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309 Sentences With "active during the day"

How to use active during the day in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "active during the day" and check conjugation/comparative form for "active during the day". Mastering all the usages of "active during the day" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We evolved to be active during the day and sleep at night.
These animals are highly vocal and territorial, and are active during the day.
The normally nocturnal animals also flipped their schedules, becoming active during the day.
Exercise: Being physically active during the day can help you fall asleep more easily at night.
Nocturnal raccoons were active at night, for example, while diurnal pheasants were active during the day.
But whereas the tool shows Russian users tend to post at night, a number of Iranians are active during the day.
Bats with rabies may act oddly, such as having difficulty flying or being active during the day, which is unusual for the nocturnal animals.
Unlike wild bats, these lab bats at the Cranbrook Institute of Science are most active during the day, according to the Organization for Bat Conservation.
" He added, "In the face of the obesity epidemic, eliminating the handful of opportunities for kids to be active during the day is a shame.
While falcons and other birds of prey are active during the day and prized for their sight, nocturnal owls are valued for their sense of hearing.
It had been believed that these birds were similar to emus and ostriches; they're also big, flightless birds, but they're active during the day and have good eyesight.
As I became more involved in LA's trans community, I learned that Mother Karina was just as active during the day––tirelessly advocating for the rights of trans people like it was her full time job.
The new face includes an enlarged view of the daily activity rings so you can see clearly whether you need to stand up more or simply get more active during the day to complete a goal.
A prominent theory born out of this notion, commonly referred to as the "nocturnal bottleneck" hypothesis, argues that as early as 250 million years ago, placental mammals adopted an active nightlife to avoid predation by dinosaurs, which were primarily active during the day.
She suggests managing behavior issues by making sure the house is safe (installing baby gates, etc.), treating senior dogs like they are puppies ("Take them outside frequently to eliminate and go out there with them," she says) and trying to keep your pet active during the day so she's more likely to sleep through the night.
C. ceylonensis is active during the day on tree trunks.
They are active during the day, but also fly at night.
It is active during the day and mainly feeds on lizards.
The moths are active during the day. The larvae feed on peach and Sapindus species.
L. schreibersii is oviparous. L. schreibersii is active during the day. It feeds mainly on insects.
It is the only known species of day gecko to inhabit this area. It is active during the day.
Australian Reptile Online Database. to cobalt blue in color. This lizard is diurnal, active during the day. It is omnivorous.
Most types have been collected in sandy areas at night, while some of their species are active during the day.
This species is on the wing in January and February. It is an alpine moth that is active during the day.
Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas. 184 pp. LCCCN 73-229. . This species may be active during the day and at night.
The shore skink is diurnal (active during the day) and spends most of its time hunting or basking in the sun.
3 The cotton rat is mainly active during the day, which may help differentiate its niche from that of the rice rat.
The flies are most active during the day, especially during sunny and hot days in the summer (December-May in the Southern Hemisphere).
The moth flies from May to September depending on the location. The species is active during the day. The larvae feed on mint.
They feed frequently while active during the day. When temperatures drop, particularly on cold nights, they may conserve energy by entering hypothermic torpor.
Also, the Ili pika varies the percent of time it is active during the day or night based on seasons. During the winter season, they are more active during the day while during the spring and fall, they are more active at night. Li, W., & Smith, A. T. (2015). In search of the illusive and iconic Ili pika (Ochotona iliensis).
This species is quite common in the grasslands of the Gobi and nearby areas. It is a colonial species and active during the day.
As most flounders, the peacock flounder is mainly nocturnal, but is sometimes also active during the day. It hunts for small fishes, crabs and shrimp.
During the breeding season, they are active during the day, as well as night, but outside this period, activity is restricted to rainy or humid nights.
Campbell and Lamar (2004) found this species only to be active during the day. Within its range, night temperatures are low and apparently restrict its activity.
It is active during the day and during twilight activities, and occasionally at night, hibernating from late fall to winter and mating in late spring or summer.
However, in muddy waters, the mudpuppy may become active during the day. Mudpuppies can even live under the ice when lakes freeze. There is an introduced population in Maine.
The masked palm civet is a nocturnal solitary predator that is occasionally active during the day. It is partly arboreal.Lekagul, B. and McNeely, J. A. (1988). Mammals of Thailand.
Conocephalus fuscus is active during the day, and their main form of locomotion is walking. However, they use their large hind legs for jumping when under threat of predation.
Some Old World species, such as Libelloides macaronius, are active during the day, and are brightly colored; many of them also hold their wings spread at rest like dragonflies.
Light pollution can even affect the animals and plants active during the day, as these diurnal wasps that are stealing the nocturnal insects caught in spiderwebs near street lamps demonstrate.
A terrestrial species, because of the low nighttime temperatures in its native habitat, M. hindii is only active during the day and when there is enough sunlight to warm its environment.
C. viridanus is active during the day and at dusk. Both its life in nature and its requirements in a terrarium are very similar to those of the Gran Canaria skink.
Adult beetles are most active during the day, but display nocturnal activity on warmer nights. When active during the day, adult beetles can be found close to the water’s edge feeding, mating, and absorbing the sun. At night, it is common for females to sit at the bottom of their vertical sand burrow, while the males are positioned to guard the top of the hole. As the temperatures drop in the fall, the adult beetles die off.
These birds require frequent feeding while active during the day and become torpid at night to conserve energy. Because of their small size, they are vulnerable to insect-eating birds and animals.
The female of this species is short wings and flightless, which inhibits the dispersal of the species. The male of the species are active during the day and are regarded as fast flyers.
The Euphrates softshell turtle is mainly active during the day, but some night-activity also occurs. In parts of its range it is infrequently seen during the winter, likely due to the lower temperature.
Most polyclads hide away from direct light. However, some of the brightly colored species often are active during the day. With their flamboyant coloring they advertise their potential toxicity to visual predators such as fish.
The hamerkop is mostly active during the day, often resting at noon during the heat of the day. They can be somewhat crepuscular, being active around dusk, but are not nocturnal as has sometimes been reported.
Terrestrial & arboreal; diurnal; found in many types of forested land. Prefers dense and bushy hill forest. A skillful and an adept climber, it moves over trees and bushes rather swiftly. It is active during the day time.
Females deposit eggs in flower buds, and larvae develop inside, preventing fruit development. Adults are active during the day and feed on flowers, leaves, and buds. A. musculus is attracted to damaged cranberry flower buds.Mechaber, W. L. 1992.
The moth flies in two generation per year from May to October depending on the location and are active during the day. Some adults may overwinter. They can occur wherever stinging nettles occur. Anthophila fabriciana has a wingspan of .
Newcomb's snail is an obligate freshwater species. The details of its ecology, such as life span, reproductive cycle, and number of eggs/young, are unknown. Newcomb's snail is active during the day.(2009). Erinna newcombi – Adams and Adams, 1855.
They are active during the day. The larvae feed from July to September on the seeds of Melilotus species (including Melilotus albus, Melilotus officinalis and Melilotus altissima). They enter diapause in nearby vegetation and pupate the following spring in the case.
Adults are on wing from mid April to June and from the end of July to August. There are two generations per year. They are active during the day. The larvae feed on various Fabaceae species, including Astragalus and Onobrychis species.
Night-time temperatures throughout its range are low, and this species only seems to be active during the day. Individuals have frequently been seen coiled on or near fallen logs, as well as in bushes and small trees above the ground.
They are active during the day and live alone or in small groups consisting of one male and several females. They dig burrows up to 1 meter deep. They feeds on plants and insects. During the breeding season adult males become very colorful.
The Prevost's squirrel is active during the day and mostly stays in trees, only occasionally moving on the ground. The 1–3 young are born after a gestation that lasts around seven weeks. The nest is made of sticks, bark and grass.
Z. germanicum is up to 5 mm in size. Adults occur in Germany from June to August. Unlike many other zodariid spiders, it is active during the day. If the spider encounters an ant, it retreats and stalks its prey from behind.
The green colour of the imago gradually disappears during the flight season, rendering the moth pale white. The moth is active during the day. #The flight season refers to the Netherlands and Belgium. This may vary in other parts of the range.
This species is active during the day and arboreal. Its diet predominantly consists of insects, but it has been known to eat smaller lizards in captivity. Mating behaviour consists of the male biting the female's neck, and intertwining tails. It is oviparous.
Aedes triseriatus mosquitoes that transmit (LACV) are most active during the day. Wear long sleeves, pants and socks while outdoors. Ensure all screens are in good condition to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home. Aedes triseriatus prefer treeholes to lay eggs in.
The turtle's diet includes anurans, tadpoles, invertebrates and carrion. Arizona mud turtle is only active during the day. It is active at night during summer in search of food. During winter Arizona mud turtle will hibernates under the temporary puddle and pond.
It produces sounds similar to a real baby seal and, unlike a real baby seal, is programmed to be active during the day and to sleep at night. On June 7, 2018, Dr Takanori Shibata holding his creation PARO, a robot therapy device.
Researchers have found that the growth of the human population and expansion of human activity has resulted in many species of animals that are normally active during the day, such as elephants, tigers and boars, becoming nocturnal to avoid contact with humans.
California Herps. but it can be active during the day and the night, especially during rainfall. It breeds in the winter and spring, and sometimes in the fall; heavy periods of rainfall trigger breeding. The egg mass is connected to aquatic vegetation.
The ornate narrow-mouthed frog lives semi-buried in leaf litter on the forest floor. It is mainly nocturnal but it is also active during the day during the rainy season. It breeds in ponds and temporary pools that form in the rainy season.
"Xantusia arizonae" . Unpublished abstract compiled and edited by the Heritage Data Management System, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ. 1-2 pp. Despite its name, the Arizona night lizard is primarily active during the day. The lizard's range extends across west- central Arizona.
Binturong photographed by a camera trap at a feeding platform on a fruiting Ficus The Binturong is active during the day and at night. Three sightings in Pakke Tiger Reserve were by day.Datta, A. (1999). Small carnivores in two protected areas of Arunachal Pradesh.
Most mammals are only active at night, so if you arrive early or leave late, you might be lucky enough to see one, such as echidnas, wallabies and kangaroos. Echidnas are also active during the day, searching for ants and grubs in the ground.
The bird has a crest of brilliant green feathers. These birds feed on nectar from flowers using a long extendable tongue, or catch insects on the wing. They require frequent feeding while active during the day and become torpid at night to conserve energy.
As the name implies, its bushy tail is covered with black and red rings and is similar to the red panda. Ring-tailed vontsira are very agile, and good climbers. They are quite playful and are active during the day. Their habitat consists of humid forests.
Gray brockets are active during the day, but generally only appear in the open at night. They are solitary and territorial, with the male defending a larger territory and the female a smaller core area. Unless under cover, they are very shy and nervous when held captive.
Common treeshrews are active during the day, and forage for food alone or in pairs, mainly on the ground, among shrubs and tree holes. They feed on fruits, seeds, leaves, and insects, especially ants and spiders.Nowak, R. (1999). Walker’s Mammals of the World (6th Ed.) Vol 1.
Mooneyes inhabit clear river and lake environments. They are mostly intolerant of turbid waters and are usually active during the day. As surface feeders, they eat primarily aquatic and terrestrial insects, but they are also known to eat crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish.D. Etnier and Wayne Starnes.
The trail also provides overviews of a rocky plain. Storm petrels here are different from any others in the world because they are active during the day. To avoid predators, they only return to their nest holes at night. The smallest marine iguana in the archipelago lives here.
This is a demersal fish. It lives on reefs and in lagoons and other sandy areas up to 40 meters deep. This species is omnivorous, feeding on algae, zooplankton and other small invertebrates, and detritus. It is active during the day and may swim in groups or remain solitary.
