleep deprivation or champagne oversupply.
That is supposed to give investors the certainty they need to keep coming.
But it is a dead certainty that the visual spectacle will be dull.
Since Mexico's energy liberalisation, NAFTA's provisions have helped provide certainty to foreign investors.
I never went into tribal with 100 percent certainty that I was safe.
I read that as Sony's lack of certainty over the PS24 Pro's prospects.
There was no certainty he would even make it in time to march.
The one certainty is that in this fight, no one is backing down.
With more geopolitical certainty, growth might be in good shape for next year.
The delay has been criticized by investors who are looking for policy certainty.
It is time to have some stability so business can get some certainty.
His confidence and certainty while addressing his viewers make this story so compelling.
It's just impossible to know with any certainty, given Trump's own mercurial nature.
It's usually doubtless certainty right up front—that rattles you almost, you know?
But there's no certainty as to when, and if, Netanyahu will be indicted.
But we do have the certainty that the case has been finally closed.
This is indirect evidence and cannot be considered as providing even moderate certainty.
Imagine having that kind of certainty — imagine believing you always have it right. ●
In these uncertain times it would be good to have a little certainty.
This certainty is invaluable because these two markets are invaluable to American business.
Six and a half months is, relatively speaking, a high degree of certainty.
Loss of your own certainty that you are an accurate judge of character.
Sartre, with that riveting certainty of his, thought death was an absurd conundrum.
Reuters said there is no certainty the talks will result in a deal.
That's encouraging the pundits to proclaim with absolute certainty that Trump cannot win.
Yet he periodically backs up, as if suddenly irritated by his own certainty.
" It would also give the market "certainty for more negotiation (and assessment) time.
Of course there is no certainty that a deal will ever be finalized.
Yet there is one other thing that can be said with some certainty.
Mr Barnier wanted more certainty over the rights of EU citizens in Britain.
"This works for the reinsurers and it certainty works for us," said Harmer.
Balloon tours, on the other hand, have one certainty: The destination is uncertain.
Is it a certainty that the U.S. Supreme Court would take the case?
Now there will certainty be more scrutiny from regulators because of Laplanche's behavior.
This may turn out to be correct, but it is not a certainty.
Pence's 2016 State of the State was very close for activity and certainty.
But there is no certainty such cases would prompt a rethink on Roe.
I'm not talking about waiting until you have 100% certainty in the answer.
But there's certainty debate on whether the market will re-test those lows.
We were listening with a deep desire for membership and identity and certainty.
Paul uses the term "first fruits" to underline the certainty of the resurrection.
We have to ensure that innovators have the certainty they need to thrive.
I just knew that death was a certainty, and it was right there.
And there is no certainty that any settlement can be agreed at all.
There is therefore no certainty over what decision EU leaders will take Wednesday.
I can't tell you that I have 100% certainty of where they're going.
"Even where there are indications, we need legal certainty," Gomez told El Universal.
But we can't say with any degree of certainty if that's the case.
And there is zero certainty what a final bill would actually look like.
"I feel like I would, but I can't say with certainty," he said.
In the absence of certainty, many small businesses are wondering how to prepare.
But history suggests that this is more of an aspiration than a certainty.
Summer here in our nation's capital comes with a few degrees of certainty.
Neither has filed divorce docs yet, but our sources say that's a certainty.
But we know to a near certainty that he can't do it forever.
"With bipartisan support, it will provide investment certainty," he said on social media.
It is impossible to say with certainty which version of events is correct.
But we know one thing about L-Theanine with relative certainty, O'Keefe says.
Repeating the procedure for other blocks, he says, would not add more certainty.
Commissioner Mignon Clyburn joked about this lack of certainty in her opening remarks.
Congress should greenlight this bill to provide certainty to businesses and everyday savers.
They shift towards the person who can provide the highest amount of certainty.
Rivera insisted with "absolute certainty" that illegal immigration was at a record low.
The pursuit of official certainty, in other words, has bred an epistemological uncertainty.
"The key to pro-growth tax reform is permanence and certainty," he said.
I can answer that with all certainty—there's no way it would've happened.
But, in the meantime, there are six things we know with certainty. One.
As we worked together, Katie learned to favor resiliency over certainty and control.
Businesses want certainty, but that's in short supply in Britain at the moment.
The Obama administration has moved to bring some regulatory certainty for the companies.
In October, 2016, Tom Graves formally introduced the Active Cyber Defense Certainty Act.
He loves numbers, the clarity and the certainty and the comfort of them.
Investors want certainty, with the political turmoil weighing on consumer and business sentiment.
"It's like the weather," he says—the nearer in, the higher the certainty.
The only certainty as of now is that there's a lot of uncertainty.
A profound truth shattered my mind, leaving me reeling from its spiteful certainty.
And I know with moral certainty that they will live a degraded life.
The narrator realizes she has nothing: no home, no certainty, and no love.
This deal gives businesses greater certainty regarding their supply chains and input costs.
But he declined to tip his hand about whether that was a certainty.