Steenbok are active during the day and the night; however, during hotter periods, they rest under shade during the heat of the day. The time spent feeding at night increases in the dry season. While resting, they may be busy grooming, ruminating or taking brief spells of sleep.
Basiliscus vittatus is in the same infraorder as the family Iguanidae. Like most reptiles, the brown basilisk is active during the day. Its outstanding camouflage allows it to remain motionless and very hard to detect. The maximum lifespan of the brown basilisk is probably around 7–8 years.
Chamaeleo dilepis does well in captivity. It is mostly active during the day. When this species is in captivity, it is very important to create an environment very much like its natural climate. It may be fed a diet including crickets, mealworms, wax worms, and other locally caught insects.
Dendrophryniscus proboscideus inhabits pristine and somewhat disturbed lowland forests, often in association with small streams. It is a leaf-litter species active during the day. It is threatened by habitat loss caused by expansion of agriculture, wood plantations, and human settlements, livestock grazing, clear-cutting, and collection of bromeliads.
The belly is cream, yellow or pale orange with darker orange spots. This species is a slender, small headed member of the cobra family. They are alert, fast moving, and highly venomous. Being very active during the day time, they feed on small lizards, mice, and ground dwelling birds.
The naked, pink newborn young weigh around . Their eyes are closed and skin flaps cover the ear openings. Creeping vole skull and dentition Creeping voles are primarily nocturnal, though they are sometimes active during the day. They are herbivorous, probably eating forbs and grasses, as well as fungi.
T. ananas is diurnally active, meaning they're active during the day. T. ananas plays an important role in coral reef ecosystems by recycling nutrients, bioturbating sediments, buffering sea water from ocean acidification to local scales, prey to a range of predators, and acting as a host for symbiotic biota.
289 Trachylepis atlantica is active during the day. Its body temperature averages , a few degrees higher than the environment temperature. During the day, body temperature peaks at up to around midday and is lower earlier and later. In the early morning, the lizard may bask in the sun.
These bright colors may be an example of aposematism, a warning signal to potential predators. Although most adult rove beetles avoid daylight, Paederus species are active during the day and attracted to bright lights after nightfall. Paederus eggs are laid singly, in moist habitats. Larvae go through two instars before pupation.
The majority of lizard species are active during the day, though some are active at night, notably geckos. As ectotherms, lizards have a limited ability to regulate their body temperature, and must seek out and bask in sunlight to gain enough heat to become fully active.Pianka and Vitt, pp. 32–37.
Most bees are diurnal, active during the day. This species and its closest relatives are nocturnal, leaving the nest to forage in the evening. Its adaptations to dim light have been well studied. Like other bees, it has apposition compound eyes, an eye type which is effective in bright light.
Using their venom injected through their fangs, they paralyse their prey and eat them. They are active during the day- time, particularly in the sunshine, running and jumping over leaves and grasses. The venom of Oxyopes lineatus contains peptide toxins called oxotoxins (OxyTx1 and OxyTx2), which were discovered in 2008.
Large males then do battle with much clashing of horns. Nubian ibexes are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day, and rest at night. On 16 March 1959, the British established the Yob Wildlife Reserve in northern Eritrea specifically to protect significant populations of Nubian ibex in the area.
Individual Diana monkeys may live for up to 20 years. This monkey is active during the day. It feeds at all levels of the canopy, and rarely comes down to the ground. Diana monkeys retreat to the upper levels of the trees at night, though they do not make nests.
Mainly nocturnal or crepuscular. Also active during the day, on sunny days at the end of the winter especially. They like to receive sunlight near their refuge. They hunt insects and in the warmer months of the year it can be found hunting nocturnal insects near light sources, street lamps, etc.
A scarab beetle grub from Australia. The C-shaped larvae, called grubs, are pale yellow or white. Most adult beetles are nocturnal, although the flower chafers (Cetoniinae) and many leaf chafers (Rutelinae) are active during the day. The grubs mostly live underground or under debris, so are not exposed to sunlight.
Breeding and egg-laying take place in the waters of streams and rivers. The water toad is typically nocturnal, but is also active during the day during the summer rains. Because of their superficial similarity to frogs, Korean water toads are sometimes eaten. However, like other toads, they are poisonous.
The Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) is a species of fly in the family Tephritidae in the insect order Diptera. B. tyroni is native to subtropical coastal Queensland and northern New South Wales. They are active during the day, but mate at night. B. tyroni lay their eggs in fruit.
In general, this species is nocturnal and is most vocally active on moonlit nights, especially near dawn. However, they are sometimes seen to be active during the day, especially when prey is scarce. During the daytime, they usually roost on a large tree branch. Often, the male and female roost together.
Sciurus deppei is diurnal and is very active during the day. It is arboreal, but spends 30-60% of its foraging time on the ground. When on the ground they are searching for food including seeds, nuts, buds, insects, and fruits. These squirrels are not considered social and stay in very small groups.
The imagines are active during the day in May and June. This species has a single generation. The caterpillars are polyphagous. They mainly feed on comfrey (Symphytum officinale), but also on a number of other plants (Urtica, Cynoglossum, Fragaria, Fraxinus, Geranium, Lamium, Lonicera, Myosotis, Populus, Prunus, Ranunculus, Rubus, Salix and Ulmus species).
It was classified in 1994 by Dr. Rainer Hutterer. Like its close relative the common degu, the Mocha Island degu is diurnal (active during the day). This species is said to have relatively primitive octodontid features, including long fur and a tail lacking a substantial tuft, a feature common amongst other octodons.
Double-crested cormorant predation on yellow perch in the eastern basin of Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 28(2): 202–211. Perch are commonly active during the day and inactive at night except during spawning, when they are active both day and night. Perch are most often found in schools.
Limpkins are active during the day, but also forage at night. Where they are not persecuted, they are also very tame and approachable. Even so, they are usually found near cover. They are not aggressive for the most part, being unconcerned by other species and rarely fighting with members of their own species.
Bird cone cell, including oil droplet. Oil droplets are found in the eyes of some animals, being located in the photoreceptor cells. They are especially common in the eyes of diurnal (active during the day) reptiles (e.g. lizards, turtles) and birds (see bird vision), though are present in other taxa such as lungfish.
D. russelii is terrestrial and active primarily as a nocturnal forager. However, during cool weather, it alters its behavior and becomes more active during the day. Adults are reported to be slow and sluggish unless pushed beyond a certain limit, after which they can become very aggressive. Juveniles, though, are generally more nervous.
It is known to be "the fiercest fighter of the opossums". The gray four-eyed opossum is a nocturnal animal but can be active during the day. Although it is terrestrial, it is very good at climbing and swimming. It has agile and swift movements, and seems more alert than other didelphids.
Chacoan peccaries often travel in herds of up to 20 individuals. They are active during the day, especially in the morning when they are most apt to travel. Herds display a general travel cycle within their home range of 42 days. This allows the individuals to monitor and show ownership over their areas.
Ameerega hahneli is a common frog, apart from the Guianas where it is uncommon. It occurs on the forest floor in the tropical rainforest. It is usually associated with fallen palm fronds, branches, and small gaps in the forest. They are active during the day and hide in low vegetation at night.
The southeastern shrew is active during the day and night, usually hunting for insects to eat. They make a chipping noise that can be heard occasionally. Southeastern shrews are active, spending most of their time in the burrows of other animals and rooting beneath the leaf litter feeding on the forest floor.
The white-footed tamarin uses scent glands to mark its territory. It lives in a group with its extended family of four to fifteen individuals. It lives in trees and is active during the day. Very agile in the trees, it uses all four limbs (quadrupedal) to aid in maneuvering through the branches.
This bird inhabits primary and secondary evergreen rainforests, almost always in the lowland but may inhabit foothills of up to 1500 meters high. Small flocks generate in the high canopies of the rainforest in search of fruiting trees. Although this bird is primarily active during the day, nocturnal movements have been noticed.
The Western Saharan spiny mouse is terrestrial and mainly nocturnal, although some have been recorded as active during the day. It probably rests in cracks and crevices in rocks rather than burrowing. In southern Mauritania pregnant females have been found in August and October. Rather common and readily trapped in many areas.
Mostly nocturnal but it may also be somewhat active during the day. The body shape is rather stout with a bunt, non-tapering tail and toes that have both adhesive pads and claws. Overall color ranges through greens, grays and browns with a nice chevron pattern down the back. They grow to 3½" - 4½".
Cyrtothyrea is a small genus of Afrotropical chafer beetles (Cetoniinae). They are about 9 mm in size, black in colour with white dots or lines on the thorax, elytra and abdomen. Each species has its own distinctive pattern. Cyrtothyrea are active during the day, and are often found on flowers, while feeding on nectar.
Egernia saxatilis is active during the day, and eats small insects, but in some seasons can also eat vegetation. It lives in the crevices of rock outcrops, and stays near the crevice. It is particularly active during warm weather, and often interacts socially. They can be aggressive to other skinks that enter their area.
Nectophrynoides laticeps lives in leaf litter on the floor on montane forest at elevations of above sea level. It is active during the day and at night. It appears to be common within its small range. However, the forests in the Ukaguru Mountains are poorly protected, and this species is probably suffering from habitat loss.
Like most catfish, they are most active at night, and tend to be less active during the day, bedding under piers or in shady shore areas. In some areas of little to no fishing pressure, black bullheads have been found to be more aggressive and have been caught while casting and retrieving metal spoon lures.
Calopteron reticulatum, the banded net-wing, is a species of net-winged beetle in the family Lycidae. Another common name for this species is the reticulated netwinged beetle It is found in North America. Adults are active during the day, and lay their eggs on dead/decaying trees. The species also pupates in dead trees.
The genus Oxythyrea consists of a number of chafer beetle species. Members are typically about 10–15 mm in size, and are usually black with white dots or lines on the thorax, elytra, and abdomen; each species has its own distinctive pattern. Oxythyrea are active during the day, and are often found on flowers, feeding.
M. pfefferi in lateral view, displaying a threatening pattern of bright colours. M. pfefferi has been recorded from sand and mud substrate in shallow waters at depths of 3 to 86 m. The species is active during the day and has been observed hunting fish and crustaceans. It employs complex and varied camouflage to stalk its prey.
Owls are well known for being nocturnal, but some owls are active during the day. Nocturnality is an animal behavior characterized by being active during the night and sleeping during the day. The common adjective is "nocturnal", versus diurnal meaning the opposite. Nocturnal creatures generally have highly developed senses of hearing, smell, and specially adapted eyesight.
Adults are on wing from July to September and are active during the day. Adults have a black body with some yellow streaking and four or more narrow yellow bands around the abdomen. The wings, where scaled, are dark olive and red-brown, and there is a prominent dark bar. Adult The larvae feed on Rubus species.
Very little is known of the biology of this species. Adults have been recorded in November and January. This species has been collected with a Malaise trap. It has been hypothesised that this species is active during the day as the eyes of I. walkerae have a nude periorbital strip which is correlated with diurnal activity.
Macroglossum ungues is a moth of the family Sphingidae. It is known from Indonesia, from Java to Ambon, and also the Philippines and Taiwan. Adults of subspecies cheni are usually active during the day, but are also attracted to light at night. They usually fly fast along the margins or above the canopy of coastal forests.
This slug hatches from eggs. This species has several adaptations for living in dry conditions: a rounded shape with as small as possible surface area, and a narrow foot to reduce evaporation. Juvenile specimens search for food nearly always at night, and stay buried in the soil during the day. Larger specimens are active during the day sometimes.
The Iroquois felt the origin of the great horned owl was due to an unformed owl annoying Raweno, the almighty creator, while Raweno created the rabbit, causing Raweno to make the owl "covered with mud" (dark camouflage) and doomed to ceaselessly call "whoo whoo", which he used while harassing Raweno, by night because Raweno was active during the day.
The species is active during the day when the weather is cool, but is only active during dawn and dusk when the temperature is hot. Similar to snakes, the species will hibernate in a hibernaculum. The species has also been known to make their own burrows in sandy soil. The lizard hibernates from October until April or May.
Inhabits forests with high canopy and dense undergrowth, but it occasionally also enters home gardens. Active during the day, when it dwells low on trees as well as on the ground. It goes higher up on trees to sleep at night. The typical threat posture is open-mouth gape, revealing the bright red lining of the oral cavity.
The tamandua is mainly nocturnal, but is occasionally active during the day. The animals nest in hollow tree trunks or in the burrows of other animals, such as armadillos. They are solitary, occupying home ranges that average from , depending on the local environment. They may communicate when aggravated by hissing and releasing an unpleasant scent from their anal glands.
The Mount Glorious day frog was most active during the day, becoming less and less active toward the evening. As it was found primarily along streams, it rarely moved far away from such wet environments, and it frequently had to enter the water."Biodiversity." Taudactylus Diurnus — Southern Day Frog, Mt Glorious Torrent Frog. Commonwealth of Australia, n.d. Web.
The blue duiker is diurnal (active during the day). Secretive and cautious, it confines itself to the forest fringes. Territorial, individuals of opposite sexes form pairs and occupy territories, nearly large and marked by preorbital gland secretions. The animal rubs the preorbital glands on trees and logs to mark its territory with the fluid produced by the glands.
The fox tends to move around by itself, rather than in packs. It is generally nocturnal, although with peaks of activity at dawn and dusk. Activity also fluctuates with the season: It is more active during the day in summer than it is in winter. The island fox is not intimidated by humans, although at first may show aggression.
The Caspian whipsnake is perhaps the largest species of snake in Europe. It typically grows to around in length, though a few may exceed a length of . The record sized specimen was approximately This species is not venomous and is mostly active during the day. The head is joined to the body by a thick neck.
Considerable variation in horn growth occurs, but they generally grow sideways out from the head, before curving forward, then inward and backward. The horns are terminated by sharp tips. The western hartebeest is mainly active during the day. A herbivore, it grazes during the cooler morning and afternoon periods, resting in shaded areas during the hot daytime.
Estes, Richard D. (1991) The Behavior Guide to African Mammals: Including Hoofed Mammals, Carnivores, Primates. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. When they are with a herd of females, males do not coerce them or try to restrict their movements as do some other antelopes. Although mostly nocturnal, they are occasionally active during the day.
A resting loggerhead sea turtle Loggerhead sea turtles observed in captivity and in the wild are most active during the day. In captivity, the loggerheads' daily activities are divided between swimming and resting on the bottom. While resting, they spread their forelimbs to about midstroke swimming position. They remain motionless with eyes open or half-shut and are easily alerted during this state.
This species has no particular preference for its daily activity period. At higher altitudes, it is more active during the day. At lower altitudes, it may be found at any time of the day, becoming increasingly nocturnal as daytime temperatures rise. Despite its reputation, this species is generally lethargic, not at all aggressive, and tends not to bite without considerable provocation.
Both cats traveled between only to more than in a day, and were more active in July than in March. Asian golden cats recorded in northeast India were active during the day with activity peaks around noon. Asian golden cats can climb trees when necessary. They hunt birds, hares, rodents, reptiles, and small ungulates such as muntjacs and young sambar deer.
The behaviour of this stick insect is highly unusual for an insect species, in that the males and females form a bond in some pairs. The females lay eggs while hanging from branches. Hatching can happen up to nine months later. The nymphs are first bright green and active during the day, but as they mature, they turn black and become nocturnal.
Today, the Alliance helps to promote further development and restoration downtown; its goal is to assist businesses such as specialty shops, restaurants, and bars because these help downtown become more active during the day and at night. The Meridian Downtown Association is primarily focused on increasing foot traffic downtown by organizing special events, and the Meridian Main Street program supports existing businesses downtown.
Upon emerging as adult butterflies, grizzled skippers are quite active during the day and tend to favour blue or violet-coloured plants for food. They also possess multiple methods of communication; for example, vibrations are used to communicate with ants, and chemical secretions play a role in mating. Exhibiting territorial behaviour, males apply perching and patrolling strategies to mate with a desired female.
Its estimated population is 18,000 individuals. It is primarily active during the day, although it also tends to be active at dawn and dusk during the rainy season. It sleeps in tall emergent trees and is preyed upon by the fossa. The golden-crowned sifaka lives in groups of around five to six individuals, containing a balanced number of adult males and females.
The crowned sifaka is a diurnal animal, primarily active during the day. It spends a majority of its time resting with the remainder mostly devoted to feeding. It frequents the upper stories of large trees and often is found in tree crowns. Depending on season, it feeds on young or mature leaves, ripe and unripe fruits and great quantities of flowers.
The golden tail sugar ant is commonly found in forests and woodlands in eastern Australia, where they are found nesting under soil, rocks and sometimes logs. They are only active during the day. CSIRO claims these ants have only been known from New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, while their presence in other states and territories are yet to be verified.
When disturbed, the major defence method is feigning death, the body becoming rigid, and the legs held along the line of the body. They may also be found swaying to mimic the movement of foliage in wind. The insects feed at night, when they are active. During the day, they rest, often with legs in line with the body, on their food plants.
The Emoia skinks, of which the Christmas Island forest skink was the most ancestral member, are a large group with marked radiation on islands in the Pacific. The forest skink is about 20 cm long, thickset, ground-dwelling, and active during the day. Its body is a chocolate-brown colour and unpatterned. The species was found in forest clearings, usually in leaf litter.
The paralysed spider in the nest is the only form of care provided for the emerging offspring. The male patrols the nest to wait for the emerging females so he can fertilise as soon as they leave the nest. After this there is no further courtship or interaction between mates. The adults are usually active during the day and in direct sunlight.
In locations where there is little or no hiding cover, western toads may spend most of the day in the water. Under more humid conditions, western toads may become active during the day. Western toads lay their eggs in water; they require some form of surface cover near the egg-laying location. Woody debris or submerged vegetation is used to protect egg masses.
Adults of this species use their long proboscis to feed on the blood of birds, humans, and other coastal animals. They will feed by day and night but are most active during the day. Their bite is known to be painful. Unlike other mosquito species, the female does not require a blood meal to produce their first batch of eggs.
Living near creeks and streams, their rust colored blotches tend to match the lichen covered rocks that line the bodies of water. This particular treefrog is semi- aquatic. Though it mainly prefers dense wood, it also tends to like bodies of water located in clearings or pastures. Adults are also found to be quite active during the day, as well as at night.
The male flies in a zigzag pattern—often high up in search of females—and is active during the day or at night. Males occasionally come to light. In New Brunswick, adult males are attracted to pheromone traps set in commercial forests for white-marked tussock moth (O. leucostigma). The female is flightless, spending her brief life attached to her cocoon.
The ovipositor varies from being long, straight and needle-like, to short, curved and sabre-like. These crickets have wings of variable lengths and are generally brown, a suitable colour for concealment among the leaf litter and plant bases where they live. They are often active during the day and can be quite common in woodland and pastureland. They are omnivores.
3 species of native geckos have been seen on Karioi. Auckland green geckos (see also nautilus) were common on Karioi before possums arrived. Although brightly coloured and active during the day, they are very well camouflaged and hard to spot in the manuka and kanuka where they mainly live. forest geckos and Pacific geckos are usually on the ground and active at night.
The common genet is solitary. Adults are nocturnal and crepuscular, with their highest levels of activity following sunset and just prior to sunrise; juveniles may be active during the day. They rest during the day in hollow trees or among thickets, and frequently use the same resting sites. In southern Spain, adult individuals occupy home ranges of about in average.
The desert night lizard attains a snout-to-vent length (SVL) of with a tail roughly the same length. The lizard's coloring is usually grey, yellow-brownish, or olive. Despite their name, night lizards are active during the day. They are known to easily to change their color, from light olive (usually during the evening) to dark brown during the day.
Closeup view of a bull ant eye While most ants have poor eyesight, Myrmecia ants have excellent vision. This trait is important to them, since Myrmecia primarily relies on visual cues for navigation. These ants are capable of discriminating the distance and size of objects moving nearly a metre away. Winged alates are only active during the day, as they can see better.
The tolai hare (Lepus tolai) is a species of hare found in Central Asia, Mongolia, and Northern and Central China. It inhabits semi-desert, steppes, rocky habitats, and forest meadows. It is relatively common, even in areas with heavy human disturbance, due to its fast reproductive rate. It is mainly active at dusk and at night but is occasionally active during the day.
Domestic degus require some form of bedding so that they may store their food similarly to wild degus. Degu's incisor and molar teeth never stop growing so they need access to items they may regularly chew on. They are naturally active during the day and rest during night, unlike most other pocket pets. They consume a diet of large amounts of fiber.
Mudfishes are small, growing to a maximum of . They have a tubular, highly flexible, scaleless body with rounded fins, well-developed flanges on the caudal peduncle, tubular nostrils, small or absent pelvic fins, and mottled brown colouration. Adults are active at night and are usually found in the benthic zone, while juveniles are active during the day and are found in open water.
They are initially active during the day in open water, then around 35–50 mm they adopt adult habits and become nocturnal and spending much of their time hidden. They grow quickly in their first year, typically reaching 75-80mm but growth slows after this. Sexual maturity is reached in their first year and females spawn once per year, producing 500–10,000 eggs.
Dens may have several entrances, but are usually less than deep. The burrow is shared between the social packs, with several dens and connecting holes. Corsac foxes are excellent climbers, but are rather slow runners and could be caught easily by a dog. While they are reported to be nocturnal in the wild, in captivity they are very active during the day.
Although active during the day, the chevron skink is very secretive and well camouflaged against a background of fern fronds or leaf litter. It is prone to dehydration, so prefers to live on forested stream margins. It is able to retreat underwater and hold its breath to avoid predators, and will climb vegetation and hide to escape flash floods.Barr, B.P. (2009).
At length, the victim is transformed into a Yara-ma-yha-who themselves. According to legend, the Yara-ma-yha-who is only active during the day and only targets living prey. "Playing dead" until sunset (it is said to only hunt during the day) is offered as a ploy to avoid attack. Stories of this creature were reportedly told to misbehaving children.
Plains zebras are nomadic and non-territoral, home ranges vary from to , depending on the area and if the population is migratory. They are more active during the day and spend most of their time feeding. Other activities include dust bathing, rubbing, drinking and intermittent resting which is very brief. At night, zebra activity is subdued except when threatened by predators.
The Knob-scaled lizard is diurnal, meaning it is active during the day. Due to its diet of Orthoptera and Lepitdoptera larvae, Xenosaurus grandis is an ambush predator. It waits in its rocky crevice home and strikes with the element of surprise. It is a very solitary and aggressive species and will often fight with members of its own species over territory.
The water can be clean or polluted, in sun or shade, and fresh or brackish. Culex annulirostris mosquitoes are active between spring and late autumn. During this time they appear most commonly at dusk, though can also be active during the day and indoors. They can travel 5–10 km from their place of birth and feed on mammals and birds.
A few owls are active during the day, also; examples are the burrowing owl (Speotyto cunicularia) and the short-eared owl (Asio flammeus). Much of the owls' hunting strategy depends on stealth and surprise. Owls have at least two adaptations that aid them in achieving stealth. First, the dull coloration of their feathers can render them almost invisible under certain conditions.