He explained that having regulatory certainty is very important for companies and consumers.
There's something in the way he declaims: it connotes certainty, sympathy and resignation.
A recession from the novel coronavirus outbreak is a near certainty, economists say.
They speak with confidence bordering on certainty: Fleurie is pretty and, naturally, floral.
But it's really too early to say any of those things with certainty.
Ford, with what degree of certainty do you believe Judge Kavanaugh assaulted you?
And you will accept it with full, 100 percent certainty in your mind.
They don't want a new law; they want more certainty around existing law.
Underpinning it all is the certainty of this notion: It only takes one.
Old pillars of trans-Atlantic certainty, and possibly complacency, have begun to tremble.
Ms. Versace was terrified at the certainty with which he spoke to her.
The bill does not provide the certainty that state officials had been seeking.
With the DUP's 272 votes, they have a mathematical certainty of winning it.
"This technology gives you total certainty of what employees are doing," says Mulvey.
"The critical inquiry, then, is not legislative certainty but legislative potential," Mehta wrote.
But obviously that's far in the future and not at all a certainty.
That kind of certainty came easier to Ms. Nastasi than to Mr. Sze.
But Marvel's prosperous future was hardly a certainty a decade or so ago.
For the biggest clubs, a closed-off Champions League would offer financial certainty.
"Rebuilt stocks provide a greater certainty of catch for fishers," Mr. Nicol added.
All procedures had been followed and the near-certainty standard had been met.
The lack of certainty about U.S.A. Gymnastics' path forward loomed over these championships.
"We're struggling to put any certainty into an uncertain time," Mr. Pertchik said.
Crosscheck appeared to offer an appealing scientific certainty to the hunt for fraud.
LONDON — It is the closest thing to a certainty in the global economy.
What I do regret about my virus column, though, is its dripping certainty.
When Xue suggests that the certainty of communism produces much better results, Mrs.
One thing I hear over-and-over again is how businesses need certainty.
We didn't know with certainty what kind of a president he would become.
Rule of law requires legal certainty and that contracts and agreements are respected.
Another certainty is the response Democrats give whenever Republican lawmakers propose tax cuts.
Uncertainty is perhaps the only certainty heading into the investing environment in 225.
There's also certainty in a regime created specifically for you, by the experts.
The Good Place I loved wasn't one that trafficked in certainty about anything.
The only certainty is this: Whatever happens in China will be felt widely.
In 2020, even in periods of relative calm and certainty, conspiracy theories abound.
His opponents howl and then predict, with certainty, a point of no return.
But the lack of certainty around the treatment's safety doesn't worry all patients.
But there is no certainty among economists about where the limit might lie.
But the certainty that she had about her overarching vision propelled her forward.
With that now a certainty, independence is in the air, particularly in Scotland.
No one can say with certainty, but experts point to a few possibilities.
Davis said Britain took "seriously the requirement to give certainty to European citizens".
There is no certainty that a deal will be reached, the sources cautioned.
We have had incurious presidents before, and they also displayed tremendous self-certainty.
But in the Trump era, militant certainty takes precedence across the political spectrum.
"What riders need is certainty and information," Ms. Hakim said in an interview.
It was not the certainty that customarily surrounds Felix's status as Opening Day.
His voice was buoyant, assured of sanctity of mission and certainty of success.
I know the answer to that question with certainty, and so do you.
And when a nation reaches that state of depravity — judgment is a certainty.
It is, instead, a movie of certainty and action — and damn the consequences.
There's a certainty with Catholicism that you feel no one else really has.
It's hard to predict with much certainty just how close Congress will get to shutdown this time before someone blinks, but we can predict with absolute certainty that these regularly scheduled crises will keep occurring unless real changes are made.
Other descriptors emerged: a sense of safety, a sense of familiarity, a sense of inhabiting space with certainty, a sense, indeed, of the certainty of that space — the opposite feeling of having the rug pulled out from under your feet.
It was a tortuous approach to absolute certainty, but I decided to take it.
The recommendation carries an "A" grade, denoting high certainty of a "substantial" net benefit.
You know the way some rooms just exude a certainty of what they are?
Like so many assertions made in anthropology and archaeology, complete certainty is rarely attainable.
This is not a certainty, but it does appear quite likely in my view.
Call him naïve, but that certainty was something I needed to see and hear.
Governments must do their part by enacting energy policies that provide long-term certainty.
There is no certainty that Qlik will end up selling itself, the people added.
Or it could be permanent, giving insurers certainty that they'll receive the payments indefinitely.
There's no certainty — we don't have a date, we haven't gone fundraising for now.
There is, however, no certainty that an agreement will be reached, the sources said.
But the science is still a long way from providing any measure of certainty.
An entire program can be tested with the same certainty that mathematicians prove theorems.
And they are delicious, which — again — a computer cannot tell you with any certainty.
And it's because of that strength and certainty I hear her, I believe her.
"The only certainty in Europe is uncertainty," analysts at ANZ said in a note.