They are active during the day, and do not sweat but otherwise reduce temperature by salivating. The optimum reproductive period for A. harrisii is between February and March although mating can take place between December and June. Gestation lasts thirty days, and females usually have one litter per year with an average of 6.5 pups. Newborns grow to adult size at around 217 days after birth.
In their natural habitat, mountain treeshrews were observed being active during the day. They forage on the ground among fallen logs and branches where they feed mostly on arthropods. They also consume large quantities of wild fruits and berries, eating them in short bursts. It is assumed that they extract sugar laden juices and in this way supplement any dietary deficiencies of an arthropod diet.
Northern tamanduas are mainly nocturnal, but are also often active during the day, and spend only around 40% of their time in the trees. They are active for about eight hours each day, spending the rest of the time sheltering in hollow trees. They are solitary animals, occupying home ranges of between 25 and 70 ha (62 and 170 ac). Known predators include jaguars and harpy eagles.
Found in thinly forested areas, often entering human habitation, and usually hides under leaf litter, at elevations up to 1200m. Active during the day as well as at dusk, particularly nocturnal. When threatened, it flattens its body but does not attempt to bite. The blade-like teeth are thought adaptive for cutting up shells of reptile eggs, and small lizards and frog eggs also consumed.
The bog turtle is primarily diurnal, active during the day and sleeping at night. It wakes in the early morning, basks until fully warm, then begins its search for food. It is a seclusive species, making it challenging to observe in its natural habitat. During colder days, the bog turtle will spend much of its time in dense underbrush, underwater, or buried in mud.
The composition of brown markings about the wing, although not foolproof, is the most reliable technique to age and sex individual snowy owls.Solheim, R. (2012). Wing feather moult and age determination of Snowy Owls Bubo scandiacus. Ornis Norvegica (2012), 35: 48–67 Most owls sleep during the day and hunt at night, but the snowy owl is often active during the day, especially in the summertime.
Normally active during the day, they are less active during hot weather or during the dry season. A very long-lived animal, the leopard tortoise reaches sexual maturity between the ages of 12 and 15 years. During the mating season, males will fight over females, ramming and butting their competitors. They will trail after females for quite some distance, often ramming them into submission.
Grizzled skippers produce one brood per season and are in flight from the middle of March to the middle of July. Active during the day and focused on feeding or basking, they roost on tall vegetation like marjoram, knapweed, and St John's-wort. In particular, adults spend days basking on bare ground and afternoons on taller vegetation. This provides them favorable microclimates and visibility.
Northern watersnake basking west of Ottawa, Ontario N. sipedon is active during the day and at night. It is most often seen basking on rocks, stumps, or brush. During the day, it hunts among plants at the water's edge, looking for small fish, frogs, worms, leeches, crayfish, salamanders, small birds, and mammals . At night, it concentrates on minnows and other small fish resting in shallow water.
The Australian ringneck is active during the day and can be found in eucalypt woodlands and eucalypt-lined watercourses. The species is gregarious and depending on the conditions can be resident or nomadic. In trials of growing hybrid eucalypt trees in dry environments parrots, especially the Port Lincoln parrot, caused severe damage to the crowns of the younger trees during the research period between 2000–3.
Cape ground squirrels live mainly in arid or semiarid areas. They prefer to live in veld and grasslands with hard ground. They can also be found in scrub along pans, on floodplains and in agricultural areas. Ground squirrel are generally active during the day and do not hibernate. They are burrowing animals that dig and live in clusters of burrows averaging around Waterman, J. M. 1995.
Red spitting cobras are terrestrial, fast and alert snakes. Adult specimens of this species are nocturnal, while juveniles are more active during the day. Adults like to hide in termite mounds, old logs, holes, brush piles or any other ground cover during the day. They are also known to be cannibalistic; this could be the reason juveniles and smaller specimens are diurnal, while adults are nocturnal.
The Egyptian mongoose is active during the day The Egyptian mongoose is diurnal. In Doñana National Park, single Egyptian mongooses, pairs and groups of up to five individuals were observed. Adult males showed territorial behaviour, and shared their home ranges with one or several females. The home ranges of adult females overlapped to some degree, except in core areas where they raised their offspring.
The diamond python is often active during the day and on warm nights, although most of its time is spent waiting in ambush for passing prey. It typically remains in one position for up to two weeks, before moving to another around away. M. s. spilota kills its food by constricting and suffocating it, and preys on lizards, birds, and mammals as large as possums.
The Turuchan pika (Ochotona turuchanensis) is a species of pika found in isolated regions in the Central Siberian Plateau. It is a small (16–19 cm) rock dwelling species that is active during the day due to the low temperature at night. It was previously thought to be a subspecies of the northern pika. Little is known about this species, but is known to be locally abundant.
Unlike other sympatric cats such as the ocelot, the jaguarundi is more active during the day and hunts mainly during daytime and evening hours. Individuals live in large home ranges, and are sparsely distributed within a region. The jaguarundi is an efficient climber, but typically prefers hunting on ground. It feeds on various kinds of prey, especially ground-feeding birds, reptiles, rodents and small mammals.
The species M. taeniatus is diurnal, active during the day, and is very alert and fast moving. It seeks shelter in rock outcrops, small mammal burrows, as well as in trees and shrubs depending on the habitat they occupy. This snake is nonvenomous, but it preys on a wide variety of species including lizards, other snakes (including venomous rattlesnakes), small mammals, young birds, frogs, and insects.
Mosquitoes can carry malaria, yellow fever, and equine encephalitis. The bites of yellow flies can sting people and domestic animals. The county conducts spraying for these pests, spraying at night to minimize the possibility of contaminating people or killing benign insects such as bees, which are active during the day. Each municipality must authorize the county to overfly its area to spray for mosquitoes.
The preferred habitats of the jewelled gecko are diverse woody vegetation, drylands and shrublands. It needs shelter from cold and fires in the landscape, and is therefore dependent on woody forest vegetation. The jewelled gecko is an arboreal, diurnal species, which means it lives in trees and is active during the day. It can live in a wide range of tree and shrub species, like manuka, beech and matagouri.
The Yucatan squirrel lives in dry deciduous and evergreen forests, semiarid pine-oak woodlands, and secondary forest growing in formerly logged areas. They are found in lowlands below an altitude of . They are active during the day and rest during the night, spending most of their time in trees. They are most active in the early morning, but may be seen sunning on a branch later in the day.
The bats feed nocturnally but the roosting colony, high in trees, is quite active during the day, with mothers feeding their young and the bats moving around and vocalizing. This bat is a reservoir for the Nipah virus, the causal agent of a newly emerged neurological and respiratory disease which was first reported in 1998. The virus is harmless in bats but can cause a fatal disease in pigs and humans.
They are active during the day, retiring to roosts at night. They generally have cryptic plumage, with males and females similar in appearance, though the females are usually larger. They are opportunistic and omnivorous feeders, consuming a wide variety of plant and animal food from fruits and seeds to worms, insects and small vertebrates. They will dust-bathe as well as wash themselves by standing in heavy rain.
The stoplight parrotfish inhabit shallow coral reefs not disturbed by humans in Florida, the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Bermuda and Brazil. They are only active during the day and spend most of their time foraging, swimming, or hovering. At night, they remain hidden under coral boulders. Large individuals typically spend more time swimming and spend a significant amount of time sheltering among crevices, while smaller individuals spend more time hovering.
Monkey is a common name that may refer to groups or species of mammals, in part, the simians of infraorder Simiiformes. The term is applied descriptively to groups of primates, such as families of New World monkeys and Old World monkeys. Many monkey species are tree-dwelling (arboreal), although there are species that live primarily on the ground, such as baboons. Most species are also active during the day (diurnal).
The Semnornithidae are highly social, and may be seen either in small groups of up to five or six individuals, or as singles. They are active during the day and are early risers. The prong-billed barbet sleeps in communal roosts at night in the non-breeding season. As many as 19 birds may roost together in a hole, either a modified nest or the abandoned nest of a woodpecker.
Skeleton at the Museum of Osteology Amur leopards are solitary, unless females have offspring. Records from camera-traps indicate that they are more active during the day than at night and during twilight, both in the summer and winter seasons. This activity pattern coincides with activity of prey species such as Siberian roe deer, sika deer and wild boar. They are extremely conservative in their choice of territory.
The nymphs also cover themselves in sand or soil particles. This "dust coat" may be a form of olfactory camouflage, masking the smell of Acanthaspis petax allowing it to be undetected by its prey and capture it more easily. The nymphs are active during the day and use camouflage heavily. The adults are active at night and therefore have less of a need for camouflage and do not use it.
Plica plica is diurnal, active during the day, and arboreal, living most of its life adhered to the sides of tree trunks. It comes down from the trees only to lay eggs, which it places inside rotting palm trees and in palm litter. The female produces at least two clutches per reproductive season, with an average clutch size of three eggs. Larger females lay more eggs than smaller ones.
The steppe lemming is a colonial species digging lengthy burrows. It has a partially underground mode of life, being active during the day, but only going above the surface for short periods. It feeds on various parts of plants, including seeds. It reaches sexual maturity at the age of six weeks and can produce up to six broods in a year, with five or six young in each.
Enyalius is a genus of lizards in the family Leiosauridae. The genus is endemic to Brazil and Uruguay. The Enyalius genus is mostly insectivorous (meaning they eat insects and other invertebrates), diurnal (active during the day), and inhabits trees. There are currently ten known species of this genus: E. brasiliensis, E. boulengeri, E. iheringii, E. perditus, E. pictus, E. erythroceneus, E. leechii, E. catenatus, E. bibronii, and E. bilineatus.
The western brown snake is known to be very aggressive when disturbed or threatened, but like most snakes, usually prefers to retreat from danger. It may develop nocturnal habits during the warmer months, but is otherwise active during the day and enjoys sunlight. The snake has also been known to practise cannibalism, although this is not common. Western brown snakes kill their prey with a combination of venom and constriction.
Despite being active during the day, Azara's agoutis are quite difficult to study, as they are naturally extremely shy and will flee and hide when humans approach. Their shyness may be related to their solitary lifestyles, but may be because they are heavily preyed upon by many carnivorous species, including humans. However, if bred in captivity, they can become trusting animals. Azara's agoutis will let out little barks when alarmed.
O. glaber attacking a green-head ant (Rhytidoponera metallica) O. glaber is omnivorous, forming long trails on tree trunks to seek sweet substances such as honeydew and to hunt insects. The ant is both active during the day and night. Activity increases during the night or on overcast days, peaking during early mornings and late evening to early night. Nocturnal activity varies but is either minimal or non-existent.
Galidiines are generally found in forest, but the Grandidier's and narrow-striped mongooses live in open habitats. All species dig burrows for shelter, and several species may also use tree holes. All six species can be found on the ground, but the narrow-striped and ring-tailed mongooses also climb trees. Like true mongooses, galidiines are usually active during the day, with the exception of the two species of Galidictis.
580 pp. . Juveniles use a brightly colored tail to attract frogs and perhaps lizards, a behavior termed caudal luring (see video: ). In the Southern United States, they are nocturnal during the hot summer, but are commonly active during the day during the spring and fall. Unlike other viperids, they often "freeze" instead of slithering away, and as a result, many bites occur due to people unknowingly stepping on or near them.
A bearded dragon, a diurnal reptile Many types of animals are classified as being diurnal, meaning they are active during the day time and inactive or have periods of rest during the night time. Commonly classified diurnal animals include mammals, birds, and reptiles. Most primates are diurnal. Scientifically classifying diurnality within animals can be a challenge, apart from the obvious increased activity levels during the day time light.
The northern water rat is a rodent of the genus Paraleptomys appearing on New Guinea. This species is found at altitudes of in the North Coast Ranges, the mountains Mount Dafonsero (Cyclops Mountains, Indonesia), Mount Somoro (Torricelli Mountains, Papua New Guinea) and Mount Benawa (Bewani mountains, Papua New Guinea). This species has a small, fragmented distribution and is probably quite rare. They are probably partly active during the day.
The southern big-eared mouse is a nocturnal herbivore, although it may sometimes be active during the day. They dig burrows with numerous entrances, and have been known to store food. It feeds primarily on leaves, seeds, and grasses, but also eats some fungi. Population densities have been reported to vary between , depending on the local environment and time of year, with more individuals being found in the autumn.
D. iulia are commonly admired for their coloration. As a diurnal species of butterfly that is quite active during the day, Julia butterfly are often found in butterfly houses. One butterfly house in Phuket, Thailand, obtained Julia butterflies from an exporter butterfly farm in Costa Rica and released them during Buddhist ceremonies and weddings. The released butterflies have now colonized areas of Thailand and Malaysia and established a wild population.
Adult San Francisco garter snakes can grow to a total length of 18 - 55 inches (46 – 140 cm). They have keeled dorsal scales of blue-green, bordered by stripes of black, red (sometimes orange), and blue-green. Their head is barely wider than the neck, and is red. Its eyes are large compared to other species of garter snakes, giving the snake good eyesight to be primarily active during the day.
Not a lot is known about the ecology of the eastern hooded scaly-foot, however research has shown that is primarily nocturnal, although populations in southern Victoria have been observed to be active during the day. They are also thought to be inactive during winter. Although usually encountered singly, occasional aggregations have been reported, possibly related to breeding Patchell, F., & Shine, R. (1986). Food habits and reproductive biology of the Australian legless lizards (pygopodidae).
The pampas foxes mostly live a solitary life, but come together as monogamous pairs in the breeding season to raise their young. They are mainly nocturnal, becoming active at dusk, although may also be active during the day. They den in any available cavity, including caves, hollow trees, and the burrows of viscachas or armadillos. Even when raising young together, adult foxes generally hunt alone, marking their territory by defecating at specific latrine sites.
Marbled cats recorded in northeastern India and Kalimantan on Borneo were active by day. The first-ever radio-tracked marbled cat had an overall home range of at an elevation of and was active primarily during nocturnal and crepuscular times. Marbled cats recorded in northeast India were active during the day with activity peaks around noon. Forest canopies probably provide the marbled cat with much of its prey: birds, squirrels and other rodents, and reptiles.
The bobcat is crepuscular, and is active mostly during twilight. It keeps on the move from three hours before sunset until about midnight, and then again from before dawn until three hours after sunrise. Each night, it moves from along its habitual route. This behavior may vary seasonally, as bobcats become more diurnal during fall and winter in response to the activity of their prey, which are more active during the day in colder weather.
The gecko eye, therefore, modified its cones that increased in size into different types, both single and double. Three different photopigments have been retained and are sensitive to UV, blue, and green. They also use a multifocal optical system that allows them to generate a sharp image for at least two different depths. While most gecko species are nocturnal, some species are diurnal and active during the day, which has evolved multiple times independently.
Sun bears get their name from the characteristic orange to cream coloured chest patch. Its unique morphology—inward-turned front feet, flattened chest, powerful forelimbs with large claws—suggests adaptations for climbing. The most arboreal (tree-living) of all bears, the sun bear is an excellent climber and sunbathes or sleeps in trees above the ground. It is mainly active during the day, though nocturnality might be more common in areas frequented by humans.
Rhinella proboscidea Males are 46–54 mm with smooth skin, while females are 46–55 mm with granular skin. The dorsal surface is reddish or dark brown, and typically spattered with black and brown patches. It has a triangular head with a pointed snout, and a brown to gray belly. This toad is mostly active during the day, sleeping on small seedlings and shrubs at night, but shows nocturnal activity during the breeding period.
The burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) is a small, long-legged owl found throughout open landscapes of North and South America. Burrowing owls can be found in grasslands, rangelands, agricultural areas, deserts, or any other open dry area with low vegetation. They nest and roost in burrows, such as those excavated by prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.). Unlike most owls, burrowing owls are often active during the day, although they tend to avoid the midday heat.
Allobates femoralis Allobates femoralis is a terrestrial frog species active during the day. It feeds on small insects such as beetles, crickets, roaches and ants; the juveniles largely feed on springtails. Breeding takes place between November and April, peaking in January or February. The males are territorial and court females for two or three days before a clutch of between about eight to seventeen eggs is laid in a nest among fallen leaves.
Red gorals are most active during the day, and tend to retreat to inaccessible cliffs at night, where they sleep on sheltered ledges. They are strong climbers and jumpers, and seek safety from predators by fleeing up cliffs. The predators of the red goral are jackals and leopards. They are also very vulnerable and can easily contract Ixodes which is a tick that attacks the tissue and then sucks the gorals blood.
Venice's many cicchetti bars are quite active during the day, as Venetians (and tourists) typically eat cicchetti in the late morning, for lunch, or as afternoon snacks. Cicchetti are usually accompanied by a small glass of local white wine, which the locals refer to as an "ombra" (shadow). One of the most enjoyable aspects of Venetian social life is contained in the phrase: "Let’s go to drink a shadow" (Venetian “Andémo béver un'ombra”).
Galaxis vulgaris primarily feed on the nymphs and larvae of invertebrates. It is a predominately bottom dwelling fish, which feeds in both drift and benthos methods. It has been “observed that Galaxias vulgaris is nocturnally active. During the day the fish remained hidden in the substrate of the stream simulator. Immediately following emergence after sunset they took up drift-feeding stations in the water column, and later in the night switched to feeding on benthos”.
The four-toed elephant shrew is mostly active during the day and early evening, whereas during the night or midday, it tends to be less active. When the four-toed elephant shrew runs, its tail points upwards; it also makes a noise through its hind feet. Ants react to this sound, which helps the four-toed elephant shrew to locate its prey. When four-toed elephant shrews fight, they usually fight in pairs of the same gender.
The musk shrew is mainly nocturnal, although it may occasionally be active during the day. It clambers around among the aquatic vegetation with agility; it is not aggressive to other members of its species and does not scent mark its surroundings. In captivity it will feed on snails and termites, but does not dig into the ground to forage. In its natural surroundings, nests have been observed in grass tussocks and in debris above the surface of the ground.
The Arctic ground squirrel hibernates over winter from early August to late April in adult females and from late September to early April for adult males, at which time it can reduce its body temperatures from to as little as . In the warmer months, the squirrel is active during the day. During the mating season, males engage in male-male aggressive encounters for mating rights. Communication between squirrels is done through both vocal and physical means.
This species is large in size with long, pointed ears and a distinct coat coloration. The antelope jackrabbit has a white belly, light grey sides, a back peppered with black, and orange coloration on the neck and chest. It is similar to species like the black-tailed jackrabbit and white-sided jackrabbit. It is most active during twilight (crepuscular) and during the night (nocturnal), but can be active during the day when conditions are favorable (heavy cloud coverage).
The wings are brown to black, and are long enough that at rest they run nearly the entire length of the body. Their mouthparts are rudimentary, and they probably do not eat at all as adults. The evidence is conflicting on what time of day they are active. David A. Barraclough believes that females are active during the day, when eggs are to be deposited on the hosts, while males are active at dawn and dusk, when mating occurs.
Southern brown bandicoots, swamp wallabies, echidnas, and brushtail and ringtail possums are present but are often hard to find as they are not all active during the day. The reserve is also a potential habitat for the endangered New Holland mouse. Over 100 bird species have been recorded including honeyeaters, waterbirds, birds of prey and parrots. A number of significant species have been recorded including the painted button quail, brush bronzewing, Latham's snipe and swift parrot.
Hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal, though some species can also be active during the day. Hedgehogs sleep for a large portion of the day under bushes, grasses, rocks, or most commonly in dens dug in the ground, with varying habits among the species. All wild hedgehogs can hibernate, though not all do, depending on temperature, species, and abundance of food. Hedgehogs are fairly vocal and communicate through a combination of grunts, snuffles and/or squeals, depending on species.
The Cossidae, the cossid millers or carpenter millers, make up a family of mostly large miller moths. This family contains over 110 genera with almost 700 known species, and many more species await description. Carpenter millers are nocturnal Lepidoptera found worldwide, except the Southeast Asian subfamily Ratardinae, which is mostly active during the day. Witchetty grubs (Endoxyla leucomochla) of the subfamily Zeuzerinae This family includes many species with large caterpillars and moths with a wingspan from .
Some predatory species adjust their habits in response to competition from other predators. For example, the subspecies of short-eared owl that lives on the Galápagos Islands is normally active during the day, but on islands like Santa Cruz that are home to the Galapagos hawk, the owl is crepuscular. Apart from the relevance to predation, crepuscular activity in hot regions also may be the most effective way of avoiding heat stress while capitalizing on available light.
Amphiprion nigripes is active during the day. It is a protandrous hermaphrodite, which means all fish are hatched as males and later can change sex to female. The males live in harems in which an established dominance hierarchy manages the group and keeps individuals at a specific social rank. It also aggressively defends its territory and is completely dependent on its sea anemone, which represents its "life insurance" as a safe shelter for the group and for the nest.
Illustration by Claude Gibney Finch-Davies, 1912 The African crake is active during the day, especially at dusk, during light rain, or after heavier rain. It is less skulking and easier to flush from cover than other crakes, and is often seen at the edges of roads and tracks. An observer in a vehicle can approach to within . When a bird is flushed it normally flies less than , but new arrivals may occasionally fly twice as far.
While generally docile, females are capable of stinging. Primarily active during the day, this species may take refuge on larger flowers during the night. The social nature of varies with females seeming to prefer to be solitary, while groups of males may gather on a single plant. Like most members of the Halictidae family, Angeles striped-sweat bees are considered ground bees as females build their nests in the form of tunnels in soil, or other substrates.
Closeup of head The eastern brown snake is generally solitary, with females and younger males avoiding adult males. It is active during the day, though it may retire in the heat of hot days to come out again in the late afternoon. It is most active in spring, the males venturing out earlier in the season than females, and is sometimes active on warm winter days. Individuals have been recorded basking on days with temperatures as low as .
The snake is active during the day during the warmer months of the year, and can be found underneath rocks, logs and organic litter. It hibernates during the coldest months of winter, but is active beneath organic winter on warm, winter days. The snake travels overland at night, generally during the hours of early evening. It is considered a skilled burrower in sandy soil, and appears to "swim" in the sand when attempting to escape capture.
All 17 extinct lemurs were larger than the extant forms, some weighing as much as , and are thought to have been active during the day. Not only were they unlike the living lemurs in both size and appearance, they also filled ecological niches that no longer exist or are now left unoccupied. Large parts of Madagascar, which are now devoid of forests and lemurs, once hosted diverse primate communities that included more than 20 species covering the full range of lemur sizes.
L. huttoni feeds on the speargrass species Aciphylla squarrosa, A. colensoi, and A. aurea. Adults are active during the day, and are most easily found on foliage on calm, warm, sunny days, feeding on leaves and flower stalks. The weevils leave notches on the leaf edges of their host plant and sometimes eat leaves completely through. Larvae burrow into the soil and feed on the Aciphylla taproot, and can be found in the surrounding dead and decomposing foliage at ground level.
All Buteo species are to some extent opportunistic when it comes to hunting, and prey on almost any type of small animal as it becomes available to them. However, most have a strong preference for small mammals, mostly rodents. Rodents of almost every family in the world are somewhere preyed upon by Buteo species. Since many rodents are primarily nocturnal, most buteos mainly hunt rodents that may be partially active during the day, which can include squirrels and chipmunks, voles, and gerbils.