"It's just a hint [that this happened]; we cannot say with certainty," says Cadonati.
However, the firm said there was "no certainty" this would lead to any transaction.
Yet, we'll likely never have 100 percent certainty, even if the bones are found.
Who was in control of the WikiLeaks Twitter account cannot be known with certainty.
No one can say with 100% certainty that a couple is heading for divorce.
There is no certainty that a sale of Mentor will occur, the people cautioned.
The governor says the move would give businesses the certainty they need to plan.
Nobody has 100% hit rate, and nobody can predict the future with complete certainty.
This would mean a multi-year negotiation process with no certainty about its results.
They could not pin down the origins of Pukie or Rhabdo with absolute certainty.
But now Bloomberg is corroborating that this thing is still far from a certainty.
The only certainty is that wherever this technology becomes ubiquitous, life will be different.
"Management wouldn't quantify, leaving investors without much certainty for near-term reaccelerating," he added.
A cut of at least a quarter percentage point is viewed as a certainty.
And I make my choices with relative certainty that I'm doing the right thing.
"We can confirm with absolute certainty that 340,134 voters were purged," Palast told Refinery29.
Businesses that have to plan ahead, such as airlines, need certainty long before that.
The EPA's professed rationale for the change is to provide regularity clarity and certainty.
It's difficult to name what every person's favorite beauty product is with total certainty.
"German industry quickly needs legal and planning certainty in 5G expansion," the BDI said.
Now we know with certainty that it actually tears people down in devastating ways.
The financial-services industry may be one of the largest beneficiaries of greater certainty.
There is no certainty that RPX will agree to any deal, the sources added.
A Canadian withdrawal, still not a certainty, would increase the costs for everyone else.
Greater certainty about future work will give firms confidence to invest more in technology.
What criminologists have found is that the certainty of punishment is far more important.
However, the network is near-certainty confident that these are cheetahs, armadillos or pandas.
That's because the certainty that the company offers to the customer is worth it.
The more guidance and direction we get now the better in terms of certainty.
"We have no certainty of what he is doing," he told Cadena Ser radio.
It still isn't a certainty Durant will move across the bay with the Warriors.
"Sadly, because of Otto Warmbier it's certainty been expedited," Wilson said in an interview.
Markets regard a rate cut as a certainty after policymakers' July 30-31 meeting.
Insurers and Democrats, though, are looking for more certainty than just a temporary continuation.
The report added that there was no certainty that a deal would be struck.
He has made false allegations of mass voting fraud repeatedly and with total certainty.
And by "feared," we mean, knew with 100% certainty that that is what happened.
Investors, however, have little certainty or visibility on when or if this will happen.
The researchers suggest it could be something to do with certainty over their paternity.
Providing more certainty, more transparency helps the program and we're hoping to do that.
At the moment, relegation from the Championship is Bolton's only real certainty going forward.
Can anyone say, with any certainty, that we wouldn't see tanks in the streets?
In the absence of certainty, I sought the familiar and guaranteed relief of food.
The insurance industry expressed relief at the delay, but insurers stressed they need certainty.
If you prioritize that over "policy certainty," then chaos might be the optimal strategy.
However, we cannot assure you with 100% certainty that we will get through this.
We should work together to minimize disruption and give as much certainty as possible.
Yet there is no certainty about how it would be interpreted in Britain's case.
It is imperative that Congress also act to provide legislative certainty on these measures.
For businesses, the agreement would deliver much-needed certainty about the next two years.
Mnuchin argued that banks needed greater clarity and certainty about the rules governing them.
My constituents deserve certainty, not plans that crumble and implode under their own weight.
But in this book there are also are moments of real certainty, even truth.
It's a near certainty that he will never work in a steel mill again.
"Classics are coming back," Ms. Jackson said with all the certainty she could muster.
"We hear it time and time again that business needs certainty," Mr. Collins added.
Prometheus Laboratories that have clouded the certainty over what is in fact patent eligible.
And what kind of society would this produce, this lack of certainty, this humiliation?
Perry said Centerra opted to pay off all the noteholders to ensure "deal certainty".
The only certainty is that it has written off hopes of challenging this year.
Acacia, responding to media speculation, added that there was no certainty of a deal.
The genetics of most forms of Alzheimer's and dementia are not known with certainty.
This certainty and subsequent investment and job growth can be realized, just not yet.
And not only is that a possibility, but it's a certainty for some professions.
Patients are turning towards an unlikely solution for pricing certainty on health tests: Groupons.
The one certainty, he says, is that he will end up spending much more.
She does not know with certainty when, or even if, she will take it.
No one can say with 100% certainty that a couple is heading for disaster.
There is no certainty that Pfizer will press ahead with a bid, they added.
For that certainty, we should be relying on Congress and Mueller; not Michael Wolff.
Where others had doctorates, Jacobs had a self-certainty that was manifest early on.
This points to one certainty: disruptive change has become the new normal for manufacturing.
The regional election was called to return legal certainty to Catalonia, Rajoy has said.