They may have been more agile than their prey items, but were probably inertial homeotherms rather than endotherms as contemporary therocephalians and cynodonts, and thus were probably comparatively less active. Though gorgonopsians were able to maintain a rather high body temperature, it is unclear if they would have also had fur, sweat glands, or whiskers. They had an overall more reptilian than mammalian brain. Most species may have been predominantly diurnal, active during the day, though some could have been crepuscular or nocturnal.
It is an arboreal (tree dwelling), rock inhabiting and diurnal (active during the day), in a natural environment they are found under bark on standing trees, and crevices in the dead timber and rocks. Snake eyed skinks even occupy the walls of buildings well within the central business districts such as Perth and Cairns. The Crytoplepharus genus species ‘Snake eyed Skink’ as mentioned above thrives on vertical surfaces of rocks, trees and buildings which are challenging habitats that demand quite different adaptations.
During winter, the frog does become active for brief periods during warm or wet weather. In cold conditions, the frogs are thought to hibernate, based on observations of some being uncovered in a "torpid" state, but this has yet to be proven with rigorous physiological studies. Although the frog is active during the day, this is restricted to leaving its shelter to sunbathe. It tends to not actively feed or forage during the day, hunting insects only if they move into its vicinity.
The pasture day moth, Apina callisto (synonym Amazelo callisto), is a species in the moth family Noctuidae which is, as its name implies, active during the day, making it unlike most other noctuid species. It is found in most southern areas of Australia, ranging from lower Queensland to Tasmania. The pasture day moth lays its eggs in pastures, and they hatch after heavy rains in early spring. When the larvae are fully grown, measuring about , they burrow down before becoming pupae.
Nothomyrmecia queens with stubby wings, as well as pupae and a worker (left) Nothomyrmecia and Prionomyrmex share similar behaviours with other Myrmeciinae relatives. Prionomyrmex may have foraged on the ground or onto trees and low vegetation, feeding on nectar and arthropods. Nothomyrmecia workers, however, drink hemolymph from the insects they capture, and the larvae are carnivorous. It is not known if the ants were active during the day or night, but Nothomyrmecia is a nocturnal ground forager that prefers very cold nights.
Adults are active during the day; in the night they fly to the light sources. During the day, females fly more than males and therefore are encountered more frequently. Larvae develop in such trees as Japanese elm, Manchurian Ash, Tilia amurensis and Populus maximowiczii; they rarely occupy Mongolian oak, sawtooth oak, Siberian elm, Japanese elm, Betula costata, Carpinus laxiflora and Manchurian maple. Entomopathogenic fungus of the form Metarhizium anisopliae (Clavicipitaceae family) is deadly for a variety of insects, including the adult Callipogon relictus.
The golden-crowned sifaka is primarily active during the day (diurnal), but researchers have witnessed activity in the early morning and evening (crepuscular) during the rainy season (November through April). In captivity, it has been observed feeding at night, unlike captive Verreaux's sifakas. It travels between per day, an intermediate range compared to other sifakas of the eastern forests. The golden-crowned sifaka can be observed feeding and resting higher in the canopy during the dry season (May through October).
The banded peacock is a diurnal species, meaning that it is active during the day. From late morning until early afternoon, males perch on low vegetation and chase other male butterflies away from their territory. The males fly in a slow zig-zag pattern between 0.3 and 0.6 meters above ground in order to patrol the area around their territory and look for females. In this territory, the male will search for mates and receive most of his nutritional requirements from flowers.
The dental formula for erinaceids is: Hedgehogs are nocturnal, but gymnures are less so, and may be active during the day. Many species live in simple burrows, while others construct temporary nests on the surface from leaves and grass, or shelter in hollow logs or similar hiding places. Erinaceids are solitary animals outside the breeding season, and the father plays no role in raising the young. Female erinaceids give birth after a gestation period of around six to seven weeks.
Blue-throated macaws are most frequently found in monogamous pairs, but small groups of 7–9 do occur and one large roosting group of 70 is known. It is not known if these macaws will pair with another mate if their original mate dies. Their main mode of locomotion is flying, but they are also able to climb trees, maneuver along branches and walk on the ground. These birds are active during the day and usually stay in one general area.
Nocturnal, this species spends the day hidden in thick foliage, tree hollows, or at the base of palm fronds, always remaining in places where it can anchor itself with its prehensile tail. It tends to rely on ambush instead of actively hunting for prey. Some species of viper are only active during the day as they bask in the sunlight and strike at prey that draw to close. Others tend to be nocturnal choosing to hunt at night and rest in the day.
Low platypus numbers in northern Australia are possibly due to predation by crocodiles. The introduction of red foxes in 1845 for hunting may have had some impact on its numbers on the mainland. The platypus is generally regarded as nocturnal and crepuscular, but individuals are also active during the day, particularly when the sky is overcast. Its habitat bridges rivers and the riparian zone for both a food supply of prey species, and banks where it can dig resting and nesting burrows.
Thyrocopa kikaelekea, a species of flightless moth from Hawaii in genus Thyrocopa, was recently discovered by entomologists at University of California, Berkeley and described in a 2008 paper. A new species of flightless, jumping, alpine moth of the genus Thyrocopa from Hawaii The forewing length is 8–11 mm. Adults are active during the day. However, these species may not be strictly diurnal, because they have been reported to be attracted to, and walking or jumping toward, lights at night.
The purpose of the stabilimentum is disputed. It is possible that it acts as camouflage for the spider lurking in the web's center, but it may also attract insect prey, or even warn birds of the presence of the otherwise difficult-to-see web. Only those spiders that are active during the day construct stabilimenta in their webs. To construct the web, several radial lines are stretched among four or five anchor points that can be more than three feet apart.
Once they are free-living, however, they still use these cirri to elevate themselves to put themselves in a better position to trap food. Because these cirri are so long and robust, the posture of O. bennetti can be used to easily distinguish it from other similar species. O. bennetti is diurnally active, meaning it is active during the day, unlike many other species of crinoids. The color of this species is quite variable, ranging from yellow to brown and purple.
A usually solitary animal that is only active during the day, distinguishing them from the nocturnal habits of the rat-kangaroos in the Potoroidae family. They are most active in the morning and afternoon, retiring to their shelter during the middle of the day. They are mostly terrestrial, foraging at the forest floor, although they are able to move through the branches of the lower vegetation. A nest is roughly constructed at a site where the animal shelters while sleeping.
180 He theorized that big-eyed Ornitholestes might have been specialized for nocturnal hunting, while Coelurus may have focused on those prey species that were active during the day. Foster noted, however, that this hypothesis was largely speculative; a lack of preserved skull material from Coelurus makes it impossible to verify whether its eyes were proportionally smaller than those of Ornitholestes.Foster (2007), p. 180–181 Paul (1988) estimated that a endothermic Ornitholestes would have a daily dietary requirement of about of flesh.
Bunny rats feed almost entirely on grass, and can consume a mass of vegetation equal to their own body weight in a single night. Although primarily nocturnal, they may also be active during the day, depending on the weather, and spend most of their waking hours feeding. They sleep in tunnels, which are about wide, and have multiple entrances. In many cases, they may co- opt tunnels dug by other rodent species, and may even share them with the original inhabitant.
The bluestripe ribbon snake (Thamnophis sauritus nitae) ,which belongs in the same family as the garter snakes, is a subspecies of the ribbon snake that occurs along the Gulf Coast in Florida. Adults are thin and are black with a mid-dorsal stripe that is a lighter shade of black and two blue stripes, hence the name "bluestripe ribbon snake". They are semi-aquatic and are active during the day. They can be found by lakes, rivers, and slow-moving streams.
Despite their common name, this genus is active during the day, as well as at night. When disturbed, they will engage in a ferocious hissing and puffing threat display. They may lift the first part of their bodies off the ground in a coil and make a powerful swiping strike; juveniles have been known to come off the ground. Others specimens may raise the first part of their bodies off the ground, flattening their necks and moving forward, tongue extended, like a small cobra.
This apparently is a strategy for avoiding the attentions of parasitoids and predators that otherwise might have been attracted to the smell of a host midden.Yosuke TANAKA, Eiiti KASUYA; Flying distance of frass kicked by the grasshopper Atractomorpha lata and factors affecting the flying distance; Entomological Science Volume 14, Issue 2, pages 133–141, April 2011Feedback, New Scientist Number 2810, page 64 and Number 2816, page 64 Atractomorpha are active during the day, and their usual habitat is reeds and grasses close to rivers or streams.
They are active during the day after they have warmed up in the early morning sun. Males have a long yellow dewlap which is shorter in the females. These lizards climb up the trees in search of insect prey on the trunks and leap off when the reach the top to land on adjoining trees. They are able to glide by extending their patagia, flaps of skin on the side of the body that are supported by six elongated ribs with special musculature to extend them outwards.
Algae Octopuses are most active during the day, leaving their dens to forage and returning at night. In some areas (mainly Northern Australia), Algae Octopuses will forage among coral, but typically they do not. They tend to feed on small crustaceans including portunid and calappid crabs by groping and pouncing on small rocks and clusters of algae, and digging into the sand. They will chase their prey by jetting, the act of forcing water out of their siphon in order to propel their body forward, head first.
The Formosan bear lives in the mountainous forests in the eastern two-thirds of Taiwan at elevations of . In the winter, rather than hibernating like Asiatic black bears in temperate areas, they move to lower elevations to find food. They are active for 54–57% of daylight hours, and more active during summer (60%) and fall/winter (60%) than spring (47%). They are primarily active during the day in the spring and summer; and increasingly active at night in the fall/winter when acorns are abundant.
Giant garter snakes are active during the day from spring to late fall and will over-winter in terrestrial environments before emerging the following spring. Highly aquatic, it is active when water temperatures are at 68 °F (20 °C) or more and is dormant underground when its aquatic habitat is below this temperature. They have several natural predators, particularly young snakes fall victim to American bullfrogs and California kingsnakes. Giant garters are prey for various raptor birds and have evolved a fast diving behaviour to avoid them.
They are diurnal, active during the day, but unlike other pygmy owls that are found in low woodlands, the Amazonia Pygmy- Owl occupies the canopy of the forest. Since they are in the canopy, they are rarely observed. While they are difficult to spot, they can be heard more easily with their short trill. An almost whistle-like high pitched noise that does not typically sound like an ordinary owl. The Amazonian pygmy owl are very small, which is indicated by its name “glaucidium”, meaning little owl.
He does not possess any of the mystical vulnerabilities that supernatural vampires are subject to, such as garlic, holy water, crucifixes, or silver. He has a strong aversion to sunlight, thanks to his photo-sensitive skin which allows some protection from major sunburn, in contrast to "true" vampires that are incinerated by it, with the result that he can move in daylight, but his powers are diminished and he will stick to the shade if circumstances demand him to be active during the day.
The green colouring of the adults, and the fact they are diurnal (active during the day), means they are safe from predators because they blend in with the vegetation on which they live. Predators include mice, gulls and house sparrows. A survey done on Mokoi Island, Lake Rotorua observed house mice, Mus musculus, and what insects they were eating. Pitfall traps proved that Pyronota festiva were present throughout the island and suggested that house mice were relying on manuka beetles as one of their main food sources.
Kodkods are equally active during the day and during the night, although they only venture into open terrain under the cover of darkness. During the day, they rest in dense vegetation in ravines, along streams with heavy cover, and in piles of dead gorse. They are excellent climbers, and easily able to climb trees more than a meter in diameter. They are terrestrial predators of birds, lizards and rodents in the ravines and forested areas, feeding on southern lapwing, austral thrush, chucao tapaculo, huet-huet, domestic geese and chicken.
Green and golden bell frog demonstrating camouflage within reedy environments As a member of the tree frog family, the green and golden bell frog spends much time basking in the sun on vegetation, rocks, and reeds, usually near water, or hopping around between such places.Pyke and White, p. 575. Unlike most frog species, it is often active during the day. When handled, this species secretes a slimy acrid mucus,Barker, J.; Grigg, G. C.; Tyler, M. J. (1995) Surrey Beatty & Sons. A Field Guide to Australian Frogs - The Litoria aurea complex, page 99.
Actinopyga mauritiana is found off the coasts of Asia and Africa, in the tropical Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean. Its range extends from as far east as the Red Sea to as far west as Hawaii. It is particularly common off the coast of Madagascar, where it can be found on the west coast from the south of Toliara to Nosy Be. It is found near outer reef flats and fringe reefs, and is more active during the day, when it feeds on substrate. It can be found in depths of .
McMahon's work on molluscs with Gene Block led to a better understanding of the daily activity of the oscillating pacemaker cells. Prior to this discovery, the identity of neuron types participating in retinal networks was largely known, but the specific physiological roles of the identified morphological structures were poorly understood. In 2011, McMahon and Block found that retinal neurons in molluscs were active during the day, but inactive at night. Electrical stimulation at the tissue level of the retinal neurons during the day did not affect the organism.
This applies not only to river dwelling fish, but also to marine migrants which linger too long in the temperate regions during winter. In Nigeria, and presumably other parts of Africa, the species appears to migrate seasonally, possibly to take advantage of prey, with the fish arriving in Nigeria during September to November. The species is more active during the day than the night, with larger catches in fisheries taken during the day, also. The crevalle jack is a schooling species for most of its life, forming moderately large to very large, fast-moving schools.
All 17 extinct lemurs were larger than the extant (living) forms, some weighing as much as 200 kg (440 lb), and are thought to have been active during the day. Not only were they unlike the living lemurs in both size and appearance, they also filled ecological niches that either no longer exist or are now left unoccupied. Large parts of Madagascar, which are now devoid of forests and lemurs, once hosted diverse primate communities that included more than 20 lemur species covering the full range of lemur sizes.
According to species, agamas live in forest, in bush, among rocks and on crags, but where their habitat has been cleared, or simply invaded by humans, some species also adapt to life in villages and compounds, for example inside the thatch of huts and other sheltering crevices. Agamids' hind legs generally are long and powerful; and the lizards can run and leap swiftly when alarmed. Agamas are diurnal, active during the day. They can tolerate higher temperatures than most reptiles, but when temperatures approach 38 °C (100 °F) they generally shelter in the shade.
In most species at least the male has a dewlap, an often brightly colored flap of skin that extends from the throat/neck and is used in displays. Anoles share several characteristics with geckos, including details of the foot structure (for climbing) and the ability to voluntarily break off the tail (to escape predators), but they are only very distantly related, anoles being part of Iguania. Anoles are active during the day and feed mostly on small animals such as insects, but some will also take fruits, flowers, and nectar. They are fiercely territorial.
Red river hog at Durrell Wildlife Park (Jersey) The species is omnivorous, eating mainly roots and tubers, and supplements its diet with fruit, grasses, herbs, eggs, dead animal and plant remains, insects, and lizards. It uses its large muzzle to snuffle about in the soil in search of food, as well as scraping the ground with their tusks and fore-feet. They can cause damage to agricultural crops, such as cassava and yams. Red river hogs are often active during the day, but are primarily nocturnal or crepuscular.
The African crake has a range of calls, the most characteristic being a series of rapid grating krrr notes. It is active during the day, and is territorial on both the breeding and non-breeding grounds; the male has a threat display, and may fight at territory boundaries. The nest is a shallow cup of grass leaves built in a depression under a grass tussock or small bush. The 3–11 eggs start hatching after about 14 days, and the black, downy precocial chicks fledge after four to five weeks.
The queen measures roughly long and is similar in appearance to workers, whereas males are identifiable by their perceptibly smaller mandibles. Jack jumper ants are primarily active during the day and live in open habitats, nesting in bushland, woodlands, and dry open forests, surrounded by gravel and sandy soil, which can be found in rural areas and are less common in urban areas. They prey on small insects and use their barbless stingers to kill other insects by injecting venom. Other ants and predatory invertebrates prey on the jack jumper ant.
Spotted morays are solitary animals, and usually hide in narrow crevices and holes in reef structures with only their heads peeking out. They are active during the day, feeding on crustaceans and fish at or near the sea bottom. Their bite can be dangerous to humans due to damage caused by the pull-back effect of the bite itself, and potential toxins that may be released into the wound. There is a minor fishery for spotted eels, and they are also kept in aquariums until their size makes it impractical to do so.
The dama gazelle is considered the largest species of gazelle, with incredibly long legs, which provide extra surface area to dissipate heat, one of the many ways it stays cool in its hot desert environment. It also tends to need more water than some of its desert relatives, but it can withstand fairly long periods of drought. Unlike many other desert mammals, the dama gazelle is a diurnal species, meaning it is active during the day. Always on the alert, the dama gazelle uses a behavior called pronking to warn herd members of danger.
This ritual usually happens in the evening, often during the early season. Adult cicadas are seen active during the day, usually spotted sitting on twigs in the month of June and July, and are known to be very attracted to light during night time, similar to the behaviour of moths and other flying insects at night. The chirping/buzzing sound is only produced by adult males and the sound is monotonous with a continuous buzzing. The male singing will normally last from tens of seconds to a few minutes and finishes at once.
Series definition within this subgenus is based on the cibarial armature - a collection of specialized spicules borne ventrally at the posterior margin of the cibarium - which was first used as a taxonomic method by Christophers in 1933. Kerteszia is a small subgenus found in South America whose larvae have specific ecological requirements; these can only develop within water that accumulates at the base of the follicular axis of the epiphytic Bromeliaceae. Unlike the majority of mosquitoes, species in this subgenus are active during the day. Within a number of species, separate subspecies have been identified.
Deinacrida heteracantha, also known as the Little Barrier giant wētā or wētāpunga (Maori: wētāpunga), is a wētā in the order Orthoptera and family Anostostomatidae. It is endemic to New Zealand, where it survived only on Little Barrier Island, although it has been translocated to some other predator-free island conservation areas. This very large flightless wētā mainly feeds at night, but is also active during the day, when it can be found above ground in vegetation. It has been classified as vulnerable by the IUCN due to ongoing population declines and restricted distribution.
Meerkats are active during the day, mostly in the early morning and late afternoon; they remain continually alert and retreat to burrows (or 'boltholes') on sensing danger. They use a broad variety of calls to communicate among one another for different purposes, for example to raise alarm on sighting a predator. Primarily insectivorous, meerkats feed heavily on beetles and lepidopterans, though they also include amphibians, arthropods, small birds, reptiles, and plant material in their diet. Breeding occurs round the year, with peaks during heavy rainfall; after a gestation of 60 to 70 days a litter of three to seven pups is born.
The northern spotted owl diet consists of small mammals (91.5%), other birds (4.3%), insects (4.1%), and other prey (0.1%). These prey are most nocturnal (91.9%) or active during the day and night (4.8%), which corresponds to the primarily nocturnal nature of the northern spotted owl. The main species consumed by the northern spotted owl are northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus), woodrats (Neotoma fuscipes and N. cinerea), red tree voles (Arborimus longicaudus), western red- backed voles (Clethnonomys californicus), deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), and gophers (Thomomys spp.). Consumption of these small mammals varies by habitat region and proliferation of small nocturnal mammals.
The collared brown lemur (Eulemur collaris), also known as the red-collared brown lemur or red-collared lemur, is a medium-sized strepsirrhine primate and one of twelve species of brown lemur in the family Lemuridae. It is only found in south-eastern Madagascar. Like most species of lemur, it is arboreal, moving quadrupedally and occasionally leaping from tree to tree. Like other brown lemurs, this species is cathemeral (active during the day and the night; for more information please refer to Cathemerality), lives in social groups, primarily eats fruit, exhibits sexual dichromatism, and does not demonstrate female dominance.
The mongoose lemur mostly eats fruit, though flowers, leaves, and nectar also make up part of its diet. As such, mongoose lemurs act as both pollinators and seed dispersers, but may use the nectar of the kapok tree for nearly 80% of their diet in some parts of their range during the dry season.Bristol Zoo - Mongoose Lemur Feeding on grubs and beetles has also been observed. They are unusual among primates in that they are diurnal or nocturnal, depending on the season, being more active during the day in the wet season and changing activity to the night during the hotter dry season.
Galápagos lava lizards are active during the day, emerging around sunrise, withdrawing during the heat of midday, and resuming activity in the afternoon. At night they burrow under soil or leaf-litter, submerged up to 12 mm (1.5 inches), often returning to the same resting area each night. Male in threat display Males are territorial, with home ranges averaging around 22 meters in diameter, and defend their ranges against other males with threat displays and fighting. Females have smaller home ranges of around 13 meters diameter, and a single male's home range may overlap with the ranges of several females.
Native to the lowland and highland forests of southern China and southeastern Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Burma), Chinese water dragons are most commonly found along the banks of freshwater lakes and streams. They are active during the day (diurnal), and spend most of their time in the trees or plants (arboreal). If threatened, the dragon will drop from the trees into the water and either swim to safety or remain submerged for up to 90 minutes. Water dragons live in areas with average humidity levels of 40–80% and temperatures ranging from 80–90 °F (26–32 °C).
Southern Ethiopian wolf feeding, Bale Mountains. Unlike most social carnivores, the Ethiopian wolf tends to forage and feed on small prey alone. It is most active during the day, the time when rodents are themselves most active, though they have been observed to hunt in groups when targeting mountain nyala calves. Major Percy-Cotton described the hunting behaviour of Ethiopian wolves as thus: The technique described above is commonly used in hunting big-headed African mole-rats, with the level of effort varying from scratching lightly at the hole to totally destroying a set of burrows, leaving metre-high earth mounds.
A young gerbil sitting by the food bowl to eat A mother gerbil sitting with four young gerbils A gerbil is a small mammal of the subfamily Gerbillinae in the order Rodentia. Once known as desert rats, the gerbil subfamily includes about 110 species of African, Indian, and Asian rodents, including sand rats and jirds, all of which are adapted to arid habitats. Most are primarily active during the day, making them diurnal (but some species, including the common household pet, exhibit crepuscular behavior), and almost all are omnivorous. Gerbils are related to mice and rats; they all belong to the family Muridae.
Their nails can also be used to scale walls in a spider-like manner. Draining all of a human's blood would have a vampire absorb a part of the spirit of the victim, allowing the vampire to see into their memories (Darren does this in The Vampire's Assistant, to save the spirit of his dying friend). Vampires have a partial immunity to Sunlight; which means they can stay in pure daylight for 4-5 hours before disintegrating or burning up. However, despite this, Vampires can be active during the day (provided they stay in the shade).
Members of a colony have different eye structures due to each individual fulfilling different tasks, and nocturnal species have larger ommatidia in comparison to those that are active during the day. Facet lenses also vary in size; for example, the diurnal species M. croslandi has a smaller lens in comparison to M. nigriceps and M. pyriformis which have larger lenses. Myrmecia ants have three photoreceptors that can see UV light, meaning they are capable of seeing colours that humans cannot. Their vision is said to be better than some mammals, such as cats, dogs or wallabies.
The main cause of decline in numbers of this leech is suspected to be predation by weka (Gallirallus australis), as the Open Bay Islands have no mammalian predators such as rats and mice. Although a New Zealand native bird, weka were introduced to the islands from both the North and South Island in the 1900s. They prey on nesting seabirds, their eggs, the Open Bay Islands gecko (Mokopirirakau sp.), Open Bay Islands skink (Oligosoma taumakae), and invertebrates in general. Because H. antipodum is active during the day and will cross areas of open ground, it is very susceptible to weka predation.