The company said there was no certainty an agreement would be signed with Elco.
The certainty was that the young woman would stay inside Eloy while she waited.
One certainty is that millennials overwhelmingly voted for Democrats up and down the ticket.
This is ultimately why Congress must provide certainty to commercial fisherman and their industry.
Prosecutors told they "believe with certainty" the man in the video wasn't Pinkston.
And the other is we are suffering a nostalgia for certainty, stability, and rectitude.
"We're just confused because there is no certainty about my husband's fate," she said.
He could feel the certainty of salvation or damnation knocking against his rib cage.
The more uncertain our world seems, the more we compensate by seeking out certainty.
"You are never going to have 21 percent certainty on anything," Ms. Hamnett said.
"The important thing is to give certainty to the armed forces," Ms. Diaz said.
Insurers want certainty that the federal government will keep financing this $7 billion fund.
Thyssenkrupp will have to weigh valuation against speed and execution certainty, the sources said.
But as Sydney quickly discovers, there are powers even stronger than her moral certainty.
"She's very much in love," Anthony says with suave certainty, and perhaps he's right.
The whole point of trade deals is that they're supposed to provide some certainty.
Of course, they caution that there is no way to predict flooding with certainty.
Yet the only certainty to emerge was an intense round of political blame-shifting.
Steve might have looked unkempt, but his energy, precision, clarity and certainty were impressive.
"You need certainty if you're going to spend that kind of money," he said.
"Until certainty exists from a legal standpoint, you have to hit pause," he said.
The only certainty is that the equilibrium is bound to shift left or right.
"The government will provide extraordinary support for Pemex - with almost complete certainty," she said.
That certainty has proved crucial for another Minneapolis couple, Lacey Mamak and Alison Nowak.
"Puerto Rico needs certainty and stability," she said in the statement released via Twitter.
MOSCOW — For 37 games, the one certainty at this World Cup had been goals.
Self-certainty or authenticity by themselves cannot anchor our morality or sense of justice.
The two things that start-up companies need most are investment and regulatory certainty.
What we can say for certainty is just how unappealing Pizza Hut's wings were.
They want certainty that they can cover their costs and not worry about it.
But investors need more certainty that it knows how to make money from it.
Some things are known with growing certainty — rising sea levels makes storm surge worse.
In the end, we are left with speculation but without the fixative of certainty.
The chief added he could not say with certainty that Green was seat-belted.
There is no certainty that there will be a renegotiated deal, the sources cautioned.
We should work together to minimise disruption and give as much certainty as possible.
The lack of certainty about the future makes a hash of merely prudential calculation.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked about the near certainty that Trump is acquitted.
This was a case where it was better to wait for certainty, accountants said.
With that now a certainty, independence is in the air, particularly in Scotland. 3.
And there's no way to set the rules with certainty that it will work.
He also introduces a new term into the financial lexicon: The industrial certainty complex.
With the IUD, she thought, she would at least have three years of certainty.
The only certainty is that Big Sugar will continue to fight for its exoneration.
While grappling with the near-certainty of her husband's death, Fani stands with Franz.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson's emphatic election victory means that Brexit is now a certainty.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson's emphatic election victory means that Brexit is now a certainty.
It creates some certainty in that it fixes the departure date as Jan. 31.
It is long past time for Congress to give Dreamers the certainty they deserve.
There is no certainty that GE will proceed with these divestitures, the sources added.
The community needs certainty, Ms. Hildman said, and Ms. Earhart deserves a proper burial.
No one but Moore can say with certainty what's in his heart and mind.
We can't confirm with 73 percent certainty that Sayoc is connected to the accounts.
" Regulatory oversight "creates certainty for the consumer, eliminates confusion, and levels the playing field.
For scientists, facts are rigorously tested but cannot be proved with 100 percent certainty.
He conveyed a calm certainty about the mysteries of the stress-inducing admissions system.
To this day, no one can say with certainty why the rig caught fire.
The only certainty is who will take the ball on opening day in Washington.
In real life, however, we rarely know those things with any certainty or finality.
And that will be a certainty if more unexpected costs at Yahoo are discovered.
From this point of view, the goal of humor is the subversion of certainty.
Can we say with certainty that young people are more anxious than older people?
There may be no way to answer that question with any degree of certainty.
We also don't know with certainty which species of shark gnawed on its flesh.
"When the Kroenke stadium became a certainty it was too late in our process to include that in a meaningful way other than to reference that it was a certainty and going to be happening," LA24 Chairman Casey Wasserman told a conference call.
"There is growing speculation amongst traders that ... we could actually see more certainty in the sector, despite likely bad news, and that certainty will be enough to bring a bounce this week," said Michael McCarthy, chief market strategist at stockbroker CMC Markets.
"If there's one thing that would be useful for the government is to give us some degree of certainty as to what the plan is on the Brexit side and some degree of certainty that border taxes will not distort the market."
We made no future plans; I had no certainty that this movie would actually happen.
Polls can thus narrow around a false consensus, creating unwarranted certainty about the eventual outcome.
For the correction to end we have to get some certainty on this trade situation.
Businesses and other stakeholders will lose the predictability and certainty that come with EU law.
"There's a few things that need sorting out before we have that certainty," he added.
It is important to send a stability, certainty message/signal to the European public opinion.
Interim CEOs can make decisions — but those moves don't carry the same force or certainty.
No, it's a feeling of not having any certainty with which to confront this year.
We have more certainty now that she will not become president, but you never know.
I am filled with an overwhelming, powerful certainty: Mr. Duckworth needed that class to graduate.
So there is no certainty that the Mexican blocks will yield commercial volumes of oil.
Knowing the shape of one, we can infer the shape of the other with certainty.
"Price will be the deciding factor, coupled with reliability and certainty of delivery," he said.
The same goes for anyone who says with certainty that it's the next big thing.
The only certainty about the future of Obamacare right now is this: Everything is uncertain.
"We are here to provide certainty to the economy, society and in politics," he said.
The way I saw it, in exchange for that certainty, I was accepting certain risks.
In Allen's case, we have no certainty as to what did or did not happen.
But the research suggests that certainty of punishment matters far, far more than the severity.
Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Tina Smith (D-Minn.), will restore certainty and common sense.
But the Democrats are going to bring a lawsuit, and you have to have certainty.
But that approach lacks the certainty, and ease of setup, that system-level integrations afforded.
Mock's books include her debut memoir, Redefining Realness, and its 213.82 follow up Surpassing Certainty.
Similarly, the panel suggests adults continue current processed meat consumption (weak recommendation, low-certainty evidence).
The test confirmed that Gracie and Audrey are identical twins with 100 percent certainty. Expedia.
Investors head into the Fed's July meeting with the near certainty of a rate cut.
There is no certainty that the process will lead to a deal, the sources added.
If there's one certainty about Build it's that we'll hear about what's next for Windows.
If one thing is a certainty, it's that kids aren't afraid to speak the truth.
A: The only certainty at the Supreme Court is the justices' three-month summer vacation.
One, the study takes pains not to say with any certainty that it proves causality.
The lone certainty, it often seems, is that there is another quarrel on the horizon.
BHP has held off approving larger developments in Indonesia, awaiting more certainty on government regulations.
Like death and taxes, long-term health-care expenses are becoming another certainty in life.
In fact, the severity of prison time could be lessened if certainty is increased enough.
"The uncertainty is uncomfortable, but it's better than the certainty of that job," he said.
I wanted them to understand my certainty that something very bad could easily have happened.
Furthermore, no one can say with any certainty how or whether it will be implemented.
There is no certainty that the discussions will result in a deal, the people said.
"We need more certainty," said Phil Ramsey, who grows wheat, corn, and soy in Indiana.
Liberals that gripped tightly to misplaced certainty that Hillary Clinton had the election buttoned up.
Capital spending among small businesses also grew stronger in November and December, reflecting increasing certainty.
Sun, also champion at 400m in London, had been considered a certainty for the final.
"Investment is a sensitive thing, and at the moment there's no certainty," one businessman said.
"Many of these tests indicate risk of getting disease, not the certainty of getting it."
There is no certainty that Epiq will agree to any deal, according to the sources.
So we really can't say with any certainty whether it's a Brazilian strain or not.
"There is no certainty that any transaction will occur," Deutsche Bank said in a statement.
But my certainty that she won't throw herself over gives the situation something darkly ridiculous.
Just about the only certainty with this administration is that nobody knows what will happen.
Capital spending among small businesses also grew stronger in November and December, reflecting rising certainty.
AHIP said that stance is not enough, because it does not provide certainty for 2018.
In discussing the looming trade embargo, Obama expressed certainty that the US would eliminate it.
Such insurers will wade into 2018 Obamacare markets with no certainty over the program's fate.
The US, meanwhile, has demonstrated a commitment to the certainty of punishment over its severity.
There is no certainty that Roche will continue to pursue Pacific Biosciences, the people added.
Change pushed by the opposition is a possibility; change pushed from within government, a certainty.
It would certainly be foolish to believe the opposite—that Trump's impeachment is a certainty.
It gives them a higher level of certainty within the political process, which they like.
"What certainty means is that you don't have drastic changes between administrations," he told CNBC.
There is no certainty that any transaction will occur with any party, the people cautioned.
There is no certainty that the talks will result in a transaction, the people said.
The certainty of war with the United States would take that option off the table.
But rumors of our righteous certainty, our "retrograde intransigence," are likely to remain greatly exaggerated.
But it can also fill them with a terrifying, righteous certainty, breeding strife and injustice.
This generally meant that the person was likely guilty to roughly a 85033 percent certainty.
Chairman Neal recognizes that long-term certainty is the best policy for renewable fuels growth.
The technique of undermining democracy abroad is to generate doubt where there had been certainty.
Over time, demanding constant certainty from yourself and others can be tiresome — and frankly, annoying.