Minor droughts are frequent in Madagascar, but a major drought approximately 1000 years ago significantly lowered lake levels, caused a severe vegetation transition, and caused fires to spark in fire-prone grasslands and savannas. Crop failures due to these conditions would drive inhabitants to hunt for bushmeat to survive, and these giant lemurs were an easy source of said meat. Megaladapis were slow-moving, bulky creatures that were diurnal, or active during the day. Lemurs in general also had small group sizes and were highly seasonal breeders ( (they breed for about one to two weeks a year).
B. leopardus pair in amplexus Saddleback toads live in the leaf litter on forest floors, but on occasion may move to higher perches up to off the ground. During dry conditions, both sexes tend to stay hidden in the leaf litter and there is little noticeable activity, but during the wet season and high humidity the males and in some species also females may move to the top of the leaf litter. In some species, they often take up quite conspicuous positions during this time. Overall the saddleback toads are mostly active during the day, but some activity also occurs during the night and some species possibly are mostly nocturnal.
Comparisons between the scleral rings of dinosaurs and modern birds and reptiles have been used to infer daily activity patterns of dinosaurs. Although it has been suggested that most dinosaurs were active during the day, these comparisons have shown that small predatory dinosaurs such as dromaeosaurids, Juravenator, and Megapnosaurus were likely nocturnal. Large and medium-sized herbivorous and omnivorous dinosaurs such as ceratopsians, sauropodomorphs, hadrosaurids, ornithomimosaurs may have been cathemeral, active during short intervals throughout the day, although the small ornithischian Agilisaurus was inferred to be diurnal. Based on current fossil evidence from dinosaurs such as Oryctodromeus, some ornithischian species seem to have led a partially fossorial (burrowing) lifestyle.
Bears on Kodiak are naturally active during the day, but when faced with competition for food or space, they adopt a more nocturnal (active at night) lifestyle. This behavior is especially evident in the bears that live near and within Kodiak City. Kodiak bears do not defend territories, but they do have traditional areas that they use each year (home ranges). Because of the rich variety of foods available on Kodiak, the bears on the archipelago have some of the smallest home ranges of any brown bear populations in North America and a great deal of overlap occurs among the ranges of individual bears.
Where it is the only cotton rat in a locality, the yellow-nosed cotton rat inhabits grassy meadows and alluvial fans where the soil is deeper. In these habitats, it makes runs between the clumps of grass, but in sparsely vegetated areas, these runways are difficult to discern. It is primarily active during the day, moving fast along its runways so as to be exposed to predation for as little time as possible. It feeds primarily on blue grama grass (Bouteloua gracilis), but also the green parts of other plants such as muhly, three-leaf groundsel, gumweed, and three-awn tangle-head, and less frequently on seeds and fruits.
Common tree snakes live in a wide variety of habitats, including: bushland; well vegetated banks of rivers, creeks and streams; rainforest edges; eucalypt forests; heathland and areas with trees, long grass, and lush vegetation – especially near water.Critters of Calamvale Creek When these snakes are near water they often look for long grass, blending in to hide while watching for their prey to come to nearby rocks or banks to bask or play. They will also enter house gardens that have fountains or ponds surrounded by long grass or shrubs. They are active during the day, and rest at night in hollow trees, logs, foliage, or rock crevices.
The title ends with the clearing of the Outsiders' names and the marriage of Geo-Force and Denise Howard. In the interim, the Halo entity is restored to Violet Harper's body, returning her to normal off-panel and a new team of Outsiders is formed and seen as active during the "Day of Judgement" crossover. Members of this new team include Geo-Force, Halo, Katana, and Terra II, who in the 1999 Titans Secret File series, left the team after a round of genetic tests performed by scientists failed to decipher Terra's genetically altered DNA, to tell who she was prior to being turned into a genetic doppelgänger of the original Terra.
The aye-aye, mouse lemurs, woolly lemurs, and sportive lemurs are nocturnal, while ring-tailed lemurs and most of their kin, sifakas, and indri are diurnal. Yet some or all of the brown lemurs (Eulemur) are cathemeral, which means that they may be active during the day or night, depending on factors such as temperature and predation. Many extant strepsirrhines are well adapted for nocturnal activity due to their relatively large eyes; large, movable ears; sensitive tactile hairs; strong sense of smell; and the tapetum lucidum behind the retina. Among the adapiforms, most are considered diurnal, with the exception of Pronycticebus and Godinotia from Middle Eocene Europe, both of which had large orbits that suggest nocturnality.
The behavior of most animals is synchronized with the earth's daily light-dark cycle. Thus, many animals are active during the day, others are active at night, still others near dawn and dusk. Though one might think that these "circadian rhythms" are controlled simply by the presence or absence of light, nearly every animal that has been studied has been shown to have a "biological clock" that yields cycles of activity even when the animal is in constant illumination or darkness. Circadian rhythms are so automatic and fundamental to living things – they occur even in plants – that they are usually discussed separately from cognitive processes, and the reader is referred to the main article (Circadian rhythms) for further information.
The remainder and majority of the organization's funding, however, comes from donations from downtown businesses. The Alliance has stated that it focuses on assisting businesses like specialty shops, restaurants, and bars because these types of businesses help downtown become more active during the day and at night. The Meridian Downtown Association, which is completely privately funded, is primarily focused on increasing foot traffic downtown by organizing special events, and the Meridian Main Street program supports existing businesses downtown. Other designed and proposed projects in the city include several museums in downtown and an African-American Business District on 5th Street, as well as several murals and public arts projects on various buildings' facades.
How much blood he requires and how often he has to feed has not been specified in the comics. However, Morbius does not possess any of the mystical vulnerabilities that supernatural vampires are subject to, such as garlic, holy water, crucifixes, or silver. Morbius has a strong aversion to sunlight, thanks to his photo-sensitive skin which allows some protection from major sunburn, in contrast to "true" vampires that are incinerated by it, with the result that he can move in daylight, but his powers are diminished and he will stick to the shade if circumstances demand him to be active during the day. Morbius also lacks the shapeshifting and weather-control powers of supernatural vampires and the ability to control the minds of certain animals.
In recent years, the monkey population has become larger than an environment undisturbed by humans could support; it continues to grow, with the population density in 2013 higher than ever. Conflicts between the groups are unavoidable; for example, groups must pass through one another's territory to reach the stream during the dry season, and increasing population pressures also are bringing the groups into more frequent contact. The monkeys rest at night and are most active during the day, which brings them into constant contact with humans visiting during the park's business hours. Visitors can observe their daily activities - mating, fighting, grooming, and caring for their young - at close range, and can even sit next to monkeys along the park's paths.
The dwarf crocodile is a timid and mainly nocturnal reptile that spends the day hidden in pools or burrows, although it occasionally may be active during the day. Foraging is mainly done in or near the water, although it is considered to be one of the most terrestrial species of crocodilian and may expand the feeding pattern to land in extensive forays, especially after rains. Dwarf crocodiles are generalist predators and have been recorded feeding on a wide range of small animals such as fish, crabs, frogs, gastropods, insects, lizards, water birds, bats and shrews. In a study in the Democratic Republic of the Congo the primary food item was fish, and in a study in Nigeria the primary food items were gastropods and crabs.
The vast majority of species are active during the day as adults, with some calling at dawn or dusk. Only a rare few species are known to be nocturnal. One genus, the periodical cicadas spend most of their lives as underground nymphs, emerging only after 13 or 17 years. The unusual duration and timing of their emergence may reduce the number of cicadas lost to predation, both by making them a less reliably available prey (so that any predator who evolved to depend on cicadas for sustenance might starve waiting for their emergence), and by emerging in such huge numbers that they will satiate any remaining predators before losing enough of their number to threaten their survival as a species.
Variable fat-tailed geckos are nocturnal (active during the night) and like most lizards are ectothermic, absorbing warmth and energy from the sun during the day, so they can then hunt and digest their food at night. As a nocturnal species, the variable fat- tailed gecko seeks out warm places to shelter in during the day such as rocks, fallen trees and abandoned burrows or spiders and other lizards. Shelter- seeking behaviour is observed in many desert dwelling species to provide protection of diurnal (active during the day) predators and prevent body temperatures from exceeding the preferred body temperature (PBT). Endemic to remote areas of Australia, there is little known about the behaviours and ecology of the variable fat-tailed gecko.
They've been living in a mental hospital for an undisclosed amount of time and it is established that their parents died in a horrific accident that they cannot remember. They are aware of each other's existence, but they never directly interact as Carly is only active during the day and Kaitlyn at night, although they do communicate through various means, which they attempt to hide from others. In the mental hospital their therapist diagnoses them as having dissociative identity disorder, an eating disorder (Carly), self-harming (Kaitlyn), and hearing voices (Kaitlyn, who dubs the voice Aka Manah). She also believes that Kaitlyn is not the true personality and that Carly created her as a coping mechanism, although Kaitlyn insists that she is real and existed before their parents' deaths.
Frontal view of a giant trevally illustrating the compressed form of the species The giant trevally is a powerful predatory fish, from the estuaries it inhabits as a juvenile to the outer reefs and atolls it patrols as an adult. Hunting appears to occur at different times of the day in different areas of its range; off South Africa it is most active during the day, especially at dawn and dusk, while off Zanzibar and Hong Kong, it is nocturnal in its habits. The species' diets have been determined in several countries and habitats; their diets generally vary slightly by locations and age. In all but one study (which was of juveniles), the giant trevally dominantly takes other fishes, with various crustaceans, cephalopods and occasionally molluscs making the remainder of the diet.
Other studies have revealed some very similar behaviors. Two studies conducted back in 2010 and 2011 revealed that the vocalizations of Pacific white-sided dolphins can range differently only from their behavioral states, indicating strong similarities between the acoustic and surface behavior for various foraging behaviors, including the possibility of an undescribed subspecies. The oceanographical data in the area can also effect the behavioral patterns of the dolphins. The studies also revealed that the different types of echolocations do vary based on the geographical locations; the first population of Pacific white-sided dolphins that were observed, inhabiting the waters near the Pacific United States seemed to more activity during the night while the second population of Pacific white-sided dolphins, that were also observed, inhabiting areas near Baja California, were observed to be more active during the day.
The open terrain of the plateau, which was used for agriculture and sheep-grazing before the establishment of the training area in 1946 and was thus a cultural landscape, is dominated today by the broad grasslands of the Ginster, which is a popular tourist attraction during its blossom time in May. The National Park authority is still working out whether and to what extent this open countryside can and should be preserved as a former cultural landscape, in order to maintain the views and to enable visitors to see red deer that are active during the day at specially selected sites, such as observation platforms. To leave the land to itself would, over time, normally result in the encroachment of bushes and reforestation of those areas. Although the deer will create a few clearings, the natural supply of food is not enough to keep larger areas permanently open.
Moreover, a number of characteristics of the B. telmatiaea spike are purported to be adaptations to pollination by nocturnal mammals: the strong, musky odour, the occurrence of inflorescences hidden within the foliage close to the ground, the large amounts of nectar produced, and the pattern of nectar production, which peaks at dawn and dusk. This last adaptation is thought to favour visits by birds and mammals, which feed in the morning and evening respectively, as opposed to insects, which are most active during the day. Reproductive success is strongly affected by insects that infest the flower spikes and fruiting structures. Infestation of the flower spikes is not as severe as in other Banksia species: one study found less than 10% of B. telmatiaea inflorescences to be infested, compared to over 50% for B. attenuata (candlestick banksia), B. littoralis and B. menziesii (Menzies' banksia), and over 90% for B. grandis (bull banksia).

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