For one thing, no one can predict with certainty how automation will affect specific industries.
They expressed unease about the lack of certainty regarding the players controlling the new route.
One certainty: By that time any such proposal will cost significantly more than today's estimates.
Quality decisions of this kind can provide applicants with more certainty earlier in the process.
They cannot confirm with certainty that a single family has actually been reunited, he said.
Sources cautioned Reuters in 2016 there was no certainty Brookfield would make a final offer.
Still, the lack of certainty around what caused the condition doesn't mean vaping is safe.
The ITC claims that greater "certainty" would add 0.47 percentage points to future U.S. GDP.
The stadium has been downsized, along with certainty about Brazil's superiority as a soccer nation.
However the Court decides in these cases, follow-on litigation over redistricting is a certainty.
An increase in the deficit, which mainstream economists consider a certainty, is beside the point.
Arms control agreements supply parties with a basic sense of certainty about each other's capabilities.
It's too soon to say what caused the deadly Grenfell Tower fire with any certainty.
"We have to have certainty now around the timetable," French Finance Minister Michel Sapin said.
It's a certainty that history will look unkindly upon the moral blindness of contemporary Republicans.
The public markets are more concerned with fundamental company performance and certainty than anything else.
Preorder the reissues of Endless Pain, Pleasure To Kill Terrible Certainty, and Extreme Aggression here.
The one certainty of that night in Colorado is that he cheated on his wife.
First, it would stop the cycle of budgeting by crisis, providing certainty to job creators.
"The mistake is to always wait, wait, wait until you have perfect certainty," he said.
There is, for now, greater certainty about the value of work on a smaller scale.
Ditching the Affordable Care Act, Mr. Obama's signature legislative achievement, is close to a certainty.
He's integral when there's the hope of credit, invisible when there's the certainty of blame.
But disallowing updates brings a near certainty over time that we will be successfully attacked.
And that's the problem: The promise of possibility, however faint, is harsher than any certainty.
But Collins has been reluctant to say with certainty whether she finds their allegations credible.
They argue that the changes are needed to provide more fiscal certainty year after year.
It's a fair certainty that the latest "hot" director is not likely to drop by.
This means that a future eruption of some kind somewhere on Kilauea is a certainty.
Therefore, you need to continue to make the lack of scientific certainty a primary issue.
"There is no certainty, so we have to prepare for the worst," says Mr. Brockhoff.
If we're being truthful, none of us can say with absolute certainty that it's impossible.
But he offered little real certainty as to who might have tried to kill him.
But in the midst of an evolving crisis, that certainty is too often an illusion.
Reichman noted that it may never be possible to prove its existence with complete certainty.
But that plan provided less certainty because of the problems the hurricane may leave behind.
"Unfortunately, I think a recession is all but a certainty at this point," Dogen said.
The deal needs the approval of the British Parliament, which is far from a certainty.
The lack of certainty about when weddings can be rebooked is adding to everyone's stress.
He might as well have intended to kill them because death was almost a certainty.
"We can't tell anyone with certainty that you're not going to get hit," Fugate said.
When we talked about the end of every certainty, we were not expecting any revelation.
Yankees 21978, Rays 2235 Yankees Manager Joe Girardi is a man who seeks out certainty.
"It's almost a certainty now that I'm going to invest in online events," he said.
It wasn't the certainty that she wouldn't, but the uncertainty itself: How could I know?
It was the certainty of each other, knowing that no matter what, she'd be there.
Corporations have pushed this approach because it gives more certainty to their annual legal expenditures.
He could well be invoking a partner or a child, a certainty or a longing.
And yet the humanities are not sufficiently valued precisely because they do not teach certainty.
They promise a semblance of certainty during a time when there is actually very little.
The only certainty is that no one can predict the future or time the market.
Spin through, and the limited certainty and benefits that come with being an employee disappear.
If you're reading this article, it's a virtual certainty that you're lumped into those statistics.
And I still harbor small whispered doubts about the legal certainty underlying Markiv's criminal conviction.
In November 2019, a DNA test confirmed "with scientific certainty" that Biden was the father.
"There is legal certainty, [and] a government that's very pro-business, pro-enterprise," she said.
Senators from both parties, including several Democratic presidential candidates, wanted more certainty in their schedules.
Two bankers attending the event said there was now more certainty on French business policy.
He was afraid to stop, submit to the feeling, the certainty he knew was false.
There is no certainty, however, that any sale of LifeLock will occur, the people cautioned.
But hey, when has the almost certainty of failure stopped anyone in the cryptocurrency space?
Yet the verdict confers no certainty that Mr. Roof will ever be put to death.
Still, she said there is no certainty on whether bitcoin's past performance can be repeated.
We humans crave certainty, and it's easy to assume that such things are easily knowable.
Want a trade war truce and a little certainty and sanity in the world economy?
Rather than increasing their comfort with being wrong, they can deepen an attitude of certainty.
We need to get beyond it quickly so we can start to plan with certainty.
Now the Gards are trapped: They face the absolute certainty that their child will die.
People have assigned blame on Saudi Arabia with such certainty before the investigation is complete.
ISDS provides some much-needed certainty to companies that want to invest, compete and expand.
"I can say with certainty that I never trafficked in birtherism," he repeated when asked.
Heather Wendell, the district's budget director, said the contract brings certainty over future labor costs.
Aviation industry players are pressing May for more certainty over the way borders will work.
In the long run, companies require rules for the sake of legal stability and certainty.
What I can say with certainty is that my future has been written for me.
The number of Islamic State fighters who have been killed is not known with certainty.
In the dysfunction that now tarnishes our commitment to the foreign-born, this certainty emerges.
Beale said businesses and the British public wanted more certainty about the post-Brexit order.
Information remains hazy, and it's far too early to predict an outcome with any certainty.
I can say with total certainty these are not the values my family taught me.
Because that creates certainty for the consumers, it eliminates confusion and a level playing field.
Many of these tests indicate risk of getting disease, not the certainty of getting it.
It's too early to say with certainty there's a so-called Planet X out there.
You've got to work together to ... One thing we all know is businesses want certainty.
Liberals are more tolerant of mess, ambiguity, and uncertainty; conservatives prefer tidiness, clarity, and certainty.
" Slim said Lopez Obrador's inaugural address inspired "certainty and an invitation to work and invest.
Most importantly the business community needs policy certainty to promote investment and improve business confidence.
"The certainty with which it is being portrayed that the intelligence community fingered Russia and revealed multiple attacks -- those are being overblown and put forward with a certainty that doesn't exist," said one Republican congressional aide familiar with discussion among top leadership and committee members.
" The team hoped to start play one season earlier, but Bettman said "the certainty over the construction timeline, or the lack of certainty, led us to believe that making the start of the 2021 season would be speculative at best and unlikely at worst.
And the gap between the possibility of deportation and its certainty creates lives full of fear.
Mrs May called the election in order to "guarantee certainty and security for years to come".
Financial markets need more "clarity and certainty", IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said at the weekend.
Without 100% certainty, I don't think the state should be in the business of killing people.
The sources asked for anonymity and cautioned that there is no certainty a deal will happen.
It has never been easy to answer these questions with certainty, and now is no exception.
The shareholders added that there was no certainty that the review would lead to a transaction.
I don't know him as a person and I certainty don't know them as a couple.
The speaker's notion of requiring certainty of conviction before even considering charges is wrongheaded and improper.
Pruitt expressed doubt about the certainty and seriousness of human-caused climate change, despite overwhelming evidence.
A research firm established with "reasonable certainty" that the video's downloader infected Bezos' phone with malware.
There is no certainty that Ambac will prevail in the auction for CIFG, the people said.
It said there could be no certainty that the approach would result in a formal offer.
I remember feeling, with innate certainty, that he was a different kind of person from me.
U.S. officials have been careful about expressing with certainty that Russia's efforts persuaded voters, Reuters noted.
"I do not support triggers, it takes away the certainty we've put in that bill," Sen.
At about 70 minutes, "The Burial at Thebes" barrels toward its conclusion with a brutal certainty.
WHEN the British election campaign started, a victory for Theresa May looked a nailed-on certainty.
But they cautioned there was no certainty a deal would be reached at a higher price.
They need to be able to deliver these lines with absolute certainty of their own rightness.
Jesse's certainty that he's been chosen leads him to ignore his friends and his basic humanity.
"You don't want to act as though the worst case scenario is a certainty," Kopp said.
They offer some form of certainty and reassurance — swearing to God, over-emphasizing truthfulness, etc. 2.
The treaty would also provide a more effective platform to resolve disputes, providing greater legal certainty.
As small business owners we require confidence, and certainty that our government leaders have our backs.
But if Friedman were alive, he, with mighty certainty, would have some choice words in response.
GUTFELD: No, but this is what -- the lesson here is that humans have 100 percent certainty.
And you know, with certainty, regardless of what interest rates are, you're going to pay interest.
The threat of deportation is never a 100 percent certainty, but it's never at zero either.
If we know that number with some certainty we can start going about reinventing delivery methods.
No one knows how prevalent CTE is Scientists can't say with certainty who will get CTE.
Certainty and bravado are stereotypical characteristics of the upstart CEO working to re-engineer an industry.
The disparate approaches have led to little certainty in how Trump's session with Xi will proceed.
A feeling of vertigo swept over him, and the mad certainty that it had been taken.
The quest for ever more transparency is a search for certainty that monetary policymakers cannot offer.
Where is the UK in your mind now in terms of business certainty on that scale?
Importantly, there is no foolproof way to know with 100 percent certainty what motivated the hackers.
Whether you are British or American, Filipino or French, the era of political certainty is over.
There is no certainty that a deal, in any form, will be reached, the person added.
The only certainty is, the quicker the oil price falls, the sooner that day will come.
They say they want "regulatory certainty" while throwing a dozen regulations into years-long legal dispute.
What's next: There is no certainty North Korea would accept such an offer, but it might.
But, certainty can be short-lived and the ultimate price on carbon is anything but clear.
This paragraph-long episode of recollection begins in certainty and moves with breathtaking swiftness to incredulity.
Colao said the talks were still progressing but there was no certainty a deal would materialise.
With parliament deadlocked, the lack of certainty is encouraging some Britons to try to influence politicians.
One thing that can be said with certainty about Maier is that she was a hoarder.
Typically, NASA scientists can predict the path of the orbit with some certainty for 100 years.
The certainty and uncluttered regulatory environment the Britain was known for were thrown to the wind.
But Pelosi and her allies offered certainty that she would win on the floor vote. Rep.
We obviously would not have pursued the measures that we pursued without that level of certainty.
There are two fundamental dimensions of deterrence: the certainty of punishment and the severity of punishment.
Congressional Democrats are now demanding that Congress fund the payments to provide certainty for the market.
But the ORR "was unable to determine with certainty the whereabouts of 1,475 children," Wagner testified.
"There is likely to be as much doubt as certainty leaving this room today," said Sen.
"I can say with absolute certainty that there is not a better deal available," May said.
Prada said the move would "strengthen the level of certainty on the most relevant tax matters".
Romans say with snobby certainty you can make carbonara only with guanciale, not pancetta or bacon.
No one can predict with certainty what the courts will do, but the United States v.
They point to recent polls that show an unusual degree of certainty about 6900 voting intentions.
Sapiro also pointed to another reason U.S. business rallied around the deal: the need for certainty.
Such parents want absolute certainty that their kids will not be subject to working-class hell.
It's now past the time when we need to know with certainty who's minding the store.
I can say with 100% certainty that this is the best breakfast burrito I've ever had!
The talk about a looming third election has moved from a joke to a near certainty.
There is no certainty that Thomas H. Lee will successfully conclude its negotiations, the people said.
The report said the investigation "could not determine with any certainty" that the installation was "successful."
There is widespread suspicion — though not certainty — that Russia is a major player behind these attacks.
In fact, I can say with some certainty that I have never read a fantasy novel.
The one certainty is that the United States oil industry is already under severe financial pressure.
To me it is a relief to imagine that I don't need certainty of many things.
It showed that even inside the government, there is no certainty about whom it has killed.
Insurers say that step would be critical in giving them certainty and preventing premium increases. Sen.
Whatever stories policy makers and businesspeople tell themselves, the only certainty is a surplus of uncertainty.
"They want certainty in markets so they can sell their goods for a good price."5.
Earlier this year, it seemed a political certainty that the GOP would lose its Senate majority.
In an interview, Mr. Slim said the new law established a certainty that all businessmen appreciate.
And if you feel like you know something with absolute certainty, always question your own assumptions.
" But given the lack of certainty around Kabila's intentions, "a further delay in 2019 remains likely.
Taxes, like life's other great certainty — death, are inevitable and a serious issue for crypto users.
"Uncertainty is the only clear certainty in the near term," said Westpac macro strategist Tim Riddell.
But the near certainty of a Conservative government is unlikely to provide much of a springboard.
If you inherit the mutated gene, Alzheimer's will emerge at around age 50 — with absolute certainty.
The only certainty was that they would end up a long way from where they began.
Furthermore, we don't know with any certainty what effect his public statements are having on policy.
The question of what, precisely, happened between Howard and Muslet can't be answered with any certainty.
Now, it's too early to say with any certainty that Akhmetshin was actually a Russian spy.
"We should work together to minimize disruption and give as much certainty as possible," May said.
It's impossible to say, with any certainty, that flying cars will be safer than regular ones.
Articulate and well-traveled, he carries himself with certainty and poise, and he is relentlessly polite.
It reminds you to remain vigilant and question the seeming certainty of the world around you.
There is no certainty that the sale process will result in any deal, the people cautioned.
But, if adopted, the recommendations will not provide the certainty that they are likely to imply.
As ever, the target's directors need to weigh these distinct pitches for value, certainty, and deliverability.
Any patient who did could be said with certainty not to have had the disease before.
The 68-32 vote in the Senate makes final passage of the legislation a virtual certainty.
Would I like to know with some degree of certainty that dementia was "coming" for me?
But living with the wise uncertainty of scientists is preferable to the ranting certainty of demagogues.
The new deal, called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, undermines that certainty in two ways.
But there is still no certainty that he was responsible for the loss of the agents.
I can say this with certainty—I represent those farmers and am a lifelong farmer myself.
It is hard to state the age of Deepa Kumari, the betrothed girl, with any certainty.
The EU will start ship inspections to ensure legal certainty and secure business continuity in shipping.
Scientists cannot always say with certainty how a given natural disaster was influenced by climate change.
That certainty came from a set of assumptions about how societies function and political freedoms emerge.
The size and certainty of the payment guarantees that the drug companies will get large profits.
He said there is an "overkill" how much certainty FOMC members could have in preparing this.

